Let’s looks at a slice of the Plame Timeline and then look at Walter Pincus’s column from June 5th, 2003:
May 6
* Nicholas Kristof in “Missing in Action: Truth” for the New York Times mentions Joseph Wilson’s trip to Niger to investigate claims Iraq sought purchase of ‘yellowcake’ uranium (no names mentioned) and that the fabled 16 words in George W. Bush’s 2003 State of the Union Address (SOTU) came from forged documents.
June 2003
June 1-7
* During the first week of June, Washington Post reporter Walter Pincus makes an inquiry about Joseph Wilson’s trip, with the CIA public affairs office. That office contacts the Conterproliferation Division (CPD) at the CIA, (Valerie Plame’s unit), but no report is produced. These events are later reported in Time magazines Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 article, “When They Knew”
June 8
* Then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice appears on Meet the Press and attempts to refute Kristof’s claims in his early May article.
June 10
* A classified State Department memorandum is drafted for Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman (from Carl Ford’s office) containing information about CIA officer Valerie Plame. She is named in the memo in a paragraph marked “(SNF)” for secret, non-foreign (i.e., not to be shared with foreign agencies, even allies). Plame — who is referred to by her married name, Valerie Wilson, in the memo — is mentioned in the second paragraph of the three-page document, which was written by an analyst in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR).
June 12
* Walter Pincus of the Washington Post writes “CIA Did Not Share Doubt on Iraq Data”, about Joseph Wilson’s trip without naming the retired Ambassador. Pincus also reports that according to an administration official neither Dick Cheney or his staff learned of its role in spurring the mission until it was disclosed by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof on May 6.
* After the June 12 article by Pincus, “there was general discussion with the National Security Council and the White House and State Department and others” regarding Wilson and his trip, says a former intelligence officer. Source: Time Magazine, “When They Knew”
June 13
* Kristof responds and sticks by his claim. Joseph Wilson is again not named in the article.
On June 5th 2003, Walter Pincus published an article entitled Some Iraq Analysts Felt Pressure From Cheney Visits. In the article, Pincus revealed the extent of pressure the CIA and DIA felt to link 9/11 to Saddam Hussein. He also revealed the curious influence of little known conspiracy theorist, Laurie Mylroie.
Cheney’s “most senior aide” was none other than Scooter Libby.
Such visits permitted Cheney and Libby to have direct exchanges with analysts, rather than asking questions of their daily briefers, who direct others to prepare responses that result in additional papers, senior administration sources said.
The NSC officials that accompanied Libby to CIA headquarters almost definitely included Condi Rice’s assistant, Stephen Hadley. Hadley fell on his sword and took the blame for the 16 words in the State of the Union address. His reward was to receive Condi’s job when she moved to the State Department.
What we know now, but we didn’t know then, is that Walter Pincus was trying to figure out the role of Joe Wilson during the same week that he published this embarrassing article. As the timeline states:
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I don’t know whether WINPAC is a subdivision of the CPD or, more likely, the other way around.
In either case, it is highly significant that Pincus was sniffing around the story of Joe Wilson’s trip to Niger at the same time he was exposing the effort to ‘fix the facts around the policy’.
Back in 1990, Judith Miller and Laurie Mylroie co-authored a book called SADDAM HUSSEIN AND THE CRISIS IN THE GULF.
And here is where Pincus’s investigation into Wilson’s role and fact-fixing, Judith Miller’s involvement with Libby, and Libby’s browbeating of CIA analysts all come together:
The DIA’s Middle East analysts were familiar with the book, “Study of Revenge: The First World Trade Center Attack and Saddam Hussein’s War Against America.” But they and others in the U.S. intelligence community were convinced that radical Islamic fundamentalists, not Iraq, were involved. “The message was, why can’t we prove this is right?” said the official.
Retired Vice Adm. Thomas R. Wilson, then director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, directed his Middle East analysts to go through the book again, check all the allegations and see if they could be substantiated, said one current and one former intelligence official familiar with the request. The staff was unable to make the link.
Let’s look at a brief timeline of the Persian Gulf War:
Iraq invades Kuwait and seizes Kuwaiti oil fields. Kuwait’s emir flees. U.N. condemns Iraq’s invasion and demands withdrawal.
August 9, 1990
First U.S. military forces arrive in Saudi Arabia. U.N. declares Iraqi annexation of Kuwait void.
August 12, 1990
Naval blockade of Iraq begins. All shipments of Iraqi oil halted.
September 14-15, 1990
United Kingdom and France announce deployment of 10,000 troops to Gulf.
October 13, 1990
Miller and Mylroie’s book on Saddam is published.
This “instant” book written in 21 days by Miller (New York Times) and Mylroie (Harvard Univ.) attempts to combine historical analysis with timely journalistic reporting to provide the general reader with an informed analysis of the current crisis in the Gulf. The authors describe Saddam Hussein’s meteoric rise to power in a lucid and easy-to-follow style.
December 17, 1990
U.N. sets deadline for Iraqi withdrawal on January 15, 1991. Hussein rejects all U.N. resolutions.
Miller and Mylroie’s book was hastily written in August and September 1990, between the time when the United States decided to liberate Kuwait and when a UN Resolution was passed for that purpose. Twelve years later, both of these authors would again be used to justify military action in the Middle East. Miller would push the WMD angle, while Mylroie’s crackpot theories on the 1993 WTC bombing would be used to intimidate the DIA and CIA.
When Pincus started sniffing around the periphery of this disinformation propaganda machine, Miller quickly wound up in Scooter Libby’s office.
Laurie Mylroi who? WTF???
This is so out of left field. I have never even heard of her before today. Damn! Now I have even more reading to do and I am already behind on last weeks news.
I can tell you one thing:
I will not be reading the crackpots guide to Saddam’s life. We get enough BS from the White House, I don’t need to get more from elswhere. lol
Booman: You have left out one very important figure in all of this, the late Leo Strauss who is the mentor of all these neocon crazies.He was an escapee from Nazi Germany who landed at the University of Chicago and was the teacher of Wolfowitz,Perle, Ashcroft, Adelman and many other neocons.After Strauss came to America, he decided that he liked the Nazi concept of Uber and Untermenschen after all, his only gripe against it being that the Nazis did not include him, a jew, among the Ubermenschen.He then proceeded to dress up the Superrace concept in words more palatable to Americans.According to him,society consists of the Elite who are endowed with qualities that make them the rulers and, the masses ( that is you and me) who are not so well endowed. The Elite, because they carry society’s burdens, are permitted to lie to the masses who won’t know the difference anyway.
It is this philosophy that is at the heart of the Bush administration, people like Judith Miller, Laurie Mylroie and others who seem to give the impression they are superior beings.
Judith Miller’s mendacity and arrogance are born out of her contempt for people like us.Her proximity to the people in power has gone to her head and only a serious punishment for her role in setting of a war will bring her to her senses.
After some reflection, I doubt even that.She and Laurie Mylroie are irredeemable True Believers.
that is a grossly unfair reading of Strauss’s philosophy. Strauss was a classicist, he admired some of the ancient virtues, virtues associated with Rome and Greece, over the modern liberal vision of individualism. He definitely could be accused of a kind anti-modernist anti-liberalism, he was hostile to what we now call the New World Order, and he felt that even a democratic government could still be vulnerable to tyranny.
A careful reading of Plato and Aristotle (especially The Republic and Nicomachean Ethics, respectively) will show you where his ideas on elites come from, and it is not in anyway based in Naziism. Of course, there is a built in elitism and Machiavellianism in his philosophy, but that is overemphasized. Clinton would subscribe to much of his thinking on these subjects, as would all realistic students of political philosophy.
We do it all the time, when we discuss how to ‘frame’ messages, or how to make our ideas more palatable to the public.
You must concede that regardless of the origins of his ideas, the neocons have based their mendacious activities on his thoughts. I guess he may have meant well but it is the results that count.
Also, I was basing my analysis of his philosophy on Shadia Drury’s excellent introduction to his thoughts.
about democracy being vulnerable to tyranny wasn’t he. And the disdain he must have engendered in his fellows for our constitution comes through in their actions.
Hey Boo, can I get some love? A mention perhaps?
More on the propagandist Laurie Mylroie
Thanks especially to BooMan and neoconnedagain, and many other BooTribers who have published excellent and informative diaries this past week.
New diary ::
CIRCLE CLOSED :: Neocons – AIPAC – Shill Reporter ¶ Laurie Mylroie – Benador Associates
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Who provided you with this link and who inspired you to write this diary?
to say, it wasn’t you. I hadn’t noticed your diary.
No hard feelings.
What a coincidence!?!
I posted links to Miller & Mylroie’s book & the Bergen article last night. I’m glad you fleshed it out.
writing about Mylroie since I was a diarist at Kos. I have mentioned the book with Miller in the past.
What caught my attention was the fact the Pincus was looking into Wilson at the same time he broke the story about Mylroie’s book being foisted on the DIA.
That is what spurred my efforts this morning.
What is that they say about great minds?
Just so you know I saw you link the name a couple of times before this. That is why I was asking WTF?
I have been following this since day one all over the blogosphere, and I have never heard this name before.
I have never been a Judy fan (from the day she started printing what I figured were erroneous reports on WMD…) so I certainly would not have wasted my time OR money on any judy books.
Conn.man, appreciate your support. Why oh why do you suppose that this woman Mylroie and her deep longstanding relationship w/ Miller hasn’t been brought out in the public debate by the MSM and some censored weblogs before??? The tentacles of the neoconservative movement run deep…and their reach and retribution is swift and treacherous.
How long did it take for the MSM to pick up on the word “neocon” and start mainstreaming the group PNAC? They don’t pay attention to these crackpots until their flawed policies and real agendas are completely exposed… And by then it is too late.
Conn.man, appreciate your support.
It ain’t so much a matter of support, or a lack thereof. It comes down to the fact that with so much to comment on these days, well, sometimes it may seem like efforts to spread information are ignored.
They aren’t. I saw your comments, but I was too busy on some other stuff to say “WTF?” then.
UMMM…. That was a very long stroy at the end of that link. Also, I am guessing that is just the short version? lol
WOW! Mylroie bad. Very, very bad!
The whole way she is tied into pushing her sham agenda seems to parrallel quite nicely with the failed quest for martyrdom of Judy as she rode shotgun on the WMD searches in Iraq. You know? The mission they gave her that security clearance for.
Hey Connman, Oui has a nice diary on this topic in the reccmd world diaries entitled “Circle Closed.” Check it out.
oh what a tangled web we weave! There are so many angles for this woman called Judy that it is really funny to even begin to look at her life. What a tragedy! It really makes one wonder how she does live with herself, doesnt it??!!
She lives very well with herself.
She sleeps very well with herself.
She can look in the mirror every morning and say, “I’ve done my part to protect and try to expand the motherland, Israel.”
Another interesting link is the animosity Mylroie and Libby shared against the CIA for its reluctance to blindly embrace the Neocon agenda. Miller wrote yesterday in the Times about how Libby constantly railed against the CIA and its anti-administration leaks. Those conversations took place in June and July 2003. Just about that time Regan Books, the conservative subsidiary of HarperCollins published “Bush Vs. The Beltway: How the CIA and the State Department Tried to Stop the War on Terror” By none other than Laurie Mylroie.
A paragraph from James Risen’s review in the New York Review of Books makes for interesting reading:
Mylroie has provided us with a rather odd little polemic. And a score-settling one at that. She uses the book to lash out at the ideological losers of the prewar period, the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department, saving her greatest wrath for the nation’s spy service…. Mylroie seems to believe that the national security bureaucrats very nearly derailed the war, and only the certitude of the president himself carried the day.
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby couldn’t have said it better himself.
that only bolsters the relationship and further explains the CIA’s ferocious bite here.
You are becoming quite the Plameologist, Booman. The crackpot conspiracist in me would say something like, “Do you realize that only ten other people in the world have put together these conclusions? And Eight of them are dead, and another missing and presumed rendered?” (This is made up — I don’t actually think you are in danger). But it is interesting analysis.
Plame debunks Curveball, Cheney gets pissed “Why isn’t the Iraqi National Congress getting their $90,000,000???”, classified info is given to Chalabi (shocking, I know…), Chalabi knows who Plame is, Chalabi tells Miller (does the Arabic accent cause Plame to sound like Flame??), Cheney et al find out Chalabi spilled the beans, Wilson’s article comes out, shit hits fan, Chalabi gets “disowned” (let’s move as far away from this guy as we possibly can!), don’t EVER let on that Chalabi was the leaker of the name! Then we’ll be busted for having provided him with classified information! Keep that a secret at all costs or we all go down for treason! We don’t care who has to fall on the sword, just never let the real truth come out!!!!