Ivor Tossell of the Globe and Mail thinks that once a blogger starts posting pictures of cats, their blog has jumped the shark. In defense of all cats everywhere and the people who love them, I respectfully disagree.
Apparently, “posting the cat” is the last resort of a desperate blogger who has run out of content and has nothing better to post. That’s insulting to cats and bloggers alike. We post our kitties because we worship them not because we have nothing better to do!
There’s a stereotype that goes like this: When somebody running a website has run out of useful things to say, they post a picture of their cat. When they don’t feel like writing one thousand words on their blog, there’s always the option of posting Fluffy and pretending that she’s somehow of interest to anybody. When the boiler of thought is out of steam, out wheezes a kitten.
Perhaps the stereotype was undeserved, but it stuck. In a gently self-mocking way, putting up pictures of cats has become the quintessential blogging gesture. And the cat, for its part, became the patron saint of tired websites.
The relegation of cats to such a low stature shows the decline of civilization (or at least the hostility of a few dog-crazed pundits) since the cats glory days long ago in Ancient Egypt.
Cats were not only protected by almost every occupant of Egypt, but also by the law. So extreme in fact was the devoutness of the Egyptian culture to the cat, that if a human killed a feline, either intentionally or unintentionally, that human was sentenced to death.
Taking aim at Fluffy as a symbol of a blogger’s empty-headedness is a low, low blow. And this herb, much loved by cats everywhere, is willing to start a campaign to reclaim the greatness of all cats everywhere. Beware, pundits. catnip is on the job.
My Joey
Take that!
LOL I thnk issues related to what appeared to be (but likely was not) an apology post w/r/t Richard Cohen’s recent opinion piece ws more trouble for Kevin than all his Friday Cat Blogging at CalPundit.
And certainly Atrios suffers no loss from his cat blogging.
I do think there is a point where there is too little politics at sites…. But I don’t see that at Atrios. I doubt Kevin carried cat blogging to the Wash Monthly, but I don’t read him weekly…
Eeek! I post photos of mediocre paintings. What does that say about me?!
Stop that right now! They’re not mediocre…but just to make you feel better I’ll post a painting of mine..of a cat…doubling up on sins.

Oh, finally, a nice important issue I can sink my fangs & claws into, better go get my personal human from the other computer.
. . . Leo
Personal human here:
Uh, isn’t the G & M a British publication?? And this person says posting cat pictures is jumping the shark? Does he want to be run out of his own country on a rail? Is he trying to lose subscribers? Did his mum deny him a pet when he was very small?
[ Leo: Maybe he got one of those prickly things that spits inky liquid or something instead. Not good even for play.]
Maybe he isn’t really British, so I’ll avoid making my usual snark about the British royal family and their love of pets. I’ll just think it.
I think HE has jumped the shark.
Personally, the single major flaw I’ve seen in Booman is the lack of cat-blogging in favor of the single presence of dog-blogging (ok, it does rhyme). In fact, I tried to post a cat photo last week on the dog blog – failing miserably, of course. But I’m reassured by the presence here of catnip, and mariscat (at least on occasion).
Joey is a very nice cat. Gorgeous coat!
I can think of many other ways to jump the shark, among them are driving away people for really ridiculous reasons, like making light of their. .
[Leo: Careful, we weren’t going to go into that, remember? Let me lower your blood pressure by allowing you to stroke my coat. Much more productive.]
[Ok, that’s enough,don’t make readers think you are completely daft.]
Dear Leo’s personal human, you and your master are always welcome to join in at the dog-blog.
Luna and I only started the Thursday dog-blog to balance out the Euro-Trib’s Friday cat-blog. No antagonism was intended, and indeed, all manner of critters have been showcased at one time or another.
As Luna and I just started dog-agility classes (mostly because it’s funny watching a huge dog run through a small tunnel), this week’s dog-blog will feature animals in action. We look forward all tales of feline finesse and doggie daring-do.
Apparently, “posting the cat” is the last resort of a desperate blogger who has run out of content and has nothing better to post. That’s insulting to cats and bloggers alike. We post our kitties because we worship them not because we have nothing better to do!
Coincidently, a friend sent this to me recently
i guess this site is ‘posting the cat-centric’, and posters here are certainly not too concerned about having something better to do…it would be kind of fun to have stuff on my cat photo diorama with politcial action figures…of course only with kitty consent.
What a great site! lol
hey meeeester ivor…
come over here and say that.
We’re gonna go FIND the sorry sumbitch…. and run him over.
I think columns about jumping the shark have jumped the shark.
Darn, you stole my snarky comment! Have a 4!
I’ll take that … now here’s a four right back at ya! Great minds, and all that. :<)
I think comments about columns about jumping the shark have jumped the shark. π
Damn, that’s funny!
You see–THIS is why I love the Boo…this is the 2nd comment that’s made me double over in uncontrollable fits of laughter.
They’ll take my cutie kitty pics from my cold, dead hands!
or walking across the keyboard trying to type! ;^D
Cats know that they were once worshipped as gods…and they inspire us to deeper thoughts (or is that REM sleep??).
Trouble doing what he does best!
What a gorgeous cat, catnip! But with those BIG eyes he does look as if he’s just seen an Ivor. If I were Ivor Tossell I wouldn’t be walking in any dark alleys from now on.
And we do not like the Mr. Tossell, at all.
That cat looks positively high! Don’t let the cat have the WHOLE container!!
That cat lives somewhere on the internet. This is my cat:
He does not like Mr. Tossell either.
Yes, I’m in spray form now. How bizarre. π
That is one buzzed-out looking cat! lol
He’s gorgeous! Norwegian Forest cat?
Next time:
lol jk
to that bit of writing:
The worst part of apartment life: no pets… π