Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m interested if anyone knows if there’s an online source for learning how to do all the various html code/tag stuff appropriate for posting on blogs. Some people change the color of text, some manage to move pictures and text around in different ways.
And sometimes some code works on certain blogs and not on others.
Can anyone direct me to a site that explains this stuff?
Also, if you want to see how a particular comment was formatted, you can highlight the comment (or piece of it you’re interested in) select “view selection source” and you will see the HTML that produced that bit of code. Try it on the blue code on the front page.
(This may be a browser specific funtion to Firefox, it’s been a while since I’ve used other browsers.)
From 13 Oct 05 edition of The International Herald Tribune: G.W.Bush’s Suicidal Statecraft by Zbigniew Brzezinski. [National Security Advisor to Pres. Carter] He has some rather harsh opinions Re: the WOT and American Foreign Policy in general. One more BB of ballast to aid in the sinking of the Bushco boat.
More at Media News Monday 10/17/05 In this edition: The Colbert Report premieres (Colbert interviews “Colbert”); that idiot Bill Keller (NYT exec ed); estrogen missing from Sunday talk show guests; Media’s off-the-record cocktails with BushCo; CIA Leak investigation; Judith Miller; Jon Stewart & wife are expecting; Media eats Wheaties after the scripted videoconference on Thursday; a Knight Ridder reporter and time with the Iraqi military; DemsTV expands programming; covert propaganda; the multiplying tentacles of NewsCorp; and more!
Brother President, I Feel Ya – How low can you go? The latest polls show your approval rating among my people hovering around two percent. Two percent? David Duke would poll higher. You’d have to be the reincarnation of Jefferson Davis running on a platform of reinstating slavery to poll that low. Your chickens, Mr. President, have really come home to roost…. Your playing air guitar through Hurricane Katrina and your mama telling us that having our houses washed into Lake Ponchartrain is actually a good thing was just the icing on the (let them eat) cake.
Since this is an open thread, I don’t know if this is the place nor the time to congratulate each of you here on this site. You all really kick butt and take no prisoners!
Your research and writing is is just so great. you go out there and find the material and bring it here for us to read and digest.
For me that is essential for I do not have much time to do this on my own.
I want to send each of you a very big THANK YOU for doing this.
Thank you Booman for making it all possible. You are one of the leaders of our free world, as much as it can be. Without you and others of sites that are incredible in bring all this to the table..
Earthquakes and developing hurricanes — and they’re all inside the WH!
WEST WING! Tonight’s the night I think we find out who leaked the classified info!
Geez!! where is everybody?
I’m interested if anyone knows if there’s an online source for learning how to do all the various html code/tag stuff appropriate for posting on blogs. Some people change the color of text, some manage to move pictures and text around in different ways.
And sometimes some code works on certain blogs and not on others.
Can anyone direct me to a site that explains this stuff?
I would be interested also.
by superscaler @ BT
and RenaRF HTML 101 @ MLW
Thank you dada.
Also, if you want to see how a particular comment was formatted, you can highlight the comment (or piece of it you’re interested in) select “view selection source” and you will see the HTML that produced that bit of code. Try it on the blue code on the front page.
(This may be a browser specific funtion to Firefox, it’s been a while since I’ve used other browsers.)
From 13 Oct 05 edition of The International Herald Tribune:
G.W.Bush’s Suicidal Statecraft by Zbigniew Brzezinski. [National Security Advisor to Pres. Carter] He has some rather harsh opinions Re: the WOT and American Foreign Policy in general. One more BB of ballast to aid in the sinking of the Bushco boat.
This same piece was in the Los Angeles Times a few days before, which is good because it means more Americans had the chance to read it.
Colbert interviews himself!
More at Media News Monday 10/17/05 In this edition: The Colbert Report premieres (Colbert interviews “Colbert”); that idiot Bill Keller (NYT exec ed); estrogen missing from Sunday talk show guests; Media’s off-the-record cocktails with BushCo; CIA Leak investigation; Judith Miller; Jon Stewart & wife are expecting; Media eats Wheaties after the scripted videoconference on Thursday; a Knight Ridder reporter and time with the Iraqi military; DemsTV expands programming; covert propaganda; the multiplying tentacles of NewsCorp; and more!
well, there’s this:
Harrier Jet Destroyed in Afghanistan
lovely addition (pun intended);
Musical Breast Implants
for wondering where the volume controls for that are?
Since this is an open thread, I don’t know if this is the place nor the time to congratulate each of you here on this site. You all really kick butt and take no prisoners!
Your research and writing is is just so great. you go out there and find the material and bring it here for us to read and digest.
For me that is essential for I do not have much time to do this on my own.
I want to send each of you a very big THANK YOU for doing this.
Thank you Booman for making it all possible. You are one of the leaders of our free world, as much as it can be. Without you and others of sites that are incredible in bring all this to the table..