Ask a dozen progressives what progressive means, and you’ll probably get a dozen answers. But odds are that they’ll all touch on the same core values: human and civil rights, effective government, improving the social safety net, including healthcare, anti-poverty programs and unemployment programs. Individuals will have their priorities within these areas, but this is the terrain. The priorities of individual progressives are not mutually exclusive. It’s a progressive coalition based on values.
Today, in one of his more weakly-reasoned posts in a year of some real doozies, Markos attempts to toss progressivism out the window and claim for himself leader of “the new progressives.” True progressivism apparently is a real problem for progressives, but most of us just don’t realize it.
The basis of this claim?
Wait for it….
The generation gap. (Oh, if I could buy the world a Coke!)
…I sense the generational divide between new school activists (those of us who came “of age” politically in the late 90s and 00s), and those who harken back to the 60s and 70s….
I’m increasingly convinced that the biggest intra-movement divide nowadays isn’t ideological — we mostly all agree on the same things — but generational. Old school activists view politics and the activist realm differently than new school activists (very generally speaking). Those differences manifest themselves in arguments over single issue groups, effective activism, partisanship, tone, style, pragmatism, the types of candidates we should run, etc.
I take it that the thrust of this is that we old fogies are just out of touch with reality.
I wrote above that most progressives “agree on most things”, but there are probably few issues, if any, in which 100 percent of progressives agree. And such disagreements are not necessarily born of ignorance, or “using Rove’s talking points”, or being a “DINO”. But disagreements born from research and exploration and each individual’s varied life experiences. This is a reality in which we must operate and thrive, and it can’t be by forcing a party line on every single issue. Because really, who will set the party line? Who will enforce it?
What Kos does not seem to realize is that he’s fallen for the conservative frame on progressive values — that they are too varied and mutually exclusive to be worth anything in a coalition. So, he argues, we must ditch those values.
I have a different interpretation of the political tea leaves of today.
In 1964, when Goldwater lost the presidential election, conservatives launched one of the most effective coordinated meta-campaigns to win not only political office but “the war of ideas.” They mobilized money for campaigns, sure, but they also pulled in big big money for think tanks, because they realized that if they were to win any lasting victory, they had to convince people that their ideas were better.
With the 1970s recession caused by a prolonged foreign war and spiking oil prices (sound familiar?), new ideas — any new ideas — had an automatic appeal just for being new. Even so, the Republicans couldn’t win until Iranian religious zealots took American hostages and held them for well over a year. That event, and the continuing economic woes, sank Carter, and Reagan won in 1980.
He was called “the great communicator” and “the teflon president” (because nothing stuck to him). He sold Iran weapons in a deal to free the hostages, killed tax breaks for alternative energy, blamed our economic woes on “welfare mothers,” and then “created prosperity” by breaking out the credit cards and launching into the then-greatest deficit spending in world history, thereby quadrupling the national debt and putting a lot of money into bankers’ pockets. But while people cried out, he never got rattled or defensive. He just smiled like grandpa and said to the American people, in effect, “Don’t you worry. Daddy’s going to make everything alright.” That qualified him for the “great communicator” moniker.
The Democrats countered with two smart guys but very weak political candidates, Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis, neither of whom had any personality or savvy political guidance. The Democrats had been blindsided by the war of ideas the conservatives were waging, and found themselves in the situation of a man who’s asked, “When did you stop beating your wife?”
The Democrats were aware they were under attack. They tried to stand up and fight, but they didn’t realize that they’d already been boxed into conservative frames. Mondale epitomized this moment when, in a political debate, he tried to be wry in saying, “We’re both going to raise taxes. The difference is that my opponent won’t tell you. I just did.” (Oh such wit.) He bought right into the conservative frame, and spoke about government programs in terms of taxes.
Doom was sealed for the Democrats when, four years later, Dukakis simply ran away. “I-I-I-I– I am not a liberal!”He had presided over the “Massachusetts Miracle,” but it didn’t matter because the Democrats were losing the war of ideas, and Dukakis himself didn’t even try to fight.
Now all of this may seem like ancient history for turks like Markos, who’ve known nothing but conservatism their entire lives. Growing up ignorant of real progressivism, he and others have lived their entire lives in an environment dominated and defined by conservative ideology, like a tree grown only as tall as the ceiling and no further, it has skewed their perspective of what’s possible. To them, it makes complete sense to attack progressive values, because they have no understanding of what progressive values have been about since Teddy Roosevelt founded the National Parks system.
New school progressives are also less tolerant of ideological orthodoxy. We don’t fall in line with the “acceptable” liberal position, frankly, because we’re not trained to fall in line. We are more likely to be educated in an economy that values “proactiveness” and “self-initiative” and “problem solving” over blindly following the orders of our boss.
In other words, “new school progressives” don’t really hold progressive views. Perhaps that explains his repeated and persistent attacks on people who don’t sign up for his “anybody but the Republicans” approach to politics, toe the Democratic Party line and to hell with values.
The political landscape is different, no doubt — the politics of old where “leaders” told us how to think and act is dead. The media landscape has changed — the era when a few editors and producers determined our “leaders” and excluded other voices is dead.
Here, again, his ignorance shines through. Where he gets this idea that we all just thought what we were told to think, I don’t know. Rush Limbaugh? It certainly bears no resemblance to the reality I knew back when I was leaving home to vote in my first election.
These are the realities. Is there conflict between the new schoolers and old schoolers? It seems so. Is it insurmountable? Definitely not. The old schoolers need to realize that the world has changed and that politics in the 00s is a much different beast than the world in which they used to live. Business as usual is simply not an option.
That’s right. “Reality” today is discussed, analyzed and debated completely within the conservative ideological frame. The conservatives have won the upper hand in the war of ideas. And Kos argues that we must give up that fight, ditch progressive values, and just battle for a corner of conservative politics.
What we “old schoolers” know is that political atmospheres change, and that the war of ideas is never over. Give up? Never!
The “business as usual” Kos ascribes to us “old schoolers” is fairly limited, when he uses Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both of whom made their names after Reagan was elected and conservatism was in full swing, as touchstones. But what about MLK, Jr? What about Cesar Chavez? What about all those brave souls who stood their ground and said, “No more!” and didn’t get overexposed in media to give kids jaded views of them? What about the “business as usual” as practiced by FDR? LBJ? What about the “business as usual” such as when Carter was pushing progressive tax cuts to cut breaks for the poor and encourage alternative energy development?
What’s clear is that Markos has no idea what “business as usual” was before he came of age.
And we (politically) young whippersnappers need to 1) be more respectful of the accomplishments of our political elders (something that I need to work on, obviously), and 2) realize that at the current pace of technological advancement, it won’t be long before we ourselves are obsolete. That might take the edge off some of the hubris I note with some discomfort amongst some of my netroot colleagues.
Yes, talk about hubris. Pot, meet kettle.
about how anyone born, say after the early 70s hasn’t seen anything but “self-hating” liberals shying away (running away) from talking about their values. Stunted growth, indeed.
I was born in ’66, but I think it would be fair to say that this is exactly where all of my cynicsm about “party politics” comes from and my lack of trust in the democrats comes from.
a bit younger, but lived overseas during my childhood w/ liberal parents who described our family as “a little left of center.” Of course, nowadays that’s called ‘Far Left'(?!)
truly become part of the Washington DC scene in any form. But normally it has been a premise that we do take care of our own …… until Bush finally got all the cards and the newcons decided that the I ME MY generation was where it is at. Don’t need to worry about anything. All those folks who are at the trough don’t deserve anything. WE can get at the trough better without all the crowding around anyway! And of course the young folks are immortal and cannot see what happens when tragedy strikes. Kos doesn’t know what happens to all the soldiers coming back missing arms, legs, and support! It just isn’t tidy to leave a war going on! We have to have a great exit!
Excuse my ramble. I like being able to ramble here and at Dkos, but I really get tired of the kids. I get really fed up with the selfishness. And the thoughts that we do not have to take care of our brothers and sisters – we just throw them away! And why do we need to care about women’s rights? As if we have had them so long that we have gotten tired of them!
I regularly see passionate screeds against FDR and his New Deal from other IT specialists around my age. And I have to stare at them in wonder and think “What the hell are you smoking?” Because, really, without FDR and his “packed courts”, they wouldn’t enjoy any of the things they do.
The whole thing is based on the Conservative Lie: “You are self-sufficient. You are a self-made man. Everyone else is just dragging you down. Anyone who wants you to help them is weak.”
Just as, for example, the Democratic Party retreated from its experiments of the 1960s in favor of a course that is better suited to its interests, many of those long haired marchers preaching power to the people and peace and love discovered that going to law school, or business school, and becoming part of the establishment that they once despised was a more lucrative proposition than selling sand candles and home baked whole grain bread.
Corporations took over the selling of those items, still popular today, and once the former marchers discovered that they too could make more money by investing in General Dynamics than in some small and honorable mini-venture they heard about on World Link TV, they realized that US simply cannot just cut and run before Iraq is pacified.
Their brothers and sisters in the underclass who marched with them would not recognize them today, nor are they likely to recognize those brothers and sisters, though some may drop a few dollars in the jar duct-taped to the shopping cart as they pass by.
They are not without compassion, or ignorant of the plight of the poor, and many work hard to elect millionaire politicians they hope will be charismatic enough to convince the grandsons of men who voted for the war on poverty that if they will just be patient, the minimum wage may someday be a dollar more.
Still not enough for housing, but these things take time.
Oh, those people that Ameriprise markets to in those odious commercials they play continuously on CNN. ugh.
“You changed the world …”
of those long haired marchers preaching power to the people and peace and love discovered that going to law school, or business school, and becoming part of the establishment that they once despised was a more lucrative proposition than selling sand candles and home baked whole grain bread.
is a few university professors I have heard of, who, during the 90s, sported their pony-tails, were proud of their Berkeley ‘cred’ and had a couple of black-and-whites of the good, old protest days displayed in offices — all while applying for their grants from defense.
By spring 2003, the photos vanished, flags were pinned to lapels, and it is rumored that one student, who was ‘caught’ on film by the media protesting the war, was summarily dismissed from his graduate program by his Berkeley-credentialed advisor.
Don’t forget, women discovered they could do all kinds of things. So they went to school. Hard to volunteer when you are busy with getting a degree.
And they entered the workforce in greater numbers in a variety of fields. Hard to get involved when you are learning your job.
Manufacturing moved south without the unions. And the unions solidified into bureaucracies. And racism went below the surface, harder to define and see, but ever present. And the jobs changed.
“Corporations took over the selling…” Unions? For blue-collar workers, not professionals, not for those college educated or in the “helping” professions.
And the housing market went a bit crazy in the early ’80s, so some found it took two incomes to pay for a place to live. So some moved away from the centers where there were groups to join. Hard to get involved when there is no one to get involved with.
And some wanted children, too. Really, really hard to get involved when working a full time job and raising children.
And some got divorced. Single parenting, an economical nightmare with even less time for involvement beyond job and kids.
Being involved meant going to meetings. Meetings with no childcare available. Or meetings occurred when your kids had events/activities.
Some marchers returned to their roots, the middle class experience, especially when they had children.
And from the days of the marchers, “Corporations took over the selling…”
Want to be a rebel? Buy a…
Raising children? You need…
Don’t have time? You need…
Worried about your kids turning to drugs? They need to be involved in…
And tv, a very powerful drug, became our culture’s storyteller/neighborhood/community and “Corporations took over the selling…”
But there ARE those who chose a different path. Takes a bit to find them as they don’t get much publicity. But there are those who have spent their lives working in women’s clinics, working with the abused, working with and for those who don’t have a voice, working in schools, working in counseling centers, offering legal services to those without funds and a need, crafting beautiful things, researching to help people, bartering and trading services and goods…they might not even think of themselves as “progressive,” they may or may not blog, but they are around.
just exploded. The man who has no time for other people’s “pet issues”, who bans those whose viewpoints he doesn’t like, who insists that we all have to fit in the tent he constructs, the man who dictates to us exactly what the important shit says he and his cohorts are more likely to be educated in an economy that values “proactiveness” and “self-initiative” and “problem solving” over blindly following the orders of our boss.
Is he really that self-deluded or is this some sort of political gamesmanship?
One thing is certain, he understands nothing about me and what I believe. He doesn’t get that I don’t care about winning elections as a goal; my goal is to get the beliefs and ideas that I care about into the public sphere. Politics and elected officials are just one tool to achieve that. When he says that I should be willing to compromise my beliefs in order to elect someone who doesn’t support them, what is really saying is that I should destroy my own integrity in order to undermine my own goals. Now that’s a convincing argument.
a worthwhile investment to go ahead and get your irony meter fixed — I think you’re going to need it a lot over the next year 😉
He’s not alone in being self-deluded. I just concluded a very unsatisfactory discussion with someone here on the Trib who simply won’t get it.
Its like listening to the techies who claimed that the internet revoked all the rules of economics… back around 2000. We old fogies (and youngsters who have a modicum of understanding of history and patterns) just didn’t get, it was a new era, blah blah blah blah blah.
Here’s a newsflash for the wunderkind of the “reality based” “scientific” “logical” community. You don’t get to rewrite the rules just because you’re too damn ignorant or lazy to understand them. Science doesn’t work that way, oh great “rational” ones.
But as these children play at politics, like this fine gentleman who styles himself of a progressive Dr. Dobson to lead all us ignorant sheep to the promised land, they doom us to repeat the failures of the past. If the Dems succeed, it’ll be despite boys like him.
Because their philosophies simply don’t make sense.
(sorry if any of you saw this part already)
So, chasing the circular logic:
So the brilliant blog-answer is to either assume the pro-choice people are stupid enough to vote against their own interests, or to hope the pro-life people are stupid enough to vote against theirs
Its like listening to the techies who claimed that the internet revoked all the rules of economics
Well it did … sorta … a great number of them have been outsourced, whoops!
is that there is some sort of magic attached when politicians self-identify as Democrats that will cause these politicians to all vote the way progressives want. They seem to be blind to the deal-making and vote-trading that goes on in Congress. They seem to be unaware of the Democrats already in Congress who vote against progressive issues. They don’t get any message from the antics of Zell Miller and they certainly don’t seem to have registered the lessons of the dixiecrats.
Kos has never even licked and envelop for a campaign nor walked a district or canvassed prospective voters… he is a self important little twat that is backed by Simon Rosenbergs 200 million dollar “think tank” … therefore he does not have to think… at all…he just takes dictation.
This is all a freaking set up.
DHinMI and his ilk has spent the last two years “chosing” the “Chosen Ones” to represent the so called net roots …you all know who they are… they are women who think that talking about abortion is too messy and aren’t offended by a tits and ass pictures stuck in the middle of their political debate, they are gays who are more than happy to give up their rights “for the good of the party” they are Blacks who are willing to “take on” black leadership…. you get the message… The standard bearers for the DLC “netrootz” propoganda … and called it “New”…
If they weren’t so pathetic it would truly be funny.
If there was ever a chance for a REAL movement to take place it has been smothered by all of the political operatives “blogging”. It is almost as if the DLC wants the Democrats to fail yet again…
I had held a little hope that Dems would make headway in 2006 but now I am convinced that we will lose once again …. and the frat boyz will sigh a collective Mea Culpa … like Armando and Chris did after Roberts debacle (they were soooo honest about their “failure”……yack)… tant pis…
They will then chant in unison “We will get ’em next time”… if we are just a little less progressive and and a little more Republican.
They are fools and I would be fool to follow them.
I think this pretty much confirms what many of us have secretly suspected for a long time: kos is an Objectivist.
Let’s look at the evidence. He preaches responsible government, individual initiative, and individuality… But practices oppression, waste, and conformity. He preaches taking an objective look at politics, and setting aside one’s “emotional” pet issues… But dare to tell him that maybe political blogs should be regulated a little, and he’ll rip your head off and feed it through a meat processor before banning you. He preaches tolerance… But is misogynistic, racist, authoritarian, and plutocratic to boot.
And now we find that he preaches rational argument… But practices argument by divine revelation and shouting match.
Certainly seems to match up with every other Objectivist I’ve ever met.
The only thing missing is the “eventually we’ll win because realists are willing to own guns and progressives/liberals/pacifists aren’t.”
Every discussion I’ve ever had with a Randite or an Objectivist in the last twenty years has ended just one line after that argument…
I haven’t actually had to pull the trigger. Yet. But you never know, the wingnuts are getting crazier every day. Kos and the Randites are every bit as much wingnuts as the Repubs, they just haven’t matured enough to put their egos aside and join the GOP officially. Give `em five years.
Or, even worse, “We’ll win because we’re self-sufficient and you aren’t. When society collapses into a burning heap, we’ll be the ones to survive.” That particular disgusting argument gets thrown out a lot by Objectivists in reference to NOLA/Katrina. “Oh, if they’d been more self-sufficient, it wouldn’t have been a problem.” Bullshit. The city died because the government, the only thing that would and could have built and maintained the levees for the poor and the rich, didn’t.
One does need to strike a balance between individualism and collectivism. The left has, historically, strayed too far towards the collectivist end of things. The modern left seems quite well-balanced. Interestingly, both ends of the scale (the individualist nutbars and the collectivist nutbars) seem to be gravitating towards the GOP…
one could observe that perhaps the nutjobs gravitate to the GOP because nutjob status takes precedence over ideology, but that’s not a nice thing to say, even about nutjobs, so I won’t make that observation.
The problem with the left leaning too far towards collectivism is exactly the same as the current right wing leaning too far towards individualism… neither position works particularly well. We just aren’t wired that way.
Very few of the “self sufficiency” advocates can be, of course. There’s a reason humans became technological beings; opposable thumbs and brainpower are our only significant evolutionary assets…. and today’s modern techno-droids, like purebred persian cats, have become so specialized that without a fairly sophisticated support system, they’re not viable. They’re self-sufficent until the MRE’s in the shelter run out. (or something equivalent to that, be it water or batteries or ammunition or whatever.) They’re NOT capable, they don’t even have the background knowledge, of how to turn raw materials into finished products. Okay, so Joe sixpack is a whiz at coding in C++… but what about farming? As Gates observed, computers aren’t all that useful for people who have no food or water and who live days from the nearest electrical outlet.
The “PostApocalyptic Future” is a fantasy showcase. When it all breaks, it ALL breaks. Those of us who are willing to put our heads together and say “now… who knows how to do what and how do we do something useful with that” and make that work have a ghost of a chance. The “self-sufficient” Objectivists are toast.
And it’ll be a few centuries before there’ll be enough spare time and luxury for “fuck you, I’m getting mine” to even START to look like smart thinking again rather than a painfully arrogant suicide.
Exactly. We’re probably best described as a tribal species. We’re just one that’s learned to make tribes-of-tribes and tribes-of-tribes-of-tribes. Which is, when you think about it, quite a clever mental trick!
So yes, neither individualism nor collectivism works particularly well. Both are simply too inefficient… And, strangely enough, they seem to be inefficient for the same reasons! Take self-sufficiency, for example. Growing enough food and doing all the other necessary things to keep yourself alive (build/maintain shelter, find heating wood, ensure a balanced diet) consumes most of your time. (There’s a reason why subsistence farming died out!) However, a community of farmers with the right technology, and a community of carpenters with the right technology can efficiently provide food and shelter for many more than themselves. Similarly, collectivism fails because it ultimately comes down to a handful of people trying to run an entire country. The upshot of this? Individual humans scale poorly. Groups of humans scale very well… Provided you do so in a way that doesn’t just come down to an individual human again.
I’m 29.
so you can use me as a representative of the old farts bedeviling Kos.
old farts bedeviling Kos
More! More! Bring It On!
it’s past my bedtime.
I’ll be 29. That translates into colloquial English as “nunya.”
You bunch of old fogies. . .I’m 65 and still not 23. . ., no wonder you all are so set in your ways. . .Heh! I’m still waiting for Power to the People.
you’re purty smart for a young pup … (old fart at 42)
I’m 27. I’m so liberal I’ve got Progressive car insurance.
I have never quite understood how the words “Democrats” and “progressives” have remained linked.
I think there are some democrats who absolutely don’t want it linked. The 2006 election results will have a lot to say over who wins that battle.
Good point.
The words “progressive” and “liberal” have become so corrupted and tainted Dems running for office might need to redefine and/or use something different. I think this will require interested voters to have to dig deeper to understand what each particular Dem is about.
Of course, this becomes even more challenging when the Dem opts for a kind of blandness to try and please everyone over 18… 30 seconds of flag waving and stirring music with a voice over on America and Americans.
I’m making myself sick – sorry.
and as floridagal points out in her own diary tonight, nobody’s outdoing the Democratic Party establishment in making “liberal” a dirty word.
Which they hope will make it much easier for them to run and elect a pack of social conservatives … sorry, I must start remembering to say moderates … with D‘s after their names.
Personal disclaimer:
I have focused on the “progressive” discussion rather than the “black leadership” discussion, so for the latter see the dKos link.
Selection of the posts below should not be construed as representing my person views.
Eddie Haskell
steve expatl
In the comments, Kos says
If that is the future of the Democrats, they have no future. But I can see their new motto now: The Democrats, a party that is for God, Mother, Apple Pie, and Your Favorite Sports Team.
I’m just an old fogie (at 38, a mere 4 years older than Mr. Young Whippersnapper, I might add), but what exactly is a “broad movement based on broad tenets”? Sounds like it doesn’t stand for much of anything, except trying not to offend anybody.
If this is the shining light of the democratic party, I’m glad to be an independent.
I think the idea is to somehow create the political equivalent of baby food — bland, safe, unrecognizable mush.
I’m the goddamn Democratic Party. No, seriously, who the fuck cares what he says?
We are about to see a sea-change in DC that will make all this centrist bullshit hopelessly passe. This is 1973. Either get on the anti-corruption, political reform platform or get the fuck out of the way.
You are the MAN! Now, where’s my green kool-aid? 🙂
…until you’re in office, and then it works against you. Look at all the corruption charges against Clinton and Gore, who ran on cleaning up the corruption and getting things moving again. They were hugely successful with the economy, but became the focus of the anti-corruption message.
And Bush the lesser was elected as the Washington outsider who was going to clean up government.
Pointing out the corruption and stupidity of the GOP is not enough. Where’s the Democratic vision? Here we are, all people who probably mostly vote Democrat, and I doubt anyone here could come up with 3 things that the Democrats definitely stand for.
Ynno what is so funny… well not really funny in a ha ha way..but funny in a sad kinda way… is that Kos is spewing the same shit the DLC has been spewing for the last 20 years …hence the abject failure of the Democratic Party.
What ever Rosenberg is paying this fool and others to flip to the DLC line of reasoning must be pretty damn good. Is is frightening to see the promotion of the Democracy Corp DLC bullshit plastered all over some of these front pages.
In the end they won’t win… because they NEVER won…Clinton can thank Perot.
They just killed what could have been a great poltical movement in the netrootz (which is precisely the intnetion of the DLC) …now it is just a bunch of loser frat boy twats trying to get paid…
Did you see how they all turned on Hackett… the little pimps