Booman People. Please meet my novel. Novel, the Booman People.
[An awkward silence falls between the potential readers and the unassuming novel. Cricket song rises from the relative peace of a pastoral night. Fade to black.]
More about Direct Actions after the flip (if you’ll join me).
Honestly. I’ve got writer’s block. I’ve been wanting to introduce you all to my novel for the longest time. And now that the day is finally here, I am at a loss for words. I’ve been staring at a blank “Diary Box” for an hour, having deleted several horrifying introductions. But now that we’re here.
Where to start? Where to start?
Let me start by telling you that I expect the novel to be available for purchase at the Booman Store in the very near future. For those of you who don’t know this personally, BooMan is an incredibly generous host, and a genuinely kind person. Through his generosity (at one point, he offered to put the novel up with no profit margin for his own efforts) I think that the Booman Store will offer the book (including shipping) at the lowest price of any outlet. Fuck Wal-Mart.
Don’t get me wrong. There were unusual aspects to this negotiation. I’m no capitalist, but are there always clauses in contracts that require one party to be called by the codename “Turning Aspen?” Is it unusual at all for a stipulation that a member of the supply chain be plied with evenings of beer drinking and debauchery? I might just like this thing they call “capitalism.” But the bottom line — I am happy to say my book will be available at the Boo Store. And I hope (this is no paid endorsement) that if you consider buying the book here, and you have the means, you also consider buying some of the other cool merchandise. I can say definitively that the t-shirts are attractive to a certain class of post-middle aged men who tell stories like Mark Twain.
Okay. Back to the book.
Let me give you the blurb from the jacket, so you know a little bit about it.
Tired of selling out his principles as a corporate attorney for a silk-stocking Detroit law firm, Jeremy Jefferson seeks a change of venue as a public defender in rural Michigan. But the peace and quiet of small town practice is shattered when Jeremy is assigned to defend Zeb Radamacher, a high school anarchist charged with eco-terrorism for firebombing a local superstore development. As the governor’s office uses Zeb’s case to politicize terrorism and Zeb’s supporters are bent on starting a small revolution – conservative prosecutors, judges and jurors are the least of Jeremy’s worries. In the fearful atmosphere of post-9/11 America, Jeremy’s own life and liberty may be on the line.
It is hard to sum up a novel (that once, in pre-editing days, rivaled War and Peace in length) in less than 125 words. But that is a good start.
The book is John Grisham meets Noam Chomsky. It is Scott Turow meets the anti-Ayn Rand. It is John Voelker meets Carl Hiassen. And I am ashamed to say, there may even be a touch of Jackie Collins (a very, very modest touch — let’s not turn the post-diary press conference into an episode of Desperate Housewives). And it has a message, wrapped in commercial tinfoil, that I would like the entire world to hear.
If I thought the novel was like crack cocaine, I might give you a taste in hopes that, uh, wait a minute. There’s an idea. Let me share some snippets from the novel in these days while we wait for (indictments) it to become available for order at the Boo Store.
Here is a piece I liked. It is not overly representative of the book as a whole — but then again, maybe it is. It is from a scene where the main character, Jeremy Jefferson, is returning from court, pondering the mood of the country as he considers defending a terrorist.
He absorbed the public sense of fear, anger and bewilderment from looks and glances; from snippets of conversation overheard; from standing in line at the market watching fellow consumers; from talking with families of the criminals he represented. The general sense of loathing that had settled on people since 9/11 was a narrative that had been spelled out on the evening news and on cable television. It was a narrative played out on network shows, rushed to production, with plots focused on policemen, firemen and CIA agents fervently protecting the security of the homeland.
The entire community was gripped with fear – fear that the world had changed and was now unpredictable. Fear that, at any moment, a bomb might explode in the very center of Milton. Fear that a bacteriological agent might run rampant through the county. Fear that the food and water supply might be contaminated by radiation. A xenophobic fear that made a suspect of anyone whose skin shaded to the color of caramel or olive. A nationalistic fear that saw flags fly, not just on the Fourth of July, but on every day of the year, in a futile effort to make life seem normal again.
Jeremy’s own sense of unease was the polar opposite of what he had observed in the public at large. His unrest was caused not by the downing of the Twin Towers, but by the American reaction to the event; by people being warned to watch what they said in times of terror; by the xenophobia and nationalism that was not only rampant, but fashionable; by a first war in Afghanistan that was loved like a child, and a second in Iraq that was approved by a mass suspension of disbelief; by detentions of citizens at foreign prisons without charges or lawyers or even access to courts; and by the willingness of those around him to sacrifice their own liberties to be saved from a threat level of red, orange or amber.
I know. It is not crack cocaine. But you know. It reminds me of a song. “If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao. You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.”
[Shudder.] Wow. Getting side tracked.
So to summarize:
- Book coming out soon at Boo Store.
- I’ll give you exact date when I get it.
- Book now available at publisher site (but wait for the Boo Store)
- Book will be available at Amazon, Barnes and, and perhaps Powells. Probably 30-45 more days.
I can answer your specific questions at the post introduction press conference, which will take place in the comment section below. π
You there. Stretch.
are you some kinda pinko faggot commie?
That would be funny. If I haven’t already recieved a rather disturbing e-mail from one of the wing-nuts who lives here in suburbia with me, and has seen the novel.
Okay. It is still funny.
Fidel Castro would like your book. Did you give an extra copy to Ho Chi Minh?
[Jotting notes down and muttering to self…]
Developing possible markets in Cuba and SE Asia. Check.
and you’ll be ready for the Factor.
From your lips to the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s ears my friends. My dream is that this book offends O’What the fuck is his name. There could be no better publicity.
I meant my friend. I have not psychotically split you into two distinct people, a blogger, and a live being.
and I bet Joe is too. I bet he can say “not interested” just as fast as I can. π
Man. I would love to be vilified on O’Reilly. Take me off the set screaming and red-faced man. No better falalfel, er, I mean, publicity.
Well, when you’re on a book tour I guess there’s no such thing as bad publicity as long as they spell your name right and don’t mangle the name of the book. π
Dear misters hanity or Oriley,
I writing to you to essprex my koncern over a book that I was done told about on the Freepers for Fucking Up America. And I has to say that I think you should light a fire under this uuthor before uthers read his filth and disease.
Obveeusly he hates America and is a terrorsrsis. —. and supports bad guys.
Please have him on your show and kill him. We would be happy.
His name is Terry Olson. Issnt Terry a girls name? and his book is Direk Axhsuns. Its a bad book. arnt even any pikshures innit. What kind of a book doesnt have any pikshures in it? It didnt have a flag on it eeder.
Thank you
That is precious. Please send it with a copy.
Funniest part. My dad and brother. Kind of legendary wrestlers/coach in my area growing up. Dad is just a freak. Not bright enough to be a wing-nut. Actually more far left, but then freaky back right on some things. But, he is called by adoring wrestlers everywhere — “Pappy.”
Random?? or my Scorpy Psychic Senses tingling. π
Pretty bizarre.
or Bizarre? Or both?? π
I wasn’t even talking about you. I was talking about the coincidence. Hence the need for a brunette character. π
But yes to pretty, and yes, in a good way, to bizarre. There.
I write satire exactly like your comment here at the “Colorado Politics” blog. The wingnut responses were so over-the-top and content-free, I began a campaign to see how far I could push the rhetoric from the right before another wingnut would call me out of line (or recognize me as a plant).
Hasn’t happened yet.
You can mipsspell everything, USE ALL CAPS, address nothing in specific, and just call Democrats “Dummycraps,” “Faggots,” “Commies,” and yes, threaten to kill them. Nothing makes their side blink. I have written the most ludicrous crap, so much so that some liberal friends have recognized the parody and emailed me off-list.
But not the wingers. Nothing is out of bounds. Yeesh.
is that for the above I drew upon what I hear around me locally.
I’ve gone to about two of those freeper type blogs and they upset me too much.
I get enough of those Freep-types right in town.
Let’s see… I’ve been told I should die… and that wasn’t political stuff -that was years ago when I had the audacity to seek an education for my oldest son who has a disabiliy. That is why I have caller ID. I got threats. I also had newsvans outside my door.
Few weeks ago I was called a “Fucking Liberal Nazi”
I gotta get out this town. LOL
how easy it was to write things like:
That took me thirty seconds to type off the top of my head yesterday. I guess their sloppy thinking does eventually rub off.
I thought what I wrote was ridiculous and not credible, but instead it just received a few “You tell them liberals” pats on the back. “Sigh” doesn’t begin to describe it.
to congratulate you with your novel and a first RECOMMEND – many to follow for sure!
Thanks Oui. But I was really expecting tougher questions from the Booman Press corps. π
Congrats BJ, or should I say Terry! This super awesome news calls for me to post from work – a first ever! I’m so excited for you. Thanks so much for sharing your excitement with us. Can’t wait to read it!
Thanks Olivia. I hope you don’t work for Wal-Mart, a police agency, or any branch of Government. Viewing the novels cover would undoubtedly be picked up by CARNIVORE, and I fear for your job. Thanks for going out on a limb for the at-work post though. That is an encouraging sign.
Now where are the tough questions? Where’s Helen Thomas when you need her?
I’m running out and buying a copy!!
Damn!!!!! I want one signed by “Boston Joe” π LOL
Snoopy Happy Dance for you, my man!
I’ll get it when it comes to Powells.
Or would it be best if I ask my local bookstore to order it?? That’s always a plus for you novelists right? Orders?
Does it have the phrase, “Suit up or Shut up!” in it? π
Finally. some questions. π
Quickest way to get the book? Well, I could give you the publisher’s site right now and you would have it in a few days. But, my preference would be that you (as a dedicated Tribber) hang in for a few days until it gets posted at the Boo Store. And order it that way. That way gets you best price (once shipping is factored in) too. (That’s why I haven’t given out the publisher’s link in this Booman roll-out, though I will in the future).
Is Powells a good idea? I think so. But that will be a while. So, maybe get that second gift copy (after you’ve read the first, and love it) from Powells. The Powells thing is still a work in progress to be sure.
Are book store orders encouraged? Hell yes. Again. It won’t be on books in print list for 30-45 days (I will keep you posted) but as soon as it is, I strongly encourage folks to order it from their local independent book stores. (And if you have to, the chains). Hell, if you can get any local press attention for a signing, I would seriously consider coming out for a signing/talk at a theater near you.
Will I sign your copy BostonJoe? I wouldn’t think of signing it any other way. At the first chance we get together. Or if you can’t wait, we’ll work something out. You’ll damn sure get a signed copy.
Does it contain “Suit up or shut up?”? Ha! Given the rather extended nature of novel production, the phrase “suit up or shut up” will not appear until my sixth novel. The second is written, and I have a literary trilogy on the chalk board which won’t be amenable to that phrase. But, by all means, the phrase will be included in novel six. You will not be credited with the phrase, as it will be uttered by a whimsical brunette activist. And there will be the usual disclaimer at the start, that all characters, entities, and uttered slogans, are fictional, and solely the product of the author’s imagination.
(Notice how I restated all your questions to suit me. Not unlike a certain Donald Rumsfeld we all know and love. I have gone to school on this administration’s propaganda techniques). Thanks for encouragement.
I’ll order mine through here at Boo and I’ll mail that sucker to you to sign π
Then!!! I’ll special order it through the local bookstore (cause I know for damn sure that’s GOOD for you!) and use that as a giftie for someone.
And then.. and then… Boink.. Crap, I blew out my widdle bwonde bwain.
Merry Early Holidays!
Brunette??? Damn! π
E-mail me, and I’ll shoot you the back cover.
Please post in the FBC to so we’ll all see the link for the book….
Cool….I’ll get to bring a book for personal signing…hmmm…vacation where?
Congrats BJoe!
I will. I don’t get to the FBC enough. But I will certainly do that. Whenever we get the link. And I look forward to seeing you. It is the coolest thing meeting up with folks from this place.
And will you use the hard cover version to beat right wing pundits over the head when they interview you because yoill most certainly offend their faux patriotism?
And will we have to lampoon your writing as soon as we have it available for the BooBook club?
Will you be participating in our disection of the book and, of course, the author? (We promise to use a local anesthetique so it won’t hurt too much, and so you will still be functional during. But no guarentees about afterwards…)
Oh yeah…
And congratualtions on your new baby!
Does it hurt to give birth to a square-hard-covered baby?
Signed copies? Not in the plans now. But I assure you, if you want, our paths will cross at some point, and I will be happy to sign for any Tribber. Hell for any person. Even wingnuts.
Beating with hardcover? I am a pacifist. So only in self defense, in which case the hard cover may prove an effective deterrent, except for attacks by Florida wing-nuts, who will probably shoot me.
Lampooning? I sure as heck hope so. If you can’t lampoon me, who could you lampoon. At best, I aspire to hackery. And may have fallen short in some portions of the book.
My presence? Yes. Especially if you are offering an intoxicant on the order of anesthesia.
Pain in birthing hard cover book? Yes. Much pain. If art isn’t painful, I am told, it isn’t art. So, I don’t know what that says about my genre fiction with a supposed message. But, yeah. It hurt a little. I’ve healed nicely though.
Thanks CT Man. Go Huskies!!! (Had a Harriet Miers moment there).
I will purchase it from the BooStore when I can!
Here’s a question for you (though not Helen Thomasesque by any means):
What is this dedication?
(I ask this as a person who has oft described herself as a writer, but mostly I have written dedications for projects never finished! lol)
I had never written one until well into the publication process. And it is very gratifying. One of the greatest rewards. Don’t give up on yourself. Keep plugging.
Gotta finish the dissertation first — and yes, I already have a dedication written for it!
Heh. But I’d better not share it, lest the diss becomes one more unfinished project!
What else have you published?? Are you holding out on us?
What is thesis? And do share the dedication. It won’t jinx you. (He says having seriously jinxed several football bets this weekend, by declaring the game “a lock” too early in the contest.)
My research focuses on the production and circulation of social capital within the context of an online professional development community for Texas elementary school teachers.
In the context of an online environment that I helped design and develop and in which I served as the community facilitation coordinator for two years, I am exploring the value of this online community through the perspective of the teachers involved.
My dissertation explores how teachers who were trained as facilitators for the community describe the value of their experiences for their professional growth and discusses examples of interactions and activities in which social capital is manifested.
(So, it’s one of those REALLY BIG index cards…..)
for my boys,
the best teachers, all
Aww! You boys. Great line.
And it sounds interesting. Does it have anything to say about our strong community bond here at the Booman Tribune. Or am I just being stupid, as people who know nothing about what you have dedicated your life toward studying, tend to be?
Indeed. And of course you’re not being stupid!! I have yet to see any evidence that you are even capable of it! Now cut it out.
I wish I could start all over and focus the diss. on this place instead as the state of TX pulled the funding on, and thereby killed dead, our thriving community of teachers last year (thus my unemployment). So that community is gone — the bonds among many of still remain, but the cyber space we occupied is no more…
Social capital is a powerful, and often under-attended to, variable in many socio-economic relationships, especially as pertains to action that stems from shared resources, collaborative pursuits, etc.
And about that “dedicated your whole life to studying” thing? Nah. Just enough to get me through this degree and then I’ll see where it takes me — my undergrad degree was in economics, masters in English and this one is actually in the college of ed., dept of curriculum and instruction — specialization: instructional technology.
I’ve never been one to focus on one thing for too long — lots of cool stuff happens in the “inter” part of interdisciplinary!! That’s where I live and learn!
Way to go, Bri, that was gonna be my question to you. One page down – even if it is the dedication.
Do you have the index card version of your diss written yet?
(Sorry, BJ, for hijacking your diary in service of another writer).
No apology. This is becoming like a writer’s festival, kind of. And it is all welcome. Even for frumpy old theses (is that the plural)? And I didn’t mean that as a slam, Bri. I am sure your tesis is electrifying. π
Promise you won’t laugh. It says:
For Bryna, Sierra and Jordan
the patient Muses of East Lansing
Great question, by the way.
No way!! That’s beautiful!
What beautiful names, BTW!
I just last night started reading one of kansas’ books — can’t wait to read yours!
That is a good dedication. Any good book means that someone has been very patient!
They are saints, all. Thanks.
Not capitalism my dear fellow, gathering of two individuals at an evening of beer drinking is an …
conspiracy and an offence under Patriots Act IV!
Wait and see what will happen to journalist JM Turning Aspen …
The Patriot Act features prominently in the work. You will like it, I think.
Oh goody! Two BOOwriters! Any other ones lurking out there? Better speak up, I am a voracious reader.I look forward to it,BJ.
How can we be critics when we haven’t read it yet? Seems like a ‘write what you know’ story, so I guess we will figure out the deep character flaws in Boston Joe by extrapolation. (snicker)
Meanwhile, congrats!
Good comment. I guess you will have to read it to give me any real insight or critique. I have floated my only two super-advance copies to a couple of prominent bloggers. There might be some reviews eventually. We’ll just have to see.
I drew heavily from my own background to create a fairly authentic story, I think.
But the characters. It is the most amazing process. You give them a little of you for life, but then they start to live on their own. And they do the damndest things. That is one of the joys of it. I would strongly encourage folks to give it a try, if you ever considered yourself the writing type. Because it is dang fun.
Hey! Could we do your book for BooBooks?? We will all HAVE a copy!
Hell yes. Though, without reading Kansas’ book(s) first, I would feel bad. Hers (his?) go first. Then I am in.
Well, in addition to Boston Joe, Kansas got outed as a quite prolific mystery author, Nancy Pickard, at the Froggy Bottom, and there’s me. My first novel sees print in August 06, and I’ve got a number of shorts published in various venues.
Wow. This place is like writer heaven. No idea. Now I’m just embarrassed. Good luck with your book.
Thanks. Likewise, good luck with yours!
P.S. From what I’ve seen of your writing here, I have to say that I have high hopes for Direct Actions.
I’ve learned a lot writing here. I think future novels (should I get lucky enough to write them) will benefit.
Maybe we could have a BooBook Fair one day and all the books up and down the page, from Powell’s, would be Tribber’s books. I’m betting there are others of us lurking out there.
My next one’s not coming out til June, so don’t worry about me, BJoe, though I thank you for the senority vote! lol! I think it would be tres cool to do your book and also Kelly’s for BooBooks!
I don’t pay wide enough attention around here. I had no idea you were a novelist. And from the sounds of it — acclaimed. That is very nice. Though I feel completely humbled, as a rank amateur.
Yeah. If folks wanted to do the book at club. Wonderful. And book fair. Even better. Can’t wait to read some of your stuff. Where do I look to get your older stuff?
not precisely lurking but I have a book out too.
it’s poetry and essays… gag… called “drumming through woodsmoke”. I wrote it back about six years ago. I think you can get it through powells.
wish I had the stones to finish a novel. I’ve got about six of ’em started.
And a most excellent book too!
I’ve got 2 copies now – one for home and one for my cabin….
Beat the drum louder about your book!
Very cool. I am so flipped out that everyone here has a book. I was feeling pretty special this morning. Now I feel like I just woke up, and realized I was the last guy to get into the club. π
But not in a bad way.
Please. Share your title, and tell us a bit about it. I that wouldn’t be pressing too much.
So many talented people here! You guys are inspiring. Would you fill us in more when it gets closer to release kansas?
Well, Tribbers like you, Olivia, inspired us at the Photo Fair. We poor writers are just scrambling to keep up! And yes, thank you very much, I’ll send up flares around the pub date.
…as well Kelly!
Just your title “WebMage” intrigues me…
(KMc) have a book coming out sometime soon?
And if I can ever get my ass in gear and figure out how not to write myself into corners, I’ve got several projects on the back burners…
You go, girl.
You have to use supersoling as the inspiration for one of your characters, don’t you think. If you don’t, I call dibs.
Yippee! everyone is outing themselves as writers!
The trick isn’t not writing yourself into corners, it’s learning how to write yourself back out of them. Don’t fear the corners, think of them as opportunities and plunge on. Writing rocks. Rock on!
Now I’ve got to figure out how to keep that up on my computer desktop — or can someone maybe cross-stitch it for me? π
Shall I out myself as well…? If you like historical vampire romance… Actually, I write for role-playing games (mostly about vampires), and I did one novel in their thirteen-novel vampire series set in the middle ages.
Dark Ages: Toreador.
(The title tells you absolutely nothing unless you’re familiar with the game, alas — it’s rather like writing for a TV series in that regard).
Currently working on a modern-era vampire story, which (assuming I get it done on time, erk!) will be out early next year as part of an anthology.
I will have to look for other Bootribber books as soon as this project is done.. when I have time to read again!
Congratulations, BostonJoe — I’ll be looking for it in the BooTrib store!
Oh, this is so cool. I love vampire stories and as for romance, well, may I just say, “Spike”? Please, please, please let us know when the anthology is out.
I’m a closet vampire writer myself. I love the stuff and have written a few pieces, but haven’t sold them. Cool. Ditto Kansas on that–let us know when the antho comes out.
That is cool. I am going to place bulk order and start the first official Booman library. Of course, our Kansas section is going to need to be funded by an endowment. Books everywhere. But seriously, you are in the library. I’m going to try to get as many as possible at our local patron or the arts bookstore, Powells.
Thanks for info on your work. And thanks for good wishes.
I’ve got a question.
So when do you expect your book to be challenged, boycotted and thus.. BANNED?
I can not wait to read this!!! Oh… I copied the photo and the last paragraph snippet… and slammed that puppy on to a hockey chatroom π
The best thing you could ask for would be to have a book like this boycotted and banned. Nothing spurs sales for a book like calling attention to it.
No, if the fundies are smart they’ll just ignore it and the odds, unfortunately, are good that it will sink without a trace. It’s a sad fact that most books do. Been there. Done that. Still have a few copies of the book laying around.
I certainly hope this book is the exception to the rule, Terry/BostonJoe.
could you let me know what the book’s title is? I would LOVE to read one of your books. π
I am prepared for the likely reception of silence, at least outside of our little paradise here. Sad. But at least we had a chance to have our say.
I’m with Janet. I’d like to see your book. Sounds like this place is an author fest.
The book was called Badlands Run and it was written as part of a series of less-than-successful “choose your own adventure” novels for the people who (at the time) published Dungeons & Dragons. It sold about 1200 copies 20 years ago and I’ll be impressed if you can find a copy now.
On the other hand it was translated into Japanese, which was cool. I sent a copy to my parents, where it was met more or less with “What the hell is this?” We sent it unannounced and they didn’t think to look at what to us is the back page, where our names were spelled out in English. (My wife got co-credit for it.)
Some of the work I wrote for the game market is still around. Most notably, Steve Jackson Games recently republished Caravan to Ein Arris, an adventure my wife and I wrote for SJG’s GURPS roleplaying system. You can download a copy in PDF format if you’re so inclined.
A couple of people have said they thought it would be a good idea to collect the stories I’ve written for Sunday Griot and put them into a book, and I may do exactly that once I get enough of them to make the project worthwhile. I figure another 10 or so would probably do it. Whether anyone other than Vanity Press Inc. would publish it, and whether I’d sell more copies of it than we did of Badlands Run . . . now those are good questions.
Hey. I am thinking I need a Booman wing on my personal library. No genre excluded. I am going to check for your book on e-bay. Crap. 1200 copies. Probably better than I can ever hope for. I mean, I’ve got dreams. But without a lot of publicity, you know, who reads anymore.
Thanks for sharing.
Is it “Car Wars Adventure Gamebook, No 4?” Because if so, it is available for purchase for on Amazon. And quite reasonably priced.
Its sales rank is #1,792,270 in Books? Cool, I didn’t think it would even be that high. π
That is cool. You are in the BostonJoe Private Library Collection of Booman Authors. Order going out today or tomorrow. I hope I can get your work from Powells, but if not, I’ll just have to do a special limited acquisition from Amazon. Thanks for sharing info.
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with writing for the gaming industry…. It’s kind of its own little niche. (I remember that series, too…)
No, there isn’t, and as a matter of fact I’m pretty proud of some of the work I turned out.* I’ll say this for working at SJG: the pay was pretty substandard when compared to what I make today, but I got an education in computers and writing. In fact my wife and I occasionally refer to our time there as the Steve Jackson Earn-As-You-Learn School of Creative Writing.
* Some, of course, was rather forgettable . . .
I’ll buy an extra copy of the book and send it along with a sizable donation to the place I used to work at, that records books for the disabled. I’ll ask them to record it in my mom’s memory — she’d probably love the thriller aspects (as well as the bit of Jackie Collins), but the fact that it’s about a liberal would probably piss her off… π
That’s an incredible idea!
That is very kind. Then I can be sure and brag — the book has been put on audio.
And it helps the disabled. And pisses off an anti-liberal. It is like an idea thought of by the anti-Rove. Perfect.
to zip off a donation anyway — this will give me added incentive. It would still have to get through the Book Committee, but if I cross the director’s palm with enough pieces of silver, I might get lucky… π
What usually happens is that someone in the family will hear at least part of the book along with the patron, and that piques their interest.
Hell, I’ll give it a shot… π
Too cool. And don’t forget. If the book is banned by any board of directors, please contact Ductape Fatwa with the information, so he/she can hold them up the light like he/she did the Indiana legislator. Think of the press. Thank you. Above and beyond, but truly cool.
Do you want us to start some fake local protests of your book to help generate some interest?
If enough of us did it it would make the NY Times best seller list pretty quick.
Then again, I am not sure people will read the NY Times anymore? lol
Naw. I wouldn’t want to manipulate the MSM in that way. I’m no Judy Miller. π
Fucking Hockey chat room? Are you insane? Without anyone around to stick up for you? You are a bold woman.
But the happy loveable type of insanity π
There are alot of progressives in this one chatroom I still go to. But… the bonus is I know alot Red Regimers lurk there (since I left their Offecal chat site) So I get to share your book with people who will actually read it AND get to poke needles in the eyes of the lurkers, heh! π It’s the little things like that that get me by π
Just bookmarked it over on Safari; one of these nights I’ll wander into the message boards. Maybe I’ll even pose as a Religious Reich type…naaaah, my acting skills ain’t that good…
[Thinking about surprising the spouse with two tickets to the next home game, BTW…]
Just remember Thefeeder is the good site π We don’t need any fake zealots there π
Hey we have Game Day threads there done by my best buddy.
Are you justme2? π Can you figure out who I am there?? LOL
I already knew you were Azul — you mentioned it in a past thread somewhere… π
ETA on bookbanning is T minus how long it takes this novel to break into the public consciousness. And I agree with Omar. That would be the best news ever. Please send your second gift copy to Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity.
What’s the website with the Hockey chatroom, so we can all go over and talk up the book?
Just the thing for whiling away those 10 minute misconduct penalties, you know?
“Penalty’s over son, you can leave the box now.”
“But – but – I’m almost to the end of the chapter!!”
“I really must ask you to leave the box.”
“I know, I’ll go crack somebody over the head and I’ll be back in here in no time.”
(sigh) “We’ve seen so much of that in this league lately – I remember the days when all the players had to read were Gideon bibles and Playboy magazine…”
I go to a wonderful hockey chatroom π It’s about all things not just hockey π I’m usually over at in the Slap Shots forum. – but it’s a good place. It’s a strange place π
The other site – the censoring lompoc shit hole – where I was deemed too negative and too poopypolitical was the San Jose Sharks *official site*. It’s changed a bit now and I haven’t a link there as I don’t bother with it or them anymore. But I do know some from there lurk where I do write. It’s nice because I can post without having to debate with them π
The one you’re on now and happy with, that is. It was a wonderful hangout and in fact we sometimes described it as the world’s only non-baseball baseball board.
Then the trolls and idiots took over and I haven’t been back in about two years. It just got to be where it was no fun anymore.
Many call it a sanctuary. It’s moved around alot and thefeeder gave us a home.
It’s a hockey pool spliced with some chat and stuff that comes out of nowhere. π
For the most part, the main characters there are truly talented in various arts. I’m the dumb one of the group, really. Funniest group of people I’ve ever met. Some I have met… others I’ve known for 7 or so years and have never met but love dearly.
How my friend described it – “This is stream-of-consciousness hockey and everything in the universe blather. Feel free to express yourself but be aware this is a full contact chatroom. (only clean checks, of course, no dirty stuff)” ~ Winterhawk
Some of the old guard at my baseball board took refuge at a Yahoo group. It’s a good group but one of the best things about the old board was, sometimes you’d get comments from people you just happened to wander by, and would either say something useful and interesting and then move on, or would sometimes become part of the group and stay for months or years.
The members of the new board are encouraging me to put together a baseball blog that would have some of the feel of the old board. So far I haven’t gotten around to it, but hey, it could still happen. π
Come clean up this mess!
I was eating my post-class snack and you just make me blow coke (the drink, you all) allover my desk and strangle on a corn chip at the prospect of Gideon Bibles in the penalty box…
That’s not my real question, dear – Does this mean I can’t call you Joe anymore?
Honestly, BostonJoe has really grown on me. And I’ve grown being a member of this club. So you can call me Joe anytime you want.
Noam Chomsky meets…Jackie Collins? I’m intrigued and duly impressed. Does the word “throbbing” appear anywhere in this novel?
Okay. Let me rephrase. How about, Noam Chomsky meets Jane Austen. I am unsure if the word “throbbing” appears anywhere in the novel, but if it does, I can assure you that it isn’t describing an act of congress.
Tom Wolfe’s “technique” in “I am Charlotte Simmons” so you could improve your chances of winning the Bad Sex award?
I feel fairly confident that I have surpassed the Wolfe-level when it comes to romance/sex writing. If fact, once I decided there needed to be a romantic subplot, that was my only goal. (Chicks seem to dig the romance story line, too, and that mystifies me, because it doesn’t rise very far above Wolfe-level, in my view. Mostly I avoided sex for romance. Kind of like a 40s movie. And, well. I think it works. You’ll have to let me know).
Fucking comparing myself to Tom Wolfe. In my first web-news-conference. That is funny. (But I think I may be slightly less googy looking than Wolfe, although that is debatable. 5-10% less goofy. I think. So I got that going.)
and per your request will buy it via the boostore. BTW, I did a quick google search on “Terry Olson” and “Direct Actions” and hit an Italian language page hawking the book-fun.
You didn’t really? Italian language page? That is funny. I’m going to have to do that. I’ve published some poetry in Wales. I’ve been thinking of changing my tag line to, “I’m really big in Wales.” But Italy. Ha!. Must be a conincidence. Another person with my name. Another Direct Actions.
I’ll check it out. You will also let us/me know when your book is live, so we can read it. Right?
I will indeed send up a flag when the book appears.
Holy shit! You’re right. It is truly a global village. Anyone know how to do lira-dollar conversions, because you could buy my book here.
I still vote for the Boo Store. Unless of course, you are like, in Italia.
Oh, boy!! Congratulations to you and to all of us, your soon-to-be readers!! Savor every minute of this! There aren’t enough exclamation marks to adequately express my delight!!!!
I love the cover, btw.
Yeah. It is fun. Thanks for encouragement. Knowing you are a veteran at this is nice. I am really looking forward to reading some of your stuff. I saw name upthread. So I will get some. And Kelly’s too. I am blown away. So many writers. I guess I should have figured, given the content here everyday. π
Hey Joe, reading all these comments are so great-if your debut to the general public is anything like what you’ve got here so far, you’ll be a smashing success.
I’ve been waiting and not very patiently for your book to come out and really think it’s cool that we’ll get to order through bootrib..very cool.
And run don’t walk to read any one of kansas books…all of her books are absolutely first rate/top of the line…can’t say enough good things about her books. They are much more than just mysteries. I happen to have one here right now that I just checked out of the library-one that I missed somehow.
Thanks CI. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book.
I am going to buy copies of Kansas’ books. My reading has been pretty slow lately, but that has to move to the top of the list. I never even realized.
Isn’t this great with Cheney flipping witness shit. Yeah! Tweety is on my tube right now. And they are speculating about Cheney. Man. I am so excited.
Thank you, dearest chocolate ink.
We’ve never met and I didn’t pay her, honest!
You’re more than welcome, you’re books have given me so much pleasure(and discussion with my sister).
Cogratulations! I look forward to seeing it in the BooMan store! BooBooks anyone?
Sounds like a great candidate for BooBooks to me!
Terry/Joe –
Congratulations! From your exerpts I can see we share a love for the much-maligned semicolon, as you may have noticed in some of my diaries, LOL. (An employer once complained about what he thought was my over-use of the semicolon in memoranda; I told him that I had complex thoughts that could only be expressed in complex clauses connected by semicolons…)
This is actually one of the only sections where the “;” appears. Character was a little frenetic at the time. Honestly, I think it may have even been edited out in final cut. I can’t even remember. But it is still there in promotional materials.
But I did grow fonder of the “;” as well as the “:” in my writings. And a far too close association with the “–,” a habit I need to break according to pedantic grammarians everywhere.
are always pedantic; it’s part of the job description…
(As for me, I blame my love of the ellipsis on too much reading of the late, great Herb Caen in my youth…)
pedantic + grammarian = redundant. Good point.
Congratulations! Now we can say we all knew you way back before you were published…I can’t waat to read it!
BTW, how was that Winter Welcome? π
I wouldn’t count on name-dropping “BostonJoe” anytime soon, and expecting it to pay dividends. π My book is an exteme long-shot. Like “Santa’s Little Helper” dog on the Simpsons.
I wrote you a blurb back on one of beer drinking comments. A post-mortem. The Winter Welcome was a little sweet to my taste. But the Nut Brown Ale was fabulous. And I was so rocked. We ended up drinking Busch when it was all said and done, and it didn’t matter to me. Fucking hung over like a wet sheet. Pretty night though.
Thanks for encouragement, and beer tips.
Sorry, I missed your original assessment on the beer (what was I thinking, having a real life away from my computer?)-glad you liked the nut brown!
I think your next highfalutin’ beer-drinkin’ foray should include Chimay ale…
Man. You got a life? Where did you get it? I can’t seem to get off this computer anymore. Chimay Ale. Noted for future reference. Take it easy. Damn did that alcohol content hurt though. It was good for the soul, but hard on the liver. I’m getting old I think.
Is the cover green because you wanted it to match this website? Was that part of your argreement with Booman? Was green beer involved?
Green. Favorite color. The book has some green themes. It is kind of menacing, which is good, because there is a bit of “1984” paranoia with the book. Nothing to do with Boo. The book was complete before I ever came here. So, other than in the sense that perhaps I was drawn to the pond by my favorite color, the two things are not related. And green beer — the color of the beer is not contractually specified — so it is still possible that green beer will be used to cement the deal. There is always St. Paddy’s day to pull off such tasks.
Now that is the probing kind of question I’ve come to expect from hard charging Tribber/reporter-bloggers. Getting to the bottom of any effects that capitalism may have had on the selection of cover colors. Bravo. π
within the year. Make them let you do the screenplay.
I’ve already started it. And come to this conclusion. I am a sucky screenwriter. If they want the screenrights, they can have them. I will turn into a capitalist pig, and I don’t care if they make the story into “Terminator XVI: Revenge of the Fascists.” I’ve already tried to bribe one blogging reviewer by offering them Tamiflu to treat their conventional flu bug, at the expense of the dosage I was saving for my daughter (only half-serious here). I am a sell-out waiting to happen. If enough people buy this, DF, you won’t ever admit you knew me.
And I will, above all people, miss you. Think of an old guy whispering “Ductape Fatwa” on his deathbed, instead of “Rosebud.” π
All right. Letting go of fantasies of commercial success. It is all about the message, man. All about the message.
but once you see how excited that guy in the suit gets when he tells you that they’re thinking of changing Zeb to Zara (Hilary Duff’s people have expressed interest) and possibly looking at Adrian Brody for Jeremy, you will suddenly discover that you can take someone else’s screenplay, open it in your word processor, and put in your characters and dialogue for theirs, screen directions you can change about half of, just leave the rest, if some of the action ends up being suddenly underwater or the setting changes for no apparent reason to rural Nepal, that just means it’s visionary, cutting edge, and neo-magical realism.
And when you get rich, send some money to Ram Chandra’s Jaipur Foot operation π
I am a fucking visionary man. I don’t need a bad cut to attain that status. π
And again with the references that cannot reasonably be expected to be known, even by the most enlightened provincial Mid-Weterners: Ram Chandra’s Jaipur Foot operation. Don’t even bother explaining. I’m just on my way to Google. I’ll laugh later. I am sure.
You make me laugh. Damn funny. Everyday. I want you for the screenplay. And if not the screenplay, at least for the outraged diary about when my book gets banned from donation by the board of directors at the home for the disabled.
ZARA: You know, you could go to jail for what you’re thinking right now
JEREMY: Don’t flatter yourself. Now whose blood is it on that tank top and how did it get there?
Nagaland tribal dancers chant
Man. Truly. I almost never laugh out loud. I can’t bring myself to write that Internet description. LOL. Or ROFLMAO. But I am truly laughing out loud. You gotta be getting paid to write and say this shit. It just ain’t right if you are not.
As for — Ram Chandra’s Jaipur Foot operation — I’ve Googled it. Read just enough to become bored. You can lead an American to the river. But you can’t make him drink. I am a lazy-assed American. And you just can’t change me. You are either going to have to dumb down your act, or I’m going to have to only laugh sincerely at the parts I understand, and chuckle slightly at the baffling shit that flies over my head, all the while looking around the room to see who is smart enough to take in the full 100% of your funny.
I’m not getting paid but when you are rich, you can pay Ram.
He invented a really good, really cheap artificial foot and he has refused to patent it. They will teach anyone interested how to make the foot.
It’s an ongoing anti-American campaign designed to interfere with routine landmine operations.
I got about 50% of that in my 30-second Google expedition. But your explanation makes it an immutable fact in my memory now. Ram is a good Joe. Or is it Joesephine?
Anyway. If I were Ram, I wouldn’t be holding out hope for funding from BostonJoe. Not because I wouldn’t like to help. But because I think the realistic chances of “rich” for me are approaching zero.
Thanks for the enrichment. It is good to know about open-source prosthetics. This world could be good again. Couldn’t it?
your book won’t be if you let the wonderful people who brought you Shrek do the screenplay. Hilary’s people admit that “Raise Your Voice” did not meet expectations, but they think it was a presentation issue, and they think a story like yours is exactly what’s needed to give her another shot at a musical.
Negotiations are underway with what’s left of the Sex Pistols, they’re thinking something like the Siegfried and Roy set, only white tigers, though, Hilary in a black leather bra top and mini:
“Anarchy in the East Bay,” they tell you, will be so bigger than “Grease”
Congrats Boston Joe!
May you get wonderful reviews and a big fat movie deal!
Given that you are witnessing the bulk of my promotional deal, I would settle for lukewarm reviews and a deal to turn the novel into a “Three’s Company”-like sitcom. But that’s just me.
How about animation? Boston Legal meets King of the Hill?
The Practice meets the Simpsons.
No wait. The Practice meets the Wild Thornberries. (Or is that Thornburys?)
In retrospect, it sounds more like Erin Brockovich meets South Park ;^)
The book is John Grisham meets Noam Chomsky. It is Scott Turow meets the anti-Ayn Rand.
Where’s the faux marble cover? The scales of justice? I’m kidding. The cover art is just fine. Who’s your publisher?
Faux marble. Hmmm. Note to self for second novel. Consider faux-marble.
I dig the cover, too. They did a nice job.
Publisher is AuthorHouse. Print-on-Demand/Self Publisher. Hence this being my big media day. Got a sniff from the larger publishing industry. Was picked off a slush pile of unsolicited manuscripts, but passed on because it was not “a guaranteed commercial success.” One cool thing — AuthorHouse had a nice article in the NYTs (that bastion of journalism) Book Review about the growing place of print-on-demand publishers in the industry.
Slush piles are such fun. Don’t let the big houses passing on this one discourage you from trying them again. You’re getting it out in front of some readers who are very interested and maybe the next one will be the breakthrough novel and a runaway best seller. WebMage is my fourth book, and the editor who finally bought it passed on my sixth a few months previous. Counting short stories and poems I’ve got about four hundred rejects to go along with my twenty or so acceptances.
Congratulations, BostonJoe – what a delightful surprise to my afternoon!
I’ve really enjoyed your writing on this site and I truly look forward to reading your book. Great promotional text above, by the way, which was also highly rated by Mr. Anom.
Apparently I’ve been out of touch, as I had no idea this was in the works. Nor did I know there were so many other authors on this site. But when mentioning that fact to Mr. Anom, he seemed to think that was quite evident from all the passages I’ve shared with him in the past.
All my best to you for a smashing success!! You’ve really brightened my day with your news – and someday, I too, hope to own a coveted, signed edition of Direct Actions.
So. . .is Jeremy a snarky sort of fellow by any means? Who would you select to play the leading roles? (And feel free to compare yourself to any author you damn well please. You’re among friends, and we’ll smack you down, if warranted ;^)
Thanks both to you and Mr. Anon. I hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think once you’ve read it.
Good question about Jeremy. He is not all that snarky, I think. Certainly not as snarky as me. Idealist, I think. And very human. If I could cast anybody in a Hollywood blockbuster, it would have to be a young John Cusack (maybe a young Gregory Peck, with Jimmy Stewart personality if I could do some Franken-casting).
Outstanding choice! I go out of my way to see Cusack movies, and he picks such wonderful roles.
Robert Downey Jr. also comes to mind (and I’m going to refrain from any cheap shots about the high insurance rates).
So. . . when you’re traveling around the world on your promotional junket. . .and when you have your 5 minutes with Oprah or Jon Stewart or Larry King. . .would you carpe diem to speak out about a specific political issue, (beyond the scope of the book)? If so, what would the issue be? And. . . forgive me if you’ve addressed this already, but what inspired you to write the book?
I just can’t begin to tell you how happy I am for you, Joe. Witnessing others achieving their goals is so damn inspiring and rewarding. Thanks for sharing this very special occasion with us!
If I ever get my five minutes, and I can do so tactfully without offending my host, I will certainly take aim at the Batshit Loopy Prez and this lying war.
What inspired me to write. I was horrified by the entire Bush administration. The Orewllian-shit going on. The terror-baiting crap, which I see as a replay of McCarthyism, and I just couldn’t take it no more. It started with a tiny kernel of an idea. And I fleshed it out some.
Thanks for questions.
Congratulations BostonJoe!!! I nominate Direct Actions for our Boo Books club.
Funniest thread I have seen in a long time– good medicine for PISS.
We do have some chuckleheads here, huh? I vote for indictments tomorrow though.
We’re GotDamn proud of you TJ !!! I confess to not have read all of the above glowing praise, but please tell me BMT gets a shout-out somewhere?
I’ll mention it everywhere I go. (If I go anywhere). The novel kind of predated my time here, so the BMT didn’t make it into this book. But I completely think the BMT (or some fictional thing like it) might make it into future books.
Looking forward to buying it and reading it.
Yo, T.O(sounds lots better than “Hey, B.J.”, doesn’t it?), I wish I’d known you were in the Lansing area. I was up there visiting a friend this summer.
Congrats on publishing your book. I wish you the best with it. Please, remember me on the way up! I hear Grisham didn’t think much of his own work in the beginning either!
Also, and btw, I’m working on three photo book projects at the moment. The first is too specific to have any mass appeal, but the second and third are likely to have some regional appeal. So far, I think I’m the only one on this thread to cop to working on a photo book, but I’ll bet we have someone else, judging by some of the excellent stuff I saw in the photofair.
As for the stuff I put up in the photofair, it’s almost nothing like what I’m working on, and certainly not my best work, cuz I wouldn’t wanna risk losing my copyrights by publishing in the “ether” domain. I’m hoping to finish up the first book by this time next year and get the second one out in early 2007. Third one in 2008. My publishing targets seems to keep slipping, but I love working on them and thinking about them. I do have some interest from publishers, but may end up going vanity press with an angel investor… Anyways, if and when they come out, I’ll be sure to let everyone here know about it! If I get half the response you have, I’ll be happy…. π
Sorry I missed you in the Greater Lansing Area. Next time you are in town, drop me an e-mail. It is fun seeing BooTribbers.
Love that name, Blueneck, BTW. It didn’t dawn on me what it meant when I was writing about you in the famous defense firm of Spiderleaf, Blueneck & Raging Hippie. But when I was in one of my abortive attempts to write this diary (thankfully relegated to the dust bins of bytes not seen by the public, and once titled “You Might Like My Book,” sung to the tune of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You Might Be a Redneck”) I got it. And laughed.
We’ll certainly acquire your photo book(s) for the growing Booman library wing. And I need one to replace the Patrick O’Brien “Naval History” Coffee Table Book that Kilgore Trout, my 6 month old lab, ate.
I will definitely look you up next time I’m around your town. I’ll buy the beer, since you marched for me in D.C.!
I’m glad you like the nomme de net. I thought it was original, but of course the net teaches us that there isn’t much original thought, really. And of course, I found out later that my bright shiny new idea had already been waylaid by someone else to mean, simply, “Yankee”, or the opposite of redneck.
However, in my mind it means more than one thing, which is why I like stuff, sometimes. You know, the old double entendre thing. By some folks standards I’m a redneck: that’d be by anyone’s standards who don’t know much ’bout the South.
But of course, by the standards of my own people, I’m a freakin’ yankee. I’m a ‘blue’ man with seven generations of Mississippi sharecroppers and preachers for ancestors, in a ‘red’ state. And I lived in the Boston area during my college years and picked up a few strange habits before returning home:
“You might be a blueneck if your idea of a great breakfast is having a bagel with your grits….”