Tuesday’s Washington Post throws this little tidbit out to the the starving masses anxiously awaiting manna from the Realm of the Great Fitzgerald.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff may have given New York Times reporter Judith Miller inaccurate information about where the wife of Bush administration critic Joseph Wilson worked at the CIA, a former intelligence official said on Monday.
The possible discrepancy comes amid signs the federal prosecutor investigating who leaked the identity of Wilson’s wife, covert CIA operative Valerie Plame, will announce whether he will bring charges as early as Wednesday, people close to the case said.
Oh please, please, please let this be true!
more shameless begging on the flip side…
The rest of the article is about the WINPAC/Miller/Libby stuff that came up in Miller’s NYT account – old news by now – but then there’s this:
Fitzgerald’s office said on Monday it had decided to announce any decisions in the Plame case in Washington, rather than Chicago, where the special prosecutor is based.
It is unusual for Fitzgerald’s office to comment on the case and the statement led some observers to wonder if it might signal an imminent decision or that Fitzgerald was trying to increase pressure on potential targets to cut a deal.
Who cares?? Just announce the indictments already! Some of us can’t take it anymore.
(Did that sound desperate?)
Oh, yeah.
PUHLEEZE let it be true!
(Back from a family reunion…)
Did you have fun?
Yes, how was it? And did you help plan it?
(If you did, you have my condolences…that’s a lot of damned work…not that I know anything about planning and spending time on it for a few ungrateful relatives to make their stupid ass comments, thus reminding you of why you volunteer for family reunions based on the cicada schedule. Not that I’m bitter or anything…)
Frog-march the whole damn bunch. We demand a parade!
“As the investigation into the leak of a CIA agent’s name hurtles to an apparent conclusion, special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has zeroed in on the role of Vice President Cheney’s office, according to lawyers familiar with the case and government officials. The prosecutor has assembled evidence that suggests Cheney’s long-standing tensions with the CIA contributed to the unmasking of operative Valerie Plame.” and there is more….
How am I supposed to sleep now – with visions of indcitments dancing in my head?
(And I forgot Poland too…)
and…I think John Hannah spilled the beans on the bunch of them…that’s my prediction…
By Viveca Novak and Mike Allen
Karl Rove has a plan, as always. Even before testifying last week for the fourth time before a grand jury probing the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity, Bush senior adviser Rove and others at the White House had concluded that if indicted he would immediately resign or possibly go on unpaid leave, several legal and Administration sources familiar with the thinking told TIME.
Resignation is the much more likely scenario, they say. The same would apply to I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, the Vice President’s chief of staff, who also faces a possible indictment. A former White House official says Rove’s break with Bush would have to be clean–no “giving advice from the sidelines”–for the sake of the Administration.
Severing his ties would allow Rove–who as deputy chief of staff runs a vast swath of the West Wing–to fight aggressively “any bull___ charges,” says a source close to Rove, like allegations that he was part of a broad conspiracy to discredit Plame’s husband Joseph Wilson. Rove’s defense: whatever he did fell far short of that.
Special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald appears to be seriously weighing a perjury charge for Rove’s failure to tell grand jurors that he talked to TIME correspondent Matthew Cooper about Plame, according to a person close to Rove. Rove corrected himself in a later grand jury session. If charged with perjury, he will maintain he simply didn’t recall the conversation with Cooper and told Fitzgerald as soon as he did.
PS Catnip: in your diary, reference is a Reuters News source, not a WaPo story.
PS Catnip: in your diary, reference is a Reuters News source, not a WaPo story.
Technically that’s correct, but I found it on WaPo’s site, Reuters is sourced and I didn’t identify it as a WaPo story.
In a move people involved in the case read as a sign that the end is near, Fitzgerald’s spokesman yesterday told the Associated Press that the prosecutor planned to announce his conclusions in Washington, where the grand jury has been meeting, instead of Chicago, where the prosecutor is based. Some lawyers close to the case cited courthouse talk that Fitzgerald might announce his findings as early as tomorrow, though hard evidence about his intentions and timing remained elusive….
In the course of the investigation, Fitzgerald has been exposed to the intense, behind-the-scenes fight between Cheney’s office and the CIA over prewar intelligence and the vice president’s central role in compiling and then defending the intelligence used to justify the war. Miller, in a first-person account Sunday in the Times, recalled that Libby complained in a June 23, 2003, meeting in his office that the CIA was engaged in “selective leaking” and a “hedging strategy” that would make the agency look equally prescient whether or not weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.
The special prosecutor has personally interviewed numerous officials from the CIA, White House and State Department. In the process, he and his investigative team have talked to a number of Cheney aides, including Mary Matalin, his former strategist; Catherine Martin, his former communications adviser; and Jennifer Millerwise, his former spokesman. In the case of Millerwise, she talked with the prosecutor more than two years ago but never appeared before the grand jury, according to a person familiar with her situation.
AP Oct. 17 — At the Pentagon, officials also looked into Miller’s claim that she had a security clearance while working as an embedded reporter during the Iraq war, shortly before her conversations with Libby.
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said he was unaware of Miller having a security clearance. He said security clearances are covered by privacy laws, so he couldn’t talk about it.
But Whitman said reporters who were embedded with military units during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars signed ground rules in which they agreed not to make public sensitive or secret information that they learned while with the unit.
Can’t…sleep…to…much…excitement…!!! Cheney is going down with the minions. Am I too optimistic?
Dear Santa,
I done’t need no Chrissmas prezents this yeer if you would jus lock up all the bad men (and womin) who did bad things this year…
Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff may have given New York Times reporter Judith Miller inaccurate information about where the wife of Bush administration critic Joseph Wilson worked at the CIA, a former intelligence official said on Monday.
I hate to be the naysayer in the bunch, BUT doesn’t this actually mean Scooter “may not have given Judy classified information” if you look at the flip-side of the statement?
I prefer the idea that he is pressuring them to settle now and accept guilty pleas for lesser offenses. Just as long as they are found guilty!
(Did that sound desperate?)
That doesn’t sound desperate, just hopeful…
The day we find you swinging from a lamp post naked in the red light district of town holding a sign saying “take me home for free”… Well, then we might use the word “desperate”… For now we’ll stick with “hopeful”, OK? LOL
The story was broken originally by GOP USA —
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
GOPusa… That would explain why it was specifically written that way.
Thanks, I should have known! lol
By the way Oui… I am still trying to digest your last few diaries. My brain is cramping up from an information overload. I mean that in a good way, since you may be on to something in a HUGE way.
You’re one lucky person, mine short-circuited and blew a fuse!
It could be many readers are just digesting content, my personal take: it’s HUGE. Would appreciate some diary love with a RECOMMEND to keep it visible today!
Next diary will be on The DeLay Cartel – Abramoff – Norquist – Ney, amazing how far the indictments went last month! More to come, perhaps Robert Ney (R-OH) and Tom Feeney (R-FL). WOW – I didn’t realize the sleaze went so deep it touched SunCruz Casino and a murder wrap.
{{{{{The day we find you swinging from a lamp post naked in the red light district of town holding a sign saying “take me home for free”… Well, then we might use the word “desperate”… For now we’ll stick with “hopeful”, OK? LOL }}}}}} That is way tooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!
I have my moments.
My wife keeps saying I have too many of them, since she claims she can never have a serious conversation with me where I don’t crack a joke.
Why stress about it when we can laugh and feel good about it all instead? OR, at least it is easier to ignore the problem when you are laughing? Take your pick…
The day we find you swinging from a lamp post naked in the red light district of town holding a sign saying “take me home for free”… Well, then we might use the word “desperate”… For now we’ll stick with “hopeful”, OK? LOL
I tried that last weekend. No takers. 🙁
All the cool cats like their catnip to play hard to get… Why do you think they put catnip inside a cat toy?
Drives the cats crazy…
Next time try rolling yourself down the street inside a ball with a little bell. I guarentee you’ll get picked up! (It might be by the police, but someone will pick you up!)
As for myself? I always found that a really dark bar, loud music, and a girl that has consumed ample amounts amounts of alcohol had always helped improve my chances… Of course, I only fell upon that plan of attack after trying swinging from a lamp post myself!
The irony in that is that my wife used ample amounts of alcohol to take advantage of me when we first met. Not that she needed to get me drunk! Just that she did anyways… lol
The temperature is dropping
Putting a nip in the air,
Children playing in the leaves
Without a care,
The foliage turns beautiful colors
Red, yellow, orange, some even white,
But to see Miller, Libby, and Rove in orange
Oh, what a sight!
Cheney, Libby and especially Rove!
I did think that at last we are seeing some good coverage of the “pending indictments” from the so-called msm. Pressure is getting to them as well. YEAH!
Thanks to Olivia for the tip on this, via Americablog:
“”They have got a senior cooperating witness – someone who is giving them all of that,” a source who has been questioned in the leak probe told the Daily News yesterday.”
Read it at the New York Daily News
This “cooperating witness” could be the main reason that the focus is on Cheney. Lord, help me to survive this horrible suspense. Amen.
on Hardball. He said it could be that “the original leaker” of Plame’s name is cooperating with Fitzgerald! That Fitz knew who it was because Novak cooperated and told him. That scenario would be HUGE!
Whoever the original leaker is, they would be high up. Perhaps they were told to leak it by a big fish like Cheney or Bush even… and now they’ve turned…
That means that Fitz knows ALOT.
It boggles the mind to think that it could be Rove or Libby who’s turned. They must be scrambling in the White House like cockroaches running from the light. There has been speculation here and elsewhere that the threat of hefty jail time could possibly turn the most loyal of the loyalists. We must remember that Republican loyalty isn’t so much support for policies as it is self preservation for dirty politicians. Falling on one’s sword apparently has its limits when hard jail time is involved. This just keeps getting better. I can’t stand the suspense.
Q. So, Mr Rove, exactly how much integrity do you have left these days?
A. About this much, Tim.
And that would be an overstatement! Ha.
a question about Gannon?
Seems like there have been hints popping up that Card is not on the best of terms with others in the administration. Maybe he’s the new deep throat? Except not as well shrouded. TPM had something to say about “long knives…“
The AP reports:
The three all spoke on condition of anonymity, citing Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s ongoing grand jury investigation into the leak of Plame’s identity in 2003.
Blogger Mark Kleiman says, “If she was still in the D.O., she was still covert.”
Wiki explains, “The Directorate of Operations was the branch of the CIA that ran covert operations and recruited foreign agents.”
Larry Johnson also worked in the D.O. so he may know who would have access to the covert agents names.
Ergo, if Plame worked in the D.O., she was indeed covert.
Why is this information just coming out now and, if true, who knew about it? It appears Libby may not have according to what we’ve seen, but we don’t know that yet.
(I’m seeing shades of Bolton here who was notorious for his push to slam people in other departments who disagreed with his opinions.)
The plot thickens…
Wait a minute…
The AP article I quoted has today’s date and reports the fact that Plame worked at the D.O. as news. But, back in Feb, 2004, CNN reported the same thing:
According to what I’ve been able to glean:
Take with much salt as IANAL.
Just a reminder — LOL.
One year before the President would resign – happy days are here again!
Well that spiked the old blood pressure! Oui — Secret Agent for the Pharmaceutical Companies?
Another Fun Fact: The President can only pardon those convicted in a federal court. (But Remember: IANAL) How does a Federal prosecutor can bring indictments in State/Local venues? Beats me.