It has been a tiring week for my husband and me, lots of medical tests, sitting in offices.  Tiring, and just in no mood for a couple of the paragraphs I read in the PDF version, the full report.  

Before I post the quotes that irritated me, I have noticed a lot of this lately.  This putting down of the “activists” in the party, calling them “liberals”, and admonishing them to keep their place.  It started in 2003 with the DLC memos directed to Howard Dean and his supporters….which we were.  They called us “fringe activists.”  Outrageous.  

What a damn crying shame that our own party would stoop to turning the word activist into a dirty word.  Gingrich did that to liberal, and now our own party is doing it to anyone who speaks out against their right leaning policies.
I have two issues that define who I am.  I guess I am still a Christian, most days I am, I guess.  My Southern Baptist church drove us away because we did not support the Iraq invasion.  

Now to the two issues…women’s rights and the Iraq invasion.  

Women’s rights mean so much more than abortion.  They mean that a church doctrine will possibly keep women from having access to contraception.  It they go as far as our Southern Baptist church did….they will be insulting to women who work outside the home.  They are almost to the point in some churches of expecting women to be a childbearing vessel.

So the issue is a woman’s place in society.  She must have equal rights, equal to men.  She must not be under their thumb on any issues.  

The second thing I demand is a stance on this war.  It is not really a war.  We, a monster country, invaded and destroyed the infrastructure of the small country that was no danger to us.  We will play dearly for that.  I expect those I intend to vote for to say it was wrong, and to apologize for voting for it.  

NOW comes the “how dare you, Elaine Kamarck” part.  

Liberals differ not only
from other Democrats,
but also from the country
as a whole. Not only are
they younger, better
educated, and more
prosperous; they are less
likely ever to have been
married or to have
children in their home.

What did you guys just say, Elaine?  Not as likely to have been married and have children?  Where the hell did you get that?  What are you talking about?  I have a college degree, five children, and I have been happily married for years.  What are you talking about?

But wait, there is another paragraph I want to gripe about. Still talking about us “liberals”.  

They (liberals) are
more likely to be secular in their
orientation, only half as likely as
other Americans to attend religious
services weekly, and only one third as likely to participate in Bible study or prayer
groups. 61 percent of Liberals oppose displaying the Ten Commandments, versus only 22
percent of all Americans.

The Politics of Polarization

Elaine Kamarck, when you used to post at DFA, I would take up for you when others got critical.  I was embarrassed they would treat a guest at the blog that way.  Your support for Howard Dean was appreciated, you know.  But maybe the TNR article about retribution for his supporters later on…was right.  Who knows.  

Your position that most liberals don’t want religious folks meddling in government is correct, but that is not how you phrased it.  

As I say, I am tired and cross.  Doctors offices do that.  By the grace of God (and yes I believe in him) my husband will be ok.  But I come back online here to read all this stuff, and I wonder about the Republican wing of the party.  

I am an activist, and I am a liberal….though I used to call myself moderate.  I use the word liberal now.  It is far more appropriate.