There does not appear to be a liberal/progressive counterpart to Patrick Ruffini’s cross-blog GOP Presidential Nominee straw poll, and hence, I have created a blog for that purpose, namely, Cross Blog Polls.

The first poll that I have posted is a Demochoice IRV poll, and the topic is one that has been seen often in the recent days, namely a straw poll for the 2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee. If you are eager go and vote, the link follows, but remember that you do not need to rank all of the 20 options listed (18 candidates and 2 non-candidate options) there. Rank at least one, but preferably 5 or more options.

Here is the link to the poll. The poll expires on October 31st at midnight.

More below the flip.

Cross-posted at MLW, myDD.
The polls that will be posted at the CBPolls site will be mostly of the Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) type, as those tend to account for the evolving preferences of the participants, and also allow for postmortem analyses where one restricts the pool of candidates by criteria such as the likelihood of making a run, and the ballots are redistributed based on the ranking of the remaining candidates.

More on IRV polls can be found at this IRV Wiki page, and information specific to Demochoice’s IRV implementation and the site can be found here.

In this poll, I have included a rather large selection of candidates (plus two indeterminate options), namely:

Evan Bayh
Joe Biden
Wes Clark
Hillary Clinton
Howard Dean
John Edwards
Russ Feingold
Dick Gephardt
Al Gore
John Kerry
Dennis Kucinich
Joe Lieberman
Jack Reed
Harry Reid
Bill Richardson
Tom Vilsack
Mark Warner
Unlisted Candidate
Undisposed Voter

Write-ins: if your preferred (Democratic) nominee is still not on the list, please select the Unlisted Candidate options in the poll, and visit the poll’s blog entry here to cast a “write-in” request. Only on write-in per person please.

I will list the write-in results separately, and the popular ones will be considered for inclusion in future polls.

I will be cross-posting this poll at a variety of progressive/liberal community blogs, and will post periodic, but well-spaced, updates with running tallies.

I welcome your comments and suggestions either here, or at the CB Polls‘ webpage.

Thanks for reading the diary, and for participating in the poll.


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