Hi everyone, I am putting up this cafe late at night so all you early birds have a place to visit when you wake up in the morning. See you then!!!!
Hi everyone, I am putting up this cafe late at night so all you early birds have a place to visit when you wake up in the morning. See you then!!!!
Thanks for the cafe…I guess I’m one of the few still up right now.
I’ve been transfixed by the weather channel for the last hour or so. I can’t believe what is going on with Hurricane Wilma.
Anyway, it’s still night time for me, so I’m going to have myself a whisky & diet coke before bedtime, and hold off on the coffee til the morn’.
And I am transfixed by cspan, watching house hearings from today on Iraq and funny this one is run by a Rep. (Shays) but almost exclusively attended by Dems. Great hearing about all the money that has gone down the drain there, and now in NOLA, I think they are going to try to match spending snafus.
Yeah Wilma’s gonna be another weekend of worry that’s for sure.
It’s off to bed now I go, watching cspan till I drift off.
I think Shays was also the lone Republican who was really grilling Brownie during the FEMA hearings. Maybe he’s winning some Dem admirers 🙂
Good night!
whisky and decaf coffee…unfortunately, our coffeemaker gave up the ghost over the weekend, so even that’s out here.
I’m in a pissy mood tonight — or maybe it’s a PISSy mood according to BooMan. It just feels like everything is so hopeless sometimes…don’t worry, I’ll bounce out of it in a few days…
I’ve felt like that too sometimes. But I’m a natural optimist, by the grace of either nature or youth, and I can usually snap out of it just by stepping away from the computer, away from people, and just taking a walk in the woods.
The leaves are nearly falling before they’ve had a chance to change color here. I don’t believe in omens, but if I did, I’d say that some change is on the way.
And with what we’ve got now, I think change can only be good.
If you aren’t following the hurricane via ejmw’s diary, you should be. This is a VERY DANGEROUS STORM and everyone along the Gulf coast from MS to the FL Keys should be watching carefully……
GLOBAL HEATING! Not Global warming anymore.
Warming sounds like you are sticking your toes up to the fireplace to get some comfort. GLOBAL HEATING sounds more like sticking your head in an oven.
EFF anyone who says framing isn’t important.
I have noticed this new ‘frame’ popping up in a few places, but it is not yet as pervasive as it needs to be. Please refer to the human-caused accumulation of greenhouse gases as GLOBAL HEATING, henceforth.
Wow, that was a tropical storm when I watched the weather yesterday. Scary.
What’s scary is this is now the first time ever we’ve recorded three cat 5’s in the ATL/GULF in one year AND we are just getting on the upswing of a multi-decadal oscillation of intensity. We have a couple decades of stronger and stronger hurricane seasons ahead of us before the long term oscillation trends downward again.
The good news–she’s in a hefty reinforced-concrete condo building that can stand, well, a hurricane.
The bad news–it’s ground floor, 10 feet above sea level only yards away from a large tidal bay. If the storm wobbles at all north, which seems increasingly likely, the winds will be blowing surge into the bay.
She’s scheduled to make a prolonged Thanksgiving-Christmas visit starting in about a month. I shudder to think it might become a semi permanent move.
We’ll be having some serious discussions after I get my 2nd cuppa tea.
A children’s birthday party little game – koek happen – and Dutch royalty!
Prince Willem Alexander
The Dutch don’t celebrate Halloween, it’s too close to St. Nicolaas or Sinterklaas.
Another shot from yesterday. Not too many chances to take pictures of farms around here because the soil is so crappy (mostly clay and rock). If the land is any good, people really hold onto it. The farm in the picture has been in the same family since the 1850’s.
I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to dissuade all of us from setting up camp in your driveway. There’s this beautiful farm miles and miles away from my house….
I miss the midwest. We drove 200 miles the other day across NC and never once saw a farm or even the horizon. Just trees on both sides of the road. There’s something so exhilarating about great open expanses of earth and sky.
I think that rolling farmland is gorgeous (especially when it’s planted with winter wheat), although there isn’t much right around here because of the hills and the bad soil. But east and north of here is where the glaciers and glacial outwash were and that’s where the real farmland is found.
OTOH, the Piedmont is pretty damn attractive and I love the Smokies.
I’m starting day 3 of a headache, I wish I could stay home, but if this turns into one of those 6 week headaches, I won’t have enough sick leave.
So, I’d better pace myself now. And if you don’t hear from me for a day or two, this is probably why.
I loved the Cafe’s yesterday, it looked like you were having lots of fun — oh, and the book/author news in the “A Novel Introduction” was wonderful also.
Kelly & Brinn, my email to you yesterday is bouncing (well, Kelly for sure, Brinn — maybe). For some reason, mail from my Internet Service is frequently rejected (someday I’ll call Everest and ask about it). So, I hope you don’t mind my saying here: I’ve put your packages in the mail. Please let me know if they don’t get to you by the end of the week.
Time to get ready for WORK!
Take care of yourself Katiebird. Try to have a peacful day.
Thanks, I really, really wish I could stay home.
I have suffered from headaches my whole adult life. Luckily, I have been a stay at home mother most of that time and could just lie down and put ice packs on my head or just mope around and whimper like a sissy when it got too bad. I don’t know how you do it when you have to go to work and be civilized. You do get used to it though and that’s really a bitch…to get used to being in daily pain.
I hope you feel better, katiebird. Breathe, drink lots of water, eat nutritious foods, and think about how fun it will be when (NOT IF) indictments are handed down this week. Woo hoo!
Oh, and if that doesn’t help…just use ice packs and whimper in a corner.
and don’t work too hard.
If there’s some place to lie down at work, my husband (who get migraines) swears that there is nothing better than a warm cloth over your eyes.
Go easy and have as gentle a day as possible.
Good morning everyone. What a pleasant surprise to find the FBC open so early today. Andrew tried to wake up at 5:30 this morning, but somehow we convinced him to go back to sleep.
I just got done skimming the energy policy ideas on the front page. It made me wonder what we Tribbers are doing on our own to conserve energy and resources?
Personally, we are covering our ancient windows in plastic – at least until we can afford to start replacing them. We did replace the warped front door. Also, one simple thing I have done turn off the 2nd rinse when doing laundry. Oh yeah, we are replacing burned out light bulbs with the energy efficient kind.
Morning friends! I am pacing due to anticipated announcement of indictments today. Could today be the day we all have so hoped for for the last four+ years? We/I have been disappointed so many times, thinking this is it….we got them now only to see it all die down, usually with a ne “terror alert”.
It has been windy and rainy for two days but the sky is clear and dark and the full moon shines down upon the Pacific making it twinkle in delight. Such a beautiful sight.
Know how cynical I am? I’m thinking that hurricane Wilma and coverage of the Saddam trial will dilute the announcement of any big indictments. Or maybe they’ll raise the terror level up to magenta or code black or something equally terrifying.
There was some weird looking “activity” surrounding the hurricane before it began its rapid intensification last night/this morning…. Along the same lines that have been raising the ‘weather wars’ crowd’s interest.
I have no opinion about that. It is certain that unusual activity is going on with hurricanes, but the idea that its caused by direct and proximate human intervention is suspect, imho. What’s NOT suspect anymore, at least to me, is that human-caused GLOBAL HEATING is partially responsible.
I was hoping for a tie-dye alert level today….
I wondered about the “convenient” timing of Wilma myself. And that Baltimore terror things was so transparent, don’t you think?
People aren’t falling for it like they used to…
Fitz’s office announced no announcement until next week. Crap! Maybe he realises that the story would be ignored with the coming of Wilma and Saddam’s trial? Could he be that smart and cunning? Seems he is with what he has accomplished so far. Keeping fingers crossed!
Things that don’t matter:
If there are indictments, it’s legal. So blow ye winds, hi ho. (Although I’d prefer they miss Florida Mom.)
Very subtle signs of fall in the NC mountains, although none here in Raleigh just yet. Here is my yard a few minutes ago…everything is still green and the peppers are going crazy producing a late bumper crop. Just what the heck to do with all those jalepenos and cayenne peppers?
This is your yard and you make a big deal out of my driveway? Right. Well, young lady, you can just cancel all that sympathy I was storing up for your eventual empty-nesting ’cause if I had that hammock all to myself, you wouldn’t be able to budge me.
/big grinning rant
Oops, almost forgot — really nice pic.
hee hee. You know, I always wanted a hammock and two perfectly spaced trees to hang it from, but since we got it I’ve only tried it out once or twice. Between the mosquitoes and the hellishly hot weather from June through September I almost forgot it was there. There’s something about lying about in your backyard that feels so wrong…especially in the middle of the week when responsible people everywhere are working.
There’s something about lying about in your backyard that feels so wrong…especially in the middle of the week when responsible people everywhere are working.
You have been brainwashed. Just about every “responsible” person out there would be in that hammock at the drop of winning Powerball ticket. Besides, you already did that responsibility thing by raising four kids.
Aren’t you sweet. But my kids were so easy they almost raised themselves. And besides, after 20 years of responsibility, is it really time to call it quits?
I could live another 40 years. I’ve got to DO SOMETHING!
<whiny rant</a>
I could live another 40 years. I’ve got to DO SOMETHING!
Do you realize how many books there are that you haven’t read yet?
Good morning all! Nice day here in suburban New York, everbody have a very froggy day!
Dragged my laptop into bed with me this morning rather than get up and moving. The weather here has finally gone from late fall to early winter, and my screen porch is only usable with a heavy jacket during the early hours, alas. Second to the last day of my class this morning, and I can tell already that I’m going to miss it. Talking about writing Young Adult fantasy today and about how the idea of audience informs what we write.
Chai this morning with (dare I say it?) whole milk.
Ooohhh…whole milk. You bad, bad boy.
It is going up to 85 here today and I’m just really in the mood for some of your fall weather. Now, winter is another story.
Wonder if I can get the spouse out to Starbucks this morning after the workout…
He went to the doctor yesterday, didn’t quite get the riot act read to him, but he knows he’s got to get back on track, especially with the daily blood pressure readings, working out, and weight loss; both of us need to work on that, especially portion size (I’m better than I used to be, but he still needs some work). He goes back to see the doctor in 3 weeks, which means at least 3 more weeks of this shitty noon-8 schedule most likely. At least this morning he’s planning to do some laundry…I had a bit of an emotional breakdown last night, so I think he’s feeling a bit guilty…
Need to grocery shop today; I’ll probably use my wheeled daypack and do it by bus. Off to get my menus together…will check back in later…
I’ll try to write something up for the holiday as a diary…
As a Pagan it is really cool to celebrate Samhain – the New Year each year on October 31st. My only objection is to the villification of witches – ah but that’s a whole other diary!
So in celebration of the coming new year…an autumn fairy….

Because of the Celtic New year, it’s a common time for Irish & Scots groups to have dances, parties or fundraisers. Puget4 and I had our very first dance at one back in Ohio over 20 years ago. I thought to myself, gee, this lady could be fun.
for some Pagan/Samhain diaries over at Street Prophets; if you haven’t wandered over there yet you might want to check it out… 🙂
Warning – Rant….
My soul is committed to the protection of the weak and supporting progressive causes. My heart is with PastorDan and others committed to the editorial content, but the owner is still Markos.
Boycotting those that make money from the oppression of others is one of the few things that I can do…and Markos is the owner of Street Prophets.
In keeping with my Pagan beliefs – “and it harm none, do as you will” – supporting Markos’ profit margin is harming women’s issues, gay issues, peace supporters….
/end of rant….
Yawn…stretch….mornin all, just got up a bit ago and read all the comments, I’ll be back soon with some fresh baked cinnamon rolls and some hot coffee and tea…
Some stuff you may have missed yesterday:
Feel free to add your recommendations as a reply to this comment.
Good morning everyone!
Charlie’s instigator toons are hilarious The NHL tried to strip away the heart of hockey and now CBC is tearing out the humor. Please, if you can send an email from the blog… that would be like a heart hat trick for me and others. You can see some of his work at the blog addy at the bottom of this. Thank you!
My friend wrote this:
I recently learned that The Instigator comic strip is not going to be reinstated by CBC.ca until they can secure a sponsor. For those of you who are not familiar with The Instigator, it’s an online comic dedicated to the world of hockey. It ran for four years on CBC.ca as part of their Hockey Night in Canada lineup.
For those of you who remember the early days of this website, you may recall an “expose” that we ran on a fictitious hockey player named Marcel Groulx. That expose was written by one Charlie Teljeur, the author of The Instigator.
Charlie and I have remained friends over the years, so it came a shock to hear that his strip was not being picked up by CBC. I actually found out after trying to find out what was going on directly from CBC. After not receiving any response, I contact Charlie directly to see what the status of The instigator was. That’s when he filled me in on the bad news.
So rather than sit back and potentially see this legendary strip fade into the sunset, I thought it necessary to try and help save it.
I’ve created a blog that hopes to get the message out and potentially drive some attention to CBC, so they reconsider, and get The Instigator back online ASAP.
Charlie, has a great talent, and wit second to none. Please help me in preserving this cornerstone of the online hockey community by sending an email to CBC.ca, expressing your support for The Instigator.
You can find out more info on the Save The Instigator blog at:
has been obliterated — I’m just verklempt and cannot deal — oh whatever can it mean when Diane uses a BDSM Halloween graphic for the cafe?
Ok, now I have to clean the bits of tuna sandwich I just spewed onto my keyboard. WHere is that fat cat when I need her? Isabelle?….here kitty kitty kitty.
Geesch…you took me back for a minute and I couldn’t figure out what you were talking about and then I looked at pic.
I guess I had in mind all the to be ‘frog marched group’ when I selected the pic.
Hi Andi, how are you doing, what’s the weather like there today….Love your pic from yesterday which is now my desktop wallpaper..
and I just couldn’t resist.
Besides, I know that you are such a sweetheart that I could get away with it.
My picture yesterday was just like yours today — you just can’t predict how people will see an image 😉 It certainly never occurred to me that people would find a picture of my driveway so appealing; I thought it was just a good example of how slowly fall is coming along here.
We’re slated to have gray skies and on/off “rain” in the Sound for the next week or so. The total temperature range from morning to afternoon runs barely 10-15 degrees, very comfortable once you get acclimated to mid 50’s.
A post-top seagull supervises a bayside walkway.

We’ve got Florida Mom at least thinking about connecting with her church buddies in case evacuation is advised. I guess there’s no good course to wish for this storm; any way it goes somebody gets hurt.
So who has disaster fatigue? I think I have it as I watch this new hurricane moving, and the tropical storm brewing in DC adds to my angst wondering if it will evolve into a hurricane Cat.5.

So tell me how you are feeling, all of you, I mean it, everyone, get over here and tell me….lol.
If you don’t want to do that then how about this?
It really is quite unbelievable the number of natural disasters of late. Gives religious fundmentalists all kinds of things to think and gleefully rub their hands over.
I don’t think God is punishing us because of our debauchery. I have a different take on it: between Katrina and Rita and now Wilma, I think it signals that women are PISSED and we’re not gonna take it anymore.
I’m a little worried about my son flying home from Costa Rica tomorrow. He’ll either have to fly hundreds of miles off course, or he’ll get a helluva view of Wilma.
I like your explanation for the weather, women are pissed, and we are not going to take it anymore, repeat, after me, all ye women….
Well now I am going to spend a bit playing a video game where I am lord and master of all and can control all and I can even create hurricanes myself.
Safe trip wishes go out to your son, Laura,,hugs to you!!!!
(since they run the government):
Go unto Bush, and tell him, ‘Get thy people and thy peoples’ asses out of here!’
I saw we impeach Bush for receiving the mother of all blow jobs.
“A Texas court issued a warrant Wednesday for former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to appear for booking, where he is likely to face the fingerprinting and photo mug shot he had hoped to avoid.” ~ all over the net
Mother Nature was caught giving the Bush Boys the mother of all blow jobs. Impeachment hearings to begin.
Negroponte… I still can’t believe he’s an advisor. If you toss nuns and children out of helicopters… you should be in jail!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess that’s what Bush calls, “uniquely qualified”.
This just in: Jesus returned and the Religious Right mistook him for a long-haired hippie peacenik, sandal wearing liberal and killed him. Bummer.
There will probably be over 100,000 dead from the earthquake in Pakistan and along the Afghanistan borders. Winter has arrived in the Himalayas – where the earthquake took place…
Estimates from international sources are that over 1 million are homeless and at least half will die by spring without homes and adequate supplies.
BTW – did you read any of this in the U.S. papers this past week? Did you hear about it on the nightly news? DID any thing get out about this disaster that is bigger than the Tsunami last year…..
Never mind…more prozac drip needed over here….
I watch cable news all the time switching back and forth with all the channels and yes it is covered quite frequently.
We will be having a coming disaster here in US this winter I fear as well…heating costs, bad weather, will all take it’s toll.
It has been shamefully underreported by the media. I think we have become desensitized to these disasters because there have been so many and this one is so far away. The loss of human life is staggering to think about. Entire towns gone. Large schools filled with children gone. In another year this would be the story of the year….now it is just another natural disaster. Now it is cold and raining and they haven’t so much as a big piece of plastic to hide under, let alone food and fresh water. It is so damn hard to know what to do besides open your wallet yet again and hope that in some tiny way it helps.
There is another one of those posts of troll code