As MSNBC reporter David Shuster gave his latest report on the CIA leak case, I madly jotted down names of those from V.P. Cheney’s office under the most intense scrutiny, including John Hannah, WHIG member Mary Matalin and two names new to me in connection with Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation — David Wurmser and Cathie Martin.
Who wants to bet that David Wurmser was one of Judy Miller’s best buds? Raw Story has also just revealed that Wurmser is the second flipper in the case, following John Hannah.
And Mrs. Martin? She’s married to Kevin Martin, the current head of the FCC, appointed by Bush in March of this year. (See “All Shook Up: Martin Remakes FCC.”) Mrs. Martin, who previously served as “vice president Dick Cheney’s chief spokesperson, is now a special assistant to the president on economic matters.” (Advanced Pipeline, via Nag) There’s much more about Cathie Martin below the fold, including an interview of her with Seymour Hersh on Cheney’s awareness of Joseph Wilson’s trip to Niger.
David Wurmser:
- Update: See “As the Wurmser Turns (Second Aide Known to Have Flipped),” an excellent diary by jorndorff at Daily Kos.
RightWeb bio:
- Office of the Vice President: Middle East Adviser
- U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon: Board member
- Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies: Former director
- American Enterprise Institute: Former fellow
Government Posts/Panels/Commissions
- Office of the Vice-President: Middle East Adviser (2003-current) (1)
- U.S. Department of State: Special Adviser to Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security (2001-2003) (1)
- U.S. Institute of Peace: Project Officer (1988-1994) (2)
Note: RightWeb has much more on Wurmser.
- Office of the Vice President: Middle East Adviser
- According to Raw Story, Joseph Wilson suggested Wurmser as a possible source of the leak: “‘John Hannah and David Wurmser, mid-level political appointees in the vice-president’s office, have both been suggested as sources of the leak …Mid-level officials, however, do not leak information without the authority from a higher level,’ Wilson notes.”
- “AMY GOODMAN: And Mike MALUF, the man who was working with Richard Perle?” [From her interview on November 6th, 2003, “As Occupation Worsens, White House Tries to Blame CIA For Rejecting Iraqi Offer on Eve of War.”]
MICHAEL ISIKOFF: Mr. Maluf has lost his security clearance. He has been petitioning to try to get it back and this incident in his dealings with Mr. Hajj have been — have been cited as a reason for continuing to deny him his security clearance. Mr. MALUF did play a pretty important role in the run-up to the war in Iraq.-He and a colleague, then colleague of his, David Wurmser who has since gone on to work for vice president Dick Cheney, were the two people who were sort of culling through intelligence files, looking for evidence of Iraqi ties to Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations and that Intelligence became quite influential.-That analysis, the Maluf-Wurmser analysis became quite influential within the pentagon and was being cited by a lot of pentagon officials as evidence to make the case for war.-So you have sort of — You know, even cross agendas within Mr. Maluf that don’t quite add up here.-
- [From Amy Goodman’s interview of former CIA analyst Melvin Goodman and Mother Jones reporter Robert Dreyfuss — who discuss George Tenet’s speech and examine the role of the Pentagon’s secretive Office of Special Plans in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq — on February 6, 2004, “CIA’s Tenet: Iraq Posed No Imminent Threat; Hunt for WMD Must Go On.”]
ROBERT DREYFUSS: … So what happened is right after 9-11, they brought in a guy named David Wurmser who was the director of Middle East policy for the American Enterprise Institute [where] Richard Perle and Newt Gingrich and others hang their hats when they are not out causing mischief.And Wurmser and a colleague began trying to find ties between Iraq and Al Qaeda. This is immediately in the aftermath of the attack, so it was an explosive issue and they started producing evidence not only linking Iraq to Al Qaeda, which we now know was false and which the CIA all along believed was false. But they also started linking Iraq and Al Qaeda to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and trying to create a case that Iraq was a threat to the United States.
This group officially took form in the late summer of 2002 as The Office of Special Plans. They brought in ideologues from their fraternity and then led by Abram Schultzski, [a] defense policy person.
The important thing about all of these people is that none of them were intelligence experts. In fact, they purged and forced them to retirement, as my article details, people who in the Pentagon were long-time intelligence experts, long-time Middle East specialists and Iraq experts. And they brought in to replace them greater and greater numbers of people who were not capable of looking at the vast mounds of intelligence.
You know, any intelligence conclusion, as Mel Goodman knows better than anyone, involves thousands or tens of thousands of bits of information and a lot of them are going to be contradictory. Some will be based on lies or, you know, misstatements, mistakes, error, all kinds of forged documents. And a professional intelligence analyst can look at that pile [and] reach, hopefully, something like a conclusion.
What this group did was the exact opposite. They picked all of the information out of that mound which justified going to war. …
MORE below on Wurmser, and newly added info on Cathie Martin:
- (Cont. from above interview with Robert Dreyfuss) They were constantly updated … by the Office of Special Plans and then fed directly into the policymakers — by the way, not who were fooled by this, but who were eagerly pressuring, looking, demanding, cajoling, “I need more, I need more information that we can throw out there” as red meat to try to get not just the American people to support the war, which I think they did by a certain plurality, but also members of congress who were fed this information, who were told, as Senator Nelson of Florida said, That there were UAV’s, unmanned aerial vehicles, that could strike the east coast of the United States carrying biological or chemical or even nuclear weapons. I mean, the kind of misinformation that was presented to the American people was given to congress in spades.
So that the end result of this was almost like a phalanx, a cadre of people inside the Pentagon with, you know, with friends and other agencies and then here’s poor George Tenet, who’s really just an inflated congressional staffer. I mean, he is not an intelligence analyst himself. I think Mel Goodman knows more about intelligence than George Tenet could learn in the next 20 years.
- AMY GOODMAN: Ray McGovern, you have referred before to the people during the first George Bush administration, President George H.W. Bush, and when he was Vice President, saying that some of the people in charge now–and maybe you could tell us who they are–that you all, including the President, then Vice President, George H.W. Bush, referred to them as the “crazys”? [From her interview of Ray McGovern and Sibel Edmonds on July 24, 2004, “Fmr. CIA Analyst and FBI Whistleblower Dissect Final 9/11 Commission Report.”]
RAY MCGOVERN: Yeah, well it was commonly known that these “crazys” existed, mostly in the defense department, but they were kept at sort of mid-senior levels where they couldn’t do much harm. We’re talking about Wolfowitz. We’re talking about Fife. We’re talking about Scooter Libby, who works for the Vice President. We’re talking about Cheney, in a way; Wurmser, who is now with the Vice President; John Bolten at state. All of these folks were sort of around in these days. Some of them were also working for the Israeli government, interestingly enough. But they were kept at arm’s length from the policymaking apparatus.
AMY GOODMAN: Did Vice President George H.W. Bush refer to them as the “crazys”?
RAY MCGOVERN: Well, Amy, I’m not going to divulge what happened in the presidential daily briefings sessions because those are sacrosanct and I wouldn’t want to impede the access of my colleagues to that kind of one on one relationship. Suffice it to say. …
I’m going to keep working on this and adding material.
Cathie Martin (sometimes spelled as Kathy):
- The source said that the commission was “under pressure from the White House” to consummate the Global Crossing license transfer, and added that the pressure most likely came from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office.
However, Kathy Martin, a spokesperson for the Vice President, said neither Cheney nor anyone connected with his office had anything to do with the FCC’s measure. “Everyone here stayed completely away” from the commission’s Global Crossing decision, she told TPR. [From “Administration Said To Pressure FCC On Global Crossing,” Oct. 15, 2003, Find Articles.]
- Seymour Hersh interviewed Cathie Martin for The New Yorker on October 10, 2003:
The intelligence report was quickly stovepiped to those officials who had an intense interest in building the case against Iraq, including Vice-President Dick Cheney. “The Vice-President saw a piece of intelligence reporting that Niger was attempting to buy uranium,” Cathie Martin, the spokeswoman for Cheney, told me. Sometime after he first saw it, Cheney brought it up at his regularly scheduled daily briefing from the C.I.A., Martin said. “He asked the briefer a question. The briefer came back a day or two later and said, ‘We do have a report, but there’s a lack of details.’” The Vice-President was further told that it was known that Iraq had acquired uranium ore from Niger in the early nineteen-eighties but that that material had been placed in secure storage by the I.A.E.A., which was monitoring it. “End of story,” Martin added. “That’s all we know.” According to a former high-level C.I.A. official, however, Cheney was dissatisfied with the initial response, and asked the agency to review the matter once again. It was the beginning of what turned out to be a year-long tug-of-war between the C.I.A. and the Vice-President’s office.
As the campaign against Iraq intensified, a former aide to Cheney told me, the Vice-President’s office, run by his chief of staff, Lewis (Scooter) Libby, became increasingly secretive when it came to intelligence about Iraq’s W.M.D.s. As with Wolfowitz and Bolton, there was a reluctance to let the military and civilian analysts on the staff vet intelligence.
“It was an unbelievably closed and small group,” the former aide told me. Intelligence procedures were far more open during the Clinton Administration, he said, and professional staff members had been far more involved in assessing and evaluating the most sensitive data. “There’s so much intelligence out there that it’s easy to pick and choose your case,” the former aide told me. “It opens things up to cherry-picking.” (“Some reporting is sufficiently sensitive that it is restricted only to the very top officials of the government—as it should be,” Cathie Martin said. And any restrictions, she added, emanate from C.I.A. security requirements.)
- More from Hersh:
Wilson told me he was informed at the time that the mission had come about because the Vice-President’s office was interested in the Italian intelligence report. Before his departure, he was summoned to a meeting at the C.I.A. with a group of government experts on Iraq, Niger, and uranium. He was shown no documents but was told, he said, that the C.I.A. “was responding to a report that was recently received of a purported memorandum of agreement”—between Iraq and Niger—“that our boys had gotten.” He added, “It was never clear to me, or to the people who were briefing me, whether our guys had actually seen the agreement, or the purported text of an agreement.” Wilson’s trip to Niger, which lasted eight days, produced nothing. He learned that any memorandum of understanding to sell yellowcake would have required the signatures of Niger’s Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, and Minister of Mines. “I saw everybody out there,” Wilson said, and no one had signed such a document. “If a document purporting to be about the sale contained those signatures, it would not be authentic.” Wilson also learned that there was no uranium available to sell: it had all been pre-sold to Niger’s Japanese and European consortium partners.
Wilson returned to Washington and made his report. It was circulated, he said, but “I heard nothing about what the Vice-President’s office thought about it.” (In response, Cathie Martin said, “The Vice-President doesn’t know Joe Wilson and did not know about his trip until he read about it in the press.” The first press accounts appeared fifteen months after Wilson’s trip.)
And — please — if you can, do some sleuthing of your own.
let’s pray that she takes Carville to jail with her.
…and we wonder why Democrats lose… when the special assistant to Rove is married to the so-called most powerful Democratic political operative.
They make me wanna puke with their nauseating Punch and Judy routines on MTP.
Anybody ever watch HBO’s K-Street. With all the grand jury subpoenaes flying around. And Carville and Mary Matalin’s lobbying firm in the middle of it. Must have been too painfully close to home to do another season, I suppose.
I adored K Street and figured I was the only person geeky and weird enough to watch it two+ times per week. I wish HBO would rerun it.
Plus, it was experimental television, and that’s always interesting, even if it isn’t an overall success.
Cool, er, hey, did you just call me “geeky and weird.” I prefer “informed and wonky.” 🙂
It is Wurmser. If you google “David Wurmser”, you get plenty of hits… including the Raw Story article from last night.
Nevermind! I see you’ve rectified the situation to perfection… Great diary by the way…
Here’s a link to National Journal’s list of those who testified.
and, just for general interest,
Murray Wass’s latest.
Think Progress has an excellent summary, “23 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak.” It includes a timeline and excellent summary of the relevant actions of each person.
Sorry if these links aren’t relevant to many of the people above, but some are there (Hannah, Matalin, et al.).
I use their ref. list a lot but it doesn’t cover all.
We need a Wiki for these people. I asked someone who does that, but he has no time.
And today, the NY Daily News is reporting that Bush knew two years ago (!) about Rove’s involvement in the Plame case. And was angry not for the involvement, but for the “bush-league” (yes, quote from unnamed administration official) manner in which it was done.
There will now be much discussion about whether
This whole thing gets more and more like Iran-Contra every day. Or, less like I-C as freestanding scandal and more like I-C, Act II. It certainly has the same cast of characters–Cheney and Rumsfeld in particular.
I’m no lawyer (call to lawyers out there), but my recollection from Watergate is that a sitting president can’t be indicted until he’s first been impeached. But he can be named an “unindicted co-conspirator” as happened during Watergate, and this was enough to put him in an untenable position (the impachment hearings started right after that) and force his resignation.
Clinton was impeached by the House, which is what made a senate trial for him a possibility – that then had to be negotiated out of.
I’ve seen several discussions of indictment and possibilities thereof, many of which agree with you. However, I’ve also seen a couple of comments that say it’s not truly clear, that the idea may stem from Watergate, when Bork of all people was Solicitor General.
So, I think we need one of our legal eagles to dig into it, find out if there is a real ruling or statute or whatever somewhere. Can’t imagine there’s case law on it, but who knows?
KnoxProg, Here’s a link to a PBS discussion re Ken Starr (heh) on whether a sitting prez can be indicted. Starr seemed to think so.
Again, heh.
Wurmser, Bolton’s aide, may be helpful on the forged Niger docs, which Fitzgerald is also said to be investigating.
Just as we all wish — and Frank Rich has written often — this investigation can, and should, go to the heart of the selling of the Iraq war to the American people, Congress, and the media.
We were all fed lies. (Most everyone here, if not all, didn’t believe the lies, but we were a frustrated, marginalized minority.)
Check this out. It’s about Fitzgerald having the unredacted Italian report on the Niger forgeries. Big stuff. Reportedly, it directly implicates Michael Leeden among others.
As usual, excellent stuff Susan. It looks like Wurmser was brought in from AEI specifically to add some heft (Middle Eastern politics background) to the Propaganda campaign to turn 9-11 into the Iraq war. I would guess he has long ties with Richard Perle, Doug Feith, Wolfowitz, et al.
I would like to see this investigated from the controlled media angle: Judith Miller with fake reports from Chalabi, Jeff Gannon asking fake questions at WH briefings, paid pundits, and the list goes on….
Tick, tick, tick….get the frog marching band ready. Oh this is so much fun!!
More dots to connect:
Cheney =>
Wurmser =>
Franklin spy case (which has largely fallen below the radar of public perception; only blogging political junkies know about this. So far)
I have to run out now and buy some more popcorn.
My Two Previous Diaries —
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Walter Pincus of WaPo was interviewed on C-SPAN’s Washington Monthly this morning and spoke about the Plame affair, among other things.
I just found a 2003 story in which Seymour Hersh interviewed Cheney spokesperson Cathie Martin … and added that above.
interesting, is it Kathy or Cathie? I found a reference to ‘Kathy Martin’ in this .pdf file in 2003. It’s the Telecom Policy Report, the article mentions “pressure from the White House” regarding pressure on the FCC wrt the Global Crossing communication firm. There’s some interesting commentary on DoD tension, national security worries, etc. but nothing directly with the Plame investigation. She is mentioned as Cheney’s spokesperson. (bottom article on page 1)
I find it spelled both ways (Cathie and Kathy) … heck, probably some news sources spell it Cathy.
Mannie, if you find something hot, post it as a diary! We’re all in this together … and we need all the info we can get.
And, when I first thought Wurmser was spelled Wormser, I found a David Wormser **IN** Washington, D.C., but — thanks to Emma — I avoided making the innocent Mr. Wormser’s life hell 🙂
Oh my lord… what about Newt Gingrich as a replacement for Cheney. Do you think they could pull that off? If they nail Cheney on conspiracy then they almost undoubtedly nail the entire White House Iraq group which includes Rice. So who, outside of the White House, do they pick? A congressman like Ford? Or does someone like Gingrich manuever his way in there?
Cathie Martin is married to Kevin Martin, the current head of the FCC, appointed by Bush in March of this year. In an article from Advanced IP Pipeline about Kevin Martin, I found this blurb:
His wife, Catherine Martin, has served as vice president Dick Cheney’s chief spokesperson and is now a special assistant to the president on economic matters.
There is precious little about her out there. I’ll keep digging.
HOLY SHIT. I’ll add that to the story with kudos to you.
I’m having fun searching this, now that I’m getting a few hits.
WTF?!? Now I’m even more interested in that policy report storyline that I mentioned in a comment above… it’s amazing how incestuous the Beltway Brigade has become; it’s even across party lines these days.
Thanks Nag!
“Martin’s wife, Catherine Martin, works for Vice President Dick Cheney. She previously worked for former Texas Attorney General John Cornyn, who is now Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX).”
from Tech Law Journal Daily in an article about husband Kevin.
On June 2, 2005, she’s “Deputy Assistant to the President for Communications.”
Bloomberg mentions a third Cheney aide under questioning from Fitzgerald:
This is much more fun than doing my R/L work 🙂
From the National Journal via in Aug 2005:
No wonder she is being questioned, can you imagine what she knows? She’s worked for Cheney, pre- and post-CIA Goss, Ari, etc. I recommend checking out the link above, it lists a Who’s Who in the upper-rings of the intelligence aparatus of D.C.
Write ‘er up!
Alright. Done!
All warm and fuzzy, it’s a season of giving and a season of sharing. More toys under the Fitzmas tree. It’s good we’re keeping extra places for unexpected guests. Aren’t surprises Good at Fitzmas?
The critics
Bill Vann (WSWs) suggested that Miller’s listing as a speaker for the Middle East Forum, a right-wing lobbying group, could be a violation of Times ethics guidelines, which barred reporters from participating in groups that seek to shape public policy.
Soon after, Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post reported on a conflict within the Times staff. Quoting an irate e-mail from Baghdad bureau chief John Burns concerning a Chalabi story that he had assigned to another reporter, Kurtz included some of Miller’s response, shedding even more light on how dubious her sources might have been: “I’ve been covering Chalabi for about 10 years. . . . He has provided most of the front page exclusives on WMD to our paper.” More troubling still, it turned out, the army unit in which she was embedded was “using Chalabi’s Intel and document network for its own WMD work.” [6]
No accountability–not then, not now
As Vice President Dick Cheney candidly admitted during the first Gulf War, when he served as defense secretary, “I do not look on the press as an asset. Frankly, I looked on it as a problem to be managed.” [17] During the second Gulf conflict, more than 600 reporters were “managed” as “embeds,” agreeing to sign contracts with the military limiting when and what they could report. Each was able to provide a small slice of the war almost instantaneously; access was good, and the general feeling was that it worked well for both sides. [18] But were they able to draw the line between propaganda and journalism?
Daniel Pipes – Middle East Forum – Judith Miller
The article having leapt from The Times’ front page, my dissection of it below will not be the first. Any reading of the piece should perhaps occur in light of Miller’s relationship with the Middle East Forum, run by the controversial Daniel Pipes, who has been in the news of late as a Bush nominee to the congressionally chartered U.S. Institute of Peace. A non-profit, the forum was founded in 1984.
Middle East Forum
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Raw Story claims Fitz has flipped Wormser, Cheney’s Middle East advisor and an assistant to then-Under Sec of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs John Bolton.
Hannah and Wurmser were first named as possible suspects bt Wilson, in his book, The Politics of Truth.
Popcorn anyone?
Wurmser’s wife Meyrav is quite a piece of work too. She co-foundedand runs MEMRI, a well-funded anti-Arab propaganda operation. Here’s a Guardian article that discusses MEMRI and describes Wurmser in broad strokes.