By Dan Froomkin ◊ Special to washingtonpost.com
Tuesday, Oct. 18 — Could the CIA leak investigation turn into an accountability moment for the Bush administration and the way it handled intelligence before and after taking the country to war?
Jim VandeHei and Walter Pincus write in The Washington Post: “As the investigation into the leak of a CIA agent’s name hurtles to an apparent conclusion, special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has zeroed in on the role of Vice President Cheney’s office, according to lawyers familiar with the case and government officials. The prosecutor has assembled evidence that suggests Cheney’s long-standing tensions with the CIA contributed to the unmasking of operative Valerie Plame. . . .
AP/Eugene Hoshiko
“In the course of the investigation, Fitzgerald has been exposed to the intense, behind-the-scenes fight between Cheney’s office and the CIA over prewar intelligence and the vice president’s central role in compiling and then defending the intelligence used to justify the war …
Continues below the fold »»
Tom Raum writes for the Associated Press: “Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s CIA-leak inquiry is focusing attention on what long has been a Bush White House tactic: slash-and-burn assaults on its critics, particularly those opposed to the president’s Iraq war policies.
“If top officials are indicted, it could seriously erode the administration’s credibility and prove yet another embarrassment to President Bush on the larger issue of how he and his national security team marshaled information — much of it later shown to be inaccurate — to support their case for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003.”
James Gordon Meek, Thomas M. DeFrank and Kenneth R. Bazinet write in the New York Daily News: “Cheney’s name has come up amid indications Fitzgerald may be edging closer to a blockbuster conspiracy charge – with help from a secret snitch.
” ‘They have got a senior cooperating witness – someone who is giving them all of that,’ a source who has been questioned in the leak probe told the Daily News yesterday.
“Cheney was questioned last year by prosecutors and has hired a private attorney, former colleague Terrence O’Donnell, who declined to comment when contacted by The News.
“Cheney spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride only offered the standard canned response that her boss is cooperating.”
[Minor edits, bold emphasis and links added – Oui]
It’s NOT just the single or double indictment that’s important, my take is Patrick Fitzgerald wants to get his report right to present to Congress his full findings in this case.
Patrick Fitzgerald
The prosecutor prepares the way, to let the House and Senate investigate the abuse of White House power, and fabrications in Cheney’s Office to go to war in Iraq!
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does Patrick Fitzgerald get more handsome by the day 🙂
I noticed it this morning while shaving, it’s that happy feeling …
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Handsome?…he’s hot!
Sources from the Fitzgerald camp have told the NYT that no final report will be issued.
● That Awful Power: How Judy Miller Screwed Us All
● United States Institute of Peace
● Middle East Forum
My Two Previous Diaries —
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That’s not my source. That came from the NYT. I’m just passing on what they claim.
Right, what I believe Oui was trying to say is:
“How credible is the NYT as a source?”
To which I would say, “Not very.” But, do your own due diligence. Oui’s latest diary effort is a good place to begin.
I don’t think they have much credibility left (as I wrote about a few days ago).
I’m surprised by the overwhelming acceptance out there today for the NY Daily News article. I thought they were kind of considered a rag? That was my impression but I don’t know their work well enough. That’s not to say that even a paper with such a reputation wouldn’t ever get the real scoop on a story though. It’s just so difficult to trust any media these days.
hey catnip, check out Josh Marshall’s take on the story and why it comes from a cred source:
One can hope that this is much bigger than just the Plame leak. We all know that they fabricated intelligence to go to war. Now the rest of the folks that are living in denial will know too. But then again, they still believe there are WMDs in Iraq and Saddam was responsible in some way for 9/11.
Just a reminder– LOL.
One year before the President would resign – happy days are here again!
August 8, 1974 :: Helicopter – Lawn – White House – Bye
White House Leader — resigns from office ::
One-Two Punch A Hell of a Combination!
~ Cross-posted from a diary Fitzgerald: Indictments by Wednesday? ~
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MSNBC – Newsweek
Secrets, Evasions and Classified Reports
By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball
The CIA leak case isn’t just about whether top officials will be indicted. A larger issue is what Judith Miller’s evidence says about White House manipulation of the media.
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