See Keith Olbermann jump for joy! Crooks & Liars has the actual video of Keith emoting after reporting that [B]Ill O’Reilly may call it quits!
Tonight, KeithO is on the CIA Leak case and how Pres. Bush “made his displeasure known” to Karl Rove two years ago. “He made his life miserable about this,” says Keith in his daily newsletter, citing the NY Daily News story that has everybody buzzing, including FireDogLake‘s Jane Hamsher, via Salon‘s Daou Report.
… OPEN THREAD! (We — the royal we — forgot about Scottie’s Open Thread today. Sorry, Scottie. But even C-SPAN preempted you for a House vote.)
What a fun clip to watch. I missed that one. Keith IS the man!! C&L makes life so much more fun! Anyone else tired of waiting for the indictments to go down? What is Fitz waiting for?
Fitzgerald is probably letting his targets twist in the wind for a while. Someone might still break. As keyed-up as many on the outside are just waiting for the indictments, imagine what the tension’s like for someone who thinks they’re about to get served!
Maybe he’s staying in Washington to announce the indictments so he can be physically reached right up to the last minute by anyone who wants to cut a deal. Just speculation, of course.
You make sense. I am hoping Fitz is media savy and knows that he wants the full attention of the MSM on this when the indictments go down. With Saddam’s trial and Wilma baring down, the MSM will be on one story mode again.He may also have been ready yesterday to announce, thus the “terrah alert” in baltimore. How convenient. He seems to be a very patient man and knows well when the GJ closes.
Did anyone watch Frontline’s story on Torture last night?
Superbly done … it’ll be replayed on your local PBS stations. Look for it!
(And it’s not so grim that it’s too depressing to watch … the politics involved are emphasized, and that part is fascinating.)
I saw most of it. I found it quite depressing, but utterly fascinating at the same time. I did like how it emphasized Rumsfeld’s role and that the torture was ordered from up high and not just done by some perverted bad apples. It is a much watch if you have a stomach for such things.
grrr must watch, not much watch!
Hey, wait a second! If Rove told Bush that he committed a crime and Bush didn’t tell the authorities, doesn’t that make him guilty of aiding and abetting? I know you can’t indict a sitting president, but he could face charges in 2009, couldn’t he? Any lawyers out there want to help me out here?
Oy! Attorneys?
In the New York Daily News story that Susan linked above, there is this :
But the President felt Rove and other members of the White House damage-control team did a clumsy job in their campaign to discredit Plame’s husband, Joseph Wilson, the ex-diplomat who criticized Bush’s claim that Saddam Hussen tried to buy weapons-grade uranium in Niger.
A second well-placed source said some recently published reports implying Rove had deceived Bush about his involvement in the Wilson counterattack were incorrect and were leaked by White House aides trying to protect the President.
“Bush did not feel misled so much by Karl and others as believing that they handled it in a ham-handed and bush-league way,” the source said.
To me, that says that Bush was well aware of Rove’s underhanded antics with the press and fully approved. What pissed him off is that they got caught. So, it sure seems as if he was privy to the whole thing and offered nothing helpful to Fitz. Aiding and abetting sounds about right to me, maybe criminal conspiricy. Because of his immunity, I’ve been reading that the most they can do is name him as an unindicted co-conspirator.
That was worth waiting for the download. Happy, happy, joy, joy, we won, we won, indeed.
When Jon Steward mentioned O’Reilly’s possible retirement last night on TDS the audience erupted in sustained and enthusiastic applause too. O’R was not pleased.
Until Fitzgerald announces something, we can’t get happy a/b anything. I do agree w/ Spike that perhaps he’s letting the guilty twist in the wind a bit, but no celebrations over speculations. Announce something and THEN I’ll do the happy dance. :<)
The AP is carrying this story (here via MSNBC):
Rice won’t rule out troops in Iraq in 10 years
But maybe the more disturbing part is in the first paragraph:
Boy, she sure will be a great warmongering replacement as VP if Cheney resigns, huh?
Anyone who’s ever been a supervisor knows just what Condi is up to here – she sees a staff opening coming and she’s bucking for a promotion! She knows what the boss and his cronies want to hear, and she’s telling them she’s their go-to girl to get the job done.
Probably left a shiny red apple on the oval office desk as well, on her way out the door to go shoe shopping for the job interview.
details still coming out
Here’s the link —
Wonder if they’ll make him surrender his passport as a flight risk; hell, if they can do it to Michael Jackson, why not DeLay?
I saw it. I loved it! He jumped up and sang, “Ding, Dong, the Witch is dead,” and threw papers in the air! I enjoyed it so much that I sent an email to him.