by Larry C. Johnson
The smears keep on coming. The airwaves have been filled with folks like like Joe DiGenova, his wacky wife, Victoria Toensing, and Andrea Mitchell insisting that, “Joe Wilson lied” about who sent him to Niger and what he discovered. Well, let’s play he said, she said and pinpoint the real liar.
Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm that helps corporations and governments manage threats posed by terrorism and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (as a Deputy Director), is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world. Further bio details. |
Andrea Mitchell, a woman genuinely confused by facts, said the following on Tuesday’s edition of Hardball:
Gee Andrea, don’t you know how to read? Here is what Joe Wilson wrote on July 6, 2003:
Got it! He did not write that Cheney sent him. Joe Wilson isn’t lying, Andrea Mitchell is. Moreover, when Wilson appeared on Meet the Press on July 6, 2003 with Andrea, he did not say what she claims he did. … Continued BELOW:
Here’s the relevant portion of the Meet the Press transcript on July 6, 2003:
AMB. WILSON: No. No. In actual fact, in my judgment, I have not seen the estimate either, but there were reports based upon my trip that were submitted to the appropriate officials. The question was asked of the CIA by the office of the vice president. The office of the vice president, I am absolutely convinced, received a very specific response to the question it asked and that response was based upon my trip out there.
Shocking! Joe Wilson consistently said that the request originated with the Vice President and was passed to the CIA. Don’t stop there, that is also what the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence reported in July 2004.
Several in the media also keep repeating as fact that Joe Wilson got it wrong on whether or not Iraq was buying uranium in Niger. Here is what Joe wrote in July 2003:
![]() Intelligence: The Human Factor (Securing Our Nation) By Patrick Lang Editor: Larry C. Johnson |
Guess what? That turned out to be true as well. Joe had his facts right, it was Bush and Cheney who were ignoring the truth. What we now know for certain is that the intelligence community, particularly the CIA, consistently shared Joe’s judgment that the reports claiming Iraq was trying to buy yellowcake uranium were not reliable. On at least two occasions in the Fall of 2002, CIA personnel specifically informed Senators and the White House that the reports about Iraq buyin uranium were wrong. We now know that the only intelligence on this matter came from one source, Italian intelligence, which provided three separate reports.
Finally, several media hacks go after Joe claiming that the White House had to know about the results of his investigation. Here’s what Joe said:
Andrea Mitchell on the October 13 edition of Hardball spreads further misinformation by insisting that Vice President Cheney was out of the loop:
MATTHEWS: Sure, but they…
MITCHELL: That`s what they were trying to clear up. That`s why they jumped up. And that was probably the original motivation.
MATTHEWS: Right. But is the vice president, Jim, still left with the explanation that he or someone has to give — if a trip was undertaken to Central Africa to answer an inquiry raised by him, why didn`t they report back to him that there was no deal there involving uranium? And, therefore, why didn`t he tell the president before he gave his State of the Union address?
Wrong again Andrea! (How can someone get so much so wrong and still be considered a serious journalist?) According to the July 2004 Senate Intelligence Committee report, Vice President Cheney asked his CIA briefer for an update on the Niger issue he had asked about in early February (which triggered Joe Wilson’s trip to Niger). As a result of Cheney’s request in early March, two CIA officers debriefed Ambassador Wilson on the results of his trip, wrote up the report, and disseminated the report on 8 March (p. 42 of the Senate report). Now, we’re asked to believe that the CIA briefer never got back to Cheney? If you believe that call me, I have a bridge in Baghdad to sell you.
So boys and girls, what have we learned? Well if there is a liar it is not Joe Wilson. He told the truth. It is people like Andrea Mitchell, Joseph DiGenova, Victoria Toensing who are having trouble with the truth of the matter.
Larry C. Johnson
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It will never cease to amaze me how certain so called “journalists” continue to spew the garbage talking points that come out of the WH. Andrea makes me sick. I saw her on Hardball last night and wanted to puke. Larry, are you writing the book yet?
I’d never send this to or but I suppose some people would.
Becauase they would just of course ignore it, or because the piece itself is not worthy by Johnson?
I was being coy. I sent it to them the minute I saw it!
me too, Susan. I also sent it to the NYT’s and the Washington Post and C-span. I think the more they hear from us the better that we got our word out and how disgruntaled we all are with all of them for not speaking the truth to America.
PS: plus the LA Times as well….
Why would you not send this outstanding article by Larry Johnson Susan? They need to hear the truth that Larry is telling don’t they?
YES THEY DO! And that’s why i sent it … i was being silly, and also hoping that others might do it too!
I also sent it to the
but that’s it. So far.
Okey dokey silly one. I will do the same this evening when I get home. Thanks for the email addys. You the woman!!
“How come Chris Matthews doesn’t play hardball with Andrea Mitchell? She sits and lies about Joe Wilson, and Matthews just sits there. GOP screamer comes on “Connected” and is allowed to SHOUT DOWN with LIES a person presenting the truth (Craig Crawford)?
Matthews & Mitchell are making such asses of themselves by not informing their viewers about their involvement in the Plame case. Anybody following the story already know it, but he’s misrepresenting himself (as is she) by NOT informing the viewers. Shoddy journalism at it’s worst, and IF the truth is ever reported, M&M give up their credibility FOR LIFE!”
[name & city]
I just couldn’t stand it anymore!
Some “journalists” are obviously more equal than others!)
Some people like me!
They are still trying to discredit Joe Wilson, using members of the press with White House connections to broadcast talking points. But that is what got them into so much trouble in the first place. They will never stop.
I have long suspected that Andrea Mitchell is also a part time government volunteer operative similar to Miller. There are apparently many operatives. Some work for CIA and others for the Administatration.
i mean if they don’t buy them outright as with jayson blair and Armstrong williams they find those who are sympathetic and who volunteer to plant stories or do nasty work like Miller.
Mitchell is married to alan Greespan. She is just awful.
I have similar suspicions. For one thing, it explains her repeated nonsense about Wilson. I’ve heard her say it so many times…. ridiculous, unless she knows that that is her MISSION … to spread lies about Wilson.
She can’t say she’s trapped inside hubby’s non-existent bubble, now can she?
Any woman who would marry that old, lying, conniving f— has at best, questionable judgment.
I agree, Stu. She is just another talking head for the party, IMHO!
I find it quite fun to read all of Larry’s articles over at No Quarter. He has more information that anyone I know about this one particular issue. His animoity about this, too….can you imagine he is a republican, of all things??!! He is absolute livid at how Val has gotten the ax from this administration…..hurray for him!!!!!!!
Andrea Mitchell is not a journalist — plain and simple. In fact, I have so little respect for her I would put her in the Daryn Kagan category except that Kagan is more an empty shell.
You can tell real journalists: they don’t spend 90% of their time on shows like Hardball — they don’t have the time, they are actually working on stories. That is why, no matter whether they are anti-Bush or shrilling for Bush, if they appear on a “news” talk show more than once or twice a month I no longer consider them working journalists –they are “on-air personalities”.
What about Dana Priest? I’d like your opinion. She was featured on the new Frontline about torture last night … and I thought she was fantastic! She was highly critical of Rummie et al.
I wished I had seen that one!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen Dana at times be just a little on the rep. side of things. It has always bothered me with her…am glad to know she stood up and be counted for the human rights of others, etc
Dana Priest has made at least one big whopping blunder on Hardball (see here). But all-in-all I’m pretty impressed with her work.
But I must add, I really hate personality reporters. It is not surprising that the Post’s Watergate coverage was advanced by two guys no one had heard of (Bernstein was the veteran reporter of the two).
When one of these guys talks to their White House contact their natural reaction is always “gee, I’ve got something to write about tomorrow.” Their reaction should be, of course, “why would this guy want to tell me this.”
Yes, its simply journalism 101. But modern J-schools suck. Want proof? What do you think of this quote from today:
Man, don’t send your kids to Boston University to learn journalism!
I think today’s diaries by Mr’s Johnson and Lang compliment todays rant…well the last three years
This whole group of ppl that is like children caught with their hand int he cookie jar, is so vry bad for their looking like idiots when they lie.
We all know the intel was fixed to fit the policy. Why in heavens name would they continue to lie is beyond my thinking. I kown when your caught you better say so and let the punishment get to the times and then get on with being a democracy.
Judy, et al, are just still trying to play games! Are they really that stupid??!! Dont they really understand that they have been found out and caught??!! It is just making it worse for them, the more they deny.
The lies make me angry as hell. Look at Roberts and Cheney and the bogus Senate Intelligence Committee report, lies, lies and more damned lies. Throw in the Supremes that put these liars in power in the first place and we’ve hit the trifecta. In the next year, Roberts and Miers will help Big Tony and CT wave the magic wand of justice and make it all disappear.
Meanwhile, our country is in ruins… mark my words, New York, Iraq, New Orleans are only a preview…
What,s even more disgusting about Mitchell is her interplay with the now odious Matthews.
It strains my credulity to think that the two of them, (along with Russert, Miller, Pincus), don’t know who leaked to Novak and don’t also know, (by virtue of being on the receiving end of calls from Libby and/or Rove), that these two were speaking very directly about Plame in order to get the media to expose her.
Yet here they sit, a millionaire pundit and a millionaire hack reporter, *pretending the don’t know exactly what’s going on, and weaving all kinds offalsehoods into the narrative, as if doing so will somehow enhance the entertainment value of the story while simultaneously helping get several criminal masterminds off the legal hook.
Yet here they sit, a millionaire pundit and a millionaire hack reporter, *pretending the don’t know exactly what’s going on, and weaving all kinds offalsehoods into the narrative, as if doing so will somehow enhance the entertainment value of the story while simultaneously helping get several criminal masterminds off the legal hook.
Wonderful post. Wonderful thoughts. Yup. Then there’s that Bambie-eyes White House reporter — oh god, I can’t think of her name — for MSNBC. She’s always hearting for po’ President BUsh.
“Dana Bash”, “the woman who blinks too much”.
She and Bush have that blinking thing in common; maybe that’s why she goes easy on him.