effort by Rumsfeld for what he has called Total Information Dominance? This was John Poindexter’s area of expertise even during the Iran-Contra scandals and his departure from this administration before the War on Iraq may have been to coordinate this effort from outside using PR firms like Ketchum.
As Miller’s role becomes clearer, one gets the sense that she was a virtual one woman assault team popping up at opportune times doing the bidding of the Bush administration.Her being a NYT reporter and, a well concealed mole inside that organization, virtually guaranteed favorable coverage for the Bush Administrations’ point of view.And because the NYT had been held up as a paragon of the Liberal establishment,such favorable treatment from one of the enemies of the Bush Administration could be cited by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Condi endlessly to buttress their claims.
I think Judy had it down to a science.
Very astute, imho. And Andrea Mitchell too?
Andrea Mitchell has been too coy about her role in this saga.That alone is enough cause to doubt her.Her marriage to Greenspan and her access to the power players automatically makes her a suspect IMO on the nexus between government agencies and the Press.She may well have played a role similar to Judith Miller in the visual media.
Whenever I see her on TV, she gives me the impression that she is privy to information that she is not willing to divulge to us paisans.So, there!
Why…Yes. Yes is the answer to your lead question.
Here is why, nicely broken down:
An angle I have been pondering about is Judith Miller’s role in the Israeli spying and passing of our defense secrets to a mole in AIPAC, Larry Franklin.The web extending from Libby, Feith, Wurmser,Perle ( all PNAC charter members) to Judith Miller may well have been an active cell compromising American security.I am not sure of Judith Miller’s affiliation with the PNAC but her association with the bugeyed Laurie Mylroie and her wild accusations make me very suspicious of Judy.
I hope this connection will see the light of day. Miller/Libby= OSP/Cheney/Perle = AIPAC/Israel conduit.
Special note to neoconnedagain – as per request ::
The links of Judith Miller with the Pentagon are not new. In 1986, she wrote numerous articles on Libya, thus contributing to a massive disinformation campaign on Gaddafi which was coordinated by Admiral John Poindexter. Bob Woodward has written a major article in the Washington Post on this strategy.
By Arthur L. Liman
August 16, 1998
When John Poindexter And Oliver North took the stand in the Iran-Contra hearings, they kept the lid on a Presidential scandal far more serious than today’s. [Monica Lewinski scandal – Ed.]
Poindexter :: TIA Darpa Project – Resignation Letter 2002
You Did The Crime, Now Serve The Time
by Habib Siddiqui – Tuesday August 09 2005
“The role of a good reporter is like that of an intelligence analyst who digs for the truth, and not of a stenographer who simply reports what he/she hears without verification.”
Miller was essentially the megaphone for disseminating Bush administration’s ‘intelligence’ and in promoting its agenda on Iraq. Indeed, she wrote the first article, entitled «Threats and Responses : The Iraqis ; U.S. Says Hussein Intensifies Quest for A-Bomb Parts», on Saddam Hussein’s WMD programme, mentioning “aluminium tubes” that could be used for nuclear weapons. That was on September 7, just a few days after Vice-President Cheney delivered the first speech in which he presented Iraq as Washington’s next target.[10] [Interestingly, the forged documents on Niger uranium mystery first surfaced in Italy, via an Italian journalist who works for the Berlusconi-owned Panorama magazine.[11] Was Berlusconi asked to help Bush and Blair “fix” the intelligence to start war in Iraq, and the forged Niger documents were his government’s contribution? [12]]
Miller’s links with the Pentagon are not new. In 1986, she wrote numerous articles on Libya, thus contributing to a massive disinformation campaign on Muammar Gaddafi which was coordinated by Admiral John Poindexter.[13] During the first U.S.-led war in the Persian Gulf, Miller co-wrote a book with Laurie Mylroie, titled Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf. Miller and Mylroie have both been clients of Eleana Benador, whose PR firm has represented many leading pro-war figures that have appeared prominently on television and in other public venues. She has also worked closely and uncritically with Ahmed Chalabi, the head of the Iraqi National Congress, in developing her reports on Iraq.
Miller is also an old professional acquaintance of Godfrey Grima, a Maltese Fleet Street-trained journalist, who has been writing for The Financial Times for several years. Miller and Grima met several times on assignments in Libya, Poland, the US and Italy.
In the interview, which was published in The New York Times and the International Herald Tribune, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici was bluntly asked by Miller (tipped-off by the US intelligence services) whether he had alerted the Libyans to the attack.
Dr Mifsud Bonnici explained that he had personally informed Gaddafi that unauthorised fighter planes had just crossed southwards over Maltese territory and he had felt duty-bound to alert Libya since it was a friendly neighbouring country and because Malta had responsibility for air traffic control in the central Mediterranean.
Judith Miller: 3 Decades of Disinformation ◊ by Grand Moff Texan
Fri Jul 8th, 2005 at 13:00:32 PDT
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