Hi, Puget4, glad to see you officially checked in!
Howdy,NeilDB! Lovely to see you in the earlier cafe.
Bughouse Cannuck checked in a day or so ago, and I apologize if I’ve missed or temporarily forgotten somebody.
We see all you cuties lurking around the edges of the pond. Come on in and introduce yourselves so we can hop up and down and say ribbit. We’re not terribly digiified around here!
are freaking me out… they keep staring at me with their beady red eyes… why do I feel like I’m in a bizarro Alice in Wonderland…
okay spidey, it’s gonna be okay. step away from the keyboard and find your happy place… NO. Not there. We’re not ready for impeachment yet… try again. Okay, that’s better…
That’s us. . .hovering outside Fitzgerald’s office, alert, waiting to pounce. Oh, my, Dick Cheney would be such a juicy fly.
I just took a look at that photo of Nick Nolte on the front page and decided I’d better make a new pot of extra strong coffee. Poor baby! He needs to hang out at the cafe and relax a little.
That’s one of the sweetest beagle faces I’ve ever seen and both kitties (below) are beautiful.
We looove photos in the Cafe. The usual thing we try to do is to keep them under 400 px for our dial-up friends. Also, if possible, we post them as new comments to keep the thread from getting too wide. But don’t worry about that. You can try it next time. This is just fine–especially considering the adorable subject matter. 🙂
I probably jumped that shark the day I registered if my handle is any guage of my personality.
I actually registed a week before at big orange under a different name, but never got my login info. I must have slightly messed up my email addy I now realize. A week later I went back and chose this name.
We don’t want to take sides regarding the left or the right or pit blogs against one another, instead we really want the bloggers to tell their stories.
The angle is in our heads, but we will shoot the footage and let the editing tell the story.
What I don’t want to do is step all over the message that is so obviously there in the footage with excessive naration. I have an idea of what I want to get across to the audience, but if the footage tells a different story, I am going to let it. I am not going to bully the audience into seeing things from my point of view I hope.
Make sense?
I also want to be fair (from a interviewer/subject) standpoint to the conservative bloggers. I want them to have the opportunity to speak without fearing we will make edits that make them look ridiculous. If they make themselves look bad (same goes for our side) so be it, but it will not be the result of our editing and footage.
I am an old documentary maker – BBC, ATV etc – way back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
I am really not political myself. ‘Life is but a joke’
What I am interested in is the dynamics of communities and, especially, SOS (Self-Organizing Systems = systems without leaders = flocks, shoals, colonies, brains, the Internet ie Post-Hierachical thought)
I am also interested in (also professionally) decentralization – the idea that the Internet has the potential to remove all middlemen from the equation of society. Politicians are middlepeople – born of a historical logistical problem, ie how to get more than 400 people in a room.
We certainly want to spend a lot of time with subjects who understand and can intelligently discuss this “meta-theory” regarding not just political blogging, but all online communities.
It is pretty amazing that so many things that were only doled out by the “scholars and priests” of our times are now freely discussed via the web on millions of communities. Medical info, legal advice, spiritual/religious counsel, psychological help, etc. is passed around freely now.
It is like we have all suddenly learned how to read and write for the first time and been given and infinite library.
Power, historically, has not only come from better weaponry, or more money or territory or energy. It has come from exclusive knowledge.
The wide distribution of information and wide access to that information, combined with access to the tools to give insight into the meaning of the information – empower everybody and weaken those who have traditionally used knowledge for control.
Some detractors would have us believe that a lot of the information out there is low quality. I would remind them that public information has always been of low quality – that is how those in power have exerted control.
Hello and welcome to all. The framing argument rages on I see. A very interesting read for those who haven’t yet seen it. But enough of that, I’m leaving work soon only to see to another obligation, my town’s open space committee. I hope it’s a brief one tonight. The master plan is being revised, and taking forever. Such is local government.
for getting involved in government at any level — wasn’t it Tip O’Neill who said “All politics is local”? That’s one thing that worries me about people relying too much on the Internet for news — they pay so much attention to what’s going on around the world, they lose sight of what’s going on around the corner…
Hey Y’all…Been hanging out over in the corner sitting alone having a afternoon cupa’ reading the breaking news, before I take off just wonderin’ why the Welcome Wagon was wheeled out? Are we having another flood of newcomers? What gives? Welcome to all new Boo tribers. Buy a mug or tee shirt and click on the ads..that’s the least we can do to support Booman and his awesome vision. Check in with y’all later.
Hi, Chamonix. I don’t know why, but we seem to have quite a few people jumping into the pond this week. It seemed a good time to see if we could lure out a few more. Take a look at ManE’s post below. . .whoa, growth!
..last stages of the book – text going for translation to German on Tuesday, 2 weeks to finish photography and layout, Phew! Thank the lord for Indesign.
In Finland (probably one of the best countries in the world to live in right now), there is almost no public conciousness of the reasons that you BTers are all in a state of agitated expectancy. We are happy that our laid-back President, Tarja Halonen, gets lampooned on the Conan O’Brien show. We are a little bit worried about infected ducks migrating back here next Spring. The shooting of a shopkeeper is major news in a country where murders are very rare. And Nokia is doing well.
It’s getting colder and everyone is thinking when to change to winter tyres. Finns are not so keen on giving money to the Pakistan quake victims. It is not publicly discussed, but my sense is that it is a mixture of disaster fatigue, distance, lack of coverage, and a feeling that Pakistan has some guilt in the terrorism outrages, so the usual compassion is a little bit reluctant. I don’t think it is a racism (though that does exist in Finland), it is a sense of Fair Play – which is a buzz phrase these days.
But, cynically, I know that photos of the dying in Kashmir will open up the wallets as usual. But too late.
In a country where you could find the President in a jazz club and have a chat, or on stage with James Brown, where I can meet top politicans sharing a joke and listening to your arguments in downtown hotel bars – the concept of a corrupt and dangerous administration is so alien that it is almost discounted.
This is a country that, during WWII and after, people learned to survive on very little and make-do. It’s something that is still within living memory. The know-how for running trucks and buses on wood burning stoves still exists.
Of course, no-one in Finland is really aware of what might happen if China withdraws its support of the dollar and sheds it’s 400 billion ownership of US debt. But the general feeling in Finland is, IMHO, like Asterix’ “The Romans are crazy”. You Yanks are nuts, and we’ll just have to live with it as best we can….
Let’s see? Holding the sick kid in one arm, while one of the healthy kids is swinging from the other arm… And I still managed to type a semi-coherent comment.
Just made it back from my afternoon grocery shopping via bus, now debating whether I’m going to venture into the Inner Sanctum, aka the storage room, to see if I can find my winter PJs — it’s getting chilly around here in the evenings, and I’ve got a couple of comfortable fleece lounging outfits in that box that would be perfect for changing into about now. Still not quite cold enough to turn on the heat, but cold enough that I want to curl up in something comfy and relax…
Thanks, CG. The special dinner will have to wait for this weekend. Andrew doesn’t like it so much when I put him in the Pack n’ Play to make dinner. He’s still learning to trust us. I can’t believe that he’s been with us almost two months – yikes.
I used to put my guys in a backpack carrier while I made dinner; they got to watch everything from the bird’s eye view, and I got to cook without them crabbing…
This is my week off between classes, and I’m really enjoying it! I start one class next Thursday, and the other one the following Tuesday. I am NOT looking forward to being at school 2 nights a week, but it’s only for 8 weeks. I can’t wait to be done.
I can’t believe the little guy’s been here for 2 months either. It seems like not too long ago you were posting his picture and packing up to go bring him home.
I have been thinking about a snugli of some sort. Friends of ours gave us their backpack to take to China. Their little girl loved it, especially at the Great Wall. Andrew was so-so in the backpack. He kept leaning waaaaaay out of one side. That made me a little nervous.
Classes two days a week. That certainly makes life hectic. Are these night classes? Enjoy the week off. Catching up on sleep or fun reading?
I always felt like the snugli got in the way, but some people really like those baby slings. How about tying soemthing amusing to the backpack strap to prevent the lean and tip over thing? We had (heh-still have!) a backpack that had shoulder straps in it.
My classes are in the early evening, which interferes with helping everyone with their homework. I am spending my week off trying to get a little ahead of the tidal wave that I know will be crashing down around me in November…but getting in some nice fall afternoon runs, and trying to finish Bayou Farewell (I keep falling asleep before I get more than a few pages read, though…)
Just for fun, I decided to try on one of the skirts that I haven’t been able to wear for 2 1/2 years or more. I wanted t see how close I was to being able to fit in it again.
And guess what? I’m wearing it to work today!!! It not only fits, it isn’t even tight!!!!
So, I’m a few minutes late leaving for work — but, wOw is it worth it!!
Hi, Puget4, glad to see you officially checked in!
Howdy,NeilDB! Lovely to see you in the earlier cafe.
Bughouse Cannuck checked in a day or so ago, and I apologize if I’ve missed or temporarily forgotten somebody.
We see all you cuties lurking around the edges of the pond. Come on in and introduce yourselves so we can hop up and down and say ribbit. We’re not terribly digiified around here!
are freaking me out… they keep staring at me with their beady red eyes… why do I feel like I’m in a bizarro Alice in Wonderland…
okay spidey, it’s gonna be okay. step away from the keyboard and find your happy place… NO. Not there. We’re not ready for impeachment yet… try again. Okay, that’s better…
whew. that was close. almost lost her there. 😉
That’s us. . .hovering outside Fitzgerald’s office, alert, waiting to pounce. Oh, my, Dick Cheney would be such a juicy fly.
I just took a look at that photo of Nick Nolte on the front page and decided I’d better make a new pot of extra strong coffee. Poor baby! He needs to hang out at the cafe and relax a little.
I’ll pass on the Dick… he’s all yours. 😉
Ew. You’re right. I didn’t think that through. 🙂
I know many bloggers here.
Started blogging at the old DFA, moved on to DKos, registered here a while ago and lurk often. My home blog is MLW.
I love Booman, I just don’t post all that often.
Oh yeah, I am working with some bloggers on a documentary about political blogging. If anyone is interested, please let me know!
With a name like that you’re obviously a really nice person. 🙂 So glad you came out to play.
Cool about your docu!
beagleandtabby can be seen here. Although, Sammie Tabby has since passed and we have two new tabbies.
That’s one of the sweetest beagle faces I’ve ever seen and both kitties (below) are beautiful.
We looove photos in the Cafe. The usual thing we try to do is to keep them under 400 px for our dial-up friends. Also, if possible, we post them as new comments to keep the thread from getting too wide. But don’t worry about that. You can try it next time. This is just fine–especially considering the adorable subject matter. 🙂
edit the size and a new subject! Thanks for the advice and the compliments.
Welcome via our welcome wagon tradition – started way back in the beginning…kind of nice way to meet each other….
So enquiring minds want to know – Do you have a Beagle and a Tabby?
We have random cat blogging and regular dog blogging…so pictures are needed! Glad you could stop by and say Hi!
My original namesake:
Sammie Tabby and Ellie Beagle:
Shortly before the 2004 election Sammie passed away. We have since gotten two new tabbies.
Sabrina and Genie: left to right
You’re never going to be troll rated here for posting pictures of pets!
In fact, I’m guessing, you’ll never be troll rated here at all.
Glad you’re feeling better. Of course, you didn’t dare get sick after I got through ordering you around.
I can’t thank you enough — I swear, it works everytime. I could have saved two days of pain by just speaking up in the first place!
For those listening in, that’s the secret prescription that works everytime!
Maybe not in the cafe;)
But I can be quite contentious…or is it pretentious…or is it both?
We scold / debate graciously and judiciously use 2’s around here. I think we’ve had one troll or maybe 2….
Troll rating….nah that’s for the orange site!
How can I blanket myself in zeroes?
I will be a legend, like that guy who registered under fifteen or twenty different names on DKos right before the election last year.
looked quite like my fellow — they’ve got that same photogenic thing going on.
And your fellow? A link?
What adorable faces!!!!
I have a black pootie and a black lab. Both are a pain in the ass to photograph 🙂
Hi Janet…How have you been? Ever lurk at MLW? Or mostly hang here now?
I’m pretty much here and still connected to C&J 🙂 I missed last friday there though.
Good to see you here! Some wonderful people here.
and you have already jumped the “kitty” shark!
That’s gotta be a record?
I probably jumped that shark the day I registered if my handle is any guage of my personality.
I actually registed a week before at big orange under a different name, but never got my login info. I must have slightly messed up my email addy I now realize. A week later I went back and chose this name.
I do not remember what my original name was.
Lovely pets you have there. Gald to have you overboard (in the pond that is).
Thanks Kelly,
Good luck with your novel!
What’s the angle?
Angle? Good question.
We don’t want to take sides regarding the left or the right or pit blogs against one another, instead we really want the bloggers to tell their stories.
The angle is in our heads, but we will shoot the footage and let the editing tell the story.
What I don’t want to do is step all over the message that is so obviously there in the footage with excessive naration. I have an idea of what I want to get across to the audience, but if the footage tells a different story, I am going to let it. I am not going to bully the audience into seeing things from my point of view I hope.
Make sense?
I also want to be fair (from a interviewer/subject) standpoint to the conservative bloggers. I want them to have the opportunity to speak without fearing we will make edits that make them look ridiculous. If they make themselves look bad (same goes for our side) so be it, but it will not be the result of our editing and footage.
Interested in participating?
I am an old documentary maker – BBC, ATV etc – way back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
I am really not political myself. ‘Life is but a joke’
What I am interested in is the dynamics of communities and, especially, SOS (Self-Organizing Systems = systems without leaders = flocks, shoals, colonies, brains, the Internet ie Post-Hierachical thought)
I am also interested in (also professionally) decentralization – the idea that the Internet has the potential to remove all middlemen from the equation of society. Politicians are middlepeople – born of a historical logistical problem, ie how to get more than 400 people in a room.
We certainly want to spend a lot of time with subjects who understand and can intelligently discuss this “meta-theory” regarding not just political blogging, but all online communities.
It is pretty amazing that so many things that were only doled out by the “scholars and priests” of our times are now freely discussed via the web on millions of communities. Medical info, legal advice, spiritual/religious counsel, psychological help, etc. is passed around freely now.
It is like we have all suddenly learned how to read and write for the first time and been given and infinite library.
Does that make sense?
….is the name of the game.
Power, historically, has not only come from better weaponry, or more money or territory or energy. It has come from exclusive knowledge.
The wide distribution of information and wide access to that information, combined with access to the tools to give insight into the meaning of the information – empower everybody and weaken those who have traditionally used knowledge for control.
Some detractors would have us believe that a lot of the information out there is low quality. I would remind them that public information has always been of low quality – that is how those in power have exerted control.
Hello and welcome to all. The framing argument rages on I see. A very interesting read for those who haven’t yet seen it. But enough of that, I’m leaving work soon only to see to another obligation, my town’s open space committee. I hope it’s a brief one tonight. The master plan is being revised, and taking forever. Such is local government.
for getting involved in government at any level — wasn’t it Tip O’Neill who said “All politics is local”? That’s one thing that worries me about people relying too much on the Internet for news — they pay so much attention to what’s going on around the world, they lose sight of what’s going on around the corner…
Take care… 🙂
So true. Thanks!
I’m abandoning my post again. Must work to keep Chocolate Ink’s book collection growing!
Collection indeed, I just searched you on Amazon. It’ll take a while to catch up!
As soon as the current project is in the editor’s hands, I will indulge myself with a few. (I will bloody well DESERVE a break by then…)
Somewhat off-topic: Have you ever attended Malice Domestic (the convention)?
Hey Y’all…Been hanging out over in the corner sitting alone having a afternoon cupa’ reading the breaking news, before I take off just wonderin’ why the Welcome Wagon was wheeled out? Are we having another flood of newcomers? What gives? Welcome to all new Boo tribers. Buy a mug or tee shirt and click on the ads..that’s the least we can do to support Booman and his awesome vision. Check in with y’all later.
Hi, Chamonix. I don’t know why, but we seem to have quite a few people jumping into the pond this week. It seemed a good time to see if we could lure out a few more. Take a look at ManE’s post below. . .whoa, growth!
..last stages of the book – text going for translation to German on Tuesday, 2 weeks to finish photography and layout, Phew! Thank the lord for Indesign.
In Finland (probably one of the best countries in the world to live in right now), there is almost no public conciousness of the reasons that you BTers are all in a state of agitated expectancy. We are happy that our laid-back President, Tarja Halonen, gets lampooned on the Conan O’Brien show. We are a little bit worried about infected ducks migrating back here next Spring. The shooting of a shopkeeper is major news in a country where murders are very rare. And Nokia is doing well.
It’s getting colder and everyone is thinking when to change to winter tyres. Finns are not so keen on giving money to the Pakistan quake victims. It is not publicly discussed, but my sense is that it is a mixture of disaster fatigue, distance, lack of coverage, and a feeling that Pakistan has some guilt in the terrorism outrages, so the usual compassion is a little bit reluctant. I don’t think it is a racism (though that does exist in Finland), it is a sense of Fair Play – which is a buzz phrase these days.
But, cynically, I know that photos of the dying in Kashmir will open up the wallets as usual. But too late.
In a country where you could find the President in a jazz club and have a chat, or on stage with James Brown, where I can meet top politicans sharing a joke and listening to your arguments in downtown hotel bars – the concept of a corrupt and dangerous administration is so alien that it is almost discounted.
This is a country that, during WWII and after, people learned to survive on very little and make-do. It’s something that is still within living memory. The know-how for running trucks and buses on wood burning stoves still exists.
Of course, no-one in Finland is really aware of what might happen if China withdraws its support of the dollar and sheds it’s 400 billion ownership of US debt. But the general feeling in Finland is, IMHO, like Asterix’ “The Romans are crazy”. You Yanks are nuts, and we’ll just have to live with it as best we can….
What’s the book about?
Let’s see? Holding the sick kid in one arm, while one of the healthy kids is swinging from the other arm… And I still managed to type a semi-coherent comment.
Now that is multitaskrrringgggggggg…
Oh well! So much for that statement.
(Get off the darn keyboard ya little monkey!)
Here’s some bloggity eye candy for everyone. Ooh baby! Show me how high you can go.
[/MetaBoo Geek]
Just made it back from my afternoon grocery shopping via bus, now debating whether I’m going to venture into the Inner Sanctum, aka the storage room, to see if I can find my winter PJs — it’s getting chilly around here in the evenings, and I’ve got a couple of comfortable fleece lounging outfits in that box that would be perfect for changing into about now. Still not quite cold enough to turn on the heat, but cold enough that I want to curl up in something comfy and relax…
Evening all. I hope that the cafe isn’t winding down. I’ve got a new do and new earrings to show off. Our 4th anniversary is today.
Happy anniversary! The new do and earrings look mahvelous! Did you have anything special for dinner?
Thanks, CG. The special dinner will have to wait for this weekend. Andrew doesn’t like it so much when I put him in the Pack n’ Play to make dinner. He’s still learning to trust us. I can’t believe that he’s been with us almost two months – yikes.
How are your classes going?
I used to put my guys in a backpack carrier while I made dinner; they got to watch everything from the bird’s eye view, and I got to cook without them crabbing…
This is my week off between classes, and I’m really enjoying it! I start one class next Thursday, and the other one the following Tuesday. I am NOT looking forward to being at school 2 nights a week, but it’s only for 8 weeks. I can’t wait to be done.
I can’t believe the little guy’s been here for 2 months either. It seems like not too long ago you were posting his picture and packing up to go bring him home.
I have been thinking about a snugli of some sort. Friends of ours gave us their backpack to take to China. Their little girl loved it, especially at the Great Wall. Andrew was so-so in the backpack. He kept leaning waaaaaay out of one side. That made me a little nervous.
Classes two days a week. That certainly makes life hectic. Are these night classes? Enjoy the week off. Catching up on sleep or fun reading?
I always felt like the snugli got in the way, but some people really like those baby slings. How about tying soemthing amusing to the backpack strap to prevent the lean and tip over thing? We had (heh-still have!) a backpack that had shoulder straps in it.
My classes are in the early evening, which interferes with helping everyone with their homework. I am spending my week off trying to get a little ahead of the tidal wave that I know will be crashing down around me in November…but getting in some nice fall afternoon runs, and trying to finish Bayou Farewell (I keep falling asleep before I get more than a few pages read, though…)
I think I remember that far back… 😉
Just for fun, I decided to try on one of the skirts that I haven’t been able to wear for 2 1/2 years or more. I wanted t see how close I was to being able to fit in it again.
And guess what? I’m wearing it to work today!!! It not only fits, it isn’t even tight!!!!
So, I’m a few minutes late leaving for work — but, wOw is it worth it!!
Wow!!! That IS a happy day!
Thanks, CabinGirl —
This is a skirt I bought when I first got this job 3 years ago. And, I think it fits better now than it did when I bought it.
At this rate, I won’t be able to hang it on my hips this time next year!
(just for today — I’m not going to take seconds & I’m not eating between meals.)
THAT is a happy feeling!
You just sashay into work today feeling gorgeous.
Thanks kansas!!!
This skirt is perfect, it’s very narrow and makes me look like 110 lbs!
I’m starting to be excited about buying clothes for “the wedding” (December 10).
(just for today — I’m not going to take seconds & I’m not eating between meals.)