(Cross-posted on Daily Kos)
Most people here think that Paul Hackett is a pretty neat guy. Generally, they’re pretty fond of Sherrod Brown too. The primary between these two could be a good thing, if it gives Hackett a chance to show his chops and Brown a change to prove his widespread appeal. It will, however, definitely not be a good thing if they lay into each other and leave themselves exhausted for the general. That’s where we come in. Candidates look at the blogosphere like a piggy bank? Fine. If Hackett and Brown don’t keep this primary clean, then no piggy bank for you!
The petition is at http://www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/hackettbrown/
The text is below the fold:
Whereas: The Democratic Party needs to make the defeat of Republicans their top priority
Whereas: Both Paul Hackett and Sherrod Brown would make outstanding candidates top oppose Mike DeWine for Ohio’s Senate seat in 2006
Whereas: The Democratic Party is prone to “circular firing squad” tactics
Whereas: A messy primary not only could cripple the winner going into the general, but would show a lack of good faith on the part of the participants
Whereas: 2006 also offers a tremendous number of other critical Democratic pickup opportunities
Whereas: The resources of Democratic activists are limited
The undersigned request that Paul Hackett and Sherrod Brown run a clean primary campaign free of attacks levelled at each other. Furthermore, the undersigned resolve only to donate tiem or money to either candidate pending the conclusion of a clean, attack-free primary. If either Mr. Brown or Mr. Hackett turn to negative attacks against the other, the undersigned pledge to withhold any financial support from the attacking candidate.
Wow, what a great idea! A clean campaign…I just can’t wrap my head around that concept. As a lifelong Clevelander I have always been fond of Sherrod Brown and Paul Hackett sure was exciting and refreshing to watch in his run. I am torn between the two but since I no longer live in Ohio I guess the point is moot.
The winner of the primary should be the one who most drives DeWine’s support, indeed support of Republicans in conservative counties, down.
DeWine is the opponent, and the objective is to take back Ohio.
This makes no sense…I am getting sick of the Dems only wanting to run if they don’t break a fingernail.
Let the best man win.
Right… this says nothing about how they campaign in the general…