The United States is responsible for the conduct and the supervision of its soldiers. And it looks like the culture of the war, and the conduct of our soldiers, is a disgrace. Here is a photo from the burning of killed “enemy combatants” for public display.
From transcripts of the original Australian broadcast:
Reporter: At the top of the hills above the village the soldiers have taken the tactics of psychological warfare to a grotesque and disturbing extreme. US soldiers have set fire to the bodies of the two Taliban killed the night before. The burning of the corpses and the fact that they’ve been laid out facing Mecca is a deliberate desecration of Muslim beliefs.
Soldier: Wow, look at the blood coming out of the mouth on that one, fucking straight death metal.
Reporter: PsyOps specialist Sergeant Jim Baker then broadcast an inflammatory message over the loudspeakers in order to taunt and bait the enemy. Source
We are either bound by the rule of civilized law or we are not. When we invade other countries we have the absolute responsbility to do so (yes, I know that there’s a paradox here) in a civilized and lawful manner.
Cross posted at Political Porn
Another returned troop, also anonymous, says, “We would defecate on and run over dead Iraqi bodies.”
As revenge, the U.S. Command ordered twice to raze the city of Fallujah, killing thousands, destroying lives and livelyhood of tens of thousands, in essence devastating communities.
By any measure a war crime, foretold by the heavy handed assault at the outset of the invasion, when U.S. forces wanted to establish their HQ in a local school. The protest that followed led to the death of 35 civilians. The rest is history.
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Australia’s SBS television – DATELINE
Psych War in Afghanistan
Transcript and Video of Interview
“You are too scared to
retrieve their bodies –
this just proves you are
the lady boys we always
believed you to be.”
US PsyOps’ alleged message
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Where are they? Where are our sons & daughters? Are they the ones at the top of the hill, the ones defecating on the dead, the ones laughing at another`s beliefs? Who the hell is in charge? I`m getting sick of supporting this kind of atrocity as I support the “troops”. Will they bring this home with them & marginalize their neighbors with an impromtu
BBQ. Throw another raghead on the barbie, type of thing. It`s hard for me to believe they were boyscouts before going to “war”. Are these subhumans handpicked by Rummy?
What have we created?
(((Are these subhumans handpicked by Rummy?}}}
Yes, I think you are right on that one!
(((What have we created?)))
I do think, we need to examine the word WE here. I had not one damn thing in this and I fight against this behavior all the day long. I am just not being heard by the right ppl, is all! I think it is about damn time we all stood up for something we all believe in…and this administration is IT!
We must leave NOW! That is all there is to it! This is really getting out of hand…as if it already hasnt! These men on the top of the hill do not have souls! They are all fucked up in thier minds, to say the least! There is following orders and there is following orders, for Gods sake! I do believe these men have got to stop and search to why they are the way they are. I, for the life of me, can never understand this mindset!!! NEVER! Some sick puppies out there in this old world, if you ask me,,,,,
and this administration is IT! did not come out like I meant for it to…..;o( I should have inserted is not IT! Damn!!!!!
I understand the “we” you`re talking about. I have had absolutely no part in this either, but I believe we`ve got to fix it. It`s one hellof a job. Since 1962 I`ve done the best I could as a pacifist minded Terran. Sometimes I feel like letting them have at it, but I just can`t believe I would be at peace, standing by.
The U.S. image abroad has been battered by a series of human rights scandals, from the abuse of inmates at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to the detention without trial of foreign terror suspects at a U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
More than 100 detainees have died in U.S. detention in Afghanistan and Iraq. The U.S. military consistently pins the blame on individuals and has denied there is any institutional tolerance of such behavior.
… The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based civil rights group, urged the Pentagon to conduct a review of policies and training related to personnel in Muslim countries.
“Given the growing number of such incidents involving American military personnel worldwide, it is imperative that the Pentagon launch a top-to-bottom review of policies and training to help prevent the war on terror from being perceived as a war on Islam,” CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad said in a statement.
Awad said reports of abuses of Muslim prisoners and disregard for Islamic sensitivities in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, were harming the image of the United States and serving as recruiting tools for terrorist groups.
Rice before US Senate Foreign Relations Committee
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First, it’s not the reports, especially the western mainstream reports, of US activities that are the problem, it’s the activities.
The victims do not rely on western media to inform them when their relatives, friends and neighbors have been seized, tortured, maimed, and starved and slaughtered.
Second, if it serves as a “recruiting tool,” it recruits people who are opposed to having their countries invaded and occupied, and relatives, friends and neighbors seized, tortured, maimed and starved and slaughtered.
Oh, wait. that’s what “terrorist” means now.
Never mind.
Never mind.