I couldn’t find this written up anywhere else here. Please let me know if I missed it.
Yesterday, Marty Bahamonde testified before the Senate Homeland Security Comittee. Included with his testimony were several emails sent from his blackberry. These emails are quite damning, to say the least.
Like many of you, I sat watching my television in horror on that Sunday night, wondering why I was seeing people streaming into the Superdome, but no supplies.
It turns out that Marty Bahamonde, the ‘eyes and ears on the ground’ for Mike Brown, was in the SuperDome at that time. And he was extremely concerned as well.
First, a little bit about Marty (from his Senate testimony):

I have worked for FEMA for 12 years and have been a full-time employee since 2002. I have spent most of that time in the field, not behind a desk. I have responded to numerous hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and fires. At the personal request of Under Secretary Brown, I deployed to Bam, Iran in 2003 in support of the medical team that worked miracles in a city that was totally destroyed and resulted in more than 30,000 deaths.
He sounds to me like just the kind of person you would want on the ground. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that anyone with any influence listened to him.
I’m going to go through the timeline now, culling together bits from his testimony and the emails that were sent.
Marty arrived in NOLA on Saturday night (Aug 27). On Sunday, he spent the day shuttling back and forth between the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Superdome. You can see that even in the early afternoon, he was very worried:
Even at this early stage, he knew the situation in the SuperDome was precarious at best, and that fast planning and successful execution would be necessary to avoid disaster.
Despite his knowledge of the potential catastrophe, he sounded cautiously optimistic after starting to plan things out with the National Guard.
However, despite their planning, the required supplies did not arrive in time:
Marty weathered the storm back at the EOC. At around 8am the next morning, he witnessed many of the downtown hotels getting their windows blown out, and the roof starting to peel off the SuperDome (I can only imagine how sick he must have felt watching that. My God.).
There were no signs of the catastrophic flooding yet, but Marty warned that they were not out of the woods yet.
At about 11am, they got the news that they had been fearing: the levee at the 17th street canal had been breached.
About 15 minutes later, I went back up on a second Coast Guard helicopter for approximately 45 minutes, and during this flight, I was able to get a real understanding of the impact of Katrina on New Orleans and the surrounding area.
He was then able to communicate back to FEMA headquarters via telephone the extent of the damage he had seen. He believes that he communicated exactly how dire the situation had become; still, the national director of FEMA was not spurred into action.
You can get a sense of Marty’s frustration, when on Tuesday morning Mike Brown had still not arrived.
He then wrote to Mike Brown directly to try to get through just how desperate this was.
Now, you might be wondering, what was the man who was tasked with managing emergencies in America doing while one of its largest cities was drowning and rotting off the face of the earth?
Well, he was planning to eat dinner and go on TV, of course.
Marty is not happy with his boss.
After the worst is over, Marty offered up his rather scathing (and deserved) review of the FEMA top management.
MSNBC has a story on this as well.
I guess our President wasn’t the only one fiddling around while we lost New Orleans.
I had to get up and walk away from my computer several times while reading some of those emails.
There are several more if you follow the link at the top of the story.
There are also several pictures there that Marty took during the debacle.
For every time I start to feel less rage an even more outrageous story appears to the total lack of competency and/or caring. Is there a way we can demand that he be dropped from his “consulting” position. What the hell is he qualified for? Asswiper of the year?
Hell, if we could demand people be dropped from their positions based on incompetence, I’m not even sure that Brownie would make my top 5 list.
Right with ya there my friend!
Dude, is this at Kos?
Because everyone sees everything there, too.
Crosspost it, please.
Nope, I didn’t post it at dKos…I guess I assumed that someone had already written it up over there.
That isn’t the case?
but this is the first time I have seen it, including the e-mails from the Blackberry.
Fucking A.
I heard something like this last night on the news, but this has far, far more credence.
They had a man IN THE DOME already???!!!
Just like 9/11, the fuckheads let it happen.
Did he give all fo these emails to the committee?
Jesus Christ, these should be published EVERYWHERE — he “needs his downtime” for fuck’s sake?!? Mike Brown should be ripped limb from limb. Do you know if C-span has the testimony? I would LOVE to see/hear/read it.
Marty Bahamonde is a hero.
Thanks for this, e!!
I got those emails off of the Senate website!
Check this out. It’s the Senate committee website for that day’s meeting. It looks like they have a link to the RealAudio recording of the hearing, but I can’t get to it b/c I’m behind a firewall at work right now.
I’d personally charge him with manslaughter-being told people could die withing hours and he has to eat fucken dinner. Olberman had this on his show last night and it is jaw dropping in a truly sickening way…it only seems to get worse/worse for ‘brownie-heck of a job’ and that’s good.
Maybe people who were defending all these fuckers if they hear enough shit like this will have to admit this was a total criminal fuck-up…to say nothing of simply not caring. Which is still going on as after almost two months there has been almost no real, concerted progress in getting even the tons of trash bulldozed and taken away and why the fuck not?
I believe that as early as that Tuesday, I was calling for charges of ‘negligent genocide’ to be brought up against a whole host of administration officials.
I am not sure if such a term exists in the legal world, but this is proof positive that the practice does in the real world.
Bush, Chertoff, Brown… all of them.
They all knew. How could they not? Screw them.
And their little dog Condi who was out shopping.
Until I saw these emails, I didn’t realize that there was an actual FEMA field agent on the ground, WITH BLACKBERRY, updating them on the situation.
Which begs the question Why was George Bush unaware of the situation until he was shown a DVD of reports from the MSM?
Those reports were clearly very much delayed from what he could have known from Bahamonde via Mike Brown.
“crapping in the hallway of the superdome”
Yeah… didn’t they tell us they had “no way of knowing”???
They all are liars. Everyone single one of them.
If a Republican speaks, you can damn well bet they are lying and stabbing you in the back as well as stealing your wallet.
If this stuff (gawd I always say this) doesn’t wake up the media… then we truly should storm these asshats.
Clinton get a blowjob and this country almost STOPPED! This shit happens and NOTHING.
I’m beginning to feel something I didn’t think I could… hate for my own country….
Hate those who have shaped it. Some culpability surely lies in the masses who have allowed it, but their better sensibilities have been taken advantage of by people with no regard for others.
They take advantage of the fact that most people don’t believe them capable, as humans, of doing the things they do.
And the media mostly lets them get away with it because they’re owned by the perpetrators.
I know. It’s just so… frustrating. Ventage, I guess you know.
I passed this along to a ton of friends.
Time to get on the phone and start calling the news and demanding they get on it.
Thank you E!!!
There are still several thousand people “missing,” both children and adults.
And I bet he is making even more money as a ‘consultant’ than he was as a government employee.
What a job-investigating yourself, probably at more money and working from home…and probably getting renewed every 30 days until bushco is out of office. And since he’s working at home I suppose now he can tax deduct part of that also..as cheney might say-this sounds like a ‘big time’ bribe to me.
To borrow a phrase….”this is working out quite well for him, then.”
As if we needed any more proof. Five damned days IGNORING what was happening on the ground.
And the sniveling SOB had the nerve to act offended during the congressional pity party he threw for himself weeks later. He just makes me ill.
He shouldn’t get one more red cent.
But that should be a lesson for everyone: No one loves a federal check more than a wingnut. No one.
Cleanup on Aisle 5, my head just asploded.
[off to forward to everyone I know]
Those of us who work for a living know what you do when job demands become pressing. You order pizza. You grab something from a vending machine. You brew up another gallon of coffee.
You fucking don’t take the time to drive across town and enjoy a leisurely fucking dinner in some fucking high-end restaurant. And that’s the case even when your job doesn’t involve people, you know, dying.
Brown should have to repay the U.S. Treasury every stinking penny he was paid while he pretended to run FEMA. Or perhaps he should be allowed to keep the amount it would have cost to buy a cheap heating pad to keep the fucking chair warm, as that’s the only service he seems to have performed.
Remember when she interviewed Brown and he said he didn’t know people where seeking shelter in the Superdome. This was on September 1st.
Little did we know, he fucking had a FEMA guy in the FUCKING SUPERDOME CRAPPING IN THE HALLWAYS ALONG WITH 30,000 FRIENDS, with a blackberry, sending messages…
What a total POS. These people are evil. Truly evil.
Via Think Progress:
I apologize for the language, but I’m so upset right now. I can’t understand this. Why, why, why are these people leading the country? How the hell does this happen? How many people have died d/t their actions or negligence, both direct and indirect…
US does not count its victims. Not in Iraq, not in New Orleans.
This is an infuriating issue.
I am going over Brown’s testimony before the House Select Comittee right now to see if he lied to them as well. I suspect he may have.
Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
I watched that whole thing (even liveblogged some of it) but I’ll be damned if I can remember anything except a white hot rage….
your diary came up on some of my google searches =)
This is interesting. Seems kind of contradictory to me.
Let me ask you, to try to get to this, did you get all the assets that you requested from the Department of Homeland Security and from the White House? Were they timely in giving you everything you needed?
DAVIS: So you got everything you asked for?
And then, not 2 minutes later:
BROWN: I can’t, I cannot say under oath, Mr. Chairman, that we got everything…
BROWN: That’s correct.
SHAYS: Do you suspect maybe it all didn’t come in a timely manner, for various reasons?
BROWN: Obviously, some of it didn’t…
It seems to me like he said two totally different things, under oath, less than 5 minutes apart.
And that isn’t even considering any emails or anything that has come out since then.
Am I just being overly aggressive now, or did we all miss this the first time around?
I watched this testimony and it was very tense at this point with Shays hammering Brown over various points and then this one above, I felt that Brown at that point realized that he could not stand on that statement. I also felt from the beginning he was doing ‘the protect the admin. dance ‘and realized then that he better push that one off or he would be sunk even lower…probably trying to keep his consulting job.
You are mixing up the convention center and superdome,,,he said he did not know about the Convention center, not the superdome. Not defending him whatsoever, just making that point. The convention center was not opened until after the flooding for shelter, is my recollection…
For setting me straight!
I didn’t see Brown listed on the arrest list for over 1,000 deaths!
BATON ROUGE, La. Oct. 21 — More arrests are likely as authorities investigate at least 140 patient deaths at nursing homes and hospitals during and after Hurricane Katrina, including allegations that some patients may have been euthanized, the Louisiana attorney general’s office said today.
Six hospitals and 13 nursing homes in Louisiana are under investigation.
The investigations were wide-ranging, looking into whether patients were abandoned, evacuated improperly, or euthanized to spare them further suffering, said attorney general’s spokeswoman Kris Wartelle.
The majority of the agency’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit — 18 investigators and four lawyers — have been assigned to the cases, Wartelle said. No further details were released .
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Yup. The problem is that these officials are so removed from anybody who actually does anything that they can’t possibly be held accountable for anything going on.
I am guessing that they do not see this as a problem.
Marty Bahamonde is the kind of guy you WANT working on disaster relief — experienced, ready to go into a disaster area on short notice, feet on the ground and able to determine what is needed and how to get things done. Someone who CARES about doing his job, which is helping people affected by a natural disaster.
Brown is nothing but a disaster. This is utterly appalling. People in the Superdome without food or water, only a small fraction of the MREs needed available, and Brown needs “downtime” to go to a restaraunt “of his choice”… What, was he thinking that being in Baton Rouge instead of Washington was “sacrificing” enough for his job? I’m sure he had other plans for the Labor Day holiday and week following…
Utterly, utterly incompetent. He should spend his “consulting” gig living in the Superdome. Eating MREs, if the delivery comes through.
Marty Bahamonde is the kind of guy you WANT working on disaster relief — experienced, ready to go into a disaster area on short notice, feet on the ground and able to determine what is needed and how to get things done. Someone who CARES about doing his job, which is helping people affected by a natural disaster.
Well, actually, I’ve heard that he has kind of a wierd personal life. And also he’s trying to get a book deal. Plus, he gave money to a Democrat once. (quick! to the smear machine!)