Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
A special thanks to Cho for the fabulous frog picture (taken in Willimantic, CT where they have an entire frog march of frogs on spools!)
This froggie is beautiful. You say there are more?
Here’s the Link and there are more links within the diary.
shouldn’t that be “Fabulous Frogday?” Good morning all. Nothing special to report. Heck, I’m only just barely vertical, closer to diagonal really, but for some reason it feels like a good day. The official agenda calls for commenting on a stack of my student’s stories. And maybe actually starting the revision on novel number five to get it back into editorial circulation.
Today’s tea: Assam Mangalem.
Hope everyone’s Frogday is wonderful, and perhaps spiced up by a little bit of long awaited frog-marching.
May the frog be with you. (Okay, I’ll stop with the star wars references now.) Happy Friday to all!
Your wish has been granted…my bet is that we get some Wednesday frog-marching.
And from your lips to the FSM’s noodly ears for Wednesday .
I’m sneaking in to say Good Morning!!
Love to everyone 🙂
Just wanted to let you know that the Science Songs came!! I haven’t had a chance to listen to them yet (on the agenda for the weekend) — I will have to play them on my computer, right? You said they were MP3s?
Anyway, I wanted to say THANK YOU!
Yes, they are MP3s. I think that if you have Roxio (and maybe Nero) you can convert them to the format that plays in CD players. I didn’t do that, because I wanted to get them to you quickly and they all fit on 1 CD as MP3s.
And I forgot to say, “You’re Welcome”.
Happy Friday everyone! My husband has thrown me off kilter by “working at home” today. I hate when he does this because, though I love him to pieces, he just really bugs the shit out of me when he’s home. Now I have to run around and pretend like I DO things during the day when he’s at work…like laundry and bathroom cleaning and bill-paying, when the truth is I basically sit here in the office and talk to you guys.
Do you have a laptop? Maybe you could pretend to go run errands, and take the laptop to a coffee shop with wifi, and he would be none the wiser?
Hmmm…do you think ideas like this might have something to do with why I’m not married? 🙂
shows what I know. I assumed you were married.
I need to pay closer attention 🙂
You have hit me right where I live, CG. I am one of those people who probably shouldn’t be married…I’m just happier and more at ease by myself or with my kids. I’m constantly saying..”don’t you want to go golfing today?…why don’t you call one of your friends and get together?….why don’t you get away for the weekend to the beach?” THe poor guy.
ANd, no, I don’t have a laptop. But I’ve asked Santa for one. Problem is I’ve been pretty bad this year.
But bad is good, right?
I heard yesterday that one of my friends is getting remarried, but they’ve decided to maintain separate houses (they both have teenagers from previous marriages) until the kids go to college. It’s funny, apparently they’re all apologetic and worried that people will think it’s weird, and all I can think is “How cool is that? You can go home to your own space.”
We can’t maintain separate homes, unless mine is a garden shed, but I have really been considering separate bedrooms. I’ve mentioned it several times but he thinks I’m kidding. I grew up in a house with ten people and only one bathroom so I guard my own space ferociously.
Could be worse — you could be married to a teacher who is home the whole fucking summer, driving your crazy and leaving the financial news channel babblers on all the damn day and have those irritations compounded by the fact that you work at home so get to be at work and watch him laze around.
That would indeed drive me crazy. My husband is talking more and more about working from home about half the time and I’m trying to gently talk him out of it. This is a new second marriage for both of us after long (20 year) first marriages, and I think our best chance at survival is to maintain somewhat separate lives. And I don’t think you can do that when you’re both home all the time. That sounds bad, doesn’t it? But I just felt so SUFFOCATED in my first marriage that I don’t want it to happen again.
I feel really stupid, but I must’ve missed it…
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know the names of the Kansas-chatter books so that I can order/buy/read them. Thannks. If it’s an anonymity issues – please email me at azulis at yahoo dot com.
I’m such a dork for not catching it sooner.
it’s azulism
I was trying to type while standing up and all hunched over.
here she is!
That list doesn’t have all of her (Nancy Pickard) books. Here’s a much more complete list.
But it’s missing two that I know of:
. Storm Warning (short stories)
. Seven Steps on the Writer’s Path (non-fiction)
Yeah, thank you! 🙂 I’ve never seen those sites before, isn’t that funny?
DJ, email me if you want to and tell me what kind of books you like and I’ll tell you which ones of mine are most likely to appeal to you.
You guys are really really nice.
Hey!!!! What’s wrong with the summer off?*! I even married another teacher. He teaches kindergarden.
4 years — come back around in a few years when the blush is off the honeymoon… 😉
(What I’m going to do when the spouse retires in 9 years is beyond me…)
because I don’t think I’m ever going to get Jim to retire. I think one day the kids will look up from a timed test and see his feet sticking out from under his desk.
I was married 20 years the first time. Now I’m in my 3rd year of my second marriage. I can’t imagine what will keep me from killing him when he retires in 15 years or so. Course, if he doesn’t lay off the Oreos he might not be around in ten years anyway.
My 6 sisters and I have this plan that when our husbands all die (or are otherwise out of the picture) we’ll all get a nice house together and be tottering old, Alzheimer-riddled ladies together. Between all of us we’re bound to add up to at least one sound mind and we can remind each other to put on underpants before we walk around the block, and remind us of which of the 27 offspring belong to which sister.
but I failed to consider the ramifications of marrying a teacher. One aunt did tell me I shouldn’t marry him because he was a teacher but she was talking about money, not having to watch someone sleep in for months at at time or not getting to take vacations whenever you want.
But there is an upside for me: NO PARENTS !
I hate to be an outcast so early in my career here at Booman, but here goes. On Sept 1, I started working at our workshop craft business two days per week right alongside Gooserock. I haven’t been happier in years. I love not having to go away to go to work and Gooserock has proven to be an excellent instructor in teaching me our craft business.
I’m hoping to increase the two days per week to three if our meagre budget will allow…
I’m actually having fun AT WORK here at home.
Give it time 😉 We’ve been married 34 years and I’ve been putting up with him all summer for 16 years (that’s how long I’ve been a telecommuter). I do love working at home, though, and don’t think I could ever go back to working in an office.
Snarkiness aside, I think it all comes down to personality. My grandparents worked together in a family business for over 30 years (until her death) and had no problems.
Of course, I haven’t suggested any changes to the design of our craft yet. 😉 I may get my walking papers if I do that. Hee, Hee!
And beyond that, both living and working together is definitely a minefield, further complicated by the shop also being the house. It all adds whole ‘nuther dimensions to the concept of cabin fever!
We met because we’re natural for working together; if we weren’t married, either of us could comfortably work for the other or be colleagues. Recreationally, we’ve collaborated in several different folk music & dance groups, one run by me, one run by her, and in the others we were both peons.
I really need her for the biz. It works out that she’s in her own spaces doing her own tasks most of the time, but she’s also got a prodigious mechanical/geometric brain that would have made her a great mechanic or machinist or maybe architecht in some other life. I’m counting on that to upgrade our processes and setups for productivity.
We may well only work together for a transition period between other options. We have to take something like this one day at a time, keeping a weather eye out for the bank balance, but at least for now when we have a lot of problem solving to get through, it’s a very helpful move for us.
Ok, you two, get a room!
It’s really a beautiful thing when two people compliment each other the way you do.
I totally envy you.
mr katiebird and I worked in the same department for 17 years, before I moved to another library.
We’re still adjusting to not being within sight of each other all day.
the two of you are working together might help that out…
Shared all the tales with the spouse this morning, and he assures me that he’ll keep himself busy post-retirement. We’ll see about that…at least by then we’ll be a dual-computer family so we won’t be fighting over Internet access… 😉
(As long as he can keep his driver’s license, maybe I can get him to volunteer to shuttle seniors to appointments, shopping, etc. — all the old ladies on his runs absolutely love him!)
My husband’s school system is off for Fall Break so I took the day off so we could go hiking. And it’s been raining (for the first time in 2 weeks) since last night. Feh.
Here’s a couple of shots from the porch I took during a break in the rain.
That’s too bad that it ruined your hiking plans, but rainy days make me feel oddly energized. It makes me want to clean the house and make banana bread. Why does so much of my life revolve around food?
It makes me want to clean the house…
That does it. I’m staging an intervention!
Skip the intervention, and send SecondNature over to my house!
Believe me, this is such a rare event (the urge to clean the house) that I need to act on it before it passes. We have endured a lengthy drought here in NC…so as you can imagine, my house is rather…um…earthy.
It’s been dry over in Eaast TN too, but that means I have to mow the grass only every 2nd or 3rd weekend – more time for blogging! 🙂
Actually, after living in Kansas City, it’s got to get REALLY dry before I call it a drought anymore (It’s not a drought if you don’t have a dust storm – which is a really weird event if you’ve never experienced one).
Rain is predicted this weekend here, though – so I still won’t be able to mow the grass: Awww, too bad!
My brother and his wife are coming in a few weeks to visit from DC, though, so we’re trying to do other things, like paint inside, trim the hedges, etc. (ugh!)
When did Kansas City last have a dust storm?
Since I haven’t lived there in 7 years I can’t say when the most recent was.
I do remember there was a doozy in 1989. I remember when it was because I was on a job interview as it blew into town, in an upper floor of an office building up on a hill. The interviewer sat with his back to the window, which faced southwest (the predominant wind direction in summer in KC).
It was hard to concentrate on the interview because of what was going on outside the window. The sky turned a milky white color, which gradually darkened to a tan as the sunlight got dimmer and dimmer, and the wind picked up. After the interview I rushed home, headlights on in mid afternoon; the air smelled like dirt and left a gritty feel in your mouth. My wife was home with the kids (one was 4, one an infant), and we stuffed wet towels around the (leaky) windows and doors, as the dust was blowing in through the cracks. Enough got in over a couple of hours that we had to sweep the floor and wash the countertops afterward.
Anyway, I got the job, which turned out to be the best job I’ve ever had so far. 🙂
I forgot all about that! The wind was over 80 miles an hour and there never was a word about it on TV.
It’s the only time I’ve ever seen anything like that.
That is bummer…we’re having the same stinky weather here. I was hoping to get out for a run first thing this morning, but it started to rain before the first kid even got on the bus!
I’m sure you can come with an alternative rainy day plan, though…
Good Morning All,
I love your porch AndiF. Thanks for sharing. I’m still on my first cuppa but I have an idea I may try in a little bit.
Hippity Hoppity Frogday frogsters. What a week we have had. I am hanging onto that thread of hope and confidence I have left that Fitz is going to take this Regime down big time next week. The power of positive thinking? Can I hear an Amen? LOL
Hope everyone has a relaxing fun filled weekend and just remember….Who love ya baby? The Leezymeister!
Have a great weekend, Leezy!
Thank you my friend. Grandleezy soccer game tomorrow. She got her first goal last week! WhooHoo!
“Can I hear an Amen?”
Or, as devotees of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (in all its noodly goodness) would say:
“Can I hear a Ramen?”
Amen to what you said Aloha….and goodmorning to you and all.
I am off for breakfast with my daughter and a visit.
See you all later!!!!!!
Ahh – good morning everyone, almost weekend.

curly and I will be getting out of the city, heading up to the Berkshires early tomorrow & counting on a colorful scenery.
(“Borrowed” from the web – but will bring camera for the weekend.)
That looks gorgeous! We used to go to a bluegrass festival in that area (Hillsdale/Ancramdale, NY), on a beautiful farm on a hill.
Hope you get lots of pretty pictures to bring back to us.
I hope so too. Forecast is not the best, but even a grey or rainy day has its moments.
DeLay’s attorney is trying to get the judge to recuse himself because he gave money to and he is a democrat.
Isn’t DeLay’s attorney a democrat also?
DeGuerin is a defense attorney — I don’t know that he necessarily has any loyalty to either party. Suffice it to say that he think DeLay is a swell guy.
He’s the lawyer that got the guy who killed and then chopped up his neighbor off on self-defense — do you remember that case? The defendant was only convicted of “tampering with evidence” (i.e., chopping up and burying the body). De Guerin is a damned good defense attorney. (Not that I approve of him, mind, but there’s no denying that he’s good)
Refresh my memory…is that the old guy who sometimes dressed like a woman?
he also defended David Koresh
He’s a Texas good ole boy for sure — he also like really high profile cases….(but what defense attorney doesn’t?)
He’s also trying for change of venue, crying that he can’t get a fair trial here in Travis County becuase he chopped it into 3 pieces in his redistricting…..fuck him. The judge is supposed to hear arguments ont hese motions next month at the same time that he hears the motions of DeLay’s co-defendants.
I hope Perkins has more balls now than he did in the KBH case. If Scalia can go duck hunting with Cheney and then rule on the case re: the energy documents, then Perkins can damn well refuse to recuse himself because he donated to the fucking democrats.
DeLay is SUCH a sleezebag!
What a fuckhead he is. He can dish shit out, but heaven forbid any of splatters back on him.
And how about that loony smile in the mug shot?
God,I know! I can understand him not wanting it to look like a mugshot, but he looks so fucking proud and arrogant.
He looks like he’s posing for a yearbook photo!
Voted most likely to launder money for political favors.
Yeah, maybe at Hell High!
I’d have to drive to Denver or Chicago to see it. I want to see it today!
Dang it.
Happy Frogday all…..
Things are cold and foggy here near the left coast this morning…thinking about my new book of short stories instead of work.
“A Gift of Dragons” by Anne McCaffrey – a fun, easy read…I read snippets at lunch every day.
Here’s one of my favorite dragons for the reading group on Saturday. I have to miss the group because I’m involved in stuff all day. :^)
My guys are going to love this picture! Have you read Eragon or Christopher Paolini’s new one, Eldest?
Haven’t read the new Paolini….just added it to my Powell’s wish list!
Dragon books are so much fun….I read them then stash them on the grandkids bookshelf at our house! When they come to visit new books for them to read! Grandma must read them all first to make sure they are okay for little ones – right??? ;^D
Has this made the rounds of your mailboxes today?
A protest sign seen at a recent anti-war demonstration in Washington, DC. —
I don’t think he’s interested in blowjobs yet, he’s still busy playing dress-up and commander in chief.
Wow, busy day already here in the cafe! I’ve been stricken with a severe case of Fall Fever. I’m starting to develop calluses on my fingers from hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock repeatedly each morning (blogging has nothing to with the calluses, nope, uh uh)
Anywho, there’s a fall chill in the air that makes me want to do nothing more than stay under the blankets and be a complete sloth. Hope you all enjoy your day, I need to catch up on all the crap I procrastinated doing all week at work. 🙂
I know what you mean about the snooze button. If we didn’t have a dog that insists on getting up at 5:30, th kids would have missed the bus this week!
I hope you get everything done!
Before my day gets crazy. Some stuff you may have missed yesterday:
Feel free to add your recommendations as a reply to this comment.
Can you tell I’m a huuuuuuuge fan??? Can ya??? ‘go sharks, whatever’. Don’t steenk up the joint so bad tonight will ya. Cripes.
Wesley lost his glasses at school…. GRRRRR. &%$@!! I hope we hear from the company today. No hard copy yet and Wayne wants to quit like there’s no tomorrow.
Hey, and thanks all for reading my diary yesterday. I was just getting some stuff out of my head and damn… thanks 🙂
Danni just called me from school. They were on the schoolbus. Driver found and held them. We don’t have vision yet… ACK
Need advice…
Thanks for your help.
p.s. The photo is a certain famous person’s mug shot.
Well, no trouble at all for clever photoshopping. If you created it, but got the idea from someone else, you could give a tip o’ the hat to that person in your comment.
If it’s Delay’s mug shot, I don’t think they copyright those…
Looking forward to seeing it!
latte! Hide it!!!! If Cabin sees it she’s going to say something about “before noon”! Today is a good day……..we have announced officailly MASS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE! Better have a nip with me while you can, sounds like it’s going to be one big long arrest until they are sick of us, so sick of us that they will do almost anything they can to get rid of us and make us just go away…….and only one thing will really accomplish that!
Honey, I’ll have you know it’s 12:18 PM here! Vodka:30 to you and me!
Can you tell us more about the mass civil disobedience? Can we bail you out? (I’m thinking single parents shouldn’t be getting arrested, but want to participate).
I saw that Cindy and Co are going to Crawford for Thanksgiving.
who what where when. Are you planning on getting arrested or what?
My friend is going to the 2000 vigil here in San Jose.
Let the muthafuckahs take us all to jail.
2000 soldiers are dead. We are giving them warning now! They are going to begin getting arrested at the gate and when they get out they are going to go right back again! Thanksgiving plans for Crawford. I’m fairly certain that as this thing picks up steam we all ought to be able to get arrested in an organized fashion all over the wonderful amazing United States of America! Yee Haw! I would like to get arrested just once though at the White House or Crawford, ya know, for old times sake! We’ll see though!!!!
good luck, lady!! I knew the massive civil disobedience was gearing for the 2,000 confirm. Was wondering what you were doing. Are you going to DC? Or staying in ‘bama?
I need to go easy on the family. They have been patient but I will need to things around what they need, so I’m still playing by ear. Hey, they could get scared ya know and call the whole war off today!
Whew! I was starting to feel like a major pussy.
We as a family have talked about this ad nauseum… I had to make a “contract” with them ALL. Kids and husband.
Where I live… it’s getting really dangerous. Not that that scares me. But it has my husband shitting razor blades every time he knows I’m out and about. Cause I’m ALONE!
He would prefer it if I got involved with the Oregon CodePink or hell even started one there and then got radical… with a group. He even said arrests would be okay. They just don’t want me out alone. Rather me be with a group and do something WITh a group and they support CodePink totally even though it’s becoming clear it’s a high arrest stat.
Oh and not to get arrested out of state. That was a biggie.. LOL CodePink called my HOUSE while I was in DC and let the cat out of the bag. I was THINKING of doing it – but.. anyways.
I think it’s smarter to do things as a group and do things planned out. Safer and more effective.
I’m going to have a fucking ball in Oregon with CodePink.
I’ll be going to school for marketing and political science. Major: Hellraiser. 🙂
The day is coming soon when the 2,000th U.S. soldier will have died in Iraq. After Downing Street supports United for Peace and Justice, American Friends Service Committee, Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, CODEPINK, and Global
Exchange in calling for actions on that day.
Find an event in your area here:
If there’s no event near you, we encourage you to organize one.
Not one more US service member or Iraqi should have to give their life before our government finally admits that the war against Iraq was wrong and it’s time to bring our troops home.
Cindy Plans to Set Example
Cindy Sheehan has commited to getting arrested again at the White House to mark the announcement of the 2,000th U.S. soldier’s death in Iraq.
“Hundreds of thousands of people were in D.C. on September 24 and the leaders still are not leading us,” Cindy told the Village Voice. “They’re still spouting the Republican talking points even if they’re Democrats. So what are we going to do?
It’s going to have to be massive non-violent civil disobedience I believe.”
Thanks CG for saying it’s okay to post. (I’m basically a chicken.)
Thanks to KOS for the idea.
Thanks to a clever police photographer in Texas for the original photo.
Apologies to Margaret Keane
p.s. Gooserock has left me unchaperoned this morning. 😉
And just wait till Gooserock sees what you’ve been up to! 🙂
Hee hee — he should do so more often!
So how much drugs has he done?
Hey since Gooserock isn’t around, you can tell us all his secrets and he’ll never know how we found out.
OMG! I wouldn’t know where to start… and…. sure, he’d never figure it out. 😉
Well….I’d better go to work. Just because the cat’s away doesn’t mean this mouse can play (for the next little while anyhow). Later….
and someone, I see, has been playing with a mouse!
rr-RAAAooowww!! fstt! fstt!!
[ Which reminds me: an idiot proof way to annoy a cat is to hiss at it. It has to flinch–that’s hard coded into the Cat Operating System–even when it know’s you’re bluffing and is struggling to maintain its cool. ]
I had to make a delivery into the belly of the religious right beast. Now I feel like Homer Simpson trying to figure out how to wash off a baptism. But I see Puget4 accomplished enough offical work for plausible deniability that I guess it’s time for a quick nap & back to the salt mine.
lol, I see Puget4 is your evil twin.
Well, I think the flu has hit Silly Con Valley a bit early; I’m achy, miserable, and feel like I’ve been run over by an articulated bus. Took a shower which seems to have helped the achies, about ready to retire to the couch with my DVD collection (this is the type of day it comes in handy!), and a cup of herbal tea if I can get the energy to make one. Oh, and I have practically zero appetite, a sure sign I’m not well…
Pretty sure it’s just garden variety flu and not bird flu…but can someone explain why I’ve got this craving for sunflower seeds? 😉
Talk to you folks later…
Poor Cali!
I guess the deciding factor between regular flu and avian flu is …
If you start crapping on people’s shoulders… that might be a dead give-away 🙂
Too bad Bush is in SoCal, not NoCal… 😉
Okay, back to bed…
Hey all,
Just posted a diary with the details on this. One of my older stories just came out in Cosmic SF which as a free electronic format magazine. The details are in a diary I just posted here. It also links to some educational SF I wrote for an NSF project that’s currently free as well.