Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I voted for Hatch, as well. He’s a winger, but he’s been around long enough that I think he still has some vestiges of reality in his mind, and he’s pals with Teddy Kennedy.
McCain is spineless and absolutely untrustworthy. Anyone who would suck up to Dim Son as he has done after Rove so viciously attacked the McCain family in the 2000 primaries tells me he has no morals and no scruples.
But, certainly, not a wonderful selection of choices there.
Vestiges of reality? Gosh, we really are having to stretch here.
I’ll never forget Hatch accusing Anita Hill of being inspired by the ‘Exorcist’ — because of the pubic hair on the coke deal. Oh yeah, and the homos are all democrats. (‘Course, I am a homo and a democrat…but still.)
And in true republican style he does it all with a smile on his face. (Of course they all smile… Whether they are indicted or not, they still have piles of money!)
Here’s the actual headline from MSNBC, a place I go only when I’m in desperate need of a fix and I’ve read all the blogs.
Bush wants U.N. to take up Syria, killing
The implications of the comma are incredible.
It makes me want to complete the sentence, like in grade school. Hmmm, killing… all who get in his way? Oh- how about dissenting CIA agents? Maybe he’s killing time until his slot at the gym. Or even killing time until he nukes the place. The sentence dangles tantalizingly, but nothing that fits in the space flatters Bush.
Bush now wants the U.N. to take up killing? Why- can’t Bush get to all the Muslims in a rapid enough manner? Is he going to train them just like he is the Iraqi troops? Or is killing just a hobby he highly recommends?
Yeah, I know what it is supposed to mean. But I can’t help wondering if there’s a comma geek out there with a message for all of us.
That blows your mind away. Do they specifically look for people with no grammatical training to write headlines? Without the comma it’s not much better. Maybe what is needed is the letter “n” where the comma is? Hmmm… still can be read in more than one way.
I voted for Brownback — because he IS the worst. (I wish you had listed Santorum). See, I figure you go with the worst in hopes they will be soooo bad, we’ll have a revolt. No shades of gray — I want revolution!
I can’t believe so many of you voted for McCain! He has gone over to the Dark Side, sold his soul, gone beyond the pale, hugged and kissed Bush like a girly-man, like a masochist begging for more abuse! How can anyone think he’s the least worst of these awful choices?! Are you saying that if the Dems put up Leiberman for Prez that you’d vote for McCain?! Arrrgh!!!
O wait! I know. You all just did that to freak me out. Right. Right?
I just finished reading the latest Vanity Fair and am reminded, yet again, why I subscribe. At the very back, there’s a photo essay on Katrina accompanied by the always stirring words of David Halberstam. I checked and sadly VF does not have this available on their web site. And. They damn-well should.
When I got to the part in his essay where goose-flesh made the hairs on my arms stand up, I realized this man has been telling me the-way-it-is for 40 years. Thru Viet Nam and Watergate, IranContra and Gulf Wars, up to 9/11, it’s like my thoughts about tragedies and catastrophes don’t fully gel until Halberstam puts in his POV. Then, finally, I know exactly how I feel:
I am sad. The anger has passed and left despair in its place. A lot of us are just expendable riff-raff to Those Who Rule.
I had to vote for Guiliani. He’s a bad guy, but I remember a different man…the former squeaky-clean, crime-fighting Attorney General of New York. Guiliani was the guest instructor at a Senior seminar I took in college dealing with corruption and government.
Guiliani had a reputation for being a serious crusader, but he acknowledged right away that to root out all organized crime in NYC would kill the city. No garbage would ever be collected again, and the collapse of the hidden economy would be huge.
Now we can debate the details of these corruption issues…and we did. But what struck me was how open-minded a crusading AG would have to be to acknowledge and discuss a more academic aspect to crime. He was a Republican, but hadn’t pissed off any Democrats yet, and many of them liked him. And he could think, speak, and listen.
Later…something changed. And now he’s just the least worst of a collection of real shitheads BooMan wants me to vote on. Ugh.
My second choice was Condi. I don’t think she has any independent thoughts at all, so it’s hard to say how she’d be as a President, and I have a faint hope she could be just as easily led to a moderate conservatism as she was to neocon hell. Empty vessel, ya know.
i should have included Lindsay Graham rather than Arnold. He might run, and is already being floated as a possible replacement for Cheney should he be indicted.
I would vote for Graham over anyone on the list, in spite of his role as an impeachment manager.
After Graham, I would pick McCain, not because he is a good on the issues, but he has a little progressive streak (in the Teddy Roosevelt) mode, and is not a movement conservative or an ideologue.
After McCain, I’d go to Rudy because he is a New Yorker and has demonstrated that he can keep his head in a crisis.
After that?
I’d move out of the country. It’s important that people that get disgruntled with the Democratic Party look at the alternatives. It’s not pretty.
you’re picking the guy who thought this joke was funny enough to tell the crowd at a Republican fundraising event a few years ago:
“Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno.”
He’s also mentally retarded. How do I know? Only someone lacking cognitive power could go from being tortured by Viet Cong to supporting Alberto Gonzales for AG.
It’s interesting that the last choice, The Gropenfuhrer, contains not one portion of his actual name or current office yet we all know exactly who is indicated. Ahh yes, once again my attention is focused on something that is absolutely beyond the point here, which should tell you something about my life.
Is abstinence an option with this group? I’m sure every one of your options would screw us…
Aaaaacccck….these choices are awful….
I had to vote for Orrin Hatch…a wuss that gets his knickers’s in a twist regularly and then has to back off.
Yeah, I’m still tryng to decide who is the least worst!
I voted McCain because I’m sure at some point Rove will give him back his soul… whatever he paid to give it up tho’ wasn’t worth it.
I voted for Hatch, as well. He’s a winger, but he’s been around long enough that I think he still has some vestiges of reality in his mind, and he’s pals with Teddy Kennedy.
McCain is spineless and absolutely untrustworthy. Anyone who would suck up to Dim Son as he has done after Rove so viciously attacked the McCain family in the 2000 primaries tells me he has no morals and no scruples.
But, certainly, not a wonderful selection of choices there.
Vestiges of reality? Gosh, we really are having to stretch here.
I’ll never forget Hatch accusing Anita Hill of being inspired by the ‘Exorcist’ — because of the pubic hair on the coke deal. Oh yeah, and the homos are all democrats. (‘Course, I am a homo and a democrat…but still.)
From the SAT test: vestige (noun forms: vestiges)
a visible trace, mark or impression, of something absent, lost or gone.
You’re right. It is a stretch. 🙂
I almost had to vote for Frist b/c I think he’d have trouble doing much damage from his cozy jail cell.
Who is the oldest in that group? Least healthy? That’s the one I would vote for. Teehee
your terrible!!
I was thinking that too, Evil Twin 🙂
I wrote in” a lump of shit sitting on the curb during 104 degree temp. That’d get my vote over any of those.
Ha, I couldn’t figure out why you were running such an asinine poll, then I read the title of this open thread.
Just couldn’t bring myself to click any of those buttons…
Check out the slide show – Healing Africa
r u kidding!!!!!!!!!!!! none of them for that matter
Click to see the
super-duper-double-secret pics
The Tom DeLay Perp Walk of Shame
And in true republican style he does it all with a smile on his face. (Of course they all smile… Whether they are indicted or not, they still have piles of money!)
This is like, you know, when you go see a movie that was filmed in your home town. I’m so proud of my fellow Austinites with the signs.
No matter how hard they tried to hide the booking…
Announcing that it would be done at one place, and then showing up at another place to do it.
Some blogger with a camera still managed to get in there and take a few shots. I bet he was pissed when he saw the photograher there! lol
Here’s the actual headline from MSNBC, a place I go only when I’m in desperate need of a fix and I’ve read all the blogs.
Bush wants U.N. to take up Syria, killing
The implications of the comma are incredible.
Yeah, I know what it is supposed to mean. But I can’t help wondering if there’s a comma geek out there with a message for all of us.
That blows your mind away. Do they specifically look for people with no grammatical training to write headlines? Without the comma it’s not much better. Maybe what is needed is the letter “n” where the comma is? Hmmm… still can be read in more than one way.
Maybe we just need truth in advertising:
“Syria: Second Verse, Same As The First”
okay, who is the wise-ass that voted for Brownback?
I voted for Brownback — because he IS the worst. (I wish you had listed Santorum). See, I figure you go with the worst in hopes they will be soooo bad, we’ll have a revolt. No shades of gray — I want revolution!
I can’t believe so many of you voted for McCain! He has gone over to the Dark Side, sold his soul, gone beyond the pale, hugged and kissed Bush like a girly-man, like a masochist begging for more abuse! How can anyone think he’s the least worst of these awful choices?! Are you saying that if the Dems put up Leiberman for Prez that you’d vote for McCain?! Arrrgh!!!
O wait! I know. You all just did that to freak me out. Right. Right?
I just finished reading the latest Vanity Fair and am reminded, yet again, why I subscribe. At the very back, there’s a photo essay on Katrina accompanied by the always stirring words of David Halberstam. I checked and sadly VF does not have this available on their web site. And. They damn-well should.
When I got to the part in his essay where goose-flesh made the hairs on my arms stand up, I realized this man has been telling me the-way-it-is for 40 years. Thru Viet Nam and Watergate, IranContra and Gulf Wars, up to 9/11, it’s like my thoughts about tragedies and catastrophes don’t fully gel until Halberstam puts in his POV. Then, finally, I know exactly how I feel:
I am sad. The anger has passed and left despair in its place. A lot of us are just expendable riff-raff to Those Who Rule.
I had to vote for Guiliani. He’s a bad guy, but I remember a different man…the former squeaky-clean, crime-fighting Attorney General of New York. Guiliani was the guest instructor at a Senior seminar I took in college dealing with corruption and government.
Guiliani had a reputation for being a serious crusader, but he acknowledged right away that to root out all organized crime in NYC would kill the city. No garbage would ever be collected again, and the collapse of the hidden economy would be huge.
Now we can debate the details of these corruption issues…and we did. But what struck me was how open-minded a crusading AG would have to be to acknowledge and discuss a more academic aspect to crime. He was a Republican, but hadn’t pissed off any Democrats yet, and many of them liked him. And he could think, speak, and listen.
Later…something changed. And now he’s just the least worst of a collection of real shitheads BooMan wants me to vote on. Ugh.
My second choice was Condi. I don’t think she has any independent thoughts at all, so it’s hard to say how she’d be as a President, and I have a faint hope she could be just as easily led to a moderate conservatism as she was to neocon hell. Empty vessel, ya know.
i should have included Lindsay Graham rather than Arnold. He might run, and is already being floated as a possible replacement for Cheney should he be indicted.
I would vote for Graham over anyone on the list, in spite of his role as an impeachment manager.
After Graham, I would pick McCain, not because he is a good on the issues, but he has a little progressive streak (in the Teddy Roosevelt) mode, and is not a movement conservative or an ideologue.
After McCain, I’d go to Rudy because he is a New Yorker and has demonstrated that he can keep his head in a crisis.
After that?
I’d move out of the country. It’s important that people that get disgruntled with the Democratic Party look at the alternatives. It’s not pretty.
you’re picking the guy who thought this joke was funny enough to tell the crowd at a Republican fundraising event a few years ago:
He’s also mentally retarded. How do I know? Only someone lacking cognitive power could go from being tortured by Viet Cong to supporting Alberto Gonzales for AG.
I’m just sayin’.
McCain is emotionally, socially and spiritually CONSTIPATED.
My son who is cognitively and neurologically disabled has more brainpower and compassion in his toenail clippings.
Plus he care about the environment and… baby kitties. 🙂
and…he’s a better typer than I am 🙂
Most likely to get a grounds-for-impeachment blow job.
It’s interesting that the last choice, The Gropenfuhrer, contains not one portion of his actual name or current office yet we all know exactly who is indicated. Ahh yes, once again my attention is focused on something that is absolutely beyond the point here, which should tell you something about my life.
I have this image of a sticker on the back of a Lexus that says — ‘G’The President.
A friend sent me this email yesterday.
Subject: Do you think BUSH knows of this?????
Here’s how the British hold back the waters from flooding London:
And the Dutch solution to protecting an entire nation that mostly rests below sea level:
The Italians are defending their city on the sea, Venice:
And the richest, most powerful and technologically advanced nation on earth…USA!!!!!! Go Corps of Engineers!!!!
the visual comparison…why don’t the news show this stuff??? ack
Thanks, SBJ
MSNBC has Tom DeLay on with Rita Cosby and it said his approval rating was at 18%. Is that true?!?
Tough choice between least evil and most stupid. I went with most stupid.
Look what 5 years of Most Stupid has gotten us to date…
like Vincent “the Chin” Gigante was crazy.