My goodness! Is it happy hour already? I guess it’s never too early to get happy.
I’m excited because my husband’s good friend is giving us a pool table and a home theatre system in exchange for my husband helping him with his dissertation. Something about statistics and math…..blah blah blah, it makes my brain go numb but the spouse (darn you, Cali Scribe now I’m talking like you) is a whiz at it.
So, our empty dining room will soon be home to a gargantuan red pool table. That’s so dorky, isn’t it? Most women my age have formal dining rooms but, really, one room dedicated to eating is enough in a house, don’t you think?
Part of my eeeevil plan. Part of me feels weird about it because he’s going through a divorce and is giving away all of his big-house possessions. But, damn, a pool table?! How can I pass that up?
It’s a long story that I’m dying to gossip about, but, alas, I am supposed to be a grownup so I won’t.
He’s an old church friend of my husband and his ex-wife…a very very conservative evangelical church. He’s the only other man who got kicked out of the church for getting a divorce so they struck up a friendship.
He’s such a straight-laced guy, and I have all these radical, left-wing stickers on my car and he must think my husband has gone over to the dark side. But you can tell that he’s now going tanning, and getting some major um…boinking since the divorce and it’s kind of fun to see. He’s 52 going on 22.
Not very long at all, I imagine. And I’m guessing what he’s getting now that he’d been missing before is some of that Bill/Monica action. I’m just sayin…
Hey you girls.
Up to no good, and it is hardly evening yet.
Oh well, its time to leave the office and a whole weekend available for that kind of fun. Yihaa (Dean-scream).
Actually, right now I’m pretty sure he’s into at least one slightly younger woman. He needs to get that out of his system, then he’ll move onto the ones who are aged to perfection. :0)
There’s a new Susan Tedeschi album out, and I kind of like the new Jamie Cullum…
And I hear something by Ali Farkatoria (phonetic spelling) the other day that was really cool, with an African harp. I wish I could figure out how to spell it correctly.
My current CD rotation consists of the recent Nickel Creek CD, Anna Nalick, and Theivery Corporation.
where’s the Friday Recipe?!? I require my weekly taunt of goodies.
Here’s one that Janet Strange sent me back in May, it’s gooooood.
Salsa de Tomatillo
3 to 6 dried chipotles, stems removed
3 large garlic cloves, unpeeled
8 ounces (5 to 6 medium) tomatillos
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp sugar
Toast the chipotles in an ungreased hot skillet, pressing on them a little with a spatula, turn them over, etc. They should puff up a little. Put them in a bowl and pour boiling water over to cover them, and let them rehydrate for about 30 minutes.
Remove the papery husks from the tomatillos, wash them. Toast the tomatillos in the ungreased skillet, turning them. Do the same for the unpeeled garlic cloves.
(You can also put the garlic and the tomatillos on a cookie sheet under the broiler, turning them once they’ve blistered and blackened some. Watch them carefully. If you do it this way, use a sheet with a lip, since they break open and the liquid spreads on the sheet.)
When the tomatillos and garlic are blistered and soft, let them cool in the pan. When cool, peel the garlic cloves. Rick Bayless says to remove the tomatillo skin, but I don’t bother.
Drain the chipotles.
Place the tomatillos, garlic and chipotles in a food processor or blender, grind ’em up into a paste. Add salt and sugar.
Makes about 1/2 cup? It keeps well in the fridge for a few weeks.
sooo gooooood. My roommate thought I was crazy for making it on a random night during the week, but quickly approved of my decision after trying some for herself. Yum.
I’ve started using that lately for certain situations…”You know, she doesn’t really like children, but she’s working at the nursery school, bless her heart.”
please share this information widely. I am not from Eugene and I’m not sure the city council will care about my opinion. So I am getting the word out as best I can.
<<“EFAHP is dedicated to the protection and preservation of the wildlife habitat and natural resources of the East Fork Amazon Headwaters Forest.”
Please join us in the effort to stop the development that will destroy this beautiful and irreplaceable treasure. It is nearly 40 acres and one of the most pristine sites left in the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary, home to the Pileated Woodpecker, Red Legged Frog and many other woodland creatures. It hosts Grand Fir Stands, Oak, Maple, Madrone and Ash trees. Its diverse native vegetation consists of Wayside aster, Tall bugbane, Corn lily, Twin flower, California fescue, Candy flower and Cow parsnip, just to name a few. It is part of the Amazon Headwaters and has a large stream corridor with many seasonal creeks and wetlands that flow into the Amazon Creek. >>
Happy hour! Yay! I’ll have a Midori and sour if you’ve got it, or one of tauri’s Booswarms. I’m actually going to try that one on the bartenders at World Fantasy Con in two weeks. It sounds like my kind of drink. And speaking of fantasy and science fiction, some of my short SF is currently available for free via download or electronic subscription. Details can be found here. Or, if anyone would rather only get the issue of Cosmic SF with my stuff in it, you can email me at my first name at and I’ll email you a copy. It’s about a 200k pdf.
Since it was raining, we just hiked around home which made the dogs very happy, especially since it gave them a chance to get soaking wet. We took along the camera to see if we could get some more fall color shots.
At one point, I realized that all three dogs were in view and holding still and that I could get a picture of them. This never happens. Of course, you can barely see them (the third dog is the white spot between the two trees on the left side) and there isn’t much color but at least (sorry Second Nature) I didn’t spend my busted vacation day cleaning the house.
Clearly I have not yet revealed the depths of my uncoolness to all of you. I do not clean the house every time it rains. I FEEL like cleaning, but I am successful at repressing it most of the time.
I FEEL like cleaning, but I am successful at repressing it most of the time.
That is a relief to hear. The good news is hat I’ve canceled the intervention; the really, really good news is that Cabin Girl has canceled the invitation to clean her house.
As far as uncoolness goes, compared to me your “depths” are but spit upon the ocean. š
Something about this conversation reminds me of this quote from the website of Katie Fforde, one of my favorite authors:
While her hobbies include housework and ironing, she has little time for them, as she is too busy with the important things in life like gardening, shopping and watching television.
Well since you like it, I’ve got another site you can add to your rainy season list, the website of the artist Kinuko Craft. If you don’t know her, she does (among many other things) the covers for Patricia McKillip’s books.
that I have with kansas that I get to be everywhere at all times.
I do have to admit, though, that hanging around swirling spirals makes me slightly nauseous. So I’m thinking about signing away those rights. You interested?
You’ve heard the philosophical dilemma of “If God is all-powerful, can God create a rock so heavy that He cannot lift it?”, right?
Well, apparently AndiF can be so small as to be unrecognizable while sitting on some rocks in Utah, but large enough to be picked up by the NOAA satellites from space!
Our usual baby present books are Guess How Much I Love You (Anita Jeram) and Jamberry (Bruce Degen). Our new addition to the list is Goodnight Gorilla.
The first book Andrew got – before we knew he was Andrew – was a gift from a co-worker who had adopted her daughter from Romania. She gave us “A Mother for Choko” and “Love You Forever.” My mom had kept all of our Dr. Seuss books, so I have those now.
Wonderful activists that nearly all of you are, I’m curious what you’re reading these days when you’re not pursuing writings on politics, war, and scandal. To what slim volume or fat tome do you turn to “get your mind off”? Which companionable author’s work reclines on your bedside table, awaits in the car’s CD/tape/stereo, or — own up! — follows you into the bathroom?
Confesse-moi, I just discovered Neal Stephenson and the first volume of the Baroque Cycle, a tour de force titled Quicksilver. Where have I been all Neal’s life? He’s masterful.
Have also just started Faith Sullivan’s The Empress of One but am unsure if it’s going to stand up to my expectations. Am I being unfair?
Awaiting me is T. R. Pearson’s A Short History of a Small Place. Gawd, I love Southern writers!
Eagerly await checking back in to learn what’s tickling your literary palates.
You can write about the books. It’s just that if you reveal any significant plot points, I will visit an old Jewish curse on you (which would be my mother coming to visit so she can re-do your entire life).
It looks like inhaled insulin might be approved in the US by the end of this month, and there’s a new AACE “roadmap” to guide physicians in treating patients more appropriately according to their current HbA1c and targeting fasting glucose levels at the high end of the HbA1c scale, and postmeal glucose levels when they get down to the 7% range…
guide physicians in treating patients more appropriately according to their current HbA1c and targeting fasting glucose levels at the high end of the HbA1c scale, and postmeal glucose levels when they get down to the 7% range…
No, I haven’t seen this. Is there something that would be accessible to me that you could recommend so I could catch up? That sounds exactly like the kind of thing I like to read.
(I tested my postmeal glucose, a little over an hour after dinner tonight & it was 151 — this is VERY high for me & since I ate pretty much what I ate yesterday, it was pretty shocking. The only difference is in the Salad Dressing I put on my salad. So I said to mr katiebird, I bet the Salad Dressing has corn syrup (which I’m trying to eliminate from my diet) & sure enough: 1st Ingredient, high fructose corn syrup. So I’m not having that again! I think corn syrup is an invention of the devil. really.)
I know this sounds like a goody-two-shoes answer but my favorite salad dressing is a drizzle of olive oil, a drizzle of lemon juice, and Jane’s Krazy Mixed up Salt. No corn syrup there.
Course, there’s salt, but that’s another addiction…
I’m not sure why it’s a goody-two-shoes answer, it sounds tasty to me.
I was attracted to this particular dressing because it is called Ginger and Sesame Seed which immediately blasted past my defenses. I didn’t even look at the ingredients.
And I assure you, a person can’t purge corn syrup from your diet without looking at ingredients pretty closely.
Definitely the salad dressing is the culprit…makes me re-think buying salad dressing in the future.
Here is a link to the AACE page; click on the position statement and road map links for more information; I think the actual guidelines are due to be published soon. I glanced at the position statement, and it looked pretty readable to me.
CabinGirl, Thank you — This is what I need to read!
Also, just read the ingredients on the Salad Dressings, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by even the name brands. Kraft makes a Sun Dried Tomato dressing that isn’t as pure as is it could be, but almost all the ingredients are common words — and not corn syrup.
I just finished it. Thank you very much for the reference. I’m going to send it to my dad, I know he’ll want to see it as well.
I know I’m going to have to reread it before it all makes sense, but so far, at least I seem to be on the right track.
And my glucose has been 90 for a while now, so that spike didn’t last long. One interesting thing from that article (and something I’ll reread tomorrow) is that it seems that the lower the A1c, the greater the impact those spikes have. So, if I want to keep it low (it was 5.5 last time), I have to really monitor for spikes & minimize them.
I guess it’s good I’m testing 7 times a day. And I focus on looking closely a different post-meal everyday.
Corn syrup IS insidious. It’s in everything, even things you wouldn’t think it had any business being associated with. That’s the corn growers lobby for you.
It seems like forever since I read anything for “fun.” Right now, I am trying to get through “Manufacturing Consent” by Chomsky. Before that, I did tons of reading on adoption, attachment, and parenting.
I did breeze through “Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Liar” while I was in China.
Scarlet Thomas’ Popco a book which involved prime numbers, toy companies, a treasure map, cryptology, factoring, marketing, and romance. I suspect you lovers of Stephenson might like it as well.
Still have Christopher Paolini’s Eragon and Eldest waiting for me to start, as well as Suzannah Clarke’s Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norell (I guess you can tell where my reading interests lie…), but in a few minutes I’m going to retire to bed with my clipboard and assorted cookbooks to plan the weekend grocery shopping.
Still feeling wiped out, but I slept the vast majority of the day so that’s probably a good thing. The spouse (I laughed when you said you’re starting to talk like me, SN!) has already promised to make a dinner run when he gets home from work, so I don’t have to worry about cooking; we had Mexican last night (I’m addicted to Baja Fresh’s tostada salad, and I save calories by leaving off the guacamole and not eating the shell), so I might just send him over to Mickey D’s for a grilled chicken sandwich, and I’ve got some fresh fruit to have with it. (Note to self: cook up more chicken breasts for freezing…)
Oh, an explanation on referring to my partner in crime as “the spouse” — knowing several same-sex couples, I was trying to figure out an alternative to the usual “husband/wife” shtick. One of my friends mentioned the generic “spouse”, and it hit me as workable. As my circle of acquaintances widens, I’m trying to be more aware of language.
Reading the Museum Replicas catalog, which came in the mail today. Armor, not-terribly-authentic historical costumes, many sharp pointy things of various historical styles, some of them licensed movie replicas. I don’t actually own any sharp pointy things, and lord knows I have no need for them, but I like looking at the pictures.
I should be writing, but it’s Friday night, dammit. Time for a glass of wine, listening to the rain, reading comments, enjoying the company and chilling out.
I’m rereading Tim Powers’ “On Stranger Tides”
and Nina Hoffman’s “The Thread that Bind the Bones.” Both great books by outstanding writers.
I’m reading “Trash Sex Magic” from Small Beer press, The Elegant Universe (String Theory), and Windriders Oath. Oh, and the sequel to Tall Dark and Dead by Tate Halaway. Though TD&D won’t be out till may and the followup is unfinshed, they’re both a lot of fun.
Thought we needed a fresh space to play in!
I love that picture! Where is that frog located? I think we should make him the honorary Booman mascot, don’t you?
Wait till you see the rest of them. Cho put together four great diaries here for us to enjoy.
We need to have a BooMan meetup and frog march in Willimantic, I think…
Thanks for linking for me, ManEe!
My goodness! Is it happy hour already? I guess it’s never too early to get happy.
I’m excited because my husband’s good friend is giving us a pool table and a home theatre system in exchange for my husband helping him with his dissertation. Something about statistics and math…..blah blah blah, it makes my brain go numb but the spouse (darn you, Cali Scribe now I’m talking like you) is a whiz at it.
So, our empty dining room will soon be home to a gargantuan red pool table. That’s so dorky, isn’t it? Most women my age have formal dining rooms but, really, one room dedicated to eating is enough in a house, don’t you think?
That whole formal dining room thing is overrated IMO. Pool table and a home theater system? Your kids will be wanting to stay there forever…
Part of my eeeevil plan. Part of me feels weird about it because he’s going through a divorce and is giving away all of his big-house possessions. But, damn, a pool table?! How can I pass that up?
Doesn’t he need it for his swingin’ bachelor pad? (do I hear an Esquivel CD playing in the background?)
It’s a long story that I’m dying to gossip about, but, alas, I am supposed to be a grownup so I won’t.
He’s an old church friend of my husband and his ex-wife…a very very conservative evangelical church. He’s the only other man who got kicked out of the church for getting a divorce so they struck up a friendship.
He’s such a straight-laced guy, and I have all these radical, left-wing stickers on my car and he must think my husband has gone over to the dark side. But you can tell that he’s now going tanning, and getting some major um…boinking since the divorce and it’s kind of fun to see. He’s 52 going on 22.
THe dark side is so much more fun.
Hey, if you have nothing but gossip to talk about, you just come sit here by me…
So, how long till he has left-wing stickers on his car after realizing what he’s been missing with those very very conservative Evangelical women?
Not very long at all, I imagine. And I’m guessing what he’s getting now that he’d been missing before is some of that Bill/Monica action. I’m just sayin…
I have something really funny to say, but I’m too ladylike to say it…
Luckily, I’m not too ladylike to think it.
Hey you girls.
Up to no good, and it is hardly evening yet.
Oh well, its time to leave the office and a whole weekend available for that kind of fun. Yihaa (Dean-scream).
in the signature….
Those bad apples get taken out a whole lot more often than good ones….as my mama used to say…
Hmmmmm…52 huh? I just turned 53…is he into older women….lol!
Actually, right now I’m pretty sure he’s into at least one slightly younger woman. He needs to get that out of his system, then he’ll move onto the ones who are aged to perfection. :0)
Just like a very fine wine my dear..hoot hoot
There’s a new Susan Tedeschi album out, and I kind of like the new Jamie Cullum…
And I hear something by Ali Farkatoria (phonetic spelling) the other day that was really cool, with an African harp. I wish I could figure out how to spell it correctly.
My current CD rotation consists of the recent Nickel Creek CD, Anna Nalick, and Theivery Corporation.
where’s the Friday Recipe?!? I require my weekly taunt of goodies.
Here’s one that Janet Strange sent me back in May, it’s gooooood.
Mmm, that sounds good!
I suppose I can pull something out of my files…food or beverage? BTW, how was the artichoke dip?
sooo gooooood. My roommate thought I was crazy for making it on a random night during the week, but quickly approved of my decision after trying some for herself. Yum.
ManEegee…this is the first I’ve heard of a female roommate. I had visions of fixing you up with my daughter.
No need to get blurry-eyed vision, she’s my cousin. And no I am not a hillbilly (no offense to any hillbillies reading this thread)
Don’t you love saying ‘no offense’ for usage of a blatantly offensive remark? š
It makes it all better. Down here in the South, they say “bless your heart.”
Example: “She has the biggest butt I’ve ever seen, bless her heart.”
I’ve started using that lately for certain situations…”You know, she doesn’t really like children, but she’s working at the nursery school, bless her heart.”
once we down tools, and I’ll bring the whistle for an occasional intermission jig or reel.
please share this information widely. I am not from Eugene and I’m not sure the city council will care about my opinion. So I am getting the word out as best I can.
<<“EFAHP is dedicated to the protection and preservation of the wildlife habitat and natural resources of the East Fork Amazon Headwaters Forest.”
Please join us in the effort to stop the development that will destroy this beautiful and irreplaceable treasure. It is nearly 40 acres and one of the most pristine sites left in the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary, home to the Pileated Woodpecker, Red Legged Frog and many other woodland creatures. It hosts Grand Fir Stands, Oak, Maple, Madrone and Ash trees. Its diverse native vegetation consists of Wayside aster, Tall bugbane, Corn lily, Twin flower, California fescue, Candy flower and Cow parsnip, just to name a few. It is part of the Amazon Headwaters and has a large stream corridor with many seasonal creeks and wetlands that flow into the Amazon Creek. >>
many thanks!
you should crosspost this on the West Thread so many eyes see it, wow.
thank you much!
Happy hour! Yay! I’ll have a Midori and sour if you’ve got it, or one of tauri’s Booswarms. I’m actually going to try that one on the bartenders at World Fantasy Con in two weeks. It sounds like my kind of drink. And speaking of fantasy and science fiction, some of my short SF is currently available for free via download or electronic subscription. Details can be found here. Or, if anyone would rather only get the issue of Cosmic SF with my stuff in it, you can email me at my first name at and I’ll email you a copy. It’s about a 200k pdf.
Are they archived somewhere?
There is a master diary that has links to all the individual photo fair diaries.
Since it was raining, we just hiked around home which made the dogs very happy, especially since it gave them a chance to get soaking wet. We took along the camera to see if we could get some more fall color shots.
At one point, I realized that all three dogs were in view and holding still and that I could get a picture of them. This never happens. Of course, you can barely see them (the third dog is the white spot between the two trees on the left side) and there isn’t much color but at least (sorry Second Nature) I didn’t spend my busted vacation day cleaning the house.
Clearly I have not yet revealed the depths of my uncoolness to all of you. I do not clean the house every time it rains. I FEEL like cleaning, but I am successful at repressing it most of the time.
I FEEL like cleaning, but I am successful at repressing it most of the time.
That is a relief to hear. The good news is hat I’ve canceled the intervention; the really, really good news is that Cabin Girl has canceled the invitation to clean her house.
As far as uncoolness goes, compared to me your “depths” are but spit upon the ocean. š
Are you suggesting that my house is a mess? It IS Friday, you know…
Are you suggesting that my house is a mess?
Two words: Two boys.
And let me add:
3 dogs with long hair
8 chickens
1 office
Chickens in house? Clearly, my estimate of your house’s messiness was way too kind.
They are chicks in a cage…and moving out to the henhouse this weekend, now that they have feathers to keep them warm.
Hey, some people keep rodents as pets…ewww..
Well, someone’s going to have to clean Cabin Girl’s place before all of us come over for Thanksgiving. Didn’t she invite us in the earlier cafe?
Come on up!
Something about this conversation reminds me of this quote from the website of Katie Fforde, one of my favorite authors:
thing I’ve since Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting.
Woods and dogs and walks….and I’m pretty good at cleaning house in exchange for a place to put my sleeping bag.
That is an awesome image….
We’d be delighted to have you! And you don’t even need your sleeping bag — Sniff (beagle) is very good about sharing the futon.
Just wondering, did you ever go surf Endicott Studio?
Too many cool sites and this damn work gets in the way….
When the rainy season starts in a couple of weeks I’ll be a happy surfer again! ;^D
Well since you like it, I’ve got another site you can add to your rainy season list, the website of the artist Kinuko Craft. If you don’t know her, she does (among many other things) the covers for Patricia McKillip’s books.
I’ve been noticing that the NOAA keeps putting close-ups of you in the top-right of all their satellite pictures.

What gives?
that I have with kansas that I get to be everywhere at all times.
I do have to admit, though, that hanging around swirling spirals makes me slightly nauseous. So I’m thinking about signing away those rights. You interested?
You’re right, you are everywhere!
You must have gotten really sick of those spirals…here you are over by Utah & Wyoming!
Hm, speaking of Holy Crap. . .
Maybe AndiF is God!
You’ve heard the philosophical dilemma of “If God is all-powerful, can God create a rock so heavy that He cannot lift it?”, right?
Well, apparently AndiF can be so small as to be unrecognizable while sitting on some rocks in Utah, but large enough to be picked up by the NOAA satellites from space!
because my shit is agnostic.
So, I’m reloading the page every 3 seconds or so — I mean, I don’t want to miss a comment by as much as a second.
So how has this been rated by 3 people before I even see it?
We are very sneaky…
I just saw that NOW is all about the Gulf Coast wetlands tonight! PBS. 9p.m. CST.
Cool! But I have to keep reading…
I’m cracking the whip! Read, dammit, read!!
(Stretching out on the couch with the new Nora Roberts)
ummm books.
If are stretching out on the couch together that would be new, for both of you! Does Nora’s husband know? Does yours?
I should never be allowed to type on a Friday night.
Nora Roberts BOOK!
She couldn’t fit on the couch with me. No one can. I haven’t lost that much weight yet.
Evening all. I’m glad to see a room full of people with their noses in books. It makes this English teacher happy.
you bought for Andrew?
I have a ritual of getting new babies Goodnight Moon, Good Dog Carl, and the Real Mother Goose.
Love Good Dog Carl.
Our usual baby present books are Guess How Much I Love You (Anita Jeram) and Jamberry (Bruce Degen). Our new addition to the list is Goodnight Gorilla.
What’s on Andrew’s list?
Right now, we are reading “Charlie Parker Played Be Bop,” by Chris Raschka, to him. He loves it and so do I. It has the rhythm of a beat poem.
It’s perfect to because he just loves it when we play either Charlie Parker or John Coltrane on the stereo.
The first book Andrew got – before we knew he was Andrew – was a gift from a co-worker who had adopted her daughter from Romania. She gave us “A Mother for Choko” and “Love You Forever.” My mom had kept all of our Dr. Seuss books, so I have those now.
I’ve opened a comment window a half dozen times to say, “What do you think…”
And then I stop, because I don’t want to use up my questions/comments tonight. It’s so tempting to jump the gun, but better to wait until tomorrow.
It’s just weird to think of so many people reading the same book at the same time.
Wonderful activists that nearly all of you are, I’m curious what you’re reading these days when you’re not pursuing writings on politics, war, and scandal. To what slim volume or fat tome do you turn to “get your mind off”? Which companionable author’s work reclines on your bedside table, awaits in the car’s CD/tape/stereo, or — own up! — follows you into the bathroom?
Confesse-moi, I just discovered Neal Stephenson and the first volume of the Baroque Cycle, a tour de force titled Quicksilver. Where have I been all Neal’s life? He’s masterful.
Have also just started Faith Sullivan’s The Empress of One but am unsure if it’s going to stand up to my expectations. Am I being unfair?
Awaiting me is T. R. Pearson’s A Short History of a Small Place. Gawd, I love Southern writers!
Eagerly await checking back in to learn what’s tickling your literary palates.
Oh, friend, if you are enjoying NS, make your next foray into The Diamond Age — and let me know how you like it!!
I just finished kansas’ Marie Lightfoot series (3 books) and recommend it HIGHLY!!
The Whole Truth
The Ring of Truth
The Truth Hurts
Most excellent — been wanting to write about them but have been warned against “spoiling”!
is the next feature comments need to have added.
You can write about the books. It’s just that if you reveal any significant plot points, I will visit an old Jewish curse on you (which would be my mother coming to visit so she can re-do your entire life).
I like the part where
One half of me is grateful to you for the recommend; the other half hates you for the temptation implied.
So many books, so little time.
…a tour de force titled Quicksilver
Did you notice that it has over 900 pages? Can you really read a 900 page book in bed? Or is this the one you read in the bathroom?
I think I’d have a serious problem!
DiPiro’s Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Journal of Clinical Oncology, and Diabetes Care…
Actually, they’re all pretty interesting, but the DiPiro’s weighs a ton, making it hard to read in bed.
What’s the main conflict in those?
Main conflict: fending off the marketing strategies for competitor drugs. Either that or falling asleep before I finish more than 3 pages! š
Anything new in diabetes care?
It looks like inhaled insulin might be approved in the US by the end of this month, and there’s a new AACE “roadmap” to guide physicians in treating patients more appropriately according to their current HbA1c and targeting fasting glucose levels at the high end of the HbA1c scale, and postmeal glucose levels when they get down to the 7% range…
But I bet you knew a lot of that already…
No, I haven’t seen this. Is there something that would be accessible to me that you could recommend so I could catch up? That sounds exactly like the kind of thing I like to read.
(I tested my postmeal glucose, a little over an hour after dinner tonight & it was 151 — this is VERY high for me & since I ate pretty much what I ate yesterday, it was pretty shocking. The only difference is in the Salad Dressing I put on my salad. So I said to mr katiebird, I bet the Salad Dressing has corn syrup (which I’m trying to eliminate from my diet) & sure enough: 1st Ingredient, high fructose corn syrup. So I’m not having that again! I think corn syrup is an invention of the devil. really.)
I know this sounds like a goody-two-shoes answer but my favorite salad dressing is a drizzle of olive oil, a drizzle of lemon juice, and Jane’s Krazy Mixed up Salt. No corn syrup there.
Course, there’s salt, but that’s another addiction…
I’m not sure why it’s a goody-two-shoes answer, it sounds tasty to me.
I was attracted to this particular dressing because it is called Ginger and Sesame Seed which immediately blasted past my defenses. I didn’t even look at the ingredients.
And I assure you, a person can’t purge corn syrup from your diet without looking at ingredients pretty closely.
Definitely the salad dressing is the culprit…makes me re-think buying salad dressing in the future.
Here is a link to the AACE page; click on the position statement and road map links for more information; I think the actual guidelines are due to be published soon. I glanced at the position statement, and it looked pretty readable to me.
CabinGirl, Thank you — This is what I need to read!
Also, just read the ingredients on the Salad Dressings, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by even the name brands. Kraft makes a Sun Dried Tomato dressing that isn’t as pure as is it could be, but almost all the ingredients are common words — and not corn syrup.
I just finished it. Thank you very much for the reference. I’m going to send it to my dad, I know he’ll want to see it as well.
I know I’m going to have to reread it before it all makes sense, but so far, at least I seem to be on the right track.
And my glucose has been 90 for a while now, so that spike didn’t last long. One interesting thing from that article (and something I’ll reread tomorrow) is that it seems that the lower the A1c, the greater the impact those spikes have. So, if I want to keep it low (it was 5.5 last time), I have to really monitor for spikes & minimize them.
I guess it’s good I’m testing 7 times a day. And I focus on looking closely a different post-meal everyday.
Corn syrup IS insidious. It’s in everything, even things you wouldn’t think it had any business being associated with. That’s the corn growers lobby for you.
It seems like forever since I read anything for “fun.” Right now, I am trying to get through “Manufacturing Consent” by Chomsky. Before that, I did tons of reading on adoption, attachment, and parenting.
I did breeze through “Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Liar” while I was in China.
RLIBFL (I refuse to use/speak/type that man’s name in any public forum.) in China so that billions will be informed. Are you a BookCrosser? I love it.
In case you’re interested in a great idea for bibliophiles who want to share their reading pleasures with others, visit: BookCrossing
I came across that years ago and loved it! It’s such a cool idea.
I brought the book home so my hubby ould read it. I did leave Mother Jones there, though.
Great link, thanks.
I’m almost through with Curtis Jackson’s autobiography.
That’s 50 Cent for those who may not know.
So far I’ve been very impressed how incredible of a writer he is. I don’t think I’ve ever read a better account of growing up in the ghetto.
Luckily, I’m enjoying Bayou Farewell, because I read only for pleasure.
After this, I’ll go back to Oh pure and radiant heart by, Millet, Lydia.
Scarlet Thomas’ Popco a book which involved prime numbers, toy companies, a treasure map, cryptology, factoring, marketing, and romance. I suspect you lovers of Stephenson might like it as well.
Still have Christopher Paolini’s Eragon and Eldest waiting for me to start, as well as Suzannah Clarke’s Johnathan Strange & Mr. Norell
(I guess you can tell where my reading interests lie…), but in a few minutes I’m going to retire to bed with my clipboard and assorted cookbooks to plan the weekend grocery shopping.
Still feeling wiped out, but I slept the vast majority of the day so that’s probably a good thing. The spouse (I laughed when you said you’re starting to talk like me, SN!) has already promised to make a dinner run when he gets home from work, so I don’t have to worry about cooking; we had Mexican last night (I’m addicted to Baja Fresh’s tostada salad, and I save calories by leaving off the guacamole and not eating the shell), so I might just send him over to Mickey D’s for a grilled chicken sandwich, and I’ve got some fresh fruit to have with it. (Note to self: cook up more chicken breasts for freezing…)
Oh, an explanation on referring to my partner in crime as “the spouse” — knowing several same-sex couples, I was trying to figure out an alternative to the usual “husband/wife” shtick. One of my friends mentioned the generic “spouse”, and it hit me as workable. As my circle of acquaintances widens, I’m trying to be more aware of language.
Okay, off to menu planning…
I just caved to Cabin the Younger’s pleading request for the purchase of Eldest tonight..we loved Eragon!
Happy menu planning.
Reading the Museum Replicas catalog, which came in the mail today. Armor, not-terribly-authentic historical costumes, many sharp pointy things of various historical styles, some of them licensed movie replicas. I don’t actually own any sharp pointy things, and lord knows I have no need for them, but I like looking at the pictures.
I should be writing, but it’s Friday night, dammit. Time for a glass of wine, listening to the rain, reading comments, enjoying the company and chilling out.
Sounds like a good Friday evening-with the weather predicted this weekend, there’s always time to write tomorrow!
Oooh, a fun question.
I’m rereading Tim Powers’ “On Stranger Tides”
and Nina Hoffman’s “The Thread that Bind the Bones.” Both great books by outstanding writers.
I’m reading “Trash Sex Magic” from Small Beer press, The Elegant Universe (String Theory), and Windriders Oath. Oh, and the sequel to Tall Dark and Dead by Tate Halaway. Though TD&D won’t be out till may and the followup is unfinshed, they’re both a lot of fun.