So about those hearts and minds… how is that going again?
Forty-five percent of Iraqis believe attacks on U.S. and British troops are justified, according to a secret poll said to have been commissioned by British defense leaders and cited by The Sunday Telegraph.
Less than 1 percent of those polled believed that the forces were responsible for any improvement in security, according to poll figures.
Eighty-two percent of those polled said they were “strongly opposed” to the presence of the troops.
The paper said the poll, conducted in August by an Iraqi university research team, was commissioned by the Ministry of Defense.
And yet this is what we hear today from a leading Democrat…
This is the plan the Democrats are running with… kinda, maybe oppose, but don’t really, might have something of a plan, but who really knows afterall… what do you want us to be baby?
Carl Levin, a leading congressional Democrat, said today that the United States’ continued military presence in Iraq should be linked to greater political unity among the country’s deeply divided Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish factions.
The Michigan senator, who is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee and a frequent visitor to Iraq, said that one of the few points all three main Iraqi ethnic and sectarian groups agree on is that each wants American forces to remain. The administration should use that reality as leverage to force political compromise, Levin said.
“I believe we should tell the Iraqis that if they fail to reach such a solution by the timeline they have set forth, we will consider a timetable for the reduction of U.S. forces,” he told a breakfast at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. “I use the word ‘consider’ because we must reserve the right to look at the facts as they exist at that time.”
While Levin criticized President Bush for extending what he called an “open, unlimited, unconditional commitment” to the Iraqis, his comments stopped well short of demanding an immediate, complete pullout as advocated by some antiwar groups. As such, it was viewed by some analysts as an attempt by the Democrats to stake out a middle ground on the Iraq issue — be opposed to the administration, yet put distance from the peace movement and individuals such as activist Cindy Sheehan.
Just what exactly is the plan though guys? Really, it’s about time you came up with one… because it seems your analysts and experts aren’t helping you much. Almost 2000 American soldiers dead. Thousands wounded. Almost 50% of Iraqi’s agreeing that it is open season on US or UK troops… ummm… isn’t this a good opportunity to show the country that you guys have a handle on this whole “governance” thing? Besides trying to move 5 inches away from whatever Bush’s position is?
And if there is further doubt that things are not in anyone’s control and completely FUBAR…
Within minutes, four American contractors, all employees of the Halliburton subsidiary Kellog, Brown & Root, were dead. The jubilant crowd dragged their corpses through the street, chanting anti-US slogans. An investigation has been launched into why the contractors were not better protected.
Perhaps fearful of public reaction in America, where support for the war is falling, US officials suppressed details of the Sept 20 attack, which bore a striking resemblance to the murder of four other contractors in Fallujah last year.
I don’t know about you, but I think a little bit more planning is needed before we hang our hat on the threat that “maybe” after 2 years we’ll leave if the Iraqi’s don’t get their acts together…
Cross posted @ Jaded Reality
I admit I don’t know what the exact correct answer is to fix this disaster, but neglecting the realities on the ground and speaking only about alignments on the constitution (while neglecting to mention anything about the abscence of women’s rights) is not the way to go at this point in time. We need a detailed, realistic, plan from the Dems at this point. 2006 is right around the corner and I still have no idea what they actually would do about Iraq if elected to the majority.
Perhaps it’s time they gave it some serious consideration… oh, and read some international news.
Well, what do you expect? They’d alienate the DFLers and “centrist candidates” they party machine’s carefully been cultivating for years if they came out in favour of women’s rights. Sure, they’d win, but some consultants would be very put-out.
Perhaps it’s time to wean ourselves from party politics and simply advocate a phased withdrawal. The “mandate” for the multinational force expires on 31 Dec this year. Sounds like a good start date to me.
came to your town, bulldozed the houses, carted your friends and neighbors off to be tortured, blew up your grandma, shot your uncle, aunt, and their new baby, and put your brother on a dog leash, about how many years would you want them to stick around?
exactly… so why Levin is making statements about “two years” and “everyone wants us to stay” is just beyond me at this point.
Stay for two years and do what exactly? The same thing the US is doing now? That doesn’t appear to be working so well now does it?
And the policy of the government is that it does not matter a cheneyfart what the Iraqi people, what’s left of them, want or don’t want.
He is concerned because he is not receiving a benefit that he had hoped to receive.
Few politician critics of the crusades object to them on principle, but because the generated revenue has not been generated to their particular pocket.
Many “frame” this in different ways, but that is essentially the underlying argument.
Bush is trying to get that number to his US approval rating before withdrawal.
Killing and Maiming A Society!!!!
You cannot Win[?] a Guerilla/Insurgent Conflict without winning the Hearts and Minds of the Populace!
You’ve already lost that when you Invade anothers country with No Justifiable[?] Reason and even a Justifiable[?] Reason their Government might have given, and when they have done Nothing to Warrent an Invading Force!
The Populace are not the Government, they are the Hardworking Regular Living Society of any Country, when Invaded they are Killed and Maimed and their Homes, Jobs, family/friend Structure is Destroyed!
No matter what you may Accomplish, after already loosing many in the First Wave of Invation, you Loose All those Accomplishments as More are Killed/Maimed and the Country Destroyed!
If you Lower Yourselves to a Structure of Torturing any and all you Confine, many are Innocents, and thus the Practise of Torture Makes Enemies of those Who are and any who know them!
You Further Loose any Accomplishments through the Arrogance of Power, treating that Societies People as Less than Intelligent Humans, Demanding and Forcing them to Act the way You Want them to, for People around this Planet are No Differant than each other, No Less or More Intelligent, No Less or More Hardworking, No Less or More Loving, No Less or More Tolerant!
A Country that Claims a Pride of Freedom and Democracy Must Act Thus and Not Force their Wants on Others, for Freedom comes from Within the Individual and Democracy is a Form of Government Controll of and by those Indiiduals in Masse!!!
“It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now
geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificually induced psychosis of
war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.” : General
Douglas MacArthur, Speech, May 15, 1951
Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind…War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.”
John F. Kennedy
“Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension
of the weak; and that it is doing God’s service when it is violating all his
laws.” -John Adams
War: first, one hopes to win; then one expects the enemy to lose; then, one is
satisfied that he too is suffering; in the end, one is surprised that everyone
has lost. : Karl Kraus (1874-1936)
This is a Silent Honor Roll shown on the PBS ‘News Hour’, now Almost Daily, that was started at the Beginning!
As of Today, 10-22-05 there are 50 Pages with 5 ‘Honor Roll’ links per page!
If you take the Time to View ‘ALL’ the Pages/Photo’s and Information Instill This Thought Into Each American Military Face You See,’Try and Picture 30, 40, 50, 60 or More Iraqi Faces, Children-Women-Men, Killed for Each Of These Faces You Are Looking At’