Golden Gate Bridge, October 18, 2004
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Platters of ‘cruditée’, And NO cholesterol-soaked dips at every table
Platters of hot steak fries and hamburgers on every table.
Open Mike!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe from this morning)
Bottled Water, Soda Pop and barrels of Merlot are available at around the bar
May the 4’s be with you

ummm Beer!
I dislike beer (except after sauna).
Is it possible to get a barrel of Merlot in here?
I function much better with tasty red or even a spliff…
Sven, are you ever happy?
You don’t even notice the snacks I’m offering tonight?
as a fatalist, I am always happy – but I against snacks on principle. I NEVER eat snacks, except…
Acccording to the Russian principle – if you drink, you eat. This has served me well for decades
So ‘cruditée’ or salty snack, it doesn’t really matter to you?
Since you’re not eating it anyway.
Even if it really existed at all.
Which it doesn’t.
Am I against cruditèe in general or only the virtual kind? Am I being truthful about snacking? Has Katiebird dropped two slacks sizes?
Of course (to the latter) – you walk, you talk!
But on fingerfood I am a perfectionist. No salt, no fat, no cost.
I prefer to think that drinking is just a part of the eating experience… lol
the Irish principle: If you eat you drink.
Well, except maybe at breakfast time.
I once asked my bagpiper friend, who had learned to play while attending college there years ago, if there was much drinking with bagpiping in Scotland.
He said: “Actually, there’s not much difference.”
I’m thinking about setting up the karaoke, but I don’t want to scare Andi away.
She hates karaoke.
I am ready for Kareoke, as I wait for my homemade quiche to cook which I will then share with everyone!!!
Hey I am cooking tonight, I finally got so hungry looking around for something good to eat and I thought drat I guess I will have to cook someeeeething…
Now I may even make a cake, who knows????
Anyway put me down for ‘My Way’ which I will be singing shortly!!!
Karaoke Night.
Halloween would be good, what night is it on. Oh just have it next Sat. night!!!! That would be fun!
Ok I’m ready, picture me singing!!!!!!
Hello everyone. I hope that Katiebird’s head is feeling better.
How was the BooBook meeting?
Much better thanks. kansas has a powerful prescription and she shared it with me. The headache was gone right away.
Wow! That’s great. Next time I have a killer headache, I know who to ask.
No joke, she’s got the power. She can cure coughs also.
I feel so powerless. I can cure nothing.
Ah, That’s not true at all. You’ve got the power, talk to kansas, she can show you how to set it loose.
In honour of the White Sox just re-capturing the lead in Game 1 of the World Series, I’m singing “Take Me Out To the Ball Game”.
Where do the White Sox usually play?
Used to be Comisky Park, but their new stadium has one of those charming corporate sponsor names — it’s U.S. Cellular Stadium.
(Of course, for all I know, all the classic ball parks were named for the corporate sponsors of their day. Don’t know who or what Comisky was.)
That’s a good point, about the park names. I just know that lately, I never know who’s playing where. All of a sudden teams I’ve followed my whole life are playing in stadiums I’ve never heard of.
Then as often as not, it turns out to be the same place.
Yeah, I’ve always hoped that one day I would get to watch a ball game in one of the classic stadiums (stadia?), like Fenway Park or Yankee Stadium, but pretty soon there may not be many of them left.
I got to see the Royals play the Yankees in Yankee Stadium in the early 1980s (when the Royals were good). It was really, really fun.
Lucky you! Did the Royals win? (I’m kind of against the Yankees).
Funny you should ask, I don’t remember! I think they did (’cause I enjoyed the game).
If I could remember the exact year, I could look it up. But, those early 80s are a blur.
I can see that you and I are going to get along just fine. Watch out for BooMan and supersoling though! 😀
I thought that BooMan was in Philly? Is he a Phillies fan?
BooMan is a YANKEES fan!
I think he used to live in Jersey and was brainwashed by all the Yankees fans there.
But yes, he now lives in the Philly area.
for all the American baseball fans. Has singing “Take Me Out To the Ball Game” during the 7th inning stretch just disappeared, and been replaced by “God Bless America”? Or is it only during the playoffs that we hear GBA?
An American ex-pat here told me she thought GBA was sung because it was wartime, but she didn’t know if there was any history to that (e.g. did they sing it during WWII?), or if this was a new thing.
But GBA has taken over the 7th inning stretch, and not just during the playoffs.
I don’t know if that is true everywhere & every game, but it is for most of them (that I’ve watched or gone to).
I don’t know about WWII. If I had to guess, I would say that they probably didn’t sing anything over the 7th inning stretch then, but I don’t know for sure.
I’m pretty darn sure it started right after 9/11 when everyone was feeling ultra patriotic.
Yeah, I thought it was strictly a post-9/11 phenomenon, but I wasn’t sure.
Damn! Don’t want to piss off any Yankees fans here, it just seems to me that the Yankees epitomize the “open the chequebook, buy up the best team” approach that is really creating two tiers — a “major” major league and a “minor” major league.
I’m probably somewhat bitter, too, because this approach to the game is what led to Vancouver losing our Triple A team a few years ago. Our ball park wasn’t glitzy enough, and we weren’t considered a big enough market.
(Goddamn, Contreras just hit two batters in a row!)
If we do karaoke, this is what I’ll be singing:
Catch Me Now I’m Falling
Written by: Ray Davies
Published by: Davray Music Ltd.
I remember, when you were down
And you needed a helping hand
I came to feed you
But now that I need you
You won’t give me a second glance
Now I’m calling all citizens from all over the world
This is Captain America calling
I bailed you out when you were down on your knees
So will you catch me now I’m falling
Help me now I’m calling you
Catch me now I’m falling
I’m in your hands, it’s up to you
Catch me now I’m falling
I remember when you were down
You would always come running to me
I never denied you and I would guide you
Through all of your difficulties
Now I’m calling all citizens from all over the world
This is Captain America calling
I bailed you out when you were down on your knees
So will you catch me now I’m falling
Help me now I’m calling you
Catch me now I’m falling
I’m in your hands, it’s up to you
Catch me now I’m falling
When you were broke you would come to me
And I would always pull you round
Now I call your office on the telephone
And your secretary tells me that she’s sorry,
But, you’ve gone out of town.
This is Captain America calling
This is Captain America calling
Help me now I’m calling you
Catch me now I’m falling
I’m in your hands, it’s up to you
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
I stood by you through all of your depressions
And I lifted you when you were down
Now it’s your chance to do the same for me
I call your office and your secretary tells me
That you’ve gone out of town
This is Captain America calling
This is Captain America calling
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
I was the one who always bailed you out
Of your depressions and your difficulties
I never thought that you would let me down
But the next time you’re in trouble
Better not come running to me
Now I’m calling all citizens from all over the world
This is Captain America calling
I bailed you out when you were down on your knees
So will you catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
Catch me now I’m falling
How fun! A Kinks song!
that the top two blogads on the site right now are:
“Republicans control the government…But not your VOTE!”
“Diebold Voting Machines : HACKABLE”
I wish I could say yes.
But, in fact, I don’t give the Booman Blog Ads the attention they deserve. And I hadn’t noticed them at all.
Or I should say that I hadn’t noticed them here, in this diary.
I actually wrote a comment about the Diebold one, over in the BooBooks Diary.
So, I’m not as bad as I thought!
Just because you didn’t notice them together before doesn’t mean that you can’t find it ironic now. 😀
That’s true enough. yes.
for some Monkees?
Love is understanding,
Don’t you know that this is true.
Love is understanding,
It’s in everything we do.
In this generation,
In this lovin’ time,
In this generation,
We will make the world shine.
We were born to love one another
This is something we all need.
We were born to love one another
We must be what we’re goin’ to be
And what we have to be is free.
In this generation,
In this lovin’ time,
In this generation,
We will make the world shine.
We were born to love one another
This is something we all need.
We were born to love one another
We must be what we’re goin’ to be
And what we have to be is free.
Love is undertanding, we gotta be free
Love is undertanding, we gotta be free
[Repeat and adlib]
[Those who remember the TV show: this was the ending credits theme — title of song is “For Pete’s Sake”, possibly because it was co-written by Peter Tork who tended to be the overlooked Monkee…]
I loved the Monkees! Thank you for reminding me.
Good lord. I was a complete devotee of the Monkees, probably saw every show, and I have no memory whatsoever of this song. (Brain cells dying … dying…)
On the other hand, I remember every word of the theme song to “The Patty Duke Show.” Too bad I don’t drink any more, as I definitely have to be drunk to sing it.
I didn’t recognize it either, until they got to the chorus — then it all came back.
Everyone’s familiar with the opening theme (“Here we come…walkin’ down the street…”), but how many people remember the ending theme? Actually, I think it wasn’t till season 2 that this became the ending theme; I actually liked it better than the opener. (I’m into obscure things…)
[proud owner of Best of the Monkees 2-CD set…]
Oooh, I do remember that one. I forget which album it was on, but I’m sure I have it down there on the shelf… on vinyl… which I can’t listen to.
I’ve been going back and picking up a lot of 60s oldies on CD. It’s good to hear them again — I listen to oldies radio, but they never play the songs I really want to hear.
“There’s no such thing as Scotchtoberfest!! You used me, Skinner. You used me!!”
OK, it’s a day late. But last night it was not possible for Mr. Xray and I to celebrate Scotchtoberfest, so we did tonight. With a stew that featured barley, and drinks that used Drambuie. And now, for the Bowmore.
Ach, Scotchtoberfest. Next weekend at this time, I’ll be friggin” married. eep!
I don’t have any experience being married, but boy, weddings sure are fun!
Especially the part where you see the pictures of all the stuff that happened that you don’t remember…Doh!
ha. we’re not even bothering with a mo’fessional photographer. drunken digital photos, that’s how I want to remember this event.
For the sake of the permanent record: we’re not making anyone go to a ceremony. They just have to show up next weekend for a cocktail party at the Campbell Apartment (it used to be the private apartments of a business mogul in the 1920s in Grand Central Station.) We figured, shit, Grand Central is on every friggin’ map of New York City, there is no way out of towners will get lost.
Truly, I never thought I’d be gettin’ into a heterosexual marraige–I had plans to be a crazy, whisky-swillin’ cat lady.
Sounds like fun! Drunken digital photos, way cool place for a party, sad little wrecks of chromosomes…congratulations!
Oh yeah — so, for the peeps around here who don’t know me (real life has been cruel for the past 3 months, and I have no time for much computer hijinks these days): eh… science nerd? celebratin’ Scotchtoberfest? and somesuch.
ah, the kitties, they call.
Your Scotchtoberfest Band:
You Scotchtoberfest Pub Bouncer:
Well I couldn’t find the abc for “A Dram Before You Go” for Open Mike Night (a jig Puget4 and I have danced to mony’s a braw bricht moonlicht nicht), but here’s a slip-jig with an appropriate title. Slip jigs are in 9 instead of 6, so instead of going jiggety-jig, they go JIG-getty jiggety jiggety. Believe it or not, Scottish regiments actually march to 9/8 and 3/4 tunes, something that based on my familiarity with ROTC troops might cause an American unit to fall right over.
T:Favorite Dram, The
T:Ho r`o mo bhoban an dr`am
R:Slip Jig
c|B2c dBG G2f|g2e dBG G2c|B2c dBG GAB|c2B AFD D2:|
|:c|(B>AB) (B>AB) G2 c|B2c dcB G2c|1 (B>AB) (B>AB) G2B|
c2B AFD D2:|2 B2c dBG gdB|c2B AFD D2||
|:d|gdB gdB G2f|g2e dBG G2f|1 gdB gdB G2B|
c2B AFD D2:|2 Bcd def gdB|c2B AFD D2||
Just minutes after take off, plane crashed with 114 people on board, including Nigerian dignitaries.
More news to follow …
Boeing 737 crashes
PS It ain’t morning yet … going back to bed!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
The Boeing 737 left Murtala Muhammed airport at 7 p.m. (2 p.m. ET) Saturday and was en route to Nigeria’s capital, Abuja — a trip that should have taken about 50 minutes.
But the control tower lost sight of the plane about three minutes after takeoff, authorities said.
Some high-level Nigerian officials were believed to be on board the Belleview Airlines jet, the office of President Olusegun Obasanjo told CNN. They were headed to Abuja for a meeting.
The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) said two helicopters had been scrambled to search for it.
The twin-engine plane had a capacity of 120 people.
A storm was passing through Lagos about the time the flight left, according to CNN’s Jeff Koinange.
Flights leaving Lagos fly out over the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic, before turning back to reach Abuja, according to Koinange.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Fifty persons survived …
Wreckage of Missing Nigerian Plane Found
Plane with 116 onboard crashed
in a rural area near Oyo state
in Nigeria. ABC TV
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Hopes were dashed as the official communique was read out to family members, waiting to hear news about their loved ones on Bellevue flight.
After Jet Crashes Shortly After Takeoff From Lagos
LAGOS, Nigeria Oct 23, 2005 — Twisted chunks of metal, ripped luggage and mangled bodies turned a swath of woods into a grisly scene after a Nigerian passenger plane carrying 117 people crashed shortly after takeoff and officials said Sunday that all aboard were feared dead.
Red Cross and government officials said search teams found no sign that anyone on the Boeing 737 survived when it plunged to earth Saturday night after leaving Lagos, the biggest city in Nigeria.
“It was a very pitiable sight. The aircraft was partly submerged (in the ground) and broken into several pieces,” said Fidelis Onyenyiri, chief of the National Civil Aviation Authority. “There were similarly no survivors from what we saw.”
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Seems like there’ve been a lot of plane crashes this year.
ABBA – Waterloo :: Best Eurovision Song Ever
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Checking in & saying “Good night all”.