Most of us arrived here at Booman Tribune in about the same way – as refugees at one time or the other from the Big Orange Place(tm). Some of you found a link to BT at another blog. Maybe you heard about this place from a friend, family member or co-worker. Some of you ended up here quite by accident.

It’s that last bunch that interests me, so I’ve been collecting search terms via the SiteMeter monitor that we have on the site. (Look waaay down on the right-hand side).

It’s not like I don’t have anything better to do – there’s much goofing off to be had when I’m not writing or reading stuff here. It’s just that I am inherently snoopy, or as I prefer to call it – “curious”.

What initially sparked my curiousity was when Booman let us know that some surfers (disappointed, no doubt) had visited BT after they’d typed “muff shots” into Google. (Try it. You’ll see why BT appeared in the list.)

Anyway, I’ve found some pretty interesting things that have shown up on the site stats, causing people to visit from far and wide.
With no editing whatsoever, here are some of the more interesting things that have been typed into various search engines that have generated links to Booman Tribune:

has been being
“Quartzite” + “naked guy”
“rocket’s red glare”
dylan “change the wind”
how many soldiers make a battalion
what if I am in trouble and would like to join the army
“Antipersonnel Chemical Immobilizers”
You’ve been boo
frozen yam fries
where to build wastelands and sewage system if we were to rebuild New Orleans?
The amazing difference when women have make up and with no make up.
cartman poops out of his mouth
cockatiel mating sound
fight club, split personality disorder
froggy march and bush
“ejaculating on the woman’s face” hostility
spank pledge
“give him a blowjob” +impeach
“annexed by Canada”
mensa eugenics
pre indictment stress syndrome
“Presidential Spokeshole”
Bush Whacked Rove
bad boy bad boys what you gonna do when they come for you

Anderson Cooper’s dog
Deadwood language squarehead hoopleheads
flaming hot lay’s
“prepare for your death”
the survey you can’t be all you can be
pastors’ salaries at mega churchs a big secret
u2 concerts blog spiritual
fantasy mosquito nets for beds
melanin third eye black people
homeland security sesame street dumb America
sex [pctures from japan
“farting fish”

MSN Search:
+”Necrotizing FAsciitis” +”expert witness”

All The Web:
paula zahn glasses

I’m addicted now. Who knows? Maybe this will become a regular update of mine to the BT community. In the meantime, enjoy!

One more thing: we’ve had visits from the Army, the Air Force, the Pentagon, and even one that I know of from the World Bank – who checked out my John Hannah diary (I think that was Wolfie). No visits from yet though. We obviously need to try harder to piss those guys off.