Reuters gives the latest skinny on the upcoming indictments of the warlords:
The grand jury, which expires on October 28, convened on Friday with two of the lead prosecutors present, but it was unclear what issues they were working on since the panel appears to have completed hearing from witnesses.
Fitzgerald is expected to meet with the grand jury early next week for a possible vote on indictments.
One of the lawyers said prosecutors were likely starting to present their final case to jurors, either for bringing indictments or to explain why there was insufficient evidence to do so.
“I would be hesitant to say it’s a sign one way or the other,” the lawyer said.
After the grand jury broke up, the two prosecutors, lugging giant legal briefcases, left the federal courthouse without comment.
While Fitzgerald could still charge administration officials with knowingly revealing Plame’s identity, several lawyers in the case said he was more likely to seek charges for easier-to-prove crimes such as making false statements, obstruction of justice and disclosing classified information. He also may bring a broad conspiracy charge, the lawyers said.
From public information, we know that Rove and Libby are both exposed to charges of perjury. Libby is also exposed to charges of suborning perjury. Miller has already testified about Libby’s letter:
The prosecutor asked my reaction to those words. I replied that this portion of the letter had surprised me because it might be perceived as an effort by Mr. Libby to suggest that I, too, would say we had not discussed Ms. Plame’s identity. Yet my notes suggested that we had discussed her job.
We have published reports that two Cheney aides, John Hannah and David Wurmser, have been cooperating with the prosecutor.
Andrew Sullivan has reported rumors than Colin Powell has also been cooperating. It wouldn’t be too surprising in light of Larry Wilkerson’s (Powell’s former chief-of-staff) recent comments:
Those sentiments are echoed in a new piece in the New Yorker, where Poppy’s best friend, Brent Scowcroft says:
Not quite “he’s dead to me” but close. Elements within the CIA have been gunning for Cheney for three years, but now everyone is distancing themselves. There is no better indication that Beltway insiders think Cheney is going down than this sudden airing of dirty laundry. It looks like the GOP Establishment (the old hands) are ready to cut Cheney loose and blame him for the Chimpadeer-in-Chief’s misguided foreign policies.
because of the sensitivity of the matter = because of fear of retribution from the most vengeful person in the USA, Cheney.
Just starting — CSPAN2
Scott Ritter and Seymour Hersh
will be repeated later today
Special Counsel Investigation!
See also my diary ::
Prosecutor Fitzgerald Zeroes In :: Cheney – CIA Feud!
Wed Oct 19th, 2005 at 03:15:12 AM PST
Judge Tatel’s opinion has eight blank pages in the middle of it where he discusses the secret information the prosecutor has supplied only to the judges to convince them that the testimony he is demanding is worth sending reporters to jail to get.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Cheney so deserves to go down … it’s he behind so much of this insanity.
btw, if I had to, I’d forego getting Bush the Ignoramus just to get Cheney, and get him good.
toward that end, and I’m mighty grateful. From what I’ve read of your work, I think of you as a true patriot: “My country right or wrong. When right to be kept right, when wrong to be made right.”
Thank you for all your work.
there is a possibility that Bolton will be included in the indictments? Along with the usual suspects..I really want his career over and done with. How dare Bush give this criminal a recess appointment.
I so agree with you here on this one!
I finished listening to them both and I can certainly tell you the natives are restless…start the drum beating.
That has got to be the best discussion I have ever seen or heard. It was great!!!
I liked Ritter calling Hillery a chicken hawk…just for the very same reason they all are. That is such a true statement, if ever there was one!
from cutting Cheney loose and blaming him for foreign policy (Iraq) screw-ups:
I think Cheney and his cronies are just mean enough to take the second approach, ala “the scorpion and the camel”.
The second option also has the advantage of being the truth. Bush is an ineffectual boob and the Repubs are blind supporters.
I’m not sure the Repubs can “clear the slate” with G.W. in charge — he’s been messing up pretty badly since Cheney seems to have withdrawn his guidance and Rove has been distracted by his looming indictment. Yes, they can buy some time by blaming everything on a departed Cheney but over the next 3 years that leaves lots of time for Dumbo to screw up all on his own. And, who’s going to guide him toward sound policies, his fawning yes-men and women? Well, there’s always Jim Baker, I suppose… and… and… (ha-ha) Daddy.
Dear Brother Jeb!
The Cheney people do not have to paint Bush as an ineffectual boob. He does that every time he opens his mouth. If he loses Rove AND Cheney, he has nothing. I think the right play here for Fitz is to leave the President hanging alone like a half rotten apple on a tree in November. Bush is helpless. He knows it, and if all goes well, soon every one else will know it, too.
The question is who forms the next government — that would be a question for a Parliamentary system. Since we don’t have a parliamentary system, we can ask, who will do the actual governing if Rove and Cheney go? There’s no one else. Rumsfeld survives only because he was busy executing the atrocities rather than planning and defending them.
This is racing ahead of events that might not happen, but I think it is a real question, what to do if the current President actually has to preside. He doesn’t have what it takes, and he doesn’t have what it takes to choose people who can do it for him. I wonder who will take him to the corner, whack him around, and explain to him who is actually going to run the country?
Newsweek has a new article, Prelude to a Leak, about Cheney and his cohorts:
IF it can be seen that the Libby letter to Miller is suborning perjury, then it can also be seen that George Bush was suborning perjury when he made his little speech about expecting everyone to cooperate with the Prosecutor and then injecting that he didn’t think the leaker would ever be caught.
A lot of us are used to taking part in eliptical conversations, and the first thing that struck me is that if Bush were my Boss I would understand this to mean that it was my boss’s expectation that I would keep my mouth shut about the White House Treason Scandal.
the way I heard it at the time. It was also a message to the six reporters to keep their mouths shut… and they did until two were threatened with jail. Or, in Miller’s case, a longer term in jail which she might get anyway for pulling her “I don’t recall” dodges. We still haven’t heard from Matthews, Russert and the others about how they were involved.
Wilson has said that Matthews called to warn him that his wife was “fair game.” But, has Matthews actually said he did that? Are they waiting for the indictments before they feel safe to do their tell-alls?
Had Fitzgerald even been assigned to the case when Bush gave his little warning? I just haven’t memorized all the timelines so I have to ask.
If Bush has a mental breakdown, and Cheney is forced out, (he’d claim medical reasons, obviously,(, doest that mean we’d have the odious zombie Dennis Hastert as President?
The mind boggles!
FWIW, didn’t he get to be speaker because he didn’t have known affairs in his past?
I’d forgotten that wrinkle. Thanks for reminding me. Yep, the Repubs first choice for speaker was shot down for having an affair. Damned hypocrites!
That and possibly also because he seemed to be so zonked on Valium or Prozac that they knew he’d never be able to take any initiative on his own and was thus going to be very easy to control.
Yes the sociopathic hypocrite Livingston. Not only was he a wingnut , he always wound up yelling when he appeared as a guest on the talking head circuit.
Someone had him on again just recently commenting on some thing. He looked about the same and he didn’t yell, but I doubt he’s become a rational human being during the intervening years.
Can this all be finally coming to a head? We have had our hopes up so many times these past few years. I for one am determined to stay optimistic. Come on Wednesday!!!!
don’t ya just know!!!!!!!! The closer the time gets I get so antsy over this whole thing. I want a bottle of good something to drink close by when this does go down. :o)
Maybe the day he announces we can all meet up at the cafe here to listen to all the news together. Is this gonna be a day for us here! I will furnish the ice just in case we all get a little hot in our discussions…:o)
I was beginning to feel it would all come to nought until Fitzgerald put up his web site. Then, I thought, boy howdy, this is really going to happen. He wouldn’t go to the trouble of defending himself from the most recent attempts to suggest his inquiry is limited unless he’s going the distance. But still, if he’s of the current Republican persuasion, he’ll want to minimize the damage with a Friday Dump to limit the impact.
On the other hand, Fitz may be an old-fashioned Republican. You know, the real conservative kind. Hey, you know, I used to be a Republican when most of the Democrats around me were racist Dixiecrats. If he’s that kind of Repub he’ll announce indictments on Wednesday at 5pm.
Gawd, the suspense is killing me. I’ve gone from excited to numb about five times now. The PISS has ruined my party mood.
Have you got a link to that websight? Please tell me you do!
It’s been talked about since it appeared. I’m sure you’ve seen links to it. It’s a pretty dry just-the-facts-mam kinda site. But, it answers his critics with a bare bones knife edge.
How big of a war will have to be incited,
To keep us from looking at Fritz?
And who can play the part of Haig now? Is there anyone who stands between us and Doomsday? Would that be Andy Card?
even from his old friend: “I don’t know Dick Cheney.” meaning he doesn’t know VP Cheney.
Is anyone analyzing what Furies drive this madman? He is even at odds with himself. In the late 1990’s he was totally against going after Saddam as he gave an apologia for Bush sr.’s reluctance to march on Baghdad during the first Gulf War.
He gets in the White House and he is obsessed with ‘getting Saddam.’ Did the neo-cons mezmerize him? With his fragile health, is he considering his posterity, leaving a legacy? Or has his brain been oxygen deprived during one of his many heart attacks. (including the secret ones.) Many questions.
Now, Don’t blame Dick Cheney for going into Iraq. George Bush wanted to go thier because he hates his father. He wanted to show his dad he could do better and that his father was weak. You can see this from that horrible book by Bush apologist Woodward.
Bush and Cheney have been a team they agree with each other, it’ isn’t Bush being led by Cheney it’s Bush in accord with Cheney.
Must vehemently disagree.
Cheney issued the most dire threatening statements on Iraq (from summer of 2002 until the invasion March 2003) of all the White House hawks. He was the doomsayer stressing Saddam’s nuclear capability. Google it.
I must read the New Yorker article before I continue.
Yes, but they are in accord. I don’t think he talked Bush into this. They were on the same page for different reasons.
just read this
the only thing I could find wrong with this report is that Cheneys office had a report drawn up on Wilson I think it was a month or so before Wilson went public. So yes they got the report that Wilson made…They just couldnt let the world know they knew.