I’ve traveled half way across the country.  I spend two and three nights a week meeting with others of like mind, planning and plotting an end.  I write here.  And letters to my representatives.  I’ve written a novel with an anti-war theme.  I protest with signs, candles, and prayers I don’t believe.  I’m doing what I can to stop this war.  I’m not bragging.  I know many of you have done more.

It was a crock from the beginning.  That is the thing.  I am not a genius.  But anyone reading the fucking newspaper – or with access to the Internet – and possessing just a modicum of common sense, knew it was a crock.

And we all know now.  Everyone in America who is not just willfully ignorant.  There were no WMDs.  There was no connection between Iraq and al Qaeda.  This was a war based on lies.  We have invaded a country based on lies.  We have killed innocent civilians – tens of thousands – based on lies.  We have killed nearly 2,000 of our own based on lies.

Am I self-satisfied that I was right?  A little.  Do I feel good I am trying to stop it?  A little.  But there is nothing like a Democrat on national television to wake me up and make me realize that resistance within the boundaries of the traditional political structure is futile.  Fucking futile.  I should have known that, too.  If I wasn’t so fucking naive.
How does one become so morbidly depressed?  Well.  I guess I shouldn’t be watching MSM television coverage.  My bad, there.  But I’m desperate for any news about indictments, you know.  So there is me.  Watching fucking Tim Russert interview the wise minds of the U.S. Senate.  And this is what pushes me right over the fucking edge:

MR. RUSSERT:  Senator Schumer, there’s been a widespread discussion that this is bigger than just Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame and White House aides; that it really goes to the core of the Iraq War, what cases were made to the American people about weapons of mass destruction and other systems and other analyses and other intelligence data.  Based on what you now know today, do you regret having voted for the war?

SEN. SCHUMER:  Well, no, Tim, because my vote was seen and I still see it as a need to say we must fight a strong and active war on terror.  But I would say this, Tim, and I would take your point in a slightly different direction. I think what we’ve seen in the last several months is a White House in some real degree of disarray:  the war in Iraq where nobody knows what the game plan is; the budget, which is just out of control and nobody seems to have a handle on it and could wreck our economy; the prescription drug bill, the major accomplishment and everyone’s confused about how it’s going to be administered.  The Web sites don’t even work.  And, of course, Katrina.

Transcript from October 23, 2005 Meet The Press.

Gosh.  Thanks Chuck.  I’m ready to go to jail to oppose my country’s illegal act of aggression.  And you, as a distinguished member of the so-called opposition party are on national television, unable to even admit you made a mistake voting to authorize war when the evidence is in – and it is overwhelming – and it didn’t support your case for war.  Yes you fucking made a mistake you dumb bastard!  And you probably made it knowingly, because I know you had better information than I did.  You made it for cynical fucking political reasons, so you wouldn’t be kicked around as the “wimpy” party.  But the game is over.  Give it the fuck up.  We are never getting out of this stupid fucking war until you and your god damned party grow some balls, own up to your pre-war stupidity, and stand up for what is right.  Viet-fucking-nam.  Stupid fucker.  Remember it.  We don’t need to re-live it in full.  Just start telling the fucking truth.

You aren’t alone.  You can all – the entire Democratic Party – start telling the truth together.  Here is Hillary Clinton earlier this year, sounding a whole fuck of a lot like a slightly more intelligent George W. Bush on estrogen:

MR. RUSSERT: Then you would disagree with any call for immediate withdrawal of some troops or a specific timetable?

SEN. CLINTON:  Well, Tim, I understand the feelings behind that call.  I mean, there is a lot of reason when we’re back at home to argue about this policy. But at this point in time, I think that would be a mistake.  I don’t believe we should tie our hands or the hands of the new Iraqi government.  Now obviously, as this government has stood up and takes responsibility, there may come a time when it decides for its own internal reasons that we should set such a deadline and withdrawal agenda.  But right now I think it would be a mistake.

We don’t want to send a signal to the insurgents, to the terrorists that we are going to be out of here at some, you know, date certain.  I think that would be like a green light to go ahead and just bide your time.  We want to send a message of solidarity.  And in addition, I would hope that at this point now, we could get more international support.  It is not in anyone’s interests, not, you know, the people in this region, in Europe or elsewhere around the world, for the Iraqi government to be brought down before it even can get itself together by violent insurgents.  So it’s not only U.S. commitment, I think and hope that there should be commitment from others as well.

Transcript from February 20, 2005 Meet The Press.

And John Kerry.  Trying to run for President on the oh-so-brilliant notion “I would have went to war, but I’d have done it better” all in an effort not to be labeled any more effectively as a “flip-flopper:”


LEHRER: All right, new question. Two minutes, Senator Kerry.

Speaking of Vietnam, you spoke to Congress in 1971, after you came back from Vietnam, and you said, quote, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?”

Are Americans now dying in Iraq for a mistake?

KERRY: No, and they don’t have to, providing we have the leadership that we put — that I’m offering.

I believe that we have to win this. The president and I have always agreed on that. And from the beginning, I did vote to give the authority, because I thought Saddam Hussein was a threat, and I did accept that intelligence.

But I also laid out a very strict series of things we needed to do in order to proceed from a position of strength. Then the president, in fact, promised them. He went to Cincinnati and he gave a speech in which he said, “We will plan carefully. We will proceed cautiously. We will not make war inevitable. We will go with our allies.”

He didn’t do any of those things. They didn’t do the planning. They left the planning of the State Department in the State Department desks. They avoided even the advice of their own general. General Shinsheki, the Army chief of staff, said you’re going to need several hundred thousand troops. Instead of listening to him, they retired him. The terrorism czar, who has worked for every president since Ronald Reagan, said, “Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 would be like Franklin Roosevelt invading Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor.” That’s what we have here.

And what we need now is a president who understands how to bring these other countries together to recognize their stakes in this. They do have stakes in it. They’ve always had stakes in it.

The Arab countries have a stake in not having a civil war. The European countries have a stake in not having total disorder on their doorstep.

But this president hasn’t even held the kind of statesman-like summits that pull people together and get them to invest in those states. In fact, he’s done the opposite. He pushed them away.

When the Secretary General Kofi Annan offered the United Nations, he said, “No, no, we’ll go do this alone.”

To save for Halliburton the spoils of the war, they actually issued a memorandum from the Defense Department saying, “If you weren’t with us in the war, don’t bother applying for any construction.”

That’s not a way to invite people.

Transcript of the First Bush-Kerry Presidential Debate on September 30, 2004.

Of course, this tortured rhetoric, dancing around the Democratic Party’s support for the war is not without solid reason.  Evidence of their complicity in these war crimes.

U.S. Senate Iraq War Resolution (Yes vote to support war).

        Yes        No

Dem.    29        21

Rep.     48         1

Ind.                  1

          77        23

Record of the Senate Roll Call on U.S. Senate Iraq War Resolution, October 11, 2002.

But please.  Party of my forefathers.  It is time to confess your errant ways.  The people are ready to be led.  They are leaving you behind.  They understand this was a colossal fuck up.  Now it is a race to see which party can get us the fuck out of Iraq fastest.  Look at the fucking polls.

CBS News Poll. Oct. 3-5, 2005

“Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation with Iraq?”

Approve (32)
Disapprove (64)
Unsure (4)        

“Do you think the result of the war with Iraq was worth the loss of American life and other costs of attacking Iraq, or not?”

Worth It (32)
Not Worth It (64)
Unsure (5)        

“Looking back, do you think the United States did the right thing in taking military action against Iraq, or should the U.S. have stayed out?”

Did Right Thing (41)
Should’ve Stayed Out (55)

Pew Research Center for the People & the Press – Oct. 6-10, 2005

“Do you think the U.S. made the right decision or the wrong decision in using military force against Iraq?”

Right Decision (44)
Wrong Decision (50)
Unsure (6)

Record of the Senate Roll Call on U.S. Senate Iraq War Resolution, October 11, 2002.

Please pull your heads out of your butts and become the party of peace.  Or is it time to find another party to represent the will of peace-loving people?