October 23 4004BC, according to Bishop James Ussher of Armagh, was the date on which God created the universe. So today we celebrate the universe turning 6009 years old! (And I have to say, the cosmos is purty darned spry and sharp-witted for a hexamillenarian. It must be that vegan diet.) So everyone put on your party hats and join in on a rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday!” (with all due royalties paid).
Ussher, if you’re wondering, arrived at his conclusion by extrapolating back through the various reigns and lifespans of the Hebrew kings and patriarchs, calibrating with known events from other calendars. The date itself was determined by finding the Sunday nearest the autumnal equinox (and thus the Jewish New Year), which in 4004BC fell on, indeed, the 23rd of October. The year also falls close to the Venerable Bede‘s estimate of 3952BC for the universe’s creation. Another theologian named James Lightfoot arrived at a similar date for the creation about the same time Ussher did, so the calculation of a 6000-year-old universe is often called the Ussher-Lightfoot Chronology.
The date is still celebrated among geologists and earth scientists, who will begin their festivities the evening before so as not to miss the momentous anniversary itself. In contrast, there is a small subset of creationism that holds the Ussher-Lightfoot Chronology to be absolutely correct. My research for this piece did not uncover any links between the Young-Earthers and the Flat-Earthers, but I’m sure some similarities of thought exist. You may be either saddened, frightened, or amused by the Young-Earthers; I chose to be amused.
In any event, today’s Café is open, so c’mon in, join the party, and have a slice of cake. If anybody can suggest some fun birthday-party games, the management would be eager to hear them!
That nimrod Dionysius Exiguus who founded the Anno Domini count of years, besides miscalculating the year of Christ’s birth, also failed to compute in a Year Zero. So 1BC turns directly over to 1AD. And the universe may only be 6008 years old. My head hurts trying to figure that out. The “No Year Zero” thing, by the way, is why the sticklers were insisting on celebrating the Millenium in 2001, not 2000.
I knew that.
Oh no! This is totally going to screw up my personalized gift plan. Maybe I can get those kids at that mall kiosk to etch in something cute over the wrong number, like Calvin peeing on it.
Yeah, I wasn’t sure how to handle that myself, so I got two birthday cards. You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to find those specialized year cards that say “You’re 6008 today!!!” and “You’re 6009 today!!!” Now if we can only trick the universe into giving away its age, we’re set.
This is the book Danni usually gives as a bday gift to her friends. Teaches you how to read the sky. And it donates money back. Great great book for all ages.
Or, if you’re not fundamentalist/dogmatic about it, celebrate with a kit to create your own universe!
COOL!!!!!!!!! that looks like a fantastic gift!
Danni has already been experimenting with making crystals and such. We joke that she will “rule the world” one day LOL.. but not in an evil genius way. But rulers… tend to either be corrupt or become corrupt…
She would have LOVED the walk we did thru’ the Smithsonian. I felt a bit guilty about being in there without her and my kids that day.
I actually have one of those sticker kits. I’ve been trying to figure out how to best utilize it for years — obviously totally defeating the purpose of A TOY.
The Smithsonian museums really are something else. I loved them as a kid — an elementary school teacher trucked a bunch of us up there from South Florida on a class trip, if you can believe that, and from a public school no less — but I haven’t been able to get back yet as a grown person.
Hey, keep me in mind for a big promotion and a cushy state job in that far-flung future where you’re all cozied up with the New World Leader, k? 😉
I know I shouldn’t admit this in here because Second Nature will find out about it and never stop teasing me, but in that same elementary school class where our teacher took us to DC on a class trip, she had us do “What I Want To Be When I Grow Up” essays, and I, at age 8, wanted to be…::drum roll:…President of the World. I drew myself on a White House balcony with a cartoon caption bubble where I was talking in a British accent. No, I don’t know why the accent.
Ha ha. Apparently I have acquired a horridly undeserved reputation as an insensitive witch. I would never dream of making fun of your wanting to stand, Geena Davis-like, on a White House balcony, trying out your faux British accent a la Madonna.
I think on my “what I want to be when I grow up essay” my top choice was usually “a nun”, a choice I was not particularly well-suited for in light of the whole chastity thing. However, to this day I get hot over the thought of smacking someone’s knuckles with a ruler.
I love it when you guys start trading zingers. I start grinning in anticipation. Sort of like Second Nature thinking about whacking knuckles.
I gave up trying to trade zingers with IndyLib after she outed me to the surprise of my two husbands and children. She is blessed with an intellect far superior to mine.
Intellect? Is that what I was using? And here I thought it was just that you put out more gaydiation* than your average female-type person with two husbands and heterosexually gained offspring. ;p
/ gay-dee-ay-shun / (noun):
1. The stuff that gaydar picks up.
LOL. At my age I’m glad someone is picking up whatever I am giving off. Men…women…small dogs…
Shh about the small dogs, you’ll set off the Santorum alarm.
I think Santorum would have about dinged his little alarm until it fell off if he knew me.
Good morning!
I don’t think my powers of comprehension are up to yours yet. Can I get back to you after I’ve had my coffee?
No prob. Calendars & chronologies are not the usual stuff of lazy Sunday mornings. By the way, I’ll give you or anyone a very special “4” if you can find me an image of a birthday cake with A LOT of candles on it. That’s what the Café is lacking, but my searches were fruitless.
And what about this?
That last one is approaching what I had in mind …. I was hoping to find a pic of a cake that’s more wax & flame than actual cake. When my grandmother turned 80 my mother & aunts did actually put 80 candles on her cake. Three of ’em in concert just barely got them all lit. 80 little birthday candles do put out a good deal of light; for a very brief moment they all joined into one sheet of plasma, and we feared a general conflagration. I distinctly remember picking wax out of my teeth after scarfing that piece of cake, tho.
In a couple of hours, I’ll be spending the rest of my Sunday in airports and airplanes, followed by several days of imprisonment at a customer site. So I’m jealous of all of you who will be able to answer the beckoning outdoors with a delightful walk.
I’m pretty sure it’s we who are jealous of you, living where you do. I could never tire of shots like that one.
Be safe on your trip: hurry back!
Thanks for the kind remarks and thoughts.
I’m pretty sure it’s we who are jealous of you, living where you do.
That’s one reason I really don’t like the traveling part of my job very much. 🙁
I’m going to miss you.
The hotel has wifi so I’ll probably be bugging you guys in the evening.
that I left “me” out of the subject title?
Travel mercies to you, AndiF. May your smiling blue face lighten the path of everyone who crosses you. Or something like that, lol. I’ll miss you, too!
May your smiling blue face lighten the path of everyone who crosses you.
Generally speaking, I am hell on wheels on anyone who crosses me 😉
Ha! With a big blue dot over your face, it’s going to take a bit of the snap out of that, though.
Another exquisite photo. I’m ready to stroll right down that lovely path. Take care. Keep safe. I’ll be looking forward to more amazing photos when you get home.
Wow, I’m going to overdose on all this kindness.
Anyway, I’ve got a couple of shots from this weekend tucked away in case I have a chance to do any posting from the hotel (I do love wifi).
Fab foto! Hurry back!
But it’s waaay too Sunday to think yet.
Hi, BrotherF. I make it into your cafe all too rarely to please myself. I love your essay this morning. Talk about thinking bigger!
My dad worked for NASA. I’ve seen footage.
Totally! Everyone knows the Moon’s crystal sphere is too slippery to land upon.
…and still farting new stars!
I would like to look like that when I’m 13 700 000 000 years old!
And not just farting them, either.
The famous Pale Blue Dot photo of earth taken from beyond Neptune. Click to enlarge.
In Friday’s cafe, ejmw determined that I am everywhere.
SO made me laugh!
I celebrated in your honor today by not using any native intelligence that could possibly be seen as arrogant next to the Creator’s Greater Intelligence when I ran my coffeemaker with no cup to catch the coffee. My kitchen countertop totally appreciated the breakfast beverage bath.
Nice Cafe decor today btw, BrotherFeldspar. That Archbishop Ussher, he’s a crafty one — how come no one ever thought to just count up the generations before? Now we know everything there is to know and there’s nothing left to do but relax and enjoy it all. Sweet.
Ussher. Didn’t he have a hit song?
You are so humble, IndyLib. That business about bathing your countertop with coffee? That’s how I found out about the existence of the adorable little Clorox Bleach Pen. Coffee stained grout between tiles? Voila, white again.
Hey, humility is my middle name, just like Jesus. (Bet ya didn’t know that’s what the H stands for in Jesus H Christ.)
I must try the Clorox Bleach Pen. It has enormous appeal to the Domestic Goddess I keep stashed behind my lesbianism. 😉 I should probably admit that I’m not the best housekeeper in the world, though, and since the cat died last year the only white thing in my house is my pasty thighs. ;p
So the H stands for Humility! I’ll be damned. And so will you. hee.
Maybe you could use the pen on those thighs?
Honey, if I get any whiter I’ll be transparent.
Suddenly I’m flashing on an old SNL skit, with Dan Akroyd and someone else (can’t remember) doing some “White Guy Rap” bit, dressed in golf pants. Am I making this up or does anyone else remember it?
by Apu: “Vishnu H. Krishna !!”
Alice’s Restaurant…
Normally we listen to this during our Thanksgiving dinner… today we had to hear it to remember…
((((((((BrotherFeldspar)))))))))))) I was wondering where you were. Had a dream about you yesterday in the early morning. You were helping me stuff my house with bubblewrap and we were rolling out sod onto the yard to sell the house. I don’t know what the reasonning behind the bubblewrap was but we were excited about it and felt it was a damn good idea at the time. … doh!
Hey!!!! If you don’t want your child drafted… make sure they litter. KID!!!!!
Let’s all sit on bench “W” 🙂
xoxoxo – gotta go get groceries and come back and do more bubblewrapping stuffin’ 🙂
I have a friend who would so totally grok your bubblewrap dream. She moved houses twice in one year. . .I stagger to think of it. . .and there came a point where she felt as if she was smothering in bubblewrap. I think if she ever has to use it ever again in her life she will wrap herself in it and throw herself off a cliff. Would it protect her? 🙂
Smothered… I didn’t think of it that way. It was more of a carefree feeling of “don’t know what or why we’re doing this but hold onto your ass cause we’re doing it anyways”. 🙂 My dreams are “weird” to say the least.
But I’m a bubblewrap addict. I can’t help but pop it when I come into contact with it.
So I would probably be popping your friend 🙂 as I rescued her from her smothering.
I remember as a kid moving ALL the time due to the Navy. I think that is why I still haven’t unpacked some shit. This is the longest time I’ve lived in one place. 10 years. Unfathomable… and it never really became home… just another leg of a long journey.
I want my kids to have a home. A tree to climb…
Hey, Kansas – which book should I start of yours first? I liked that one with the cooking… but I gather they are in order? I was thinking of the Blue Corn or the 27 Chili… but if they have to be read in order… let me know 🙂
I like your happy interpretation of the bwrap much better!
Um, which book. Well, that particular series of 3 books is by far the “coziest” of my stuff. If that’s your kinda mystery, then Chili comes first, followed by Blue Corn. The three books I did in that series were a kind of unusual situation because I did them for the estate of a mystery writer who had started the series and died before she could do “Chili,” which she intended as the 4th in her series. So if you really want to start at the beginning of it, try to find a copy of The Cooking School Murders. That was her first one.
I don’t actually think of those 3 as “my” books so much as her books. Of my series, Generous Death is the first one in the l0-book Jenny Cain series and The Whole Truth is the first one in the 3-book Marie Lightfoot series.
But my fav is the new one coming out in April. Its title is, The Virgin of Small Plains.
I really really really appreciate the warmth of interest you guys have shown to my books.
I’ve always been a blood and gore kinda chick when it comes to my murder/skeery/fiction reading 🙂 I like to be scared, shocked when I read for “pleasure” LOL. Yeah, when I first got a library card, I started reading all the Stephen King books I could.
I guess I’ll have to check out the first of each series. 🙂 I started to like the Patricia Cromwell (is that it??)series. I really liked her main char. But then it got very complacent. Very predictable. Like she took her readers for… granted. I haven’t returned to female dectective series since. So this will be a pleasure 🙂
Lately I’ve been reading stuff that isn’t “normal” for me. Expanding. I just finished
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
By Marjane Satrapi
In THAT case! The series you want is the Marie Lightfoot series, which is also the newest. The first is The Whole Truth.
Why were we … what’s up with the … huh? I have no reply.
As for moving, I will say I hate moving out, packing everything up, and thinking of all the memories of the place I’m leaving. But I do love moving in to a new place, unpacking things & putting them in their new spots, and thinking of all the memories I’ll be making in the new place. Maybe I can come up with a system whereby I never have to move stuff out, but just move in. “Buy my house … it’s fully furnished!” Plus that means I can get all new stuff every time I move.
I’ve done the moving without taking your stuff with you thing once, and it’s really not as great as it sounds. It’s taken me years to bring my cd collection back up to par.
got to get a copy of “Alice’s Restaurant”; the cassette my brother recorded many moons ago finally succumbed to old age. 🙁 (Best part of that tape; he followed the “Massacree” with The Doors’ “Unknown Soldier; the bro was a mix-master deluxe before the term was invented…)
Hitting Tower Records today to replace a lost CD (Vierne’s “Solemn Mass”), may stop off in the Folk section to look for some Arlo… 😉
I’ve actually been thinking of doing a diary on protest songs of the past, and wondering where the protest songs of today are — perhaps the singers of today are too busy making money… 🙁
Steve Earle has some good ones on his Revolution Starts Now album (including one with the immortal line “Skank for me, Condi”), Keb’ Mo put out a peace album…I’ll try to think of others
as ‘album only’ for $9.99.
I haven’t investigated to see if that’s a digital download but I think it is. I gave it a miss when I came across it earlier in the year because we were on dialup. It’s tempting but still fairly pricey.
I may have to go for it; didn’t find anything at the record store, though I’ve got a couple of places that deal in a lot of obscure used disks that I can try.
Tower didn’t have my Vierne either, so may have to go Internet; tough to find classical works since my favorite store, Star Records in SF, closed — and not sure if A Musical Offering in Berkeley is still around either. 🙁 Ah, the trials and tribulations of the eclectic musical mind…
Funny you should mention that, Cali Scribe: I just saw a Volvo commercial on TV that featured Dylan singing “Try and Catch the Wind.” Can he possibly need the money?
Of course I guess Dylan is a protest singer of yesteryear, not of today. Sad to see the principles erode.
(Of course, a few years ago Dylan let the Bank of Montreal use “The Times They Are A-changing” in their ads, so I’m not really shocked by this new one, just resigned.)
currently being used in an ad for Kaiser Permanente — an HMO located around these parts. Shows a guy passing up the pork chops for a salad, getting out and exercising, etc. — I guess that’s a little better than pushing automobiles…
Ack! And I haven’t even begun making my preparations for the event! Always late to the party!
A birthday party? And I haven’t a thing to wear…guess my Garfield PJs will have to do…
Great book on science (and scientists) if you’ve a mind: Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything. As light of reading as possible considering the subject. Actually quite enjoyable. A book I spotted at Borders the other day looks good too; A Shorter History of Time — it’s Hawking’s book put into layman’s language, IIRC. That may be on my next to purchase list, if I ever get through all the books on my “to read next” list; I’m turning into my dad-in-law! (He’s got a huge stack of “to read next” books sitting on his dresser in his office — one reason why books are off the Christmas list for the in-laws, though I’m thinking about Kansas’ “Truth” series for mom-in-law who loves mysteries…)
Recovering today from yesterday’s shopping trip; I think I overdid a bit considering I’m allegedly “recovering” from a bug (flu or other). Got our new coffeemaker set up last night; think I’ll get some coffee brewing to surprise the spouse when he gets back from his workout.
Have a great day, everyone…