My first cut at the NY Times scoop. WOW!
Who Told Dick Cheney?
by Larry C. Johnson
Thanks to the NY Times, one more piece of the tangled web woven by White House operatives has unraveled and we now know that Vice President Cheney told Scooter Libby that Joe Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA.
Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm that helps corporations and governments manage threats posed by terrorism and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (as a Deputy Director), is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world. Further bio details.
It also seems pretty clear that the notes show that Libby lied to the Grand Jury when he claimed he learned the name from reporters. Libby faces big trouble.
Although the NY Times story reports that Libby’s notes indicate that George Tenet told Cheney about Plame, there are some intriguing unanswered questions. For starters it is highly unlikely that George Tenet showed up at the White House and just happened to know the name of Valerie Plame. Someone at the White House asked for it first. Tenet clearly came prepared to respond to a White House request. I’m sure the prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, knows who called CIA to ask the question.
I also doubt that Tenet used the name “Plame”. Since Valerie married Joe Wilson she went by the name, Valerie Wilson. Someone introduced “Plame” into the equation.
Who did the subsequent work up on Mrs. Wilson? Only Scooter? Unlikely. Look for other names to emerge in coming days that will reveal who helped work out the “background” info on Valerie Wilson.
What sweet irony! Dick Cheney had a hand in pushing the “nepotism” charge, you know, Joe Wilson only got the job because his wife hired him. Since Dick got his daughter a sweetheart deal at State Department he should not be out casting such stones or encouraging others to do so.
See Dick. See Dick run. See Dick resign.
Larry C. Johnson
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This is so worth the 9 million refresh button hits I’ve done today alone.
Thanks for the insight- and that glorious last line: See Dick. See Dick run. See Dick resign.
Wonderful stuff. Couldn’t a case be made for criminal negligence? Wouldn’t that be prosecutable?
I would so rejoice to see Cheney brought low. He’d be sneering out of the other side of his mouth.
or obstruction of justice….if Cheney told lies to investigators….oh I think this will be biggggggggg.
The memo on Air Force one that had her name and was marked “secret”.
And now, now that we have gotten this far, for the 1 trillion dollar question:
Will Cheney sell out Bush?
Is that why the preznut is losing it??
Oooh boy, the impeach-o-meter has never risen this high before.
Or will Bush sell out Cheney….
Reg. the impeachometer I have been predicting Dec. 21, 2005 as the date by which he will be brought up on Imp. charges.
selling out Cheney would be a public thing.. I think Cheney would probably rather bite the bullet instead of having Bush go down. He likes to run things from behind the scenes anyway..
Behind bars would be better 🙂
I cannot imagine Cheney allowing himself to go down in history as a vice president forced to resign and under indictment.
Wonder what’s next …
Yeah, it is interesting. I guess it’s a matter of how far things go..
His boss
Diane – as we can see by the Fitzmas coming – it takes forever for something good to happen and chimpeaching would be just paradise for me!
I know it seems soon but I feel it in my gut….have felt it for months now and I am a ‘little physic’ you know, lol….can’t you just feel the steam roller, rolling…….everyone think positive thoughts, or would they be negative…well maybe to the Reps. they would be.
Good assessment of the Tenet visit and the info he brought.
Two questions for the VP
What was his motivation? Why did he need the info from Tenet adn why did he need to share it with Libby?
Chit chat, gossip? Uh, isn’t that why manly men follow pro sports?
Well there can be no other reason other than that he was directing the smear.
Cheney will resign because Scooter is forced to resign and Cheney cannot function without him (besides Cheney does not look very healthy lately). Then Bush will appoint Condi as VP.
Harriet as a Supreme Court candidate. After all, she doesn’t need to be a lawyer if she has a good heart.
If Condi is appointed VP, CSPAN ratings will skyrocket as everyone tunes in to watch the confirmation hearings; no way would she make it through there alive (politically). And there would be waaaaay too much chance of some very sticky questions being asked about what was known by the Administration prior to 9/11…
More likely a VP replacement would come from the ranks of Republican governors, someone innocuous and without a track record that would come back and bite the Republicans in the ass. And no way would the RNC allow Bush make the choice; it’d be more of a “blue ribbon panel” decision — “Here’s our boy; you’re stuck with him.”
Just my $0.02 (adjusted for inflation)…
Well here’s a way out theory on how Valerie Wilson’s name first came out as Plame..
I was thinking that while cheney acts like he’d never heard of Wilson he after all must have known who the hell he was during the first Gulf War. Cheney was daddy bush’s Sec. of Defense and we all know that Joe Wilson was ambassador to Iraq and was commended by daddy bush for his service in saving lives leading up to our invasion that time. JWilson’s name had to come up many times I would guess in planning on war and cheney as SOD had to have been at all those meeting for war planning(duh)…
So…since I don’t really know how long exactly Valerie Plame worked at CIA but she didn’t marry Wilson until 1998 or so…she was going by her maiden name of Plame…and I’m reaching here I know but thinking somehow Cheney knew her or of her as Valerie Plame?
How’s that for a theory?
Well, Wilson was an ambassador to Gabon, not exactly a high profile appointment so I don’t think he was in Cheney’s sites in those days.
What’s astounding is that Cheney claims he did not care to be apprised of Wilson’s Niger report, doesn’t know the guy, could not care less about him. AND yet, he must have phoned Tenet to get the information on Wilson’s wife. Who else? Tenet would only reveal her name to those with high security clearance.
Furthermore, Scooter was obsessed with Wilson, compiling logs of his every move and his every quote. Now Scooter and Cheney saw each other almost everyday and Cheney didn’t know about this Wilson obsession that Scooter had?
I meant when bush daddy was planning first gulf war and cheney was Sec. of Defense, Joe Wilson was ambassador to Iraq and last person also to see Saddam from US while saving many lives. Wilson’s reports to Bush Sr. had to have also been heard or known to Cheney who was planning the invasion as Sec. of Defense. How could he not know who Wilson was? My understanding also was that George Sr. in leading up to Gulf War in meetings did mention Wilson’s name quite a bit as he was there on the ground and getting reports from him. Besides formally commending Wilson after the war as a hero.
Cheney acting like he had no idea who Wilson was seems disingenuous to say the least…more likely a plain old big fat lie as far as I’m concerned.
Just like he didn’t know Edwards before the debate!!
Good points about Bush l and Cheney/Wilson….but did he know his wife was undercover…..
I’ve figured all along that this all came straight from Cheney and as for knowing about her being undercover..I’d say hell yeah. I think Cheney’s a control freak and would want to know every single secret agents name(and especially one working on WMD) and anything else when he took office. I mean this is a guy who secretary(or lawyers) was sending letters to English newspapers complaining that they were writing unflattering articles about him for pete’s sake.
I’m not saying bush didn’t have anything to do with all this just that I see Cheney as the big stinkin cheese behind it all really. I also think the only real loyalty he has is to himself first and foremost and will sacrifice bush if it suits him.
But would the info about Wilson’s wife be easily available to cheney or would he have to make a special request via Bolton or someone else to get the complete goods….and that was the sticking point about Bolton’s nomination, that WH would not release names that Bolton got info on…and if this turned out to be getting info by Cheney or even Bush for nefarious purposes wouldn’t that be an even bigger crime.
So I would say he might have known but should he have known, that is the question in my mind.
I would think that Cheney has top secret clearance and if Valerie Plame was able to tell Wilson when she married him that she was undercover agent because he had top secret clearance(think I read that at Wikppedia)then Cheney would obviously have same clearance or higher even.
Wilson was in charge of the embassy, a manager if you will. He received a commendation from GHWB then later he was made ambassador to two African countries. He was not high profile and would not have interested Cheney, I don’t think.
Your absolutely right, he wasn’t ambassador. I don’t know why I kept saying that. But as far as him maybe not being in Cheney’s orbit I remember reading an article at commondreams quite awhile ago which had stated the Bush sr. in the war planning did mention Wilson’s name in the meetings-as what does Joe think etc and I would assume that Cheney was at all those meetings. I think Cheney is lying about having any idea who Wilson was from the start but that parts my opinion.
Steve Clemons at the Washington Note writes:
Yep, this is gonna pull Bolton in too….that will shed new impact on the contentious hearing re. Bolton.
I am recalling the Nixon days and how the country felt, very sad, but this time I know at least half of this country will cheer.
The Steve Clemons piece is great – thanks Catnip.
Lessee…Cheney, Libby, Bolton, Rove…
It’s beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas.
Yep, this is gonna pull Bolton in too….
What is the legal status of a UN diplomat? I know that foreign ones aren’t libel for traffic tickets and the like because of diplomatic immunity, but would Bolton’s position as the U.S. diplomat to the U.N. put him outside being called in by Fitzgerald or Congress to testify? Could this be the reason for Bush ramming the appointment through during a congressional recess?
I tend to think he would be prosecutable and charge could end up being treason….dare we dream, for the whole lot of them…
Where are the legal beagels…

John Bolton – NSA memos and UN Immunity
I understand immunity could only be lifted by the United …
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
This had to come from Bolton himself. He then did his passing of info through Fleitz and others, just to be sure the story became concrete. I blame Bolton completely for the begining of this whole thing. I think Bolton knew he was to do Cheneys good works at State and that in and of itself made this plausable.
After all wasn’t Bolton the man in charge of the Nonpoliferation program?! He was also good friends with Miller and she and Chalobi worked to dismantle SH and the story goes onward.
Cheney has absolutly lost his everlasting mind, without a doubt. The whole WH has gone nuts with this mess.
But I think Cheney and Bolton were the two top tiers of leakers/rats.
Geez… You write that title like it is important or something.
Hey wait a second?
Did you say Cheney…
Leaked to Libby?
Nice cut dude.
I noticed they front paged you with a “Larry Johnson Special” to Crooks & Liars the other day too.
I gotta say that you and and Pat Lang have contributed your big time in making the BooTrib one of the best front pages in the blogosphere.
When the Aspen Leaves are turning!
BTW - Thank You for the Good News before early breakfast, and GOOD MORNING to all!
Aspen Institute and U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP).
Diary about the Libby letter to Judith Miller.
IMO a crucial turning point, perhaps a code that Special Counsel knew every detail and was the master in the investigation. Read more often Fitzgerald had the investigation pretty well wrapped-up months ago, took his time to work out every detail and set his own strategy how to close the case.
Quoting Yogi Berra: “It ain’t over till it’s over”.
Perhaps George Tenet was happy to be called upon by Patrick Fitzgerald, could have testified or been interviewed under non-disclosure of Secrecy Act – eight blank pages– written by Judge Ratel. Tenet the secretive Mr. X referred to in this inquiry? Tenet knew the damage to the CIA when Valerie Plame and // Jennings was outed.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
What about the aspen roots. I want to see the twisted roots!
‘Read more often Fitzgerald had the investigation pretty well wrapped-up months ago, took his time to work out every detail and set his own strategy how to close the case.’ Great post. i think this is the key point. Fitzgerald had already conducted extensive investigation pre-cooper or miller,– as you previously have pointed out, he had substantive findings to cause Judge Tatel and the other two Judges to rule against letting miller and cooper off the hook re: testifying. This latter day spin targets public opinion-not the substance or outcome of Fitzgerald investigation.
Well, we all know that he is a liar. But did he get caught lying? The NY times says:
“Mr. Cheney was interviewed under oath by Mr. Fitzgerald last year. It is not known what the vice president told Mr. Fitzgerald about the conversation with Mr. Libby or when Mr. Fitzgerald first learned of it.”
The Republicans can spin all they want about perjury being no big deal. But this is the Vice President of the U.S. How will it look to have him charged with perjury. I mean, it doesn’t look good.
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*Hands in the air shaking booty doing the indictment happydance*