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Screenings of Wal-Mart the Movie: The High Cost of Low Price are playing across the country the week of November 13-19. The movie’s website starts out:
WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes you behind the glitz and into the real lives of workers and their families, business owners and their communities, in an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think, feel… and shop.”
Here are six easy ways you can participate. Feel free to discuss others below!
- Reserve a spot for a screening in your area. It will be a great opportunity to meet interesting people right in your own hometown. It’s the perfect setting to talk about BuyBlue. Most screenings are FREE, so bring a friend along and catch the show, just be sure to reserve your spot.
- Wear your BuyBlue tee-shirt. If you don’t have one yet, order now to get it in time for the show, proudly display how you shop according to your values.
- Hand out literature. Show up early and stay late to hand out literature for BuyBlue that lets moviegoers know there is an easy way to be an informed consumer who puts their money where their values are. The pamphlet will be available soon for download. Just print up enough to cover the size of the venue, or however many you would like and pass them out; you will probably be surprised at the positive response you get.
- Sign people up for BuyBlue updates. Collect e-mail addresses for the mailing list by bringing along a clipboard and a pen. You can enter the addresses you collect through our front page and each person will then get an e-mail asking them to confirm. This will make sure they get a reminder after the show to check us out.
- Tell us about your plans. To help us out send us a note and tell us which event you will be attending and what you plan on doing (1, 2, 3 and/or 4). It will help us track how many venues we hit. Also, it’ll let us know where we still can use people, especially in cities with more than one showing. After the show, we’ll send you an e-mail to ask how things went and what you thought of the movie. You can also discuss the movie right here on the web site.
- Host your own viewing. If you are in an area without a showing you can look into hosting one, or just buy the movie to see it in the comfort of your own home. It looks like it will be a great documentary.
If you belong to a local grassroots progressive group this would be a great opportunity for everyone to get together, see a good movie and work for change.
Please share additional ideas and commentary about the movie – we’d like to know what you think!
Great info Raven! Thanks for the links and data on the movie….I’m off to pimp this in the Froggy Bottom Cafe….