In an explosive article that will further shake the foundations of the White House, Italy’s la Repubblica has released the second installment of their investigative reporting on the Niger document forgeries. The American Prospect gives us a summary in English and confirms that then Deputy National Security Adviser and now current National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley met with the chief of SISMI in 2002 about the documents.
This is very significant because it proves that the WH had its hand on the documents and that the CIA was not the only recipient, as had been previously reported. It also speaks directly to the motive of those in the administration to attack Joe Wilson and his wife.
La Repubblica, investigative reporters Carlo Bonini and Giuseppe d’Avanzo report that Niccolo Pollari, chief of Italy’s military intelligence service, known as Sismi, brought the Niger yellowcake story directly to the White House after his insistent overtures had been rejected by the Central Intelligence Agency in 2001 and 2002. Sismi had reported to the CIA on October 15, 2001, that Iraq had sought yellowcake in Niger, a report it also plied on British intelligence, creating an echo that the Niger forgeries themselves purported to amplify before they were exposed as a hoax.
Today’s exclusive report in La Repubblica reveals that Pollari met secretly in Washington on September 9, 2002, with then–Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. Their secret meeting came at a critical moment in the White House campaign to convince Congress and the American public that war in Iraq was necessary to prevent Saddam Hussein from developing nuclear weapons. National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones confirmed the meeting to the Prospect on Tuesday.
Pollari had previously stated that the only US official he had spoken to about the documents was George Tenet. We now know that he was lying.
But La Repubblica also quotes a Bush administration official saying, “I can confirm that on September 9, 2002, General Nicolo Pollari met Stephen Hadley.”
Yet if anyone knew who was actually responsible for the White House’s trumpeting of the Niger claims, it would seem from the Repubblica report that Hadley did. He also knew that the CIA, which had initially rejected the Italian claims, was not to blame. Hadley’s meeting with Pollari, at precisely the time when the Niger forgeries came into the possession of the U.S. government, may explain the seemingly hysterical White House overreaction to Wilson’s article almost a year later.
No doubt. If the White House knew that one of its own was involved in perpetuating the case of the false Niger/uranium claims, that would definitely explain why they went after Joe Wilson and his wife. They knew that blaming it all on the CIA could not hold up forever and that Wilson’s revelations were a direct threat to their cabal.
* Visit my previous diary on the first installment of la Repubblica’s reporting here.
* The American Prospect’s article also goes into more depth about what was happening in Italy at the time. It’s well worth reading.
Update [2005-10-25 14:39:2 by catnip]:: This also gives context to Rove’s infamous “I didn’t take the bait” e-mail to Hadley regarding Rove’s conversation with Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper.
Catnip, you are ON FIRE. Thank you, thank you, thank you, a thousand times thank you, for all the work you are doing right now.
You’re welcome. 🙂
Catnip. Have you seen the article Niger Uranium/ Facts Everyone Needs To Know by Todd Johnston over at kos right now! Throw that article into this stew, I think it might spice things up even more!
A devoted fan! Keepinon
Thanks. I just looked it over. I have to trust the science geeks…I mean “experts”…on that stuff. 🙂
Catnip, this paragraph:
This is very significant because it proves that the WH had its hand on the documents and that the CIA was not the only recipient, as had been previously reported. It also speaks directly to the motive of those in the administration to attack Joe Wilson and his wife.
Plain. Simple. To the point. Dead on.
Clear as a bell.
That’s the way to write. You’ve got “it.”
I thought that these forgeries lay at the bottom of all the White House angst over Joe Wilson. We now know that Cheney, contrary to his lies, was interested in Wilson long before the Novak article appeared. Can you tell me more about Hadley? He is National Security Advisor now, right? And he was Condi’s deputy. Do you think that she was involved? Was Hadley called to testify by Fitzgerald? Do you think Fitzgerald already knows what la Reppublica has just now published?
Hadley bio on wiki’s site.
I should update my article to reflect that he is the current NSA.
Depending on who Fitz interviewed, he could well know about this since it’s being confirmed by other gov’t sources to the Prospect.
Marilyn Monroe.
If you have something to say to me say it to my face you coward.
I have.
if you do your research a little more you may remember the chaos that was created when I called you out to your face here at the Trib. If I wouldn’t have had this run in with you then your claim might be justified. Talk about saying shit behind people backs. You seem to have been banned in several places. It may be time for you to look into a mirror. I still don’t understand why you just don’t start your own blog.
I give you this…I am not looking to rehash it..I am just showing you the proof that you asked for.
This is a Troll diary if I have ever read one. WTF..The party in Crisis is the Republician Party. Crawl out from under your Rock and read the papers or turn on the TV. They are going down in Flames as I type, they are going to jail, their leader and president has approval numbers in the low 40’s & high 30’s. We just lost a Major American City due to their incompetance. I am not familiar with your user name but after reading this pathetic, shitty, Troll diary I will be sure to avoid any future diary or comments that you write knowing you are a Dem basher. If you want to bash our Democrats perhaps you should go do so over at FreeRepublic or RedState where clearly you belong.
<Bush to his hands-“Out damn spot, out I say”>
by Chamonix1 on Thu Sep 29th, 2005 at 04:15:19 PM EDT
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You misoverestimate yourself…
I meant where have I been banned besides MyDD?
by following the thread here one can see I answered your question. As far as your banning I assumed since all you do is bash Kos that you were banned over there also. If I am wrong I am sorry for that assumption. Seriously though..Why not open up your own blog? I would even check in from time to time just to see what you are up to. MSOC did so using Soapblox and it’s seems inexpensive.
Parker, none of this has anything to do with Stephen Hadley or the Niger Forgeries.
From the Prospect:
Why would Condi have accepted responsibility if she didn’t feel partly to blame?
Thanks Catnip..Awesome job…Can you please bring Bolton into this mess. Dying to see him and his facial hair Frog Marched.
Can you please bring Bolton into this mess
I’m trying to. Believe me! lol
I think Bolton is going to be one of indicted as the one requesting the info on Wilson, as in requests made for personal info of private citizens that were not turned over to Congress. Don’t know but hoping so.
Thanks for helping this story along; I don’t think many folks are understanding the significance. They’re still waiting for the indictments to come down and that’s it. I have waited two years for the real story on the forgeries to come out, so this is almost better than Fitzmas. Actually, this is a part of Fitzmas isn’t it? And the timing of this story is quite serendipidous, don’t you think?
I don’t think many folks are understanding the significance. They’re still waiting for the indictments to come down and that’s it.
Once Fitz’s grand jury does whatever it does, a lot of people are going to become very interested in all of this.
Props to Nag who’s working really hard to compile a history and bios of the players involved so we can have a good reference here at BT for those who will certainly need to catch up on what this is all about.
Well, didn’t Fitzie request the dossier on this story from the Italians? I believe he’s known from the beginning, huh?
Changed the original word “installation” to “installment” as a result of one commenter’s observations over at Crooks and Liars where they’ve picked up this diary. (Thank you C&L).
What an outstanding piece of work Catnip. Oh I just cannot wait for tomorrow. Is it snowing yet? Congrats getting linked over at C&L. You have utterly amazed me the past couple of days(not that you didn’t before). Way to go.
Thanx! I posted a link to this on one of the AOL message boards.
All this makes it interesting to look back at Hadley’s “taking responsibility”.