Earlier: Tucker Carlson, from D.C., just appeared on Scarborough Country to promo his show. Carlson expects to announce the indictments during his show at 11pm ET/8pm PT, MSNBC. Or maybe not, grrrr. Carlson said that D.C. is abuzz with rumors, including that Rove won’t be among those indicted.
Update [2005-10-25 23:13:8 by susanhu]: NYT: “WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 – With the clock running out on his investigation, the special counsel in the leak case continued to seek information on Tuesday about Karl Rove’s discussions with reporters in the days before a C.I.A. officer’s identity was made public, lawyers and others involved in the investigation said.”
you have got to be kidding!!!!!!!!!! Right?????????
Tucker Carlson? The wimpy boy child of cnn history?
Now what at this time of night would he have to say that has not already been said by everyone so far?
Susan, this is toooooo serious of a matter to be play pranks on us now!!!! You are kidding right?
No way am I kidding.
Indeed that’s what he said, although I’m guessing it’s just a teaser to get us to watch his show.
here I go again being gulible…I actually turned this nonsense on and to my delight he was the same old crock of shit he always is. Nothing new there…we much go onward now children.
I’ve done a couple of double-takes at the “Breaking News” ticker at the bottom of the screen. I’m gullible too.
drink a fifth of bourbon and then ride a unicycle while juggling razor sharp meat cleavers. If so I will watch his show. If not, I’m out!
That’s almost as bad as expecting a bike for Christmas, and waking up to nothing but underwear and socks…
If Rove gets over on this, there’ll be no controlling him and this misAdministration; we’re screwed for the next decade (he’ll just move on from Bush to the next Republican asshole)…
That’s almost as bad as expecting a bike for Christmas, and waking up to nothing but underwear and socks…
And don’t forget the lump of coal in a bowtie! (Yeah it burns, but not too bright, if ya know what I mean? lol)
Carlson said that D.C. is abuzz with rumors, including that Rove won’t be among those indicted.
Where’s he hanging out? The RNC? La la land? Same thing really…
announce it during the world series, just announce it.
real news about indictments from Joe Buck, I’m giving up on the blogosphere.
I think Tucker’s bow tie is on too tight. I haven’t seen any other news agencies saying the announcement is imminent tonite.
If Tucker is right, I’ll eat my…chips. If he’s wrong, may he eat his shoes – his real ones this time.
Susan’s beginning to get cross with Tucker…. but maybe he’s waiting for a source to get back to him?
(I always talk about myself in the third person when I’m about to be embarrassed for gettin’ burned.)
yup…he’s got nothing.
Don’t feel bad, now I can go back to watching the ballgame 🙂
My roommate is making me watch the Amazing Race. I really need to buy a second t.v.
buy a new roommate. My advice.
That’s what I get for believing a conservative.
Enjoy the game! I suppose the Astros should win tonight.
yeah, if it is going to be a series. They have 6 outs to get a run and tie it.
Tucker just embarassed himself by not delivering the goods so it’s all good. 🙂
Ugh, as if Rove wasn’t insufferable before.
Geez … the neighbor says that his “house man” answered the door and the two agents insisted on talking to him … he was on his way to a black-tie affair ….
he still doesn’t see her as being an undercover agent … he sees them all the time — Valerie is outside playing with her children … Joe gets picked up to go to news shows but otherwise there aren’t reporters staked out, etc.
I could use a “house man”.
Me too. And I’ve give mine overtime.
butlers anyway? House man is weird.
Apparently the neighbor would expect something a little flashier a la James Bond. “The name’s Plame, Valerie Plame” she states as she drives away in her Aston Martin.
that’s hilarious, but they have a jaguar. Almost as good. Not sure if it is amphibious or has hidden rockets in the grill though.
For God’s sake stop for a second and consider the source.
Tucker Carlson does not have any information regarding Fitzgerald’s intentions.
The clock is not running out on Fitzgerald’s investigation. He has the plenary powers of the Attorney-General, unlimited time, and unlimited budget. This Grand Jury goes away by the end of the month but there is nothing to prevent convening another one.
(slapped across face) Thank you.
Glad to be of service.
That’s why I get the big bucks ’round here. 😉
Think Progress had this from Carlson on Hardball last night:
WHOOPS! Too late ya bow-tie-blowhard…
Karl Rove : You’re a meanie, Patrick.
Patrick Fitzgerald : Sure, whatever. Have fun in jail asshole.
Aw…tough break. No really.
The hottest new diary at the orange place is Beer Snobbery… 111 comments and it’s barely a third of a way down the list.
Anybody have a favorite “snob” beer?
The author has this to say:
I would rather have Buffalo Sweat from the Buffet Bar than drink Nimbus. (that’s the wrung-out liquid from their cleaning rag after they’ve wiped down the bar, in case you were wondering)
My favorite is Franziskaner Hefeweizen
into local beers.
Arcadia Scotch Ale and Bell’s Oberon are probably my two favorite Michigan beers.
Bell’s Two-Hearted Ale… Mmmmmmm…
Bell’s Two-Hearted is great too!
But for me the association between Oberon and hot summer days chillin’ on the porch is just too strong 🙂