Glad to see that Homeland Security is protecting America.
Kentucky lands grant to protect bingo halls from terrorists
I wonder if Homeland Security has the same protection in place for all the casinos against the gambling addicted terrorist?
FRANKFORT, Ky. — Kentucky has been awarded a federal Homeland Security grant aimed at keeping terrorists from using charitable gaming to raise money.
The state Office of Charitable Gaming won the $36,300 grant and will use it to provide five investigators with laptop computers and access to a commercially operated law-enforcement data base, said John Holiday, enforcement director at the Office of Charitable Gaming.
The idea is to keep terrorists from playing bingo or running a charitable game to raise large amounts of cash, Holiday said.
Only in America. At least the right are consistant in giving me my daily fix of either cynical humor and/or outrage.
ROTFLMAO! Bingo is a breeding ground for terror:
When I was in high school, maybe 15 or 16, I worked at my parish’s weekly bingo game, walking up and down the smoky aisles yelling “specials, specials.” (Every fifth game or so was a “special,” with higher prizes, but you had to buy cards separately for those games as the night progressed.) People would ignore you, concentrating on their game, until it was the middle of the game right before the “special,” and then the bingo ladies would start calling out “Special boy, over here!”
One time the jackpot hadn’t been hit for several weeks and was up to several thousand dollars, so the cards were selling fast and furious. I’d no sooner work my way down an aisle than there would be calls for me to come back, someone had missed me. Then the folks in the next aisle would start yelling “No, over here, that aisle had their chance.” “No, special boy, over here!” Soon the place was in pandemonium, with calls for me to go in about twelve directions at once. Frantically I looked from aisle to aisle like a trapped cat. The yelling grew even louder.
Finally I shouted at the top of my lungs “SHUUUT UUUP!”
Now, I’m ordinarily a pretty easy-going guy. The bingo ladies had never seen this side of me.
The place went dead silent; everyone was staring at me, including the guy who picked out the balls and called the numbers, the priest and the men counting the money in the back of the hall, and the other “special boys.” I stood there trembling in rage for about two seconds, enjoying the silence just hanging there in mid-air like the clouds of cigarette smoke, then calmly turned to a tiny old lady seated right below me and said, “Were you wanting to buy a special, maam?” “Y-y-y-yes, sonny… Th-th-thank you…” And the games resumed…
That was my last night working at bingo, LOL.
(I may have to recycle this story for Carnacki this weekend; I hadn’t thought about my bingo experiences in years!)
Too funny you bingo terrorist you LOL!
My dear dead grandmother played Bingo weekly – that was her only vice- Bless her heart.
I feel much safer now. But I suppose that terrorists will now be using bake sales to raise funds.
and don’t eat the brownies!