Accoring to the LA Times, this has been a very busy day for Patrick Fitzgerald with last minute questions for a Rove “colleague” and an FBI blitz of Valerie Plame/Wilson’s neighbourhood “asking neighbors again whether they were aware — before her name appeared in a syndicated column — that the agent, Valerie Plame, worked for the CIA.”
A deputy prosecutor called Rove’s colleague this afternoon and interviewed him in depth about statements Rove may have made to reporters about the case, a lawyer familiar with the case said.
“It appeared to me the prosecutor was trying to button up any holes that were remaining,” the lawyer said.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Update [2005-10-25 20:55:29 by catnip]: Reuters has more on the questioning of the neighbours. (Thanks RAW STORY!)
Questioned on Monday nite, one of Plame’s neighbours said:
They just asked me if I knew what my neighbor (Plame) did before it came out in the press,” Lefkowitz told Reuters. He said he told the agents: “I didn’t know.”
Two lawyers involved in the case said the line of questioning could be a sign that federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald intends to charge administration officials for the leak itself, in addition to possible charges for easier-to-prove crimes like perjury and obstruction of justice.
Lefkowitz, Plame’s neighbor, said Monday was the first time he was questioned by the FBI in connection with the case. The agents told him they were talking to other neighbors as well.
On the sealed indictments. I’m not sure how this works. I understand that the sealing protects certain kinds of privileged information that would injure national security if it were to be published, and that it also protects an on-going investigation. My understanding also is that it protects the names of the individuals, who of course know that they are indicted but are not required to tell anyone else.
Suppose that the sealed indictments indict Rove, as we all expect. He is legally required — I would imagine — to tell his immediate employer. Does this constitute a dare by Fitzgerald to Bush? That Bush fire (or make to resign) Rove?
The same holds for Cheney.
If Bush did not require resignations, would he party to a cover-up? Just wondering.
I’m morphing self into a fly tonight so I can buzz around the White House tomorrow.
David Corn wrote a bit about sealed indictments on Oct 20:
I wonder if the FBI also did this at this late hour because:
but i think it’s mostly the first.
P.S. Elmo is not a street tramp panhandler.
I had no idea there even was such a charge as “agressive begging”…. what a bunch of crap!
Was one of the neighbours the leaker and it’s just coming out now?
So the neighbors are calling the press?
Or one of the neighbours called the WH? Who knows? I can see someone with a grudge doing that.
Some people over at Kos are saying that this might mean that Wilson himself is being investigated. I don’t believe it whatsoever, since Wilson has been en fuego during his speaking tours and that’s just a rumor Freepos are bustin’. But it adds to the cornfusion, that’s for sure.
That’s a right-wing talking point that’s spread across their end of the blogosphere.
Raw Story also is saying that Rove’s lawyer talked to Fitzgerald today. So, sumthun’s up.
While cruising around, I saw a post at the orange place quoting David Ensor as saying a CIA spokesmen admitted there was damage after the leak. Not specific, but that’s the first time I’ve ever heard that being said on the MSM. If true (and again, this is based on a post at another blog by someone I don’t know), that would kind of make Kristof’s piece today a big embarrassment.
Isn’t this the neighbor who has agreed to represent them in their civil suit?
Not that that necessarily means anything one way or another, but….
Or is it this guy?? (another neighbor)
… it is Chris Wolf
and even worse…..ahem, susan already diaried this, here …even badder!
There’s been so much written about every aspect of this case…not to worry! 🙂
Some moments my mind just goes totally blank and I have such a bad memory as it is, it’s amazing I can put anything together.
Yeah … BooMan called me last night and we were talkin’ the case, and I could NOT remember the name of Bolton’s CIA guy at the State Dept … Boo was trying to help me … Fleiss? … finally, I just blurted out, “Heidi Fleiss!” And he laughed.
Sometimes it all gets so mixed up. I have to go back and reread what **I** wrote — never mind what other people wrote!
That’s Christopher Wolf, who’s representing them in a potential civil suit.
Joe and Valerie’s kids call him Wolfie but they told the kids they should call him “Mr. Wolf.”
I’m sure that those FBI interviews were merely to confirm that Valerie was indeed undercover and didn’t tell any acquaintances about her real job.
Catnip, Peter Warren should have you on his show next weekend.
I’m sure he’s got much more important guests lined up…MUCH more…:)
I’ve got Fitzmas Blue Balls!
Curious that it took almost 2 years for Fitzgerald/FBI to get around to this. I assume that they did the Mulder/Scully routine. “Madam, have you seen or noticed anything unusual about your neighbor Ms.Plame?…And What’s your take on the Iraq war?…And one other thing, do you have any of that black oil handy?”