Since we are all jumpy with P.I.S.S. (pre-indictment stress-syndrome), I thought we might want to fantasize and speculate a little. Some people are calling this Fritzmas Eve. What do you want under the tree tomorrow?
And what the hell do you think will happen if Cheney has to resign?
If this happens, and it still hasn’t happened, but the main thing we need to think about is how to bring down this criminal administration and get our democracy back on the tracks.
In the INFORMATION AGE, we need an information guru with charisma and an impeccable conscience to do that. Who is that person?
O not Al Gore since he was ACTUALLY elected president and now can’t be bothered with public office since he is in love with his own resentment we have to wonder if our country would not have suffered an even UNIMAGINABLY worse fate at his self-righteous and (that other meticulous coward) John Kerry’s hands?
If all of our hopes are realized and the criminals who have hijacked our goverment are frog marched to their cells, we have never needed charismatic, socially responsible leadership more than we do at this moment.
Fitzgerald will get at least one prominent member of the Bush-Cheney Cabal up for a major Indictment, and several more persons – 3 to 5 – on charges of perjury or conspiracy to block his investigation.
Fitzgerald will not stop the investigation, but will name specific criminal acts for which he will seek a new GJ and further indictments.
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
The suspense may lead to an Alfred Hitchcock style bloody ending!
PF To Do List ::
Niger Forgery – Ledeen – Franklin – Rhodes – Pollari – Martino
LEAVE … Iraq to the Iraqis
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I think Cheney will have a “convenient” heart attack. Not enough to kill him, but enough that he will be able to resign for “health reasons”. He will get his pardon, and the rest of the crew will take their shot in court.
Wilson’s lawsuit will go forward, with the now known “Does” including Cheney paying damages to the family they tried to destroy. Brewster-Jennings will likewise file a breach-of-contract suit against the gov’t for blowing their cover, and the families of a few (heretofore unknown) agents will file wrongful death suits in their home countries, and the U.S.
Fitz’s evidence will prove overwhelming, and all those indicted will serve time in a federal minimum security prison. (VacationLand). All will reenter government service, or work for major corporations within five years of their release.
America will be singing “I need a new drug” by Huey Lewis.
So, you want to play hardball.
Listen, just to test an idea: Suppose my client knew where one might find a few shrink-wrapped bundles of $100 bills of no use to someone under doctor’s orders not to travel…?
Re-fresh, Re-fresh, Rahm Emanuel.
Lynn will divorce him and run off with Geena Davis.
I don’t think Cheney will be indicted but I think his reputation has taken a major hit with one poll recently revealing that he’s at his lowest approval rate ever.
Rice has said she doesn’t want to run in 2008 (but she’s a lying liar so we can’t trust anything she says anyway). But, let’s say that she’s promoted: I don’t know what her approval numbers are right now but everybody and their dog knows how much she’s lied so that would further sink Bushco. Plus, if she doesn’t run in 08 and Frist is indicted and DeLay and whoever else – well, whoever does run on the R ticket will have to bash Bushco to get anywhere.
Who else can take over for Cheney? McCain? I don’t know.
Cheney wasn’t exactly polling at Santa Claus levels before this all started. Didn’t he have approval ratings in the 20s-30s about six months ago? He’s got no room to take minor hits, let alone major ones. He’s also got other potential closet skeletons people seem to have forgotten, like the Halliburton scandals and that mysterious energy task force.
Speculation about replacement? I think Condi’s NSA past is going to dog her, especially if Fitzgerald has an open-ended investigation. If she actually has serious presidential aspirations, we’ll play the tape until it’s the Republican version of the Scream: <snippy> “I believe the title was, ‘Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States.’ ” Heh, thank you Mr. Ben-Veniste. Can’t believe McCain would want the mess at this point; wouldn’t he wait until someone else mops up?
The other name that’s been floated is, I shudder to think, James Baker. Yes, the Bush family fixer is now at least 110 years old, but don’t put it past them.
I think you’re on the money. Cheney will leave “for health reasons.” Poppy will install Baker as VP to try to save what’s left of the dynasty.
Yet another instance of Poppy have to come in and clean up Georgie’s mess.
Past behavior is so predictive of future behavior…
catnip will eat cheesecake.
And what will happen if Cheney doesn’t resign?
Catnip will eat cheesecake…
Yeah, I figured it was a safe bet 🙂
Yes, that’s true too. Either way, I win!
That was my first thought but I thought I should try and write something that sounded half-intelligent. lol
What are you implying? :p
That I’m actually just all cheesecake, all the time and that I’m working on my addiction. 🙂
cheesecake sounds very intelligent to me.
as a VP choice, but I just can’t see it. There’s just too much for BushCo. to lose; someone in that confirmation hearing room is going to want to make a name for him/herself by asking questions about decisions made prior to 9/11. It might slip out that BushCo. knew ALL ABOUT Al Qaeda’s plans, but didn’t care because that info came from the Clinton Administration and everyone knows how evil they were…or that an attack on the US was just the impetus they needed to put the PNAC agenda into action.
I think it’s more likely that any VP candidate would come out of the gubernatorial ranks, one of the innocuous rising stars with little baggage that the Democrats could nail him with (and it will be a him, mark my words)…
in her favor: the press would be very impressed with the story of a female vice-president, and an afro-american vice-president.
not in her favor: she is so wrapped up in Nigergate that she will be lucky to not get indicted. She is too close to the scandal.
I would be happy with James Baker. Sad to say, but they do not have many sane grown ups available.
If Cheney and other bushies get indicted then I don’t see how Bush gets to pick his VP nominee. No Republican Senator with Presidential aspirations in ’08 is going to allow a possible contender to be confirmed as VP. The Democrats won’t support, and it is highly likely that the remaining Republicans won’t support, a bush insider to become VP even if they aren’t a future Presidential contender. The Republicans will be severly damaged by all of this and will want to take control of the White House and bush.
I seriously believe it will be Bingo Bob time. Someone that doesn’t offend anyone and no one takes seriously.
It’s interesting to think about.
Bush often seems out of his depth. I don’t know how he is going to come off in the swirl of this scandal, but people are going to notice that none of the grown-ups are available: not Powell, not Rummy, not Condi, not Cheney, not Frist, not DeLay, not Jeb.
McCain is possible, but I really can’t see it happening. Lindsay Graham would be a good choice. After that, I don’t see any 2008 contenders getting the nod. Guiliani? Not after Bernard Kerik. Not in the face of a scandal.
Who could give a sense of confidence in the government, and yet not be a threat in 2008?
James Baker comes to mind. He would get near universal support. Dick Lugar might fit the bill.
I was thinking someone like Lugar. A Gerry Ford? Last man I would want to see is Baker. May as well hand the government over to the Saudi’s. But you are right he would probably get confirmed. What about Scowcroft?
An intersting idea just occured to me when Gooserock suggested that democrats refuse to allow bush to make anyone lifetime judicial appointments…
Sandra Day O’Connor for VP.
Baker is the devil we know. It would represent a movement back to a balanced middle east policy, not the craziness we’ve seen from this administration. Far from ideal, but superior to most of the other plausible candidates, and too old to run in ’08.
The Bush family has always called on Baker when they have been in trouble.
You are probably right. Baker is the logical choice for them and while it would drive me nuts I can’t see Senate Democrats or Republicans objecting.
From WaPotonite:
Libby’s going down – but we already knew that. Looks like Cheney will skate though.
Moral of the story: don’t take notes.
Cheney has been asked questions, and if he lied when he answered those questions, he may not be skating out of this.
Do we know for sure that he was under oath? I’ve seen conflicting accounts.
the latest article in the NYT says he was under oath. Previously the NYT reported that he was not.
So, no we’re not sure.
Wuermser and Hannah flipped. It does not all rest on Libby.
This is my order:
Thomas H. Kean
Fred Thompson
Super long shot–eat crow and beg Powell
I am guessing that Hadley, Rove, Libby, and Wurmser are certainly indicted if it happens this week. Possibly a couple more. Two of those, Hadley and Wurmser are sealed as they are providing future testimony and have cut deals. Only the sealed indictments are for charges like perjury. The unsealed ones are serious. If Libby and Rove get turned then Cheney is sunk and that means he will soon be an official target of somebody, if not this grand jury and prosecutor.
Hence, he will begin feeling ill and need to spend time with his family.
If Fitzgerald is indeed asking for an extension and moreover receives it, then he has turned some major players and has some big fish on his line.
What does this mean? Cheney is done and by extensions this Congress and this Administration.
These are my predictions, but remember, I think Tom Brady fumbled (that little shithead did!), Gore and Kerry won, and that the each and every woman who has kicked me to the curb at one point in my life will show up at my door and tell me what a huge mistake she has made. It is possible I am prone to believing in what I want and not in what is, despite what the truth remains if you get my drift.
Only the sealed indictments are for charges like perjury. The unsealed ones are serious.
What I mean by this, is they are charges which carry: Time
Of course perjury is serious, but more easily plea bargained to a few months, a fine, and some testimony (or even home detention) than some of the other crimes that have been discussed.
hadley as mr. x
libby, rove, hadley and cheney will be indicted
* crosses fingers *
Fitzgerald will issue sealed indictments for perjury and conspiracy, one of which will be Rove, and one Libby; both will know this but their names will not be made public. Fitzgerald will get a new Grand Jury and continue his investigation. While it goes on, Rove and Libby will leave the White House to spend more time with their lawyers.
While Fitz investigates, Cheney will resign and leave the White House to spend more time with his money. If he is indicted while Bush is still president, Bush will pardon him the day he leaves office. Bush will become president of Halliburton.
… is a conspiracy charge of some sort involving the White House Iraq Group. All of them preferably and a few others in and around the executive branch with them. The full rumored 22.
Along with that I want the charges, evidence and trial to be such that it implicates the President (who I do not expect to be charged), condems the Vice President, and makes it impossible for Congress and the DOJ not to start a second investigation into the Niger forgeries and the entire lead-up to this ill-begotten invasion of Iraq.
It is my hope that the Vice President is indicated. I will accept unindicted co-conspirator but I want him indicted with Bush either as an undicted co-conspirator or with clear evidence of his complicity after the fact in the cover-up through obstruction of justice and/or perjury.
If Cheney is named or indicted he must resign. What I want then is for Congress to foist a bingo bob character on bush as cheney’s replacement. Then, hoping that bush is shown to clearly be guilty, I want even this republican congress forced to impeach him and for him to be forced to resign thereby making bingo bob a caretaker president until a real, responsible, honest, adult President with integrity is elected in ’08.
–>The Democrats announce that there is too much of a cloud over government at this time to allow any further lifetime judicial appointments.
Certainly none by bush whose own legal jeopardy which is certain to come before the Supreme Court precludes him being allowed to pick anyone for the bench.
… reality is… I have no idea what is going to happen.
According to Clemons there will be about 5 indictments. This makes it unlikely that it will be a conspiracy charge that lays bare the workings of the White House Iraq Group. Bummer. Exposing those bastarads is key.
1-5: Cheney; Libby; Rove; Hadley; and… ?
If Hannah and Wuermser have flipped then perhaps they don’t get indicted despite being part of the crime. Is Hadley Mr. X? Or is someone else?
I find it hard to believe he can’t get these guys on the original crime given how much has come out. But perhaps all he can prove is the cover-up. 1-5 seems awful low because I think the original crime charge will most likely be a conspiracy charge of some sort…
… unless it is direct charges of treason. That would explain only 5.
and that the little guys who would have been indicted already flipped like panneecakes. The 1-5 who are indicted are fubarred because of rock hard evidence.
Less is more, friends
From Wikipedia…re: Plame gate, just thought this might be important in this case, what do you think???
Quel fun.
Remembering that it’ll be Thursday and not tomorrow, if I read the reports correctly.
I want Cheney resigning and one of the Penta-Goons indicted, and Fitz assembling a 2nd grand jury.
“The answer, my friend, is twisting in the wind,
the answer is twisting in the wind.”
What do I want?
I want my country back….the one I loved and respected. The one that took care of me and protected our earth, and was respected by our fellow earthlings. The one I was proud of….even with all its warts. Warts we can work with….this I just cry.
IIRC in the AIPAC case, the subject was tried and convicted of 300 years, which was reduced to 2 years after he spilled. May have the same here. 2-3 people who are going to bravely hold out until convicted for 400 years. I’m thinking Libby and Hadley …to get to Cheney & Rove in 6 mos, to get to Bush. But Cheney could easily get pardon on compassion grounds…but could that be charged as obstruction?
Also Rice cakes. Interesting that she has finally come to the conclusion that she is black. Rekindling ties to the black community she turned her back on decades ago. The timing is, well, veeeeeery conveeeeenient. She, maybe above all others was keen on the yellow cake mushroom cloud scheme/. Rice cakes always struck me as a wannabee power player but without the chops…real amateur. And I think she slipped up and has become part of the mix. Shocking idea? Well we were all shocked to discover that Nixon’s AG was indicted too.
If cheney goes, we”ll have a brainless President.
Look what’s under the Fitzmas tree!
It is 4:30 am and I cannot sleep. What I want more than anything is for this nightmare to be over, I want to see the whole cabal humiliated infront of the Nation they have ruined. I want to see indictments bigger than perjury. I want them all to go away for the rest of their natural lives. I want them to spend their prison time in Abu Graib or Gitmo. I want my sister to say she is sorry and that she was wrong to believe in the Bush crime family and all the liars connected to it.
But, as the Stones sang, “You can’t always get what you want, but you just might get what ya need”. So I will settle for Libby, Rove, Tenet and Cheney. Bush would be the icing on the cake but we may not need that because without his bubble protectors he may just have a breakdown. One can hope.
It was very poorly expressed and came off much differently than I intended. My bad.