Update [2005-10-25 15:34:49 by susanhu]: Larry Johnson is on the Ed Schultz show at 1:05pm PT today. Call-in number: 1-877-934-6833 (Identify yourself as a BooTribber if you get on!)

Times are tense. Will Scotty crack under the pressure? Will he at least break a sweat? Will he finally break down and come over from the dark side? Is that really Adam’s baby that Jill is having? Oh wait…that’s another soap opera…

Join us live at approximately 1 pm ET as we live blog the daily briefing.

Watch or listen at C-SPAN or the WH site.


Helen Thomas to Scotty: you demean all Americans when you support torture.
If you’re so inclined, please transcribe the briefing for our cubicle dwellers. Thanks!