Update [2005-10-25 15:34:49 by susanhu]: Larry Johnson is on the Ed Schultz show at 1:05pm PT today. Call-in number: 1-877-934-6833 (Identify yourself as a BooTribber if you get on!)
Times are tense. Will Scotty crack under the pressure? Will he at least break a sweat? Will he finally break down and come over from the dark side? Is that really Adam’s baby that Jill is having? Oh wait…that’s another soap opera…
Join us live at approximately 1 pm ET as we live blog the daily briefing.
Watch or listen at C-SPAN or the WH site.
Helen Thomas to Scotty: you demean all Americans when you support torture.
If you’re so inclined, please transcribe the briefing for our cubicle dwellers. Thanks!
http://www.c-span.org works, but http://www.cspan.org gets “You have reached BUYCOM. Our site is currently being remodeled…”
misspelled it – I’ll fix it
While we wait…. I haven’t watched Desperate Housewives since, oh, way back last year. Did that red-haired woman kill her husband? And where’s the pharmacist?
Bree? Nope. It was the pharmacist but she doesn’t know it yet. He’s around – trying to get cozy with her. It’s a long story.
The pharmacist is trying to date her, but meeting with opposition from the son (btw, the pharmacist is responsible for the husband’s death). Pharmacist convinced red-haired woman to send son away to bad-boy camp for reprogramming…
And I want to know why they always portray pharmacists as dweebs on tv…
That dude looks psychotic. And dweeby.
To heck with Desparate Housewives… watch “Couplings” on BBC. Hilarious!
and it comes on still ocassionally. I started watching it in my early 30’s and thought it was funny as hell……now that I’m 40 I’m starting to act like the characters too.
GO JIM McGOVERN! A law to end troops going to Iraq
Josh at TPM has questions up already from this morning. Did we miss the briefing?
Nope, she said, answering her own question. It’s on CSPAN right now.
has a time machine?
So do tell! What’s happening? I’m stuck in this cube, and our firewall hates streaming video.
sorry – I’m doing 3 things at once and was hoping someone else would help out with the transcribing. (Plus I have to pee).
Q. Does VP Cheney always tell the truth to the American people?
A. Yes. And frankly I think that’s a ridiculous question.
(asked by Terry)
One reporter also asked Scotty prior to that if they could trust the info coming from Scotty’s briefings and he also said yes. Liar.
Holy shit.
Helen: you demean all Americans when you support torture.
Scotty: says the US abides by all international treaties.
Helen: you’re supporting torture.
Helen & Terry have become my favorite tagteam, and they seem to really enjoy helping each other tag team that shameless flack.
I think it is a ridiculous question too. It is long established that when you see Cheney’s lips moving he is a sure sign that he is lying.
AND right now Cheney’s lips are moving up and down in support of torture. He held McCain captive for 45 minutes arm-twisting to get him to change his amendment to allow the CIA to torture suspects. (always keep in mind that these detainees are only suspects. One day it could be someone we know and love picked up from the streets for having an olive complexion and a beard.) Cheney thinks the president (meaning himself) has to have the discretion to torture for his “war on terre.”
John Roberts asked again about Scotty saying that the VP always tells the truth. Scotty thinks it’s a “ridiculous suggestion” that he doesn’t.
It seems a lot milder than reports of some recent briefings. Scotty’s looking reasonably comfortable.
Court nominee won’t say if she supports 40 year old decision giving women rights to birth control. Will the President say if HE supports women’s right to birth control?
Scotty: yadda yadda clear yadda yadda.
I’m going to vomit.
Asked again about the McCain amendment re: torture Scotty says the administration values human dignity.
lots of questions about Fitz’s investigation – Scotty won’t answer any of them.
Spiderleaf was right. He won’t answer any question about anything but Syria and he talks and talks and talks about Syria. New talking point is “Syria’s Behavior”. We are going to wag the dog this way and fight with the U.N. and the U.N. edited the damn report on Hariri death and left out the names of those involved and they left editing tracks. Fuck! Here we go everybody…….the new wag the dog is how DANGEROUS SYRIA IS!!!
I read something from Ductape Fatwa yesterday about the source on the UN report being all “Curveball” like. Are we going to do a thorough vetting of intelligence this time with both the legislative and executive branches trying to be honest, or are we just going to start firing cruise missiles.
my vote is on the cruise missles…
the march to war has begun… in time to distract on Plame & be “at war on terrorism” in time for 2006.
is IMPOSSIBLE to control…..he says IMPOSSIBLE and he was responsible for that border when he was there and when he says it is impossible everybody, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. I’m not sure how much anybody can accuse Syria of aiding terrorist(pissed off dehumanized, degraded, abused, insulted muslims) crossing that border. What about Iran supporting the Shiites and what the Brits have been having to deal with in Basra? Oh, Oops, sorry…..I forgot that Iran has some pretty big friends these days and they told us to buggeroff when we tried to wag using Iran.
the USA is very good at – look at the Mexico/USA border.
of the report as “Can’t Trust the U.N.” I could be wrong. How far are they going to get with this shit? Has the MSM had enough Shit and are they going to challenge this new shit? Did the NYT learn anything with Judith and is this insanity going to be challenged well and thoroughly?
but I don’t like the answers I would give.
I just posted news stories
I heard a snippet of Bushbleat today, he appeared to be repeating after his earpiece that lots more Sacrifice and Resolve would be required.
At this point, Operation Syrian Freedom has been a ground-only “incursion,” as far as we know, however in order to spread the same level of democracy on Damascus currently enjoyed by Baghdad and Kabul, some aerial involvement will be necessary.
It is unlikely that Zuhair, the Syrian Chalabi will get to be the Bremer of it, though, bad news for his fans. Maybe they can give it to poor old Hassan. He has been all pouty ever since he found out they were bullshitting him about making him King of Iraq.
I need a host of minions. Like those prepping Harriet Miers on Constitutional Law. So I can quick get up to speed and understand 50% of what you just said. I’ve already learned about one whole country in these past three years. Ethnic divisions. Geography. Political history. Major players. And now I have to do the same thing all over again for a new country we are going to invade. Fuck. I might just well have studied world history or something. Geography. When can an American catch a break? If we’d stop invading people, I could remain blissfully ignorant.
Don’t worry about the rest of it. Anything that’s really important about history, etc. Karen Hughes will explain to a group of hand-picked college students in Kuala Lampur.
I’ve started a rumor that Karen is an Onion mole. Won’t you help me spread it?
I don’t think she needs help. And I don’t think you can be indicted for outting her. It is too obvious. Public knowledge. Man am I embarrassed she is touring the world in the name of my country. I don’t mind being ignorant on a blog. But in front of the entire world. Sheesh.
Why do I doubt any “Resolve and Sacrifice” will not involve any Tax increases to pay for all of this?
(“Bushbleat” is good, BTW.)
Yup. Syria is in serious danger… and so are we. This administration must not be allowed to take aggressive action against Syria or any other nation just to try and save their own criminal asses.
Unless you live in LA, where the wag the dog terra alert of the day is(are) the bomb threats at the Orange County and Long Beach airports.
Another day, another press diversion…
Raw Story reports one possibly two or more indictments. That’s dissapointing…and probably only on perjury charges not related to Plame.
it still amounts to speculation, so don’t get dejected–or excited–yet.
Are you still watching C-SPAN?
THAT’s the Syrian that Pat Lang warned us about!
the hell that was up there talking about Syria. Now I fucking know, don’t I. It is sell attacking Syria day isn’t it. And Cspan is in it up to its asshole right now too. Why do they have this guy on right after Scotty’s press conference. I’m getting creeped out!!!
I feel just fucking shitty right now. I’m going to go chop down a dead tree in the yard for firewood this winter. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck you, fuck me, we’re all fucked, fuck me to tears!
This time it’s not happening.
We’re not going to let it.
Batshit loopy prez can order troops wherever the hell he wants to, but Congress has to fund it.
Let’s make sure they know they can’t do that.
to a Bradley fighting vehicle and beginning a hunger strike, but I like your idea much better.
Where? Scotty mentioned him? Or did he get some mike time, Chalabi-style?
I’m getting really fucking creeped out here. We couldn’t possibly be sold another bullshit war, could we?
right after the press conference clicked off. Talking about how Syria needs Peace. He’s another fucking Chalabi………completely, totally, the whole pie!!!!
I think they’re planning on doing it soon, and selling it later, if at all.
We are in deep shit here.
I got an email from Tim the other day. He teased me and said that if he gets arrested it’s going to be for something a hell of a lot better than for show. He could barely live with the bombing that took place in Iraq “before” the war and the part he was literally forced to play in it because he was “Serving His Country”. This scares the hell out of me, if we bomb Syria I’m scared that I could see Tim arrested and it might not be a nice arrest. I don’t think many of us can truly fathom what a bombing is like. I think that anybody who survives one has some kind of PTSD for life from it. I knew a woman who survived the bombing of London when she was a little girl, a loud noise and under the kitchen table she would go and she wouldn’t even know she was doing it.
I can’t even imagine how you must feel, or Tim, or anyone of the families of the 2000 dead soldiers feel when you hear them talk about going after Syria like they did Iraq. I knew they were full of crap with Iraq, but I think they’ve gotten even bolder with the lies and the idea that they can do whatever they want, without our consent, and systematically attack every country in the middle east. I’m sick over it too, and sick of seeing the vague, mildly interested looks on people’s faces when you talk about the war, or Cindy Sheehan, or how many have died. It’s almost a complete disconnect from reality for many people around here.
My grew up in Germany, and was about 10 when they bombed Hamburg and the family had to leave the city. I think it affected all of them in different ways.
The New York Times, aka “The Grey Lady” & aka “The Lying Bitch” is reporting:
This is the same pattern I remember from the last time.
This is starting to creep me out.
Looks like the only lesson any of them have learned is “it worked so well for us last time!!”
Don’t know anything about Josh Landis, but take a look at this Syria is Being Set Up to Fail from yesterday.
hey bri, would you mind adding that link into my diary as well… it fits perfectly and adds more weight as well.
than Miller or WHIG or the Neocons or the Admin.
And it still owns the information infrastructure for reaching the general electorate.
Whoa! Slow down. Could somebody calm please try to explain what has developed vis a vis Syria today that has caused some people to jump to some pretty drastic conclusions, apparently? I’m trying to follow this, but having no access to CSPAN or Scotty, I don’t know what has set you off!
And we can’t let the CIA Leak case keep us off Syria.
Not to too my own horn, but my diary on Sunday scared a lot of people:
“NSC Chief Hadley asked Italy for a Bashar Replacement“
I added the link to your diary as well as the one bri posted into the diary for additional background info.
Unfortunately the Iraq/Syria border has already been breached many times. We do not know the half of it.
Did you get to hear Sy Hersh Sunday on CSPAN2, with Scott Ritter?
Hersh talked about that border town — it was blown to hell and back during the Katrina crisis, so none of us paid attention.
Hersh said he talked to a colonel over there who said the WORST of the killers coming into the villages were ex-CIA guys leading a bunch of Iraqis. They’re mercenaries now.
It was all so sick. I watched twice, and taped it, and I still can’t wrap my head around it.
Scott Ritter was good, but I’d really have rather listened to just Hersh.
No, didn’t get to watch C-span. I’m packing, packing, packing. But thanks for the run down. My heart bleeds for those people living over there, trying to live a normal life. And it all started because of Bush/Cheney lies.
Both Ritter and Hersh are good once you get beyond their egos.