Someone said it again today. Invading Iraq was a mistake. Every time it gets said, I grind another layer of enamel off my teeth. Nancy Pelosi says it. John Kerry says it. Mikhail Gorbachev says it. Spain’s Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero says it. Even the occasional Republican says it. And recent polls indicate 55% to 59% of Americans think it.
Every one of them is wrong. Invading Iraq was no mistake. It was bloody treason. And the traitors still rule us instead of breaking rocks at Leavenworth.
They knowingly, willingly, unhesitatingly pronounced what they knew to be lies and marginalized, denigrated and smeared contrary-minded people, manipulated real evidence, concocted fake evidence, tricked an American population traumatized, fearful and furious about terrorism and sent young men and women off to a war at the tip of a bayonet named “9/11.”
A mistake is when you hammer your thumb instead of the nail. A mistake is when you choose c) instead of d) on the SAT. A mistake is when you put too much garlic in the minestrone. Invading Iraq was no damned mistake. And calling it a mistake is more than a mere slip of the tongue. It sets a precedent. Pretty soon, everybody will be saying invading Iraq was a mistake. And in 20 years, your grandkids will be studying out of textbooks that call it a mistake.
Instead of calling it what it really was. Sedition.
Over and over again for three years we’ve had our faces rubbed in the evidence. Yet, every day, someone calls this perfidious, murderous scheme a mistake. As if invading Iraq were a foreign policy mishap. Oopsy.
Stop it already. People do not commit treachery by mistake.
As we full well know, even before George W. Bush was scooted into office 5-to-4, the men he came to front for were already at work plotting their rationale for sinking deeper military and economic roots in the Middle East, petropolitics and neo-imperialist sophistry greedily intertwined. When they stepped into office, as Richard Clarke explained to us , terrorism gave them no worries. They blew off Clarke and they blew off Hart-Rudman with scarcely a fare-thee-well. Then, when they weren’t figuring out how to lower taxes on their pals and unravel the tattered social safety net, they focused – as Paul O’Neill informed us – on finding the right excuse to persuade the American people to go to war with Saddam Hussein as a prelude to going to war with some of his neighbors. In less than nine months, that excuse dropped into their laps in the form of Osama bin Laden’s kamikaze crews.
From that terrible day forward, Richard Cheney and his sidekick Donald Rumsfeld and their like-minded coterie of rogues engineered the invasion. They didn’t slip the U.S. into Iraq by mistake. Like the shrewd opportunists they have shown themselves to be in the business world, they saw the chance to carry out their invasion plan and they moved every obstacle – most especially the truth – out of their way to make it happen.
When they couldn’t get the CIA to give them the intelligence that would justify their moves they exerted pressure for a change of minds. They exaggerated, reinterpreted and rejiggered intelligence assessments. For icing they concocted their own.
Larry Wilkerson merely confirms what O’Neill and Clarke previously had told us: The traitors didn’t mistakenly stumble their way into invasion pushed along by world events; they created a cabal of renegades specifically to carry out the Project for a New America Century’s plans for hegemony, first stop – Baghdad. They didn’t carefully weigh options and evaluate the pros and cons and make error in judgment, the kind of wrong choice that could happen to anyone. They studiously ignored everyone who warned them against taking the action they had decided upon years before the World Trade Centers were turned to ashes and dust.
The traitors ignored Brent Scowcroft when he wrote in August 2002, “Don’t Attack Saddam”. They ignored the Army War College when it warned of the perils of invasion and occupation in a February 2003 report, “Reconstructing Iraq: Insights, Challenges, And Missions For Military Forces In A Post-Conflict Scenario”.
When their propaganda failed to measure up as a justification for expending American lives and treasure, they fabricated evidence. Aluminum tubes that experts said could in no way be used to help make nuclear weapons were turned into prima facie evidence of Saddam’s intent to do so. Documents that intelligence veterans said from the get-go were forged remained the basis for the traitors’ claims. With the straightest face he’d mustered since taking the oath of office, Dubyanocchio declared: “Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.”
If the ousted Colin Powell can be believed, they sandbagged him into publicly providing the United Nations with information the traitors knew to be false.
Senators and Congressmen were lied into granting the President authority to take military action to protect the United States from a threat that the traitors knew didn’t exist.
When the weapons inspectors under Hans Blix couldn’t find anything, but asked for more time to look, they brushed him off and began pounding Baghdad and other Iraqi targets with a display of raw power they labeled, like ad writers for some ultimate cologne, “Shock and Awe.”
Every smidgen of this betrayal of the American people was purposely calculated, even if poorly planned and frequently incompetently handled. Just as invading Iraq was no mistake, the pretense that Bush hadn’t made his mind months before the invasion was no mistake. It was a calculated ploy to suggest falsely that the President and the ideological crocodiles in the White House gave two snaps about cooperating with the international community other than to camouflage their unalterable determination to stomp Iraq, plundering it under the guise of righteous magnanimity.
Just as the war was no mistake, torturing prisoners was no mistake. It was a deliberate, premeditated policy of international outlawry and inhumanity guided by legal arguments requested and approved by the man who soon got his reward, appointment as attorney general, and carried out on the direct orders of men like General Geoffrey Miller at the “suggestion” of Don Rumsfeld and under the command George Walker Bush.
It was no mistake that the vice president’s company collected billions in no-bid contracts and that the White House attempted to cover up massive over-charges by that company.
Just as planning for invasion, the concoction of evidence, the ignoring of counter-advice, and the lying to Congress, to the United Nations and to the American people were not mistakes, the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson was no slip of the tongue, but a conscious, purposeful and deliberate act. Nor did the traitors mistakenly smear Ambassador Joe Wilson – a smear which continues today. It was the intentional plot of men fearful of having their treacherous lies exposed.
Mistakes were definitely made. Three years ago, too many elected Democrats and too many other Americans believed the president and vice president of the United States to be honorable men. To be patriots. To have the best interests of Americans at heart. They believed them and they believed a megamedia that operated like government-owned megaphones instead of independent watch dogs. Those were gigantic mistakes.
I haven’t told you a single thing you haven’t heard dozens of times previously. And yet, every day, people who I am positive are as well or better acquainted than I with the facts I’ve outlined here say or write: “Invading Iraq was a mistake.”
Our leaders betrayed us and aided our enemies. They worked overtime to silence dissident voices. They deliberately took us into war under a cloak of deceit and the outcome, so far, is tens of thousands of dead soldiers and civilians, a weakened national security, a diplomatic catastrophe, a sullied American voice, a dwindling treasury and increased terrorism, with no end in sight.
Stop calling what they did a mistake.
[Cross-posted at The Next Hurrah.]
At the risk of framing, I’m glad you pointed this out. “Mistake” absolves blame and will defeat justice.
People do not commit treachery by mistake.
The only hope for restoring our government to functional status is what BooMan suggests: flip at least one house of Congress in 2006, so we can begin the impeachment proceedings.
Someone like John Kerry, who went along with it, wants it to be considered a “mistake” because that absolves him of blame as a fellow traveler. If he calls it “treason,” then he either looks complicit in the treason or like a fool. So he’s never going to go beyond “mistake.”
Unfortunately, that simply shows the poor level of quality amongst our Democratic Party leadership.
for John Kerry to have voted for the war authorization.
If Senator Kerry came out and said plainly “my support of the war was a mistake,” I would be the first to applaud his honesty.
But the war itself? Not a mistake. Treason.
in my opinion, was NOT a mistake. It was a cold, calculated political decision to position him for his presidential run.
Same as what Hillary is doing now.
A guy with Kerry’s background and smarts had to know what was going on. Hell, a dipshit, netsurfin drug-damaged brain cell nobody like me could see what was going on.
He sacrificed principle for political expediency.
As guilty as the Bushies in my opinion.
Thank you, leftvet. I have been thinking the same thing all morning, but didn’t post…
No one who voted for giving the president a blank check is forgiven…if they didn’t know what was going on, it is their JOB to find out. Period.
If they are going to assert that they were lied to, then they’d damn well better get cracking on the investigation.
Kerry as president wouldn’t have brought the troops home. His onky complaint about Iraq was that we didn’t do it right, not that we should not have. Kerry long ago sold out any credibility he might have had.
Kerry went along with treason because he thought it would forward his own agenda.
But he can’t admit that, which is why he can’t go beyond calling the war a “mistake.”
I wish you could get this piece into NYT and/or WaPo as an editorial.
I wish this could be read from the moutaintops, rooftops….
Exactly. I’m certainly not the brighest bulb in the room as the saying goes but if I could read enough to know that bushco was lying from day one about invasion of Iraq how in the hell were the democrats supposedly duped into believing all that horseshit. And still trying to act like their vote for war was ok.
It still amazes me that the media(well not really I guess)aren’t parading the PNAC around daily on the news as a blueprint for what has been done..right there in black/white signed by almost everyone sick puppy involved.
An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness.
An unintentional error esp. in legal procedure or form that does not indicate bad faith.
Right you are, MB, this was no mistake, not any way that anyone treis to cut it. Great diary!
Be careful with that enamel, once it’s gone, your teeth are forever vulnerable!
Shout it from the rooftops, sing it!
I might try some of that shouting but really you don’t want to hear me sing.
Man, you gave me goose bumps reading that piece. As you said, we all know the basics of the story, but you put it together so that any sane being reading it will see that it was no mistake.
I hope your entry will be linked far and wide. Thanks.
more than once…outstanding diary MeteorBlades. It was cold blooded, highly calculated warmonging/profiteering greed. May they all burn in hell.
…that should have been included in my Diary: “cold-blooded.” So very, very right.
God, it is so good to have you here MB. I am a big fan. Hope all is going well for you my friend.
And did I mention how powerful this is?
Sorry to dump this OT in your diary but I’d really love to hear your thoughts about what I’ve written on civil disobedience, in this diary. Thanks for your insights in this piece. You’re absolutely right – not a mistake. Deliberate.
Hope you have a great day!
AMEN. Thank you.
and have them speak!
Can they just give you the Koufax now? This was breathtaking.
But Their Rule of Law is also different from our Rule of Law- same with their perjury and our perjury- their God and our God…etc., etc.
And I hope you will send it to Dissident Voice and everywhere else you can think of.
When are we getting that applause icon anyway?
2000 young men and women have paid with their lives for the fevered dreams of PAX Americana and rank bipartisan political cowardice of old men and women.
Now these old men and women are saying “if I had only known”, I would not have voted to support the war. (You knew you did not know, and yet you went ahead anyway.)
They are saying we voted yes “based on the best information available at that time.” (Well – if you don’t ask, you don’t get.)
To our “leaders” that let this pass: Cowards. COWARDS. COWARDS!
You owed these 2000 more than you gave. Now, you owe them more still. They are listening to what you say and watching what you do and with their sacrifice they have gained a window into your souls and a mortgage on your hearts.
Paul Wellstone, in the re-election race of his life, knew better and voted both his mind and his heart. He voted against the war and spoke openly on the Senate floor.
He said:
Wellstone is gone. But you that remain, the old men and women that run this land, do you have that courage yet? Do you?
And to the rest of us –
What do we owe these 2000 and the tens of thousands wounded, and many, many more innocent Iraq civilians killed and wounded?
We owe them more than our voices and our words on these pages. We owe them our action and our votes.
We owe them our participation, our blood and sweat and tears participation, in the democracy that they were asked to defend, for if we are to defend it anywhere, we must first defend it here.
2,000 American military lives lost
15,000 Soldiers wounded, many with amputations
25,000+ Iraqis
almost 100 media personnel killed
countless foreign nationals killed
Cradle of civilization destroyed, museums looted, archaelogical ruins used in sand bags
Environmental disasters
Infrastructuure destroyed
Generation of Iraqi children malnourished
I feel at a loss for words – yours have been so powerful. But you have touched our hearts MB – got through all of the “noise” – and spoken the truth.
Hi MB. So good to have you writing here. I can not add anything to what has already been said. I applaud your writing as one of the best yet.
Hope you and your family are doing well. Thanks.
…and I appreciate your kind words about my essay.
It would be a “mistake” to not applaud you for this stunningly succinct and powerful summation of Iraqgate.
Thank you.
I feel like plastering the DC Metro with your piece.
Are your inveterate Likudnik compatriots over at “The Next Hurrah” rankled by your matter-of-fact citation of PNAC lunacy as the rationale for this dirty war?
That’s really surprising. Every time I’ve even intimated that PNAC’s neoconservative ideology was the driving force behind this treasonous war, DHinMI has lashed out with her/his patented “antisemitic” pap.
Is it DHinMI who holds that patent?
He must make a LOT of money.
But seriously, folks…
When the right wing of the LEFT wing begin to change their tune, then you just KNOW that things are beginning to get serious.
front page poster dhinmi would have him banned just like he did you and me.
Henceforth, when I hear someone say “Iraq was a mistake,” I will say, “oh no, it was quite deliberate.”
Well said. Very clear and inspiring. This needs to be repeated to the heavens. Damn you write well Meteor Blades.
is a keeper. Clarence Darrow couldn’t have said it better.
Meteor Blades refers to “9/11” as “the tip of a bayonet” — part of the pro-war propaganda campaign. It’s dangerous to use it as if it were anything else. Why?
Calling it “the Trade Center attack” places the event in a concrete and realistic perspective. A cosmic “9/11” might change everything, but using an attack on two buildings as an excuse to destroy the Constitution, bomb civilians, and embrace torture? Hell no.
…to expunge once used.
911 now evokes the dereliction of guard duty, the cheapening of a national tragedy, and the betrayal of a frightened nation.
Wow. Just…wow.
Excellent, passionate, truthful and of course, recommended.
Amen, MB! Excellent piece.
Wow, the joy of hearing pure, justified anger in the face of this arrogant hypocrisy.
For this alone, MB, you’ve moved from the screen to the voice. I want to hear it from the soapbox, pulpit, and speaker’s platform.
Thank you.
who did what to who, now?
what he said.
My god, man! What inspired words — my spine is still tingling. I want to go out to an anti-war demo, right now!, and shout Treason! in the streets.
Shout it until the last murder is paid for.
Until the last traitor is hauled off in shackles.
Until we re-write those future history books, to read, ” No mistake — bloody treason!”
The strength to state the truth, so rare. Thanks.