Please note, I’ve changed the heading to be inclusive of all animals, after some of the cats’ staff complained about the exclusion of their masters.
I thought this image was timely. Our Pale Sundews ( carnivorous plants) are blossoming, and somehow, this closeup of a fly being eaten by a sundew made me think of some Whitehouse staffers.
(… more after the break …)
Here’s the whole plant (it’s about twice as large on your screen as it is in real life).
I’m on my way out the door, but I’ll get up more images when I get back.
Today’s topics:
Animal agility (since Luna and I are taking classes in Dog Agility – which is some trick as she is larger than the tunnel she has to go through).
And political animals (defined however you see fit).
I will never be able to sleep again
This is Leo here. I was the feline who registered the complaint about constant dog-blogging here. I did appreciate your kind invitation to attend; not bad for an unenlighted canine afiliative.
Alas, my human is inept when it comes to photos. She has many fine qualities, but working with photos on-line is not one of them, yet. She did, however, post a splendiferous photo of me over on, where they made the task simple enough even for a non-feline. Check it out.
Love that bug-eating plant, however. . . Leo.
Here’s Albert, doing what he does best, sleeping in the sunshine (he’s on top of the bin that holds Luna’s food).
It’s freaking 4:40am… I am not a morning person.
Patience is a virtue – that dog’s don’t have.
Luna has only recently started sleeping through the night without having to go out, if she’s in, or come in, if she’s out. Although she’s still not %100, so, I can really sympathize.
I keep telling myself she’ll grow out of it.
Waiting for a biopsy to come back on a growth removed from my dog Bo’s leg. She is a retired racing greyhound who’s track name was Bohemian Bubble. Quite a moniker, no? Please hold good thoughts for her.
Also if any one in the Midwest has ever considered adopting a retired racer, now is a good time. A track in Wisconsin is closing and nearly a thousand dogs will need to be “disposed” of.
You can check out Greyhounds Only
is good for your dog. If not, we had a dog who had stomach cancer and we went ahead and had the cancer removed and she had 3 quality years before it came back to badly to be treated.
Thanks for the info and the encouragement.
Although I’m massively overdrawn on my account with the dog-fairy, I’m putting in a special and urgent request that all goes well for Bo and her family.
I’m very fond of ex-racing greyhounds, having met quite few of them when I lived in New Mexico (where they were regularly brought down from dog-racing Colorado). They tend to be quiet, fastideous, and very happy to have left kennal life for a comfy home and loving family.
How kind of you!
This moose was in some sort of zen state and didn’t care that anyone was around which allowed us to get the only non-distance moose picture we’ve ever taken. (Grand Tetons National Park)
Mountain goats are always easy to get pictures of since they seem to have no fear. (Glacier National Park)
This is as close as we’ve gotten to a bighorn sheep. (BLM land in Utah)
now that is something to think about. Well, there is the dalai llama. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
Wow, three great animals just to see, and so much more to photograph! We tried get pics of a bighorn we saw in Rocky Mtn Natl Park, and the photo just looks like a rock pile. Yours almost looks like a pronghorn.
The females looks really similar and I might not have been willing to call it a bighorn if a ranger hadn’t told us that us that they were in the area.