From Richard Sale, longtime UPI intelligence correspondent:
An hour ago I was contacted by a U.S. government official close to the Fitzgerald case. This person told me that there WILL be indictments announced later this afternoon, and the Special Prosecutor will hold a press conference tomorrow.
Richard Sale
— Via Patrick Lang
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
Below: Richard Sale’s first story of the morning: “Aides To Be Indicted, Probe to Continue,” via Larry Johnson.
Just kill me now. I can’t stand it any more.
Hot damn!
…I was hoping to get some work done today.
Roll on, rollercoaster!
Just in time for the nightly news I hope! Not that they would do much to report on it. God I just cannot wait!!
Once again intelligence officials and long time intelligence correspondents prove they know absolutely nothing.
Those will all the credentials seem to be the most oblivious.