Recently, I diaried about the unhappy fate of nearly 100,000 American horses every year. Our Congress has now acted to protect American horses from slaughter by an amendment to the Agriculture Appropriations Bill. The bill has moved into a Conference Committee where it can be altered before being sent on to the President. Ten members of that committee have supported the amendment, but seven have opposed it.
If you are a resident of MS, MO, MT, ID, KS, ND, or SD, your Senator opposed the amendment. These men have the power to remove the amendment from this bill and saddle our beautiful horses with a terrible fate. It could happen this week.
Please visit this action page to contact your Senators on the Conference Committee, and help protect America’s wild horses.
I got a note from HSUS and haven’t read it yet — something about how Congress is screwing with the law they already passed. Bastards.
I got some of these updates in my emails’s really fucken amazing how our repugs work so hard to overturn laws that have been passed and ones as recently as this also. They never give up on a bad thing once they get it into their head do they. Guess I have to start signing the petitions all over again.