Made you look! Made you look!
But seriously, Bush has got a tough choice ahead, especially since Harriet was “the most qualified candidate” he could find. I guess we’ll be settling for no better than second best.
We’ve been working on this problem over here, and we think we’ve come up with a STELLAR list.
Dick Cheney
Well he’s going to be out of work soon, and will need a job. He’s already friends with Scalia, and with Dick on the court they can easily coordinate their tee off times.
Kay Bailey Hutchison
She’s from Texas, and female. And she won’t bog the court down with piffles like perjury. And she’s got 3 names just like Sandra Day O’Connor.
Judge Judy
She’s a judge, and she sorta looks like Harriet, and being on TV and all, she’ll be good at reading from teleprompters. Bush especially likes when she’s mean to the llittle people.
UN Ambassador John Bolton
A PROVEN record of fucking stuff up, and Bush LOVES his brother Michael’s music.
Bush’s Proctologist
This currently unknown figure has operated mostly out of the public eye, but Bush usually likes to promote from his inner circle. Seems logical to me.
Trinity Broadcast Network’s Jan Crouch
American law is derived largely from the English, and in England the judges wear wigs. Well Jan wears 7 wigs! AND she’s a woman. AND she’s acceptible to James Dobson
Marilyn Manson
Well he looks GREAT in black, and Bush thinks he’s a woman. Judicial philosophy unknown, but he fits the radical right’s requirement for a SCARY candidate.
Anna Nicole Smith
Yet another 3 named woman with 2 great assets: her case is going before SCOTUS which will give her the EXPERIENCE in constitutional law that Harriet never had.
Mistress Cleo
GW: “Bein’ psychic and all…she’s gonna know the answer to the cases before they even come before the court!” Bush can also point to her as an example of American ingenuity in the ‘new economy’.
Paula Abdul
Sorry, this one is ripped off from another dKos post from a couple weeks ago, but its just TOO FUNNY. Of course, Bush likes that she has experience being a judge, and that she’s also scandal-free.
Michael Brown
Isn’t he due a promotion?
Mike Judge
Hell his name is Judge, and he’s a Texan. And he likes bush heh heh h-heh h-heh heh heh
Patrick Fitgerald
Gotta get him off his current job ASAP!
Joe Wilson
Man HE needs a real job, the last one he had he got from his WIFE for christsake. Of course that’s a lie, but what other kind of “intelligence” does Bush use?
Bush is getting pissed with the Governator, and a Fabio pick would steal of Arnold’s thunder, and increase Bush’s name mentions on ‘The View’. Plus, Bush just loves to say “Fabio”.
Judge Ito
You forgot about him, didn’t you?
George W. Bush
Well George may need someone who adores him as much as Harriet do.
Also posted at dailyKos
Harriet led the search that eventually chose Miers as the first choice for second nominee. Seeing how that turned out, she should first choose a second search leader to choose the second, second nominee, first.
That’s an interesting point. Now think back to Summer 2000 when Dick Cheney was picked to head a group searching for a GW running mate. And they picked….
What if
Cheney is “Agnewed”. Could he then lead the search for his replacement and pick….Cheney?
I read an article the other day that had a reliable reference to Cheney’s Haliburton stock option value. In the last year alone, it’s increased around 3,200% to go from about $250,000 to a little over $8 million. He has a brand new castle in MD with Rummy has his closest neighbor and the recent military base reorganization is relocating many of the DC offices to outlying areas, like his.
…he’ll get a pardon, live rich and be more involved than ever on the private sector side.