[Promoted by Susan] MSNBC live now. They are saying the reason is most likely that WH/Bush unwilling to release papers asked for. More to follow when more becomes available.
Who will be the next crony nominated?
Update [2005-10-27 9:35:30 by alohaleezy]: From AP article Bush says””It is clear that senators would not be satisfied until they gained access to internal documents concerning advice provided during her tenure at the White House — disclosures that would undermine a president’s ability to receive candid counsel,” Bush said. “Harriet Miers’ decision demonstrates her deep respect for this essential aspect of the constitutional separation of powers — and confirms my deep respect and admiration for her.”
Yup! Multiple stories via Google News Search. Not on front page yet, though.
Can you spell “meltdown”? Sure you can!
On CNN they’re talking about what Bush’s options are. One the one hand Mr. Torture himself Gonzales and on the other Janice Rodgers Brown. WOW – sign me up for front row seats to this one!
And notice how fast Fritz was to make sure his news didn’t get lost in the shuffle – no announcments today.
It was said yesterday that we wouldn’t hear anything till Friday. He is just publicly re-iterating this.
Guy’s apparently psychic, too.
Janice Rodgers without Rove at the helm?
Can you spell “Titanic”?
Or can you imagine Senate hearings with Mr. Torture?
than the hearings that resulted in his installation as Torturer General?
possibly now that all the truths about these criminals are coming to the forefront. I don’t see them getting anyone through the nomination process for quite awhile.
“I don’t see them getting anyone through the nomination process for quite awhile.”
Especially since Bush isn’t the one doing the work to identify and investigate potential nominees, prep them for questioning, etc. This is when the loss of Karl & Co. is going to hurt – there will be no one there to do the “hard work” for awhile. O’Connor may well be there for the rest of this term.
I don’t think you can predict what Bush will do while he is in this “freefall” but I do think hearings for any candidate will go a differently these days with Bush’s “capital” now in the high negatives. No matter who he chooses now, I think this will be quite a battle and probably quite a show.
But I had saved the champagne for Rove – Libby – Hadley – Wurmser – Bolton … what to do?
Just from BBC news
More to follow »»
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Hey, this is great news!
a little more? I am dreading hearing about Bush’s next choice. He has to make the conservatives happy now. They think that he caved because of their pressure.
It will be seen as caving in to the right, and this will make it a much, much weaker nomination. You need to follow up a failed nomination with a strong consensus one. Turning to a Janice Brown would be anything but.
The meltdown continues.
MSNBC saying pressure from the right wingers(probably their ad campaign “We support the president but not Meirs” running last night? Thoughts?
will Gonzales be next choice? Sure Hope not!
I think this is a move in which he is going to pander to his base. He needs to solidify support with half his administration in danger of indictment. And his base hates Abu the AG.
Get ready for Luttig, or Clement Jones, or someone like that.
I wonder how long it will be between the time the Plame indictments are announced and the time the wingnut nomination is announced. Back-to-back press conferences? The same one?
Ya gotta admit that deflection is one of bushco’s “rules of Law”
Raw Story also says that Rove is trying to make a deal with Fitz
What kind of deal could he possibly make other than turning on Libby/Cheney?
Wouldn’t that be sweet…lol!
Mathews saying Republican Senate was very disappointed with Meirs nomination.
The link I posted doesn’t work. Sorry people….will work on it!
AP — Miers Withdraws Supreme Court Nomination
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Thanks Oui!!
More news manipulation by the bush White House.
Upset by the White Sox crushing defeat of the Houston Astros President bush’s minions engineered the withdrawl of Harriet Miers as Supreme Court nominee in order to bump the massive cheering for the international, blue-collar, highly democratic Chicago White Sox as World Champions from the front pages of the nations newspapers.
To what depths will this administration sink?
LMAOROTF!!! You are a hoot Andrew!
Tin Foil Alert…
Well… think about it… The White Sox are from Chicago. Poppy and Beautiful Body Babs Bush were in there box in Houston. The Sox manager is from Venezuela and their is cheering in Caracus today. Guillen will be meeting with Chavez instead of bush (wouldn’t that be a hoot if he turned down bush after meeting with Chavez). Two star pitchers are from Cuba and there is cheering in Cuba today. The Japanese player to win a World Series… and I hear he is from Kyoto. And bush would never dare show his face on the southside. Secret Service or no… he’d never be seen again.
do-DO-do-do… do-DO-do-do
You have entered the White Sox zone.
I hadn’t been paying too much attention to the World Series, but after reading your comment I may have to go on eBay and buy a White Sox jersey, LOL!
leezy: Thanks for the “scoop!”
Believe me this gave me a great deal of pleasure to report this morning. Anything that makes Bush fall a little more down the scale is great fun!
No way he can pick Gonzalez or he is right back where he was with Miers. Right-wingers will be pissed, moderates concerned, cronyism, document problems, etc. It WILL NOT be Gonzalez.
I would expect Janice Rogers Brown. African-American woman, overwhelming support from the right. He’s going to have to take his chance on a fight with the left, but at least this time he will have all-out support from the right-wing.
This will be very interesting. Bush is against the ropes taking blow after blow. Miers, Katrina, Iraq, TreasonGate, etc. And all this with a Republican congress. Amazing.
All of that assumes that we are dealing with someone who will approach this from a logical political place. With his mood right now, who knows. He might get his back up and feel he needs “friends in high places.” And how much will he listen to advisors that he’s pissed at right now? Could be interesting to watch.
Trent Lott just said on CNN that Bush “might need to listen to people who say things he might not want to hear” in picking a new candidate!
You are right, this is a Presidency not at the edge of a cliff, as I keep hearing, but one that has gone over the edge and is in an absolute freefall. Now, maybe they have a magic parachute they intend to pull out to save their ass, but I doubt it.
No telling how Bush will act, but I don’t see how Bush can possibly get Gonzalez confirmed. It would be beyond stupid to nominate him.
Like a cornered animal, he may be at his most dangerous right now. My personal terror event expectation warning level is at orange to red. Note to self: Where did I put those passports?
Or he might have gone around the bend like Nixon, and be talking to the portraits of dead presidents.
Or he might just be whimpering under the bed. Possibly drinking again.
I agree–things will probably get worse before they get better. Of course, who knows what will happen now that he’s been openly defied.
Anyway, thanks for reminding me that I need to get them up-to-date before they expire.
Call me crazy but isn’t this withdrawl at this time a very Rovian distraction move? The hearings were not due to start for another week or so? Why today?
Because her “homework” (revised answers to questions) were due at midnight last night, and she didn’t get them in under Sen. Specter’s office door in time.
Probably because the WH is in too much disarray for them to be properly written and vetted in time. The committee was really PO’ed that they didn’t have her homework by COB yesterday, and made it known. Plus there’s the matter of the WH refusal to release documents the senate requested.
She was in a Catch-22. She recognized it, and decided it was less painful to fall on her own sword than to be drawn and quartered by the Senate on national TV. This way she can get a good job on K Street. She may have decided to bail on Bush, rather than vice-versa.
From freezin’ Kelvin to freezin’ Centigrade! LOL
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Maybe Rovian, maybe georgian, I’m saving my celebration for the big Dick. Poor Harriet is just a fool that came in handy to them all.
What will they come up with next? Yesterday the story was, “On a normal day, we might tell you about what the prez was doing, but today let’s speculate about treasongate.” They couldn’t take it anymore. I’m getting really scared now!
Since Miers was to be the replacement for O’Connor, and since O’Connor has said she’d stay on until her replacement was approved, I expect Bush will hold off appointing another judge until Plamegate dies down and he finds a replacement for Karl – in other words, for most of this court session.
Then he’ll desperately try to get a conservative through before the election to fire up the base, but the Democrats will balk, and he’ll use the need to keep a Republican Senate in place to approve his nominee as a means to pump up conservative turnout in 2006. The Republicans may keep the Senate as a result.
Democratic strategy to counter this would be for Reid to work with a battered Bush before his new brain implant is installed to identify a candidate both parties can tolerate. At which point the Fundies go nuts and crawl under rocks in spite for 2006 and 2008. However, Bush will be under pressure from the business wing of the party to go this route. I’d watch for another “hapless toad” hater.
Abu Gonzales would be DOA; even without Rove I doubt Bush could be that stupid – Didn’t Specter just indicate he was concerned about Miers views on torture? Do you think he’d swallow Abu G.? Specter has cancer and at this point is more worried about what history (and God) will think of him.
today and not let the WH control the news coverage. Very fishy timing, as usual. Where is the terrah alert?
You are overthinking things. This is not a “distraction” – it is a terrible blow to Bush and whenever the indictments come nothing will shake them from the news.
Sit back and enjoy!
Excellent point Paul. I will try to take a deep breath and wait for the announcement. You are right. Once they are announced the coverage will be there.
If it’s a distraction, perhaps that means Cheney will be indicted!
I could swear I just heard Jeff Greenfield say “Abu Gonzales.”
I thought I heard that too, and from that arrogant blowhard!! I also heard Greenfield say that he suspects that the timing is suspect and is meant for the conservative base.
Whoo! Whoo!
We need this front-paged!
They are all probably sleepin, getting much deserved rest as they have all been working their butts off lately!!g
Miers nomination rejected “by the radical right-wing of the Republican Party”.
Remember, he recommended Miers — he knew it would never fly with the Religious Reich. Could this struggle highlight the control the ultra-wingers have on the Republican Party, causing moderates to possibly rethink their support in 2006? (I’m not saying that moderates would vote Democratic, but at the least they might stay home.)
Does anyone here remember it being reported this past week that the Senate would probably call Dobson to testify? Was the fear of that happening part of the reason for the withdrawl? Were they afraid that he would tell the truth about the promise he received from the WH about Roe v Wade controversy?
Susan, it is time to pay-up.
Are you going to let is in on that? lol
within 48 hours of Meirs being nominated I told her that Meirs would never be confirmed.
The religious litmus test that the religious right is imposing on this nominee just makes me sick. This “does she really love Jesus” notion is completely unconstitutional. It feels like affirmative action for right wing evangelicals.
I just heard Sen. Kennedy that the next nominee should be a person who unites the country. I doubt that will happen, but we’ll see.
It’s doubly sickening that the Republican opposition was so blatently sexist, and they almost totally got away with it in the press.
I woke up, flipped on the teevee, saw “Breaking News” and thought it was Fitzmas!
Miers is toast. Yay!
But – there’s Brownback on CNN demanding that Bush nominate an uber conservative. Will he do it? Probably. His base is steaming mad. What are we in for next?
when they were feeling super sassy and election cycle 2006 seemed so far away! They’ll probably have to call it something “nicer” than that now!
DC is no place for spines.
The Dems don’t have any, and the Reps are all suffering from whiplash.
Well there goes our fun but this is good for the republic. That chick seemed a bit out there. Calling bush brilliant got her that nomination for sure. Its amazing how far a suck up can go in this administration. Well thank god shes gone and bring on the next bizarre lunatic. Whats Brownie doing? Oh yeah we already saw him.
funny you should ask…
brownie’s still doing a heck of a job…