It’s the deadly incompetence that keeps on giving.
Mike Brown’s post-resignation (as opposed to actually being fired for being responsible for the deaths of residents of NOLA) contract has been extended by DHS for another 30 days.
They say they need his “expertise” from Katrina to help FEMA figure out how to handle current and upcoming disasters… No wonder they ran out of water in Florida… Brownie’s still doing a heck of a job evidently.
“It’s important to allow the new people who have the responsibility … to have access to the information we need to do better,” Chertoff told The Associated Press as he flew to view Hurricane Wilma’s damage in Florida.
“We don’t want to sacrifice the real ability to get a full picture of Mike’s experiences; we don’t want to sacrifice that ability simply in order to make an image point,” Chertoff said.
Excuse me? The head of FEMA didn’t even know people were at the Convention Center until Thursday and yet he is still on the goddamn government payroll? Do you think the people of NOLA would be comfortable paying even a half cent of their taxes to keep this guy employed? An image point. Don’t worry Chertoff, the image points were all made on CNN by Anderson Cooper and on Fox by Geraldo and Shep.
This is shameful. No amount of incompetence goes unrewarded in the Bush White House. And other than the Dem rep from LA there is no outrage on the people’s behalf from the Democratic party leadership.
Let’s just get it over with and appoint Barney to head FEMA… at least he knows some songs to take our minds off how completely unprepared the US gov’t is for a major disaster… or a terrorist attack… maybe Barney could sing “Nearer My God to Thee” as the ship goes down.
cross posted @ Jaded Reality
whew, I succeeded in getting all the way through that without yelling FUCK YOU ALL YOU FUCKING BASTARDS… that’s progress.
This is kind of funny (and yes, pathetic): Right before waking up this morning, I had a dream where I was a reporter at a press conference where people were asking Mike Brown a bunch of softball questions.
So I stood up, and said: “Hi Mike. I’m curious as to what your thought process was, when your man on the ground Marty Bahamonde was emailing you from his blackberry about how dire the situation was, and you thought that going to have a long dinner and then going on Scarborough’s show was the best way that you could help the drowning, starving people of New Orleans. Thanks!”
Of course I woke up right as I was being escorted out the door, so I don’t know what Dream Brownie had to say π
correction: Nightmare Brownie
No way in hell am I calling him “Dream Brownie”… hmmm although it kinda goes with “Dream Barbie” and since he has about as much competence and sense as a plastic doll it could work.
Brownie is a nightmare, but from my standpoint it was definitely a great dream to be able to ask that incompetent jackass a question like that π
can’t deny you that… π
You rock E!!! Those emails are jaw dropping.
a table? This is an emergency.”
He must really know some shit that George pulled in College!
ah the wild speculation that just set off in my head…
you might be right. either that or these people just really don’t have any souls.
where all the skeletons are buried.
OMG hes still getting a paycheck. He never leaves. Get a life brownie, you loser.
I call him “Drownie”
He and Bush are sick bastards. They dined while people drowned.
Yeppers, keep him on the payroll. This administration loves to reward incompetence. I am sure ol harriet will get some type of life time appointment for agreeing to step down so the wing nuts could get “their” nominee in whomever that turns out to be.
How come they can pay Drownie but not our TROOPS???
They send bill collectors after our soldiers and Marines and yet this …
Anyone got a direct line to FEMA??? So we can call with our dissent over Drownie getting PAID while our troops are being hounded by bill collects?
WE need a phone number and a “briefing”
Like the fact he was blackberried so therefore HE KNEW.
Um… anything. Really. Anyone? Anyone?
“Hi Mike. I’m curious as to what your thought process was, when your man on the ground Marty Bahamonde was emailing you from his blackberry about how dire the situation was, and you thought that going to have a long dinner and then going on Scarborough’s show was the best way that you could help the drowning, starving people of New Orleans. Thanks!”
all I know is that his email address at the time he still worked at FEMA was:
but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have that anymore.
you’re probably right… now it probably ends in… π
I love Google
Did you know he is a lawyer listed in FindLaw?
How misleading is this: “Former Director – Resignation Tendered September 12, 2005” listed as the only entry under Current Employment Position(s); he’s still drawing a check
misleading thing on his FindLaw profile.
I missed this story the first time around. Obviously, I knew he had zero qualifications for his job, but I didn’t know he padded his resume like this to get it!
<Jon Stewart>Whaaaaaaaaa?</Jon Stewart>
Conservative activist? Can you be a government consultant AND a conservative activist? It seems like there might be some kind of conflict of interest there…
Thanks Manny!!!!
I’m calling π Who’s with me?
I think that if anyone does email him… they should Copy a newsagency of their choice as well as … a CongressCritter oh say… Conyers! on to it as well.
We saw that he doesn’t really read his emails anyways – so copy it on to someone who will π
I want to FLOOD their phone lines.
Flood a news phone line…
The people, well, the people answering phones at FEMA, are just as confused as to why Michael Brown is still drawing a paycheck.
I very kind woman gave me this number.
FEMA Public Affairs…
I’m asking:
How much is Brownie being paid to provide his Katrina advice?
What is his expertise advice?
Is he still LYING when he states he had no idea???
Be back in a bit again π
As soon as I asked the woman who answered wanted to know if I was “with the media”… I said that I was just an American Citizen who was SHOCKED that Brown was getting payed still.
I’ve talked to 4 different people so far. ALL are just as pissed off as you and I.
But no one has any answers. One lady at the last number tried to switch me to the “team leader” at Public Affairs but they were away from their desk.
My next question… does FEMA know ANYTHING????? EVER??????
You GO girl!!
I’ll bet you’ve left quite a BUZZ at the phone desk with you questions!! Please do let us know what they have to say at Public Affiars!!
Here are the numbers for DHS:
Citizen Line:
Operator Number: 202-282-8000
Comment Line: 202-282-8495
Maybe they know??
Also, here is the Inspector General’s Hotline at the Office for Personnel Management…..can you say audit? Investigation? I knew you could!
But… I’m too damn sissy scared to call DHS LOL.
I’ll do it tomorrow if I can (going up to the kids’ grandparents’) — it’s after 5 there, I’m sure they’ve all gone home by now!
Yup, no Over Time… it’s not like they’ve had bad weather or anything.
Surely all those displaced, in the dark, “refugees” (remember when they were calling them that?!?!) are all done for the day, too..
Overtime?!? No way? Don’t you know? Homeland Security is a 5-day, 9-5 kind of job!
Don’t want to interfere with anyone’s dinner plans or anything!
What did FEMA public affairs have to say??
They don’t have that information available.
to the bastards and their friends who profit off of disaster, and war…Brownie is another kick in the face to remind you that you don’t matter, never mattered, and never will.
What matters is that underneath the cover of Fitzgerald’s dog and pony show, the looting of the treasury and the American people, continues unabated.
What should be headlines and isn’t is that tax cuts for the rich will continue, corporate welfare continues, new ways to go to war will be found, along with new reasons, and we have convinced ourselves that an indictment of a few men for perjury will put a dent in this.
What is suprising in all of this is the continued belief of many that the democratic party will somehow wake up and do what everyone needs and wants them to do. The people are not the democratic party. The people are not any party.
But the people have yet to really find their voices, and their power.
Call the White House and FEMA , shrubya and Chertoff, and tell them that, as a U.S. taxpayer, you are appalled that your money is going to Brownie’s paycheck.
While people were dying in New Orleans, Brownie was dining in Baton Rouge. No take-out for him; no. He needed more time for his sit-down restaurant dinner before he made his TV appearance. Heckuva job, Drownie – shameful and shameless all at the same time.
Brownie needs the firing that he didn’t get the first time around – bring the noise!
FEMA – 202-646-2763;
White House – 202 456 1111
Oddly, no one at any of the numbers KNOWS ANYTHING.
They don’t know what he’s getting paid. Or what he’s getting paid for. They don’t know why he didn’t know about the Convention Center even though we have Marty Bahamonde’s blackberry messages stating otherwise…
Does anyone in FEMA know anyfuckingthing?
I’ll keep calling.
to the best of my recollection (as I had to drive my kid to the bus stop between the call and posting)
OP: White House Comment Line. Would you like to leave a comment for the President?
DJ: (okay I really wanted to say I was calling to order a pizza on the President’s Comment Line… but that that was too snarky.) Do I have to sign an oath or swear some allegience to leave a comment?? (me pretending I just don’t know and first time caller…)
OP: Light laghter – No Ma’am you don’t. What is your comment?
DJ: Well, I’m confused. Why is Mike Brown still getting paid. I’d like to know what he is being paid and for what. I’d like to ask Mr. President why he keeps hiring and nominating unqualifed people.
OP: Is that your comment?
DJ: I have more. Doesn’t Mr. President realize that BROWNIE was LYING when he told the American Public he did not know about the conditions at the Convention Center? Doesn’t he know that Marty Bahamonde was text messing the entire time? That DROWNIE was sitting on his butt in a restaurant while Americans were drowning??
OP: (inaudible)
DJ: I’d like to know what Bush thinks constitutes qualifications. We have to get ready to go to work.. Speaking of which!!!!!!!!! Do you think if my husband LIED or PADDED his resume as Brownie did…
OP: do you mean that FEMA fellow??
DJ: yes.
OP: He is no longer with FEMA.
DJ: But he is still getting PAID.
OP: He is??
DJ: You don’t know? Chertoff said so just the other day in the newspapers.
OP: oh… is that your comment?
DJ: No. IF my husband wasn’t qualified to do his job do you or Bush think he should be paid especially if people DIED??
ok… my comment is this…
Why does Bush continue to sluff off unqualified people to the American Public? People who aren’t qualified to do their job?
(then I added some bitterness to my voice)OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that’s because George Bush
(wait for it)
Isn’t qualified to do his own job.
He’s killed so many people.
OP: Bush? or Brown?
DJ: Bush. He’s killed people overseas and at home. Heckuva a job Bushie Heckuva job.
OP: I’ll make sure the President gets your message.
DJ: Really? (gasp) He doesn’t like to have contact with us mere citizens. How is he going to get my message.
OP: I’ll make sure the President gets your message (obviously reading from a script)
DJ: Well I guess they have people to read the messages to him huh? Since we’re not too sure about his reading comprehen…
there was a click.
No goodbye… just a click.
Boy. I sure hope she got that all down.
Hilarious. Kudos to you DJ
My husband is home today and I thought he was going to shit his pants as he listened. π He was either trying not to laugh outloud and other times his jaw was dropped. π
Fantastic DJ!
I have a question… does NO ONE in the Federal gov’t read the goddamn newspapers or talk to one another?? Seriously… he’s not still with FEMA?? And fucking FEMA said the same thing… this is gross.