Posted by Patrick Lang
State Department phone call gave key aide name of CIA officer
By Richard Sale, Intelligence Correspondent
A State Department phone call, not Vice President Cheney, revealed to I. Lewis Libby, Cheney’s chief of staff, the identity of the CIA operative at the heart of the current CIA leak investigation being conducted by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, according to former senior and serving U.S. intelligence officials.
An October 25 account in The New York Times, alleged that Libby first learned of the agent’s real name weeks before her identity became public in 2003 during a June 12 conversation between Cheney and Libby.
According to the Times account, Cheney told Libby the covert name of the wife of Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. diplomat who had publicly alleged that the administration had mishandled of intelligence relating to Iraq’s nuclear weapons programs.
But several former and serving U.S. intelligence officials strongly disputed this. “That is simply not accurate,” a very former senior CIA official told this reporter. “Libby’s notes on this are misleading and inaccurate or both.”
This source, supported by three others, alleged that it was a telephone call from the Department of State that first gave Libby the name of Plame.
The name of the caller? No one is sure. But these sources said that the call definitely came from the State Department office of John Bolton, then the arms control chief of the department.
These same sources alleged that two employees of Bolton, David Wurmser, a virulent pro-war hawk, first told Libby that Valerie Plame had sent Wilson to Niger to attempt to discredit the administration’s line on Iraq’s nuclear weapons programs.
These same intelligence sources alleged that Wurmser, as Bolton’s special assistant, got his knowledge of Plame’s classified identity from a colleague in his office, Frederick Fleitz, a CIA officer detailed to Bolton’s office from the agency who worked in the CIA’s Weapons Intelligence Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Center (WINIPAC.)
“We do not know yet which of the two called,” the former very senior intelligence official said.
“We are almost positive the outing of Plame came from State,” said another former senior U.S. intelligence officiel.
But he and others insisted that Fleitz had knowledge of Plame and her cover.
Fleitz, still at the State Department, is on leave and could not be reached for comment.
Wurmser did not return calls.
Continued below:
Wurmser is an interesting character, the author of the 1996 paper, “Clean
Break,” commissioned by former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that called for the destruction of then Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat, the toppling of Saddam by the United States, and launching of a preemptive war against Syria after Saddam had fallen, among other items.
In the fall of 2003, Wurmser moved from State to the Old Executive Office Building where he worked directly under Libby and Cheney, several sources said.
Before taking his job at State, Wurmser had worked in the secret Pentagon intelligence unit, created by Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy, Doug Feith, which was tasked with establishing links between Saddam and Al Qaida, a thesis which has since been entirely discredited, according to U.S. intelligence officials.
According to federal law enforcement officials, Wurmser had cooperated with the Fitzgerald probe, as has another Libby aide, John Hannah, as UPI reported in February 2004.
According to these same sources, Cheney still remains at the center of the probe. “The effort is to show that Cheney orchestrated the White House attempts to discredit Wilson,” said one.
He added that Libby “has real problems with questions about obstruction of justice.”
In the meantime, although indictments are expected Friday, there has been such a flurry of last minute plea bargains, including talks last night between Fitzgerald and Robert Luskin, attorney for Karl Rove , that announcements have been delayed.
And still could be.
According to sources close to the probe, Rove refused any plea.
The outcome of talks with Libby are not yet known, these sources said.
The purpose of Fitzgerald’s pressure at this point is to enable him “to get at as many senior White House officials as he can,” a federal law enforcement official said.
But whatever happens, Fitzgerald is in for the long haul, say these sources. He has obtained new office space across the street from his present New York Avenue office and is expected to impanel a new grand jury. The current one expires on Friday.
[editor’s note, by susanhu] (Steve Clemons, who may have been Richard Sale’s source for the above paragraph, has retracted that specific statement. When possible, I will get verification from Mr. Sale himself. “Retraction: Sources on Office Expansion Wrong.”
Update [2005-10-27 22:56:18 by susanhu]: I have received assurance from Mr. Sale that the above paragraph stands as is. Mr. Sale does not retract the information about the new office space.
The target? The tale of the Niger forgeries and how they got into President Bush’s State of the Union address, said several intelligence and law enforcement sources.
His CV and blog are linked below the fold. ……………………………………………………..
Col. Patrick W. Lang (Ret.), a highly decorated retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces, served as “Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism” for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was later the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. Col. Lang was the first Professor of the Arabic Language at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For his service in the DIA, he was awarded the “Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive.” He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including PBS’s Newshour, and most recently on MSNBC’s Hardball and NPR’s “All Things Considered.”
Okay. So if this is true, Bolton and Wurmser would have had clearance to pass on Plame’s name to Libby, right?
Why should we be stressed???
Shit, Grand Jury convenes on Friday, then we’ll know!
The prosecutor, who has joked about not looking good in photos, took a short break to walk to a barber shop near the White House, where he got a shoe shine.
“He was very friendly and he looked happy. He was very relaxed,” one of the shop’s owners said, adding: “The shoe shine guy doesn’t ask questions. Customers have a right to privacy.”
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
It’s DoD Donald Rumsfeld proximity to Intelligence fabrication, and NOT VP Cheney’s responsibility. Judith Miller was not a CIA but a DoD Operative on the coat tails of Chalabi. The political HQ in the White House under Karl Rove is of course target in DoJ Fitzgerald investigation in the outing of Valerie Plame.
The confidential intelligence about CIA agent Plame must have been gathered by David Wurmser and his DoD Office near NESA/OSP in the Pentagon, and leaked to “Scooter” Libby and Stephen Hadley.
(RAW STORY) Oct. 24 — With the possibility of indictments just days away, sources close to the investigation into who outed covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson provided a more detailed account into how and why Plame’s name was leaked and what role the Pentagon and the vice president’s office played.
Those close to the investigation say that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has been told that David Wurmser, then a Middle East adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney on loan from the office of then-Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs John Bolton, met with Cheney and his chief of staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby in June 2003 and told Libby that Plame set up the Wilson trip. He asserted that it was a boondoggle, the sources said.
Rhode – Wurmser – Larry Franklin – AIPAC – Abramoff
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
A small but significant detail—Raw Story is reporting that Washington Note has retracted its item that Fitzgerald has rented more office space. It’s at the very end of this story:
Good catch. Thanks.
Via TPM, Rep Jerry Nadler (D-NY) is calling for Fitzgerald to expand his investigation “to look at a possible White House conspiracy to deceive Congress”.
With the news that Cheney and Libby withheld documents, someone had better take this up even if it’s not Fitzgerald.
Larry King Live with guests ::
Senators Graham & Dodd, Bob Woodward and Gendera.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
my mind just lurched onto the “expects to empanel and new grand jury bit”…
this is going to go on and on, isn’t it?
Not that i don’t want them too, of course, but i was definitely hoping for bigwig indictments by now
Fitz will finish up with this one, announce the results tomorrow (indictments, hopefully) and then a new one can be empanelled to look at the broader issues.
I’m still sticking with my prediction from Tuesday night 🙂
Let’s take what we can get then! 🙂
If Bolton’s aides outed Valerie Wilson, will it be bad for him? Is the press or the opposition (us) ready to try and take him down for this. What WAS in those NSA intercepts that Bolton wouldn’t release to the Senate?
Did Bolton’s office obtain the information on Plame illegally – or at least, unconventionally? Is this among the documentation that the White House would not release for his UN confirmation?
It’s all one big enchillada.
Sorry Time Waits, my post was meant as a comment to the story – not reply to you.
Hello anyway.
How are you? I don’t know the answer to this. I would suppose that one person with security clearance passing info to someone else with security clearance, e.g. Bolton and his aides, is not a crime. The crime would be passing it to someone without security clearance. This is my take, but from the outside, never having worked in government.
Well, thank you. And you?
Long time since the last meet-up in NY. Have you checked out on any local Drinking Liberally chapters. I just found one in Hoboken. Meets third Tuesday of every month.
Great story. Hope the net is big enough to force the truth out into the open. I’m not sure if presented with the truth it would change one vote among the bible thumpers. nowar
The only thing this story tells us is that Valery Wilson’s covert name Plame was outed by State. Libby still got to know about Valery and her role from Cheney. So said Libby’s notes we were told. Those now in the shredder?