Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself!
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Voting booth now open for next BooBooks book! See new diary!
Good morning, friends!
Have you been to Rosie’s map yet?
LINK:Where in the world are we?
Nice photo Kansas!
Have you zeroed in on your house yet?
Thanks, Rosie. I’d trade it in a minute for a photo of me in a kayak, like yours. That’s something I haven’t had the nerve to do yet. Fly a plane, yes. Kayak, gulp.
I did zero in. It’s a few blocks away from my house, but close enough to feel like home!
It’s very cool that you provided this.
that your picture doesn’t come up with your “tack”?
(Of course, I’m disappointed that you fail to match the tenuta-leibowitz mindmeld. Would stop looking so damn nice in all your pictures!)
Dammit. If I’d had my wit(s) about me I would have posted a photo of Fran Leibowitz just to crack you up.
Do know that one of my best friends likes to tell people, “Nancy’s not as nice as she looks.”
Tee hee.
is a great comfort to me.
The exact same thing has been said about me — and I was like, “Why are you calling me ‘Nancy’?”
No seriously, I had a bad friend in high school who thought my appearance was too girl-next-door for my personality, so she needled me into smoking. And like an idiot, I smoked for the next 17 years. My two year Quitiversary is December 1.
I was like, “Why are you calling me ‘Nancy’?”
LMAO, just not actually rolling on the floor, what with it needing sweeping, and all.
I blame all my sins on trying NOT to behave as nice as I look. Sounds like you and I could have raised hell together and gotten away with it every time. Used to soooo piss off my friends when their mothers said, “Why can’t you be more like IndyLib?”
And they were, like, “Who’s IndyLib?”
Hee. And given our slight age difference, the answer to that question would’ve been something akin to, “Some two year old in Miami wearing tie-dyed diapers while her hippie dad’s band plays Zeppelin covers out in the yard next to the VW bus.”
My parents were big trouble and everyone knew it, but I was nonetheless also generally perceived as a good kid — which I certainly was in my heart, at least, even if it’s also true that I’ve never met a rule I couldn’t bend for a harmless good time. ๐
I always wanted a hippie dad instead of the Nixon-loving, unemployed drunk that I was blessed with.
So I settled for being a hippie myself. And as for the cool diapers, I’m off to figure out how to tie-dye my Depends.
My dad was a hippie ’til he was in his early 30s and I was about 10, then he got very depressed, then he emerged from that as Archie Bunker. I don’t know what the hell happened to him. I love him, of course, but he’s extremely difficult now. He’s also an alcoholic, and he stopped struggling with drug addiction years ago when he finally just gave in to it. It’s all sad and tragic and blegh.
I double-dog dare you to post a picture of yourself wearing tie-dyed Depends. ๐
You don’t have a monitor big enough to show my ass in Depends. Maybe I’ll show it at an IMax theater.
“Slight age difference”! See, you really are a nice girl. (I am, too, truth be known.)
but if you are cruel to say you are nice, then how can you be nice but if you aren’t nice, then you haven’t been cruel, so you could be nice but that would mean ….
Kayaking is a breeze compared to flying – I took flying lessons years ago also, but quit when it was time to go solo-just couldn’t do that LOL!
Kayaking is also an ideal exercise for older folks-I’m 53 and disabled and can do it with little effort. Not to mention it gets one out into the gorgeous nature spots. We have tons of lakes, ponds, rivers and streams near my house and it would take years to kayak them all.
I’ll take your word for it!
I stopped my flying lessons on the day my instructor told me to do stalls alone. Noooooo. I had soloed several times, but only doing touch and goes at the airport. But I already knew I wasn’t cut out for it, because one afternoon when I was doing touch and goes with the instructor in the other seat, he said, “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” sez I.
“The control tower has called you three times to give you permission to land.”
Oops. I like to think I’m like the author of The Little Prince, of whom someone said, “He’s too much of a poet to be a pilot.” And did I mention he died in, I believe, his third crash?
Kayaking is one of my favorite things…you can get away from everything, the scenery is usually beuatiful, you can make it physically challenging by having a race with yourself or you can just float around. You’re much closer to the water than in a canoe, and you’re the master of your own destiny, unlike canoeing where you need that second person in the boat.
It’s so easy to learn, both my kids have been doing it for years. You really should try it!
is very easy. Whitewater — whole nother matter.
BTW, single person canoeing is very doable; it’s just more work.
I’d also put in a plug for rowing and while I’m at it, I’ll put in a plug for an absolutely wonderful book, “Rowing to Latitude: Journeys Along the Arctic’s Edge” by Jill Fredston
True about the whitewater…I find though that most people who are hesitant to try kayaking are afraid that all kayaks will roll very easily and dump them out.
And I do have solo canoe friends, I’m just displaying my hideous bias for kayaks… ๐
I loved Rowing to Latitude. Great book.
I wanted to post a picture with the map, but it told me my picture was too big…how do I shrink it? Do I have to get my computer graphic genius son to do it?
Can I use the smaller version that’s in my photobucket account? Help!
I’ve had some size issues as well (did I just type that?), maybe you can find some help in my discussion yesterday with diane101 and Man E.
Sub-thred in last night’s Cafe
How you shrink it depends on what graphic software you are using? What you are looking for is usually called “resize” but if you tell me what software, I can probably tell you how to do it.
And yes you can use the thumbnail in photobucket if that’s what you want to do. It’s the same name as the image but with a th_ added. For example, the thumbnail a picture called cg.jpg is called th_cg.jpg.
You can also upload the too big image to photobucket, then choose ‘edit’ and resize the image in photobucket.
Looked all over this new computer and not a one.
We are the world!
Just got signed up and put up a photo.
Whatcha got on under that kilt, sailor? :O
of course. Or I could plead the other traditional answer, and say a blue ribbon.
Mapped and recommended Rosie’s diary….
Getting some more sleep and tea today for this flu bug….
Thanks to everyone for all the coddling yesterday – it was very helpful. I’ll give virtual hugs so you don’t catch this thing…
Hmmph. You didn’t follow orders, did you?
I hope you feel a lot better today, SallyCat.
I drank lots of tea, sat by the lovely fireplace wrapped in my blanket….
Stupid flu has it’s own opinion….I am feeling better today but still a low grade fever….more tea and watching Miers withdraw makes me feel very good!
Hope you feel better soon!
Been over at Lee’s BREAKING diary — big news about Miers this morning!
Glad you’re feeling better, Sally — get some more sleep; that seems to be the one thing that works on the bug du jour.
I think I may head back to bed for another half hour or sooooo….zzzzzzzzz…..
I’ve always wanted to do that. With any luck we’ll get to do it at least one more time today. You think they did it today to try to distract from indictment news? Won’t work, if so.
Now we have to worry about the true “conservative” he’s going to put in her place. This may be a lesson in being careful about what we wish for.
IMHO, this old, abandoned cabin is very spooky. I’ve imagined all sorts of stories for it.
I loved the faux french (“Nous miss yous!”) — it made me feel soooo much better about my kindergarten level french.
lol! I hoped you’d like that.
That spooky house looks weirdly familiar to me. If that was a past life I’d just as soon forget it.
Are you home?
Yup, I’m back. Available to be snarked at and to snark back.
Traveling for work always makes me very grateful for the internet and cheap, powerful computers — I used to have to travel about 1/3 of the time but now it’s more like 10%.
There are definitely stories waiting in that cabin. Maybe we can tell a few on Halloween…
Good morning, all.

Thanks to rose for setting up the mapping page for the tribe. Good to know where everyone is and even more fun with those that venture a pic.
From yesterday’s mapping thread we see that there have been some misunderstandings with who goes with what gender. I had the same misunderstanding regarding one user – Melanchton (so far, the only European plotted in) was female in my mind – apparently not so.
Fjord valley, under the glacier – as seen from Mundal in Sogn, Norway (Mondale’s anscestors came from Mundal)
You guys can be one of the girls any ol time! Of course, that means we get to be good ol’ boys now and then. (Scratches armpit, farts, spits tobacco.)
I’m happy this misunderstanding could happen!
Meirs is history. I guess that she didn’t froth at the mouth enough for the religious right. I will be very curious to see who the next nominee will be.
Are you as nervous about Unintended Consequences as I am?
If nobody likes him anymore, will he bow to the Christian Right to have something to lean on and God help all of us with who he would choose then????
Yup, I fear that he could pick someone on Dobson’s list. That, however, would clearly violate the “compromise.” I hope, though, that a kool aid stained nominee would rally the Democrats like we haven’t seen in a long time.
we’ll get someone much worse — except that we actually never had any idea how bad miers might be. So having somebody (like Owens) where we know just how bad they is, I think, better in terms of mounting an “anti” campaign.
Heck yeah. I wonder what the chances are of W wanting to back out of the deal where he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for getting elected and now just nominating someone they’ll hate but extremely well qualified. Nah…that would require balls, and despite the sock he stuffed in his flight suit during the “mission accomplished” photo op, I doubt he has any left.
I don’t buy that the rapturists wouldn’t have gotten what they needed from her. I think it was the economic & intellectual right who recognized that she was a blithering idiot who wasn’t up to the assignment they have for her. I’m suspecting that they may have helped scare the rapturists.
No news again today of the frogmarch variety. I’ve been pasted to my tv for the entire week now, not wanting to miss the first BREAKING NEWS flash. Miers withdrawal just doesn’t qualify since almost everyone expected it. If they had waited until tomorrow to announce it no one would have even noticed.
As for the Second Nature household, we are all abuzz with opening day jitters as number 3 son has the title role in “Enter Pharoah Nussbaum” which runs tonight through Saturday. There’s something about seeing your manly 6-foot son in makeup that is a leeeetle unsettling, but I enjoy all of his plays.
The spouse is in DC this week on business, and 17-lb Isabelle (the cat) decided this was her chance to sleep with me….more accurately ON MY HEAD….I kept having these dreams that I was smothering and having an allergic reaction only to awaken with a flaming asthma attack and itchy eyes and throat. And a mouthful of cat hair. Ack!
When my son was born, I had to put a window screen over his crib to keep our 20-pound cat from climbing in and sleeping on his face!
I think my dad had a different solution though. It wasn’t our cat, don’t know how it got into the house.
Of the Sunshine Planet!
Just returned from taking both CabinBoys to the doctor. One has bronchitis/tonsilitis, the other has a gastroenteritis that is kind of scary (he can hardly walk, and it hurts him if you even brush against his stomach) and hopefully wil be better by Saturday, or else we may be visiting the hospital.
So, another day with everyone home. Saw Harriet withdrew…am thinking it almost doesn’t matter, since anyone George picks is bound to be horrendous. Do you think he’ll allow anyone to advise him on the next one?
Hey there, Cabin Girl! So sorry to hear about the boys!! Did the doc say they are contagious?? I hope not and that they are on the mend very soon!!
Last time both my boys were sick at the same time, they fortunately, both had the same thing, so I could put them in a big hamster pile together!!
Be sure to take care of you while you’re taking care of them, k?
Thanks, Brinn. I seem to have a pretty good immunity to most of what they get. I’m worried about both of them, but the little guy’s stomach thing has me a little freaked out, becuase it’s so out of the norm for either one of them. He’s lying very still on the couch, because it hurts to move. And his stomach bug started on Monday.
There’s nothing worse than seeing them in pain, is there?
(((((to all three of you)))))
Did the doc check to make sure that his appendix is ok? Is he running a fever? I’m sorry I’m asking so many questions, but I’m worried too!
No fever, diffuse pain all over the abdomen, not on any specific side. The doctor gave me his pager number to call in case he spikes a fever, gets right-side pain, or begins vomiting. I think that’s why I’m so freaked out. I’ve never had a doctor give me ther pager number before.
My cousin (in his 40s) had a ruptured appendix a few weeks ago. What a mess!
Poor kiddo! Poor mom — the anxiety must tough! Good to have the pager though if anything does happen!
You other son — is there a possibility that he will have to have his tonsils out? Oh, CG, I feel for you — give a ring if you need an ear!
Ya’ll hang in there — lotsa liquids all around!
Ditto what Brinn said about appendix. Good thing virtual hugs don’t hurt! ((()))
No fun. Healing vibes sent.
Just another reminder to check out the map of Bootribbers locations and pics…
Kansas could you add the code for this site to your diary….I put the code in a post on the social group last night…
Mornin all….how ya doing, exhalting about the Meirs news….still waiting for the Fitzmass news.
Diane, you just did it, thank you very much. ๐
(I looked for the code but didn’t find it in “files.” Where should I look?)
Okay, I found it in the messages, but I don’t think I need to add it again in this diary, do you? I’ve got a link to Rosie’s diary in my first comment and your link also works. Thanks for coding that.
Looks to be another pretty autumn day in Puget Sound like we had yesterday. Although it’s gotten cooler, 39F this morning on the porch. I’m gonna need to run the shop heater to glue things today!
And as good sailors, we’ll be keeping a weather eye out to see what blows out of Washington today!
I would like to recommend this diary for While We Wait.
LINK: “Waiting for the thing,” by S2.
Tea very late and very cold. Earl Gray White Tip. Crazy busy today. Running around like chicken sans head. Hope all is well with everyone.
Pakistani in distress win + 21m …
for first ReliefAid.nl spread across many experienced NGO’s closely scrutinized on expenses.
The Game “Oranje won uiteindelijk met 7-4”.
MY DIARY :: Why I Didn’t Blog Last Night
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
While I was back in bed this morning, the spouse decided that it was time to finally switch on the heater; there’s been a definite chill in the apartment air. He’s such a thoughtful lad… ๐
Time to drag in the sweater box and pack away the shorts and summmerweight shirts for another season…