While we bide our time.
What if Bush was actually compassionate? What if Bush were actually conservative? What if Bush had nominated competent people to government posts? What if we actually helped Afghanistan re-build their country (either time)? What if clear skies meant clean air? What if we really left no child behind? What if we went to war with the army we wished we had? What if the homeland was secure? What if the Alberto Gonzales had been better at explaining the Geneva Conventions to Bush? What if Karl Rove hadn’t been beaten up everyday at school? What if Barbara Bush had loved her sons?
What if George and Laura had walked out to Cindy Sheehan with a pitcher of iced tea and a comfortable chair?
I love this diary.
What if the Corps of Engineers had not leveed the Mississippi River? What if Louisiana had not always been corrupt? What if Florida had counted the votes? What if Ohio had provided enough voting machines for everybody and all those machines were honest? And not to ruin a good diary with bad snark, what if John Kerry had voted against the war before he voted against it?
what if he said during a ‘debate,’ “George: I know I’m not supposed to speak directly to you, but I did want to point out that while I was working quietly in the Senate to bring down BCCI, one of the major players in funding terrorists and drug cartels, one of your failing oil companies was actually taking money from them. Can you explain that to the american people?”
What if Matt Cooper and Judith Miller had given Fitzgerald the information he needed a year ago instead of dicking around until after the election?
What if Bush hadn’t gutted FEMA and appointed poltical cronies where professionals once stood?
What if democrats had balls?
What if the Swift Boat Ads….the letter from Osama…the terror alerts…had not occurred last year before the election.
What if clinton had not been so horribly attacked by right wing, and Gore had been elected, oh excuse me, he was elected, ok then…
What if organized religion wasn’t used to brainwash and subdue people for literally hundreds of years? What if wingnuts actually thought for 3 seconds that the policies they are supporting are hurting people and damaging the environment and effecting their own descendents in a multitiude of ways?
What if Leopold had learned to play bongos, if Hitler had gotten steady work as a book illustrator, if England had just said to several Indian kingdoms, we like this tea, can we arrange for regular shipments at a fair price? What if reliable contraception had been available to Barbara Bush?
Adam wouldn’t have been tempted-
What if the bible had never been written?
might as well start at the beginning LOL
There really was a Santa Claus, Virginia! (OOps S2)
What if we could consistently, as a species, access the best of ourselves, instead of the worst?