I spend the evening with a fellow BooMan reader at a Field Hockey Event near the city of Rotterdam. Originally this date was set for an friendly exhibition game Dutch National Team vs. International World Stars playing in the tough Dutch competition.
Just a fortnight ago, an outstanding initiative was presented by Pakistani star player Sohail Abbas, to unite the game with donations to the Relief Aid for Victims of Pakistan’s earthquake. The idea was picked up by a local newspaper Algemeen Dagblad and the National Hockey Association.
«« click pic for more photos
UN/NGO Compound for Earthquake Victims in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
The result was amazing – the game would be televised LIVE and many supporters came from corporations, media, TV studios in Hilversum and the local Hockey Club Rotterdam with a new hockey stadium for 8,000 spectators.
More AID below the fold »» «« click on pic for photo Prince and Abbas
Louis van Gaal - Soccer coach - with a €30,000 push
- National Television with Mart Smeets
- Singer Lee Towers “You Never Walk Alone”
- Fatima Moreira de Melo
- Ties Kruize
- Penalty Push €500 minimum
- Shirts of all players will be auctioned
Result of the evening as was broadcast at 23:00 hours
Nite in Rotterdam stadium € 925,126
Rest of the Netherlands € 20,000,000!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Fri Oct 7th, 2005 at 10:25:55 PM PST
Quake Hits Indo-Pakistan Border Region of Kashmir
A strong earthquake has hit Pakistan, north India and Afghanistan, sending panicked residents into the streets.
The US Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of at least 7.6 and the epicentre was 80km (50 miles) north-east of Islamabad.
Most severe earthquake in Pakistan over a century.
Lost in the news of the day and the many disasters :: Katrina – Rita – Wilma and floods in Central America.
The human tragedy in Pakistan should not be forgotten as many hamlets in the mountains still have not been reached for Relief Aid, Medical First Aid and basic supplies, due to devastation of infrastructure: roads.
The United Nations have a great need for funds to support their relief effort, despite the USAID politics of blocking extra funds for the U.N. at the moment!
Urgent appeal by Kofi Annan and OCHA leader Jan Egeland this week led to a vouchure of $500m, although less than $50m has been received.
UNICEF ◊ BBC News coverage and AID »»
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Though I think we’re more interested in whether or not bin Laden is dead.
Funny, if this regime hadn’t lied their way into a war of choice, then they may have had more time to deal with him.
Oh, I think you’re excused.
Didn’t know you were in the Netherlands. How I love Amsterdam! We try to get there as often as possible. I’d give anything to go next month–the documentary film festival is coming up. We saw Shake Hands With the Devil before it came to the States.
We just feel so free; we can read, write and just … be. For a few days we can escape the madness.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan told a donors conference.
U.N. Kofi Annan
GENEVA (AP) Oct. 26 — The United Nations nearly doubled its appeal for donations for victims of the South Asia earthquake Wednesday to about US$550 million (457 million), urging governments to provide funds quickly.
The Oct. 8 quake centered in the mountains of northeastern Pakistan has left some 79,000 people dead and an estimated 3.3 million homeless.
“We meet today to prevent a second shockwave of deaths and to prevent further suffering,” Annan said after observing a minute’s silence in honor of the victims.
It was not immediately clear how governments were responding in the closed-door meeting. U.N. officials said they were worried that some nations appeared to be committing funds to the longer-term reconstruction effort rather than the immediate need of saving lives.
The United States was quick to increase its commitment to aid victims in Pakistan – to US$100 million (83.2 million) from US$50 million – but it stopped short of committing it to the U.N. relief effort, saying the aid could go to organizations outside the U.N. appeal. USAID »»
UNICEF ◊ BBC News coverage and AID »»
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Great diary. The suffering in Pakistan seems largely ignored in this country. There has been precious little on the news past the first day or two. We must remember our brothers and sisters who’s very survival depends on the generocity of strangers.
By the way, Oui, many if not most volunteers for the PlameGate Project never supplied us with an email address.. (ahem… yeah, that’s you) So, we’re going to post diaries periodically that put out the request for research and links for specific subjects. Just a heads up for you to keep an eye out for them if you would like to do research. The first went up yesterday; a call for help on Rove, and general info/links for the whole scandal. Thought you may like to know.
“Back to back searching the horizon, unable to see the other!”
Sorry for misunderstanding – I haven’t been twiddling my thimbs though – LOL.
See the serie of diaries, even one on Wurmser who had escaped my scrutiny.
Remember, most volunteers had their email addresses listed in the SusanHu’s ACLU-FOIA series.
No problem, will drop you an email first chance.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Just from BBC news.
More to follow »»
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Oui, YOu do such extremely good work. I just never take the time to say thanks enough. Hope you know this….hugs….
Oui, what do you know about pants-hanging? I saw a community event up north in the Netherlands last year (I forget which town I was in) which involved pairs of jeans hooked to a crossbar and children hanging from the legs. Whoever touched the ground first lost.
Some guys from Kashmir, own a little store in my neighborhood. They said UN money is not getting to the right place. Money and help from Ox -Fam is getting to people faster. News here said 54,000 people have died. They told me that it is over 60,000 people. Help is not coming to the villages fast enough.
The OX-Fam website for those who are interested:
I spend the evening with a fellow BooMan reader at a Field Hockey Event near the city of Rotterdam. Originally this date was set for an friendly exhibition game Dutch National Team vs. International World Stars playing in the tough Dutch competition.
Well? Who won, and what was the score?
This is why I like the Booman Tribune. The people here share more than just politics.
Pakistani in distress win + 21m …
for first ReliefAid.nl spread across many experienced NGO’s closely scrutinized on expenses.
The Game “Oranje won uiteindelijk met 7-4”.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
More aid needed, says Musharraf
General and Dictator Musharraf of Pakistan was disappointed by response for monetary aid to last month’s earthquake and the emergency relief needed for thousands of its victims.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY