From the indictment:
21. On or about July 10 or July 11, 2003, LIBBY spoke to a senior official in the White House (“Official A”) who advised LIBBY of a conversation Official A had earlier that week with columnist Robert Novak in which Wilson’s wife was discussed as a CIA employee involved in Wilson’s trip. LIBBY was advised by Official A that Novak would be writing a story about Wilson’s wife.
CNN’s Larry King has just announced that sources have revealed that Official A is Karl Rove.
Fitzgerald had been asked about Official A during his press conference today and said he wasn’t sure if he could reveal Official A’s identity – that he would have to check with his colleagues. Apparently, they have decided to make that revelation tonite.
So, it looks like Rove was Novak’s source. I think Rove is in big trouble.
Update [2005-10-28 22:12:9 by catnip]:: John Solomon of AP has more about all of today’s indictment news, including the fact that Official A is Karl Rove.
Crooks and Liars has the video of Fitzgerald’s press conference.
WaPo has the transcript.
I thought that Fitzgerald played the game today perfectly. One indictment, ironclad, no distractions, and the emphasis on the majesty of the law.
The rumors will kill Rove. For two reasons. He’s guilty as sin. And the other, the ‘have you stopped beating your wife’ meme.
Fitz doesn’t have to indict him (though I still think he will). The gossip and the pressure will force him out of office. The President doesn’t have enough standing to keep him.
As to St Judy. Fitz finished her off today. A gun to the head at this point would be a mercy killing.
the appropriate treatment, as I remember from the history book accounts of the immediate aftermath of WWII in France, is to shave her head like the good little collaborator that she was.
virtually of course.
So Karl Rove is the person who outed Plame to Novakula (While conspiring with, soon to be 5 X Felon Libby) and Rove is indictment free? WTF? Am I missing something here? I know Fitz almost ready to close up shop and said the main stuff is out now but WTF. All I want is justice served and I do trust Fitz but how can Rove Walk?
Just watched CTV news, and reporter Joy Malbon was in Washington filing the report. When asked if Fitzgerald identified who committed the crime – the leak – Malbon said no.
She then said – paraphrasing here – “but according to Fitzgerald, he knows exactly who did the crime, who leaked the name, and that is someone called Official A. Now who that is, we don’t know. We only know that Libby tried to cover it up.” And that was the end of the file.
So, thanks to BT and catnip here, I now know who Official A is. And if what Malbon says is correct, then Rove is in big trouble: again, according to Malbon, he committed the crime; he leaked the name.
I’m still confused about Rove’s role in all this. Raw Story has the Rove/Offical A story up now too, and posts this:
I’m a bit tired so forgive me if I veer off here…
From what I’ve gathered, in order for Rove to be charged as the leaker under the Espionage Act, he must have known that Plame was covert at the time he spoke to Novak or anyone else about her.
He can claim that he didn’t – we don’t know yet what evidence Fitz has on how Rove came to know about Plame. He can also claim that he only spoke to Novak about “Wilson’s wife” without any elaboration on her status or her maiden name – as it appeared in Novak’s article. We don’t know what Novak told the prosecutor about his conversation with Rove.
Because we still don’t know so many aspects of Rove’s claims and testimony, we’re in the dark as to what he may be charged with – ranging from the types of indictments Libby’s facing to the espionage charge.
Further clues can be garnered by the background info already out there, but I’m not in a position right now to go through that.
Hope that helps a bit though and that it makes sense.
Yes, it does help. Thanks catnip. The idea that Fitz suspects or knows Rove was involved in leaking is one thing … proving it, another. There’s so much speculation.
I think we probably will never know the full story. Its not really how it works in america.
But I think Fitzgerald is giving them the weekend to write their version of the history, and decide on the punishment. He knows what happened.
Then he makes his next move based on: is their story close enough to the facts, and do the consequences reflect the seriousness of the situation.
Then it goes to the court of public opinion.
I think Fitzgerald is still playing ball.
To us, the indictments are major because we’ve played up this idea of ‘Fitzmas’.
But he admitted in his press conference that he couldn’t get what he wanted (e.g. to the bottom of what happened) because Libby lied to the Grand Jury.
So he takes that card that he’s dealt, and plays it.
I think he’s playing Libby. He does know (or have a damn good idea) of what happened. But he needs Libby to cooperate to have an airtight case.
I think that this set of indictments against Libby is just another step in the process to Patrick.
Fitzgerald knows what happened. And he knows it will be hard to prove in court, especially in a way that sets the record correctly. Because he knows history (Warren Commission, Iran-Contra Hearings, 9-11 Commission, etc.).
I like to think he is pursuing criminals, but also justice. And I am guessing he plays chess.
He called Rove out with the Official A thing, and now its the other guys’ move, and then it will be his turn again.
I was thinking of a chess analysis too 🙂
You don’t put a player’s king in check because you’re about to put him in checkmate.
You put him in check because you’re after another piece, or board position. Checkmate comes later.
Today Fitzgerald put the VP office in check.
We’ll see what he gets out of it 😀
I’ve been against treating this episode of american history as entertainment, but if it is a sporting event, then chess it is.
I keep going back to that “She’s fair game” comment in regard to Valerie Plame-Wilson. That just reeks of there being a calculated plan to get Wilson by outing his wife. I’m having a hard time believing that was some sort of innocent comment.
Someone at the orange tsunami said that Fitzgerald never said Plame today — it was always Valerie Wilson or Wilson’s wife. Reporters asking questions said Plame — but not Fitzgerald.
Why would that be? Is the Plame name so closely associated to Official A/Rove, that Fitzgerald needed to keep his distance from using it?
Joe Wilson has stated publicly that he prefers she be referred to as Valerie Wilson and that is her name. 🙂
Why would that be? Is the Plame name so closely associated to Official A/Rove, that Fitzgerald needed to keep his distance from using it?
I’d say no to that considering that Fitz has no agenda here but to seek the truth. He wouldn’t refuse to use the name Plame simply because of some political consideration. (Is that what you meant?)
Not political. Just wondering if Rove was the first and only to use the Plame name with a reporter (Novak). That the use of that name will be a key element/evidence in indicting Rove (if he is going to be) — and that using that name during the press conference was outside the four corners of the Libby indictment — but will be within the four corners of a possible Rove indictment. In other words, Fitzgerald was being careful NOT to use that name, because it relates so strongly to the evidence he has on Official A.
But of course, the simpler explanation may make more sense — that Valerie Wilson was the name she was known by at the time this all happened. We’ll either find out, or not.
BTW, you guys are doing a great job. I know it’s from the heart, that you’re doing all this research because you are idealists who care about your country. (And a bit obsessed). I really, really appreciate that.
Just in case anyone is feeling blue, I found this tidbit courtesy of America Blog. It seems that Fitz used the exact same terminology (Official A) for Gov. Ryan in the early days of that probe, and also made very familiar “I won’t comment on those not indicted” statements early in that case. So the implication is Rove is still in his sights. I’m thinking the guy is leak proof, and that the only real information we have been getting is all defense bullshit, playing silly games. But the truth cometh. (At least that is the thought I’m going to bed with, to keep me sane).
There is no doubt who Official A is:
Some of the media seems to have noticed, eh?
(Or is that “A”?)
As for Frist and Ramstad?
Well, Listen to the spin…