FITZGERALD Press Conference: 11:15am PT/2:15pm ET via C-SPAN and CBS (thanks, Dada). (Catnip will host a new story thread — right above this thread — for the press conference.) Update [2005-10-28 13:34:48 by susanhu]: We will also host another new thread at 3pm ET/noon PT for the press conference by Joseph Wilson’s attorney.
Update [2005-10-28 14:7:41 by susanhu]: Reddhedd, an attorney and blogger at FireDogLake (via Crooks & Liars) has some interesting observations:
I note that Fitz isn’t using anything much from Judy Miller in any of these five counts. I wonder if we will hear more about that down the road — either at the press conference or in any expansion of the investigation if a new Grand Jury is empanelled.
As a first read, I have to say, this looks factually quite well documented and that Libby is a crappy, weaselly person on the stand. I bet the G/J members had an even better take on that as they sat listening to it.
Sorry, the dancing frog was driving me nuts so I took it down. NEW: Atrios has a great statement by Sen. Kennedy. It begins: “Today is an ominous day for the country, signifying a new low since Watergate in terms of openness and honesty in our government. …”
Update [2005-10-28 13:18:11 by susanhu]: RAW STORY has the 22-page indictment. [editor’s note, by susanhu] Fitzgerald’s site now has a press release and the indictment.
Update [2005-10-28 13:13:54 by susanhu]: I. “Scooter” Libby has resigned and the vice president accepted his resignation. The letter was delivered earlier today to Andy Card and then to the President. Libby is no longer at the White House.
Libby’s activities began in May 2003 — before Wilson’s column in June … before the column by Novak. (Wilson was talking to Kristof at that time; the White House became concerned and began gathering information on Wilson. Earlier, Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC said something about Wilson, before he wrote the NYT column, hitting every “green room” in D.C. and complaining about the war in Iraq. (Wolf Blitzer checked the date of the Kristof column, which may have triggered Libby’s “curiosity.” Kristof’s column was written on MAY 6, 2003, Wolf confirmed.)
Libby is indicted on FIVE counts — obstruction of justice, on perjury (two counts — of lying to the grand jury), and making false statements (two counts — for lying to the FBI). Via CNN. (Docs still not up on Fitz’s site.)
Libby is accused of endangering the safety of the nation. But, as Joe DiGenova (GOP, former fed. prosecutor) notes, Fitzgerald has not charged a substantive crime in exposing her identity. Jeffrey Toobin (legal analyst for CNN and The New Yorker), however, says that Fitz had to make the case to the jury into a manageable size and that he tailored his case to that end.
AP via WaPo: “The five-count indictment accuses Libby of lying about how and when he learned about CIA official Valerie Plane’s identity in 2003 and then told reporters about it. The information was classified.
“Any trial would shine a spotlight on the secret deliberations of Bush and his team as they built the case for war against Iraq.
“Bush ordered U.S. troops to war in March 2003, saying Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction program posed a grave and immediate threat to the United States. No such weapons were found. The U.S. military death toll climbed past 2,000 this week.”
(That last paragraph in the AP story says it all for me.)
Nobody ever mentions this, but Libby will surely be disbarred. He was a very able attorney at one time. Oh, the price of hubris and ideology.
I hope there’s more to come since it has been 2 years of investigation.
oh! the aspens are falling or whatever that b.s. was. I wnted Rove but I’ll take Libby while I wait.
it’s overloaded but back up-
Indictments make me snarky, sorry.
More on Rove…
is fucking beautiful.
Exactly what I wanted to hear.
I’m going to get drunk now. I love you all. Have a stupendous weekend!
oops I was still in the old thread
Does anyone know of any sites where us Slaves in Cublicle-dom can live stream up to the minute news on this, like especially the Fitzgerald press conference?
I’ll be live blogging it.
I’ll post that link again … and if anyone sees other sites, such as the WaPo or NYT or CNN? — please share.
I’d think that and could also air it live.
you were asking earlier what the guy said at Bush’d propaganda speech. Just found it in an article over at yahoo:
“Inside, as the president spoke, a man on the second level interrupted him, yelling “Mr. President, war is terrorism. War is terrorism. Step down now Mr. President. Torture is terrorism.” Bush continued speaking as security officials escorted the man from the hall.”
CBS live feed as well.
Fitzgearld isn’t leaving DC either, so expect more indictments.
I now dub him:
I. Lewis “Liar” Libby
One down, the rest of the cabal to go!!1 I am a happy camper at this stage.
VP Cheney got info Valerie Plame fron the CIA – George Tenet? Has been confirmed in Fitzgerald documents in May 2003 Cheney discussed matter with his Chief of Staff Scooter Libby, who apperently was making a file on Joe Wilson to discredit him.
Libby opened up to three reporters Russert, Cooper and Miller, all will be witness at his trial.
Aspen leaves weren’t turning, but falling.
Thus, besides the ongoing investigation of Karl Rove, expect to see VP Cheney testifying in court as a witness to his Chief of Staff. Doesn’t look good for the Bush-Cheney team:
“Sorry can you take over George, I’ve got a court appointment.”
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
PDF of Libby indictments…
OH YEAH!!!!!
that Rove didn’t go down yet.
Judging by how I feel right now, I think my head would have exploded from joy if both had gone down simultaneously.
Draw out their pain in front of all the world. Crush any remnants of credibility with the public. More time to savor each bite of schadenfreude.
Maybe it’s just me…but I LOVE the frogs.
(imo, this is just the beginning…)
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Indictment docs now up on Fitz’s site (.pdf)
Wow, I didn’t know so many people cared about Libby? When did we elect him, anyway?
Am I the only here who thinks this is a major disaster? Fitzgerald has just handed the Republicans the greatest Christmas present imaginable: no indictments of anyone on Bush’s staff, no indictments concerning the actual outing of Valerie Plame. The Republicans will now talk about how there was no crime, there was no lying about Iraq, and there was no conspiracy within the President’s office — and they will be right. One official that no one outside of Washington or the blogs cares about faces charges about lying to the GJ. Libby will fall on his sword, sign a book deal and be awarded a talk show on ClearChannel. Ass kissing Cheney and Bush will be rewarded, and James Dobson will say it is a sign of God’s blessing on George Bush.
In the meantime, the war will continue, the Congress will slash entitlements to the poor, and the richest individuals and corporations in America will continue to rape the nation. Gee, makes me want to drink, too.
A Lame Duck President up to the mid-term elections 2006 – ENJOY!
Patrick Fitzgerald TO DO list ::
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I don’t believe we elected Rove either. Who were you expecting to get indicted today? Bush? Cheney?
You’re right, this is a disaster…for the White House. The worst part isn’t Libby’s indictment, it is that Fitzgerald is extending the grand jury (or going to a new one, I’ve seen conflicting reports).
Libby’s indictment is the appetizer. The main course is yet to come.
The Obstruction of Justice charge opens the way to indict on more counts including conspiracy and RICO. Maybe. Perhaps.
We won’t know until later this afternoon what Mr. Fitzgerald plans are — his public plans, that is.
Are you kidding? The VP’s chief of staff is indicted on 5 counts and it’s no big deal? People may not know who he is but they damn sure know now that he’s Cheney’s #1 guy and that counts for a lot.
Take a deep breath. Give it time.
Keep telling yourself: The longer we draw out their pain, the better the chances of the public catching on to what’s afoot and the better our chances of flipping congress in 2006. The longer the disruption, the fewer evil initiatives they can focus on. Do you really think this has NO effect on their ability to get their agenda through? Their game plan a year ago had them in Iran or Syria today, and Social Security eviscerated, remember?
Short of someone nuking DC, there’s no way to get rid of all of the folks you’re talking about at once.
Watergate took a few years to play out completely.
Each time another official is indicted, it’s like another hurricane Katrina hits the white house. Rove will be gone by Thanksgiving, and another round of uproar will ensue.
Think of it as applying the Chinese water torture to the administration.
Think of it as applying the Chinese water torture to the administration.
Which is too funny, given this Administration’s proclivity for torture.
CNN reporting that REP John Conyers has stated that this is just the beginning as there are many investigations going on. YES!
Joe DiGenova on CNN is a lying liar – saying that everybody and his dog knew that Plame worked for the CIA. According to the indcitment:
“16. On or about July 7, 2003, LIBBY had lunch with the then White House Press
Secretary and advised the Press Secretary that Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA and noted that such
information was not widely known.”
Joe is a republican.
Joe DiGenova just opened himself to an appearence before the Grand Jury – if it continues – as to how he knew Plame worked for the CIA.
Just a thought as IANAL.
Fitzgerald should subpoena any reporter or pundit making the claim that Plame’s identity was widely known.
Immediate spin reduction.
Larry Johnson wagered $5,000 if anyone could prove that she was known as a CIA agent BEFORE Novak’s column.
Well then, if her identity was widely known, LJ should be getting a heap of phone calls from people collecting, eh?
…cue crickets… chirp chirp chirp chirp
I saw that while I was reading the indictment.
Now just what did that lying doughboy Scotty have to say about all this? Didn’t he say something about talking to Rove/Libby and that they had nothing do with the leak?
If I’m remembering correctly, this would mean that Scotty was lying the entire, yes? Like that would be a surprise, but still.
wasn’t Ari Fleischer the Press Secretary back then? Ooooh, I can’t wait for the rest of this investigation to blow wide open.
Yup. ‘Twas Ari.
I really liked the frog!
But I like the indictment better.
Hey–you think you can put Scooter’s face on a handcuffed frog? I’m not that technically adept.
I’m sorry.
Would you like to go shopping for a new dancing frog?
and you can e-mail me what you choose?
I can barely type I’m laughing so much (wiping tears from my eyes–must have really needed the laugh).
OK, you win. That would drive me crazy, too.
But right now, that was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.
It’s a good beginning.
Just read all the docs. If I were a jury hearing Libby’s stuttering testimony back then, I wouldn’t have believed him either. The BIG PICTURE is to see that Fitz is not done by any stretch of the imagination. I think this is just the tip of the glacier that is starting to melt. The media is in a feeding frenzy right now. They love a good juicy story like this. Can’t wait to hear Fitz! Thanks all for keeping us posted that cannot get out of the cage right now.
21. On or about July 10 or July 11, 2003, LIBBY spoke to a senior official in the White
House (“Official A”) who advised LIBBY of a conversation Official A had earlier that week with
columnist Robert Novak in which Wilson’s wife was discussed as a CIA employee involved in
Wilson’s trip. LIBBY was advised by Official A that Novak would be writing a story about
Wilson’s wife.
So who is Official A?
It should read
Official Asshole. 🙂
Wouldn’t anyone else be ‘advised by Libby’ instead of the other way around?
Great question. maybe we will see Cheney in handcuffs yet?
Informed opinion on the internet(s) is that official A is Rove. Apparently on page 8. I won’t download the documents to double check as I don’t want to hog bandwidth on the site.
via AP
Great column by John Barry, Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball.