John Edwards in Ann Arbor

John Edwards spoke today in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the subjects of Poverty in America, and moral leadership in America…

John Edwards spoke today in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the subjects of Poverty in America, and moral leadership in America…
John Edwards spoke today (Friday, October 28th) at the Diag in Central Campus, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, as the final stop of his College Tour 2005.  His speech focused on the problems America is facing with over 37 million people living at Poverty level income, and how America is in need of grassroots movements to start a new War on Poverty.  As well, he mentioned that America is in need of moral leadership in the government, and he very much alluded to the horrible job that George W. Bush has been doing.  

Mr. Edwards’ speech was rousing and invigorating – I’d never been to a political event such as this, and I very much got into the spirit.  After his speech, I was able to meet him very briefly – among the press of bodies in a throng about him, I was able to talk to him for perhaps two minutes.  I expressed my belief that he’d make an excellent President, and he, I, and several others got into a small discussion about the social and political rammifications of the current political climate in America, and about how strong leadership is going to be necessary to pull us out of the hole we’re sinking into.  

Edwards gave the impression of a man who truly cares about others – a working man who grew up without all of the privileges that many politicians have.  He struck me as a mostly honest man who actually gave a damn about our country.  I believe I met the future President of the United States.  Let’s hope.

(For more information on Edwards’ College Tour 2005, visit: