Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s press conference on today’s indictments in the Valerie Plame affair will begin at approximately 2:15pm ET.
You can watch or listen live at C-SPAN or CBS News.
Lewis “Scooter” Libby has been indicted on 5 counts:
1 count of obstruction of justice
2 counts of perjury
2 counts of making false statements
Read the official indictments here. (.pdf file)
Mr Libby has resigned.
From Fitzgerald’s brief
“On or about June 12, 2003, LIBBY was advised by the Vice President of the United States that Wilson’s wife worked at the Central Intelligence Agency in the Counterproliferation Division. LIBBY understood that the Vice President had learned this information from the CIA.”
Didn’t Cheney say on TV that he didn’t know who Wilson was? And in the press conference this week, didn’t McClellan scoff at the idea that the Vice President was not truthful with the American people?
LOVE the picture! Who’s back is that with the Booman shirt on?
really cut in on “The Young And The Restless”?
Way to get those soap fans pissed at the government…
MSNBC runner is saying that Libby is “presumed innocent until proven guilty”…yeah, just like all those folks sitting down in Gitmo…
“Way to get those soap fans pissed at the government.”
That’s for sure! I can remember my mother and grandmother bitching about the Nixon Impeachment Hearings (!!!) cutting into their soap operas in the summer of ’74, LOL:
“…And what are you doin’ in here anyway? Didn’t I throw you out to play? Go play street hockey or ride your bike or something. I don’t want you layin’ on my clean carpet listenin’ to that crap on TV.”
And believe it or not, they were Democrats!
is going to carry it; they’re running split screen with the press conference room on the left and Dan Abrams/Tweety Matthews on the right…
Got to get myself some breakfast/lunch/whatever…I’ve been glued to the computer all freakin’ morning…
When does Libby’s resignation take effect? I’m having trouble believing that any of these worms are going to be taken off the payroll. Brownie wasn’t. Once again george doesn’t have to take responsibility for anything.He doesn’t have to withdraw Harriet’s nomination, he doesn’t have to fire Scooter.
Has there ever been a more pitiful executive?
Whenever Mr Libby’s resignation takes effect, I have no doubt he will become a Million dollar hire by Halliburton or one of it’s many subsidiaries. . .or a Highly paid Washington Lobbyist. . .or maybe Exon-Mobile will find a cushy Million dollar+ spot for him, since they have so much excees profits these days. Even in the unlikely even he should go to jail when convicted, he will come out far better financially in the end. For sure he will be able to get his own TV or Radio show. . .and oh, the best selling books!
Well, I was really hoping for some bigger heads to roll, but my coworker just said this is how Watergate began. Small. I came into this world a few weeks after Nixon resigned, so I ask the more mature out there if this feels like Watergate?
And man, it’s Friday, there’s a parade for the Sox, and Libby resigned. No work is getting done in this office…
It feels more like Watergate every day.
It takes a loooong time for a big scandal to play itself out; it has a lot of momentum, like a train wreck.
Do Tai Chi or join the BooBooks club: Rove will be around until Thanksgiving, and Cheney into the holiday season, sweating like pigs.
Just keep teling yourself: the longer it takes to unwind, the more damage done for the 2006 elections.
Think of it as Chinese water torture for the administration, and enjoy the schadenfreude.
Based on previous, yeah, they always start with the bottom of the ladder – seems like standard procedure.
When is Bush’s “Checkers” speech? As witnessed on the Daily Show and rumors flying around Washington, he obviously is pretty close to becoming completely unhinged. If he’s not drinking still, I’d be willing to bet that he will be before too long.
It’s going to be a looooong three years and, quite honestly, I don’t think he’s got the intestinal fortitude (whatever that actually means) to get through it in one piece.
“intestinal fortitude (whatever that actually means)”
I suspect it’s a polite way of saying “Doesn’t crap his pants in a crisis,” LOL.
“. . . . If we would remember that Jimmy Carter pardoned all the vets, er, draft dodgers that went to Canada and we continue to bring up this trash about President Bush and his National Guard Serrvice. So let’s just put this aside and say Jimmy Carter pardoned President Bush.”
No more absinthe for that caller, bartender. 😀
I’m Pat Fitzgerald…US special counsel…introducing colleagues..
A few hours ago a fed grand jury returned a 5 count indictment against I Lewis Libby…lists indictments…before talking about those I want to put this in context…Plame’s job as a CIA officer was classified up until July 2003…first noted by Novak in his column but other reporters knew about Plame’s identity beforehand – the first was Miller in June 2003…
He speaks quickly…
Talking about how the process works…sounds nervous..
His level of emotion … his nervousness … his fatigue … his utter dedication to how he conducted all of this investigation …
it’s incredibly moving to me. I’m close to tears as his voice shakes and I get the chills.
me too Susan, tears in my eyes.
And yet somehow I keep thinking of Sgt. Joe Friday!
Talking about how the process works…sounds nervous..
Talking about the how, why, when, where and how…explaining the need for secrecy in the grand jury process…stressing need for witnesses who come before the grand jury to tell the truth..especially regarding national security issues…
I like Fitzgerald – he’s a real law in order, just the facts, kinda a guy. As this proceeds, that helps. Sounds like he’s the opposite of Ken Starr.
If i were Tim Russert, i’d so f–king pissed.
To be frank Mr Libby gave the FBI a compelling story…he told the FBI that he had learned of Plame’s identity from Russert and had then passed it on to other reporters even though he didn’t know if it was true…said the same thing under oath…
passing gossip from one reporter to another…
Libby discussed Plame/Wilson at least one half dozen times before he spoke to Russert and he and Russert did not even discuss Plame/Wilson…
Libby learned about Mrs Wilson from gov’t officials…
(saying of Libby’s sob story to the FBI)
“It would have been a compelling story, had it been true.”
That’s the best damned “you are a fucking liar” I think I’ve ever heard. Damn!
Discussed it with a CIA briefer and brought up her name then as well…along with discussing it with Ari Flesicher …”telling him something on Monday that he later claimed he hadn’t learned until the following Thursday”
Libby told reporters that he learned about Wilson’s wife from other reporters and once even said he didn’t know whether he had a wife even though [he did at the time]…(slow down Fitz!)
Fitz is talking about the process again and the importance of it…follow it with an appreciation for America’s values etc…take a deep breath…
The investigation isn’t over…now he’s making some baseball analogy…I can see this being shown on the Daily Show…
Fitz is talking about why it’s importnat to know why Libby did what he did.
Making the point that an obstruction charge is a very serious matter…anyone who will go into a grand jury and lie, perjure and obstruct is very serious…
NAH, I’m just yankin’ your chain. This is GREAT!!
Libby is looking at as much as 30 years in jail AND $1.25 million in fines.
Deep water… And sinking fast.
we make no allegation that the VP committed any criminal act…we make no indication that anyone else named in the (paperwork) committed any criminal act
Q. about Official A – why wasn’t that person charged?
A. says he thinks people out here in teevee land want to jump through the screen, grab him by the collar and find out everything he knows…can’t release anything beyond what has been released in the indictment…(assume that since they haven’t been charged – there’s a reason for that)
Can’t comment on the continuing investigation into Rove.
Q. re damage done
A. can’t comment specifically but talks generally about the importance of the work the CIA agents do (kind of)
explains the grand jury secrecy process..witnesses are free to talk about their testimony…no one else involved can
Q. who are the counsel to the VP and the Undersecretary of State named in the indictment?
A. unsure if he can name them…will check with his colleague and let the press know
Q. about calling reporters to testify (re Miller and her jail fiasco)
A. (basically did what they had to do and didn’t seek to get embroiled in 1st amendment issues…that those actions went through the courts)
states that he doesn’t think that reporters should be routinely (put in that spot) but that depends on what the reporter has to contribute to the case…
(That’s a broad summary on my part)
Q. about what Fitz knows about leaker/leakers
A. can’t comment beyond what he’s already said
Q. about Plame’s covert status
A. Plame’s status was classified until July 2003…(missed the last part)
Q. critics are charging that you are a partisan
A. for what party?
one day I read that I was a Republican hack and the enxt day I read I was a Democratic hack and the only thing I did in between those two days was sleep
clarifying the difference between independent and special counsels and that he doesn’t think he should be charged to write a report…charge a person or don’t charge the person (basically)
doesn’t believe he had the authority to write a report
says Fitzgerald. This guy is a straight arrow!
Q. abouyt perjury being a technicality (Republican talking point)
A. that talking point won’t fly (and then explains why)
“this is a very very serious matter…Truth is the engine of our judicial system. .. [if we did not charge on obstruction of justice] we mnight as well hand in our jobs
He’s got the righteous indignation down really well….this is good to hear. Hope he presses on to find the truth.
when it’s a high level official in a very serious (matter) (obstruction of justice is serious)
Q. about who sent Wilson to Niger
A. really not relevant to the investigation
My hsuband watched a bit before he left…
He remarked that Mr. Fitzgerald reminded him of Elliot Ness from the movie. Straight arrow.
I like this guy!
if/where/when this is going to be replayed in full? C-Span?
I have to see this (and record it!).
Stupid cubicle dwelling…
yeah, thanks everyone from all us wage slaves in our cubicles.
CSpan will … and i’d bet that CNN shows a good part of it.
Also, CSpan will surely make the video available.
And I pray there’s a transcript — probably from the WaPo and NYT.
Just a quick thank you to Catnip and the rest, from those of us stuck in cubes. ((((Catnip))))
What they both said! Three Cheers for Cat (and all the others who contributed)!
Isn’t it interesting seeing the eagle purched on Fitz’s shoulder….
ha…did they borrow that eagle from the Colbert Report? and if you don’t look too close that could be a marjeewana plant peeking up by the eagle..
When you do a criminal case if you find a violation, it doesn’t matter what statute you use to vindicate [the public interest]… We need to know the truth
Q. about whether Libby or his counsel attempted to interfere with Miller’s testimony
A. only sticking to what’s in the indictment
Q. about transmitting the identity of a covert agent to someone not classified to receive it
A. depends on the motive…if the person knew or appreciated what they were doing…(sounds like he’s saying that since Libby obstructed justice and lied, it’s not possible to know what his motives or knowledge were at this point)
Q. can you clarify? this is not just the word of 3 reporters against the VP’s chief of staff?
A. can’t comment because this precedes the criminal trial
(bonehead reporter is claiming that perhaps those reporters can’t remember what actually happened)
He’s being extremely closed-mouthed about not saying anything beyond “the four corners of the indictment”. Won’t say whether anyone else is under investigation for leaking, obstruction, or anything else.
“People who feel strongly about the war should not look to this indictment for any vindication about how they feel. The indicatment will not seek to uncover whether the war was justified or not justified.”
Q. about what looked like a last minute flurry of activity this past weekby investigators
A. basically says that some people have interviewed the man who shines his shoes…that the cameras/press have upped their coverage…that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s been some increased flurry
Makes a broad statement that this grand jury prcoeedings were not about the war in general and should not be looked at that way.
Q. about Plame’s covert/classified status
A. talking about the complexities of the espionage act…contrasts it with Britain’s official secrets act…
makes the point again that If Libby lied it’s difficult to know what his motives were so that makes it more difficult to charge him under the espionage act
[We have not charged him with violation of espionage act because due to his obstruction of justice, perjury we don’t know the truth]
the Republicans have less time to formulate the talking points.
And I loved the beatdown on KBH when he talked about obstruction of justice not being a minor charge…
Q. about judge hogan’s statements re: Miller situation I think (serious breach of the public trust)
A. says he feels the findings have vindicted him as to the scope of those statements
Q. does this compare to watergate etc?
A. I don’t even know how to answer that so I’m just going to take a dive
Can you take over for a couple of minutes? I need a break.
yeah i’m back… had to talk to someone at work!
Isn’t Fitz a refreshing change from that idiot Ken Starr who was a lying, leaking mealy mouthed bible thumper…who was a partisan hack. What a difference in those grand jury proceedings from this one.
And someone who can actually hold a press conference and can talk without notes or prompter. I think he’s doing a great job and will be seen as very smart, straight shooter and prepared.
And he isn’t laying all his cards on the table and he isn’t playing to tabloids. He gives Libby the allowance of being innocent until proven guilty, although he does lay out some of the reasons for the indictments. I bet we hear Libby yelling about having a dem judge – following DeLay’s tactics.
max jail terms on charges:
4 5 yr terms
1 10 yr term
i feel sexually dissatisfied
Wow! – mind like a steel trap, you don’t see that very often. For the first twelve minutes he laid out the entire case. I am bedazzled and encouraged.
I am especially glad that I wasn’t the only ‘mature’ witness here. I’ve been reliving the Watergate hearings and the Iran-contra all day. The Republicans are the most blatant criminals ever. Shocked, shocked!
q what happens to mr. libby now
a we will not arrest him. arrange to appear before judge who is assigned I don’t know who judge is
between a whistleblower case and the case with Libby and Miller. In this case the discussion itself was the crime, it was not about a crime.
q Are you for or against federal shield law for reporters
a “shield law” is generic term. Any privilege was exceeded in this case. This is exceptional case! The reporter was eyewitness to a crime. Insane to think the question of charge of leaking to a reporter could be resolved without talking to the reporter. Narrow, justified, we followed A.G. guidelines in subpoening Miller, the courts backed us up.
Q:what do you mean by “not quite done”
A:don’t read tea leaves. I can’t tell you more. We’re doing our job responsibility. We want to resolve and get back to our full time jobs.
His energy seems to be flagging but he is standing firm on not telling any more!
I’m having trouble loading Hotmail. argh
There was no political interference whatsoever with my team on this case.
It’s over.
Well I don’t have your flair catnip but I did what I could!
The Smoking Gun has the indictment files up online…
For those of you that hat the PDF files as much as me! lol
I have much admiration for this man so full of integrity and the letter of the law. Is the result what I wanted. No, I still want Rove. Will that happen? Doesn’t look like it sad to say.
Don’t be to sure about Rove, I felt like there is more to come and it’s just a matter of time…
I was very impressed by Fitz as well, and I think he told a bit more than he intended to.
I sure hope you are right Diane.
Call 202-585-3886 if you support Dems
Call 202-585-3887 if you support others (non repugs non dems)
First caller sez Culture of corruption and cronyism.
202-585-3886 to call in your support!!!
as a lying sleazeball. He had this elaborate story, that sounded great, Fitz said, but was completely false. Libby lied directly to one of the members of the grand jury. Wow, even I am surprised at what a sleazeball he sounds like.
Well, when one is so used to lying as a matter of course…
Somebody please, show Andrea the door. She is saying there was no real damage to the national security her “sources” tell her. Right!
I am very impressed. I hope that this is just the beginning.
I was watching CNN, and I found it very interesting that ZCheney started a sppech at a GA. bae ate the same time as the press conference. CNN ran a split screen on it – without audio.
And while you’re at it take Pat Buchanan with you. He is saying this is good news for the WH. No crime was committed and Fitz was convinced that there was no outing….ugh! Fitz never said that.
I tried to call in on the Bush Supporter line LOL
This is what I would have said:
I support Bush 100% because G-d does. I don’t like dem Libbuhreals who support such nonsense like Truth, Integrity, Decency… I think Bush is doing a FINE job of killing G-d’s enemies. I think we need to have more unG-dly, unworthy people killed every day. I say we start by killing all those liberals because they don’t support G-d and Bush.
Thank you.
on the Cspan call in. Whew–she said Bush could be caught in bed with a dead boy and these yahoos who are calling in would still support them. Go MSOC!